HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Information CASE NO. TITLE: D ~ qENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~ ,L ¥ PLATTING OR PLANNING & ZONING CASE REVIEW Date Case Received By Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department For' Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING ,' , Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation Plat Status: Final GREATER ANCI{ORAGE AREA BOROUGH 104 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99S05 Date: May 5, 1971 2377 BOROUGH: Engineer .:Hca lth Department ~ Public Works Departlnent Sand L~ke Fire Department School District Street Names Tax Assessor Alaska Department of Highways Alaska Railroad Anchorage Natural Gas Corp. Central Alaska Utilities Chugach Electric Association CITY OF MWCHORAGE: Fire Marshal Municipal Light & Power Department Property Management Officer h~blic ~Vorks Department Telephone Utility Traffic 5ngineer Water Utility GAB Telecm.munications, Inc. Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska T~lephone Association Assistant Superintendent of Mails Re: Subdivision / ~gXy~yo~>iyo~X Description of Property: .'.Eden Park Subdivision ~er: Rudolf Ebenbeck Gent lemen: Petition bas been received by the Greater Anchorage Area ~orough Planning and Zoni~lg Co~mission for th~ proposed Subdivision of subject property, Atta~ked is a copy of the proposed mlat. Will you please submit your commonts in writing, speci~,ing any easement~ or other requirements that your depart- ment or agency may need. If we do not hear from you by ~Ia~ 21, 1971 , we will assume that you do not wish to submit any com{~{eniS~ ...... If you have no further use for the attached print, please return it with your comments. Enclosm'e Planning Department 5 TRACT B ROAD _1 TYR MON. S£T I.o.I o.,,o ,ad,ua Length Tel., Ch-~rd~ ChordBearin~l J ACCEPTANC~C.E The Municipality of Anchorage hereby accepts for public uses and for public purposes the real Ixo~rty dedicated on this plat including~ but not limited to the easements, rJght-of~way~ roadways, alleys~ thoroughfares and parks shown. Dated at Anchorage Alaska thin'day of~/~ ~19~_. Attest: · E. 4.6TH AVENUE TAX CERTIFICATION All rea~ property taxes levied by the Municipality of Anchorage on the area sho~n on this plot have Dote Authorized Of ficiol A P P~VA~ ~ ~ StoiCal ute Municipp~ EnaineeF~//~. ~ LEGEND Fnd. rebar,#5(unless other~isenoted) added IH' Alum · Cap this survey.(unless otherwise noted) o Set II/Z" Alum Cop On ~5 x 20" rebar flush. ....... Limit of ,Floodplain SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, John H. Herring, professional land eurveyor~ do hereby .certify that tho plat of E~D_E_N PAR~. SUBO.~_AD_D~.N~o:3~___ s a true and correct representation of lands actually surveyed and that all the distances.and bearings are shown correctly and that all permanent exterior control monuments, oil other monuments, and lot corners hove been stahad and set, or if final completion is assured by subdivision agreement, they will be set as spbcified In said subdivision agreement. Lot Corners to be set by ........... , 19__. Monuments to be set ~by ............ ) 19~_. ~_E~.T_m[!~ATE OF @WN[QSHIP and _D_EDIqATI_ON We hereby cerf~lfy that we hold the herein ~eolfied property interest ia the properly desorib~d hereon. We hereby dedioote to the Municipality of Anchorage all ar~s depicted far Ule as public utility eanemsntl, etrests~ alleys, parks~ thoroughfares, OPal other pubJla areas shown hereon. Thoro shall be reserved ~adjacant to the dedicated streets shown hereon) a slope reservation easement sufficient to contain cut and fill slopes of t.5 feet horizontal fpr each I foot vertical (I.5 to I) of cut or fl~l for the purpose of providing and maintoinlng the lateral support of the cbnetrunted streets. There is reserved to the grontore~ their heirs, successors ~nd aeeign~ the right to use such area~ at any time upon providing and maintaining other adequate lateral eupport~ ae approved the Municipality. We hereby agree to this plot, and to any restriction or covenant appearing here on and any lush restriction or covenant shall be binding and enforaeable agdJnet present and lucceleive owners of the subdJYJdsd property. See page 2 for signatures PLAT APPROVAL Plat approved by the Municipal Plaiting Authority this _~_~ day of Authorized Official DT!000259 PAGE I OF 2 LOTS 1, 2, AND ~, AND TRACTS B ~ND C, EDEN PARK SUBDIVISION, ADDITION No.~ A SUBDIVISION OF TRACT IA EDEN PARK SUBDIVISION ADDITION No.I AND WEST I~ OF BLM LOT 21 (PLAT 75- 112 ~ BOOK 73PAGE 26 ) ,m~,.~)~ ~. BELL, HERRING AND ASSOCIATES 1980,417 % ~_ _H A P~PY L A__N~ .......... ' 2 STORy WOOD FRAME APARTMENT BUILDING ON CMU FOUNDATION 2 STORY WOOD FyME APARTMENT~ BUILDING ON CMU FOUNDATION WOOD FRAME APARTMENT BUILDING ON CMU FOUNDATION ................... ¢,.£AS'~ _4._6.TH_ AVENUE AS-BUILT DETAIL WAYNE/~. BOND for JOHN J, O'MALLEY NOTARY S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOTARY NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMI~NT SUB~C"I~EO~ ~RN TO BEFO~ PRUDENTIAL MUTUAL SAVINe$ BANK ~ ~a./ ,~ NATTO~'AL ~ANK O~ALAEI&'~ DTIO00260 PAGE 2 OF2 LOTS I, 20 AND $, AND TRACTS B AND C, EDEN pARK SUBDIVISION, ADDITION No. E, A SUBDIVISION OF TRACT IA EDEN PARK SUBDIVISION ADDITION No.I AND WEST I/2 OF BLM LOT 21 (PLAT ?B-II2 a~d BOOK 73~ PA~E '-~6) HAPPY LANE TR IA 81,630 SF ~ .~:,,o§..36'.~000 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION NO?AEY'$ ACKNOWLI~DGMEN~' , ',~ Subtcribed. and sworn before me this ...... :~:~ ...... d~y of-- // A~,fhor ized '(~h~icia I LEGEND Donald P Toylor ~ [aura d Ta~[er 4079 Prmontory Street ~ San Diego, California 92109 NOTA RY'S ACK NOWL EDGEMENT Subscribed end sworn before me this fi, i~ < ' -~,/. /, ! ~ ,: .... COVENANT, assign and successors of Tract IAi Eden Pork SubdivisiOn purpose. .,/~ -- / Olympia, Washington 98501 NOTARY', ACKNO~EDGMENT Subscribed and sworn befme.~ t~is SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE DTI000261 AREA 1.89 ACRES _+ PL AT OF TRACT IA, EDEN PARK SUBDIVISION ADDITION NO. A RESUBDIVlSION OF TRACT A, EDEN PARK SUBDIVISION ADDITION NO. I LOCATED IN FRED WALATRA & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS .~ SURVEYORS TUDOR r, a, 61h Ave. ~ ROAD TRACT A E FLOOD PLAIN NOTE' At fha time of filing of tht~ p~t, o portion of the Iond~ Included ~itbin the ~undarlel ~ fht~ lubdiviJ~n fln~ ~ ~e US. A~ ~r~ of ~g~eerl. Theta Ion~ ~y ~ eubjact to p~l~ic fiddle, and piano for devilment o~ ~e ore requirad ~ Oral,neeco to be ~rovad ~ the ~oater ~c~rege Ar~ ~rough Public ~K~ ~port~nt. LEGEND: · I/2"~ebar Existing ~, GLO ~ eLM aC M~u~t E~l~th~ ~ D/O BC ~onu~t eot thio eurvoy AlE ~Jr ~orner8 are 5/8"re~r set this au~ey. VICINITY MAP {"" I MILE e.~ ,~7~ 0T 0002 2 CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP ~ DEDICAT~O Wa hereby certif~ ?hot ~ ore the property ~hown end de~l~d ~r~. req~t app~l of thl~ p~et, ~h~l~ ouch ~ment8 for public utilltle8, ~odwo~ olleye dedlcot~ by us ~r public uae, ~te, ~ t~ ,1975. ~81 a~th Ave Subscrl~d ~ s~n NOTARY ~ ~AS~A PLAT APPROVAg , ~ ~ovad by the ~ PI~I~ PLAT ate LOT ~A~'DEN PARt( SLI~DIVIS~ON AND ED~N PARt( ~ SUB~VISI~ ADDI~ N~ I 'a SUB V N T ~ICKI~SOE-OS~AtO ~ E NGINEE RS* $URVEYOR~ - ............ e= TUDOR ROAD F ................ -r ............... 7"/ 13 14 I0 17 16 E 46 th AVE:. 15 I 19 ~L~.T.~j I/2"REOAR SET AT ALL CORNERS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTEO. FLOOD PLAIN NOTE: At fbi time of tiling of thlE plat, a portion of the leede ieoluded within the boundaries of this eubdlvl$io¢, ilea ~l~hln ~he flood h,zo~ ~eo of Ca~ball Creek oe defln~ by the U.S. Army Co~ of Engineers. These lends may be subject lo periodic floodJn9~ CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP 8~ DEDICATION We Hereby certify tha~ we are thb owners of the [lroperty shown and described hereon. We hereby request approval at thi~ pl~t, showiug :,uch easements fo~ public utilities, roadways and olley~ dedicated by us for public use. NOTARY'$ ACKNOWLEDGMENT PLAT APPROVAL .... ~'~./lz~ day of J~, 197l A,Hhorized Off[oral r, the undersigned registered engineer or surveyor, hereby certify that a end that corners end monuments have been located end established nnd LEGEND Monument Found, ~LM NOTE; This subdivision,at the time of filing, is not served by public water & sewer NO on-life water and/or sewage dlspolel approval of the Health Dept. DUE TO PHYSICAL LIMITATIONStCERTA N LOT S) IN THIS SU~DVSION MAY NOT BE DEVELOPED WITH ON-SITE, WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES. lO0 Icale mop. AREA: ~ SO A .... DTI000263 PLAT OF EDEN PARK SUBDIVI$10N A SUBDIVISION OF BLM LOT 18 LOCATED IN FRED WALATKA ~ ASSOCIATES