HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract 21A MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 2510 East Tudor Road, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 276-2221 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER and WATER FACILITIES 1. Type of Inspection: CMRO VA FHA Property Owner: . Mailing Address:-)<=~ 2~ /~)'J~/~/~//~-~ Day Phone: 3.Name of Buyer: Mailing Address: 4. Name of Lending Institution: Mailing Address: 5. Name of Realtor or Agent: Mailing Address: CONV Day Phone: Phone: Phone: Legal Description: ,~ ~ ~/7/1//'~ /z'~x/~ ~ ~ c,.~C~ ~d ,/~,~/_~/Y'. A/~-'x~'~'~¢~-o~/'''zl' 7. Type of Facility to be Inspected: 8. Water Supply Type of Supply: No. Bdrms. ~ Public Utility .Individual If Individual, number of dwellings presently served If Individual, depth of well Sewage Disposal System Type of System: Public Utility. If Individual, date of installation Individual (on-site) 72-003(3/76) ka-99503 '-'2Z4;4.~;~:':.~'~ ' i Date Received Time of Inspec Date 0fins REQUEST FO~ APPROVAL OF 1NDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER FACIEiT~ES FOR Phone: - Kenneth A. Watson Phone: .... ~Sta.r R~-~e. Box 1136-B, Chugiak,~ 99'56 on-:. TraCt 2IA i]Zklutna He 2.3 / to be. qnspected Individual Single Family No, ~nstru~ti6n D:isp'6sa3 System: ~ta] led Size B. Depth D. Bacterial Analysis. On-site system B. Installer Absorption-Area Total length of lines 2. Manufacturer 2. Material 8. Dis~tances: . .A. Well to: Septic~nk ~Nearest.lot -' ~ B.-.~Fdundgtion :~.~. , AbsorP~i-on.aKea contamination' ' ,Other - ' Absorption?area DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION $OUTIlCE#I~AL REGIO/VAL OFFICE / 33~ DENALI STREET I MmcKAY BUILDIIV6, ROOM 1,2~ AfflCHORAGE ~5~1 August 12, 1976 Mr. Joe Blair Environmental Service Manager Anchorage Municipality Department of Health and Environmental Protection 2518 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHOP. AOE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AU6 1. 6 1976 RECEIVED Subject: Tract 2lA, Eklutna Heights Subdivision Dear Mr. Blair: Based on the substandard distances involved in the case I re- commend that the present configuration of water and sewage dis- posal system not be approved. ~lCEh~rry P 'vironm~ntal Supervisor cc: Ken A. Watson kz 99S01 ARTICLE 16.45 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES 16.45.010 Definitions, HEALTH AUTHORITY. The Health Director of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health D, epartment or his authorized representative. SEWAGE. Any or all of the following: human excreta; food wastes disposed of through sewers; wash water; liquid wastes from residences, institutions, business buildings and industrial establishments and such diluting water as may have entered the waste disposal system, or the water carried waste products or discharge from human beings or other wastes from residences, public or private buildings. SEPTIC 'rAN K. A watertight receptacle which receives the discharge of a building sanitary drainage system or part thereof, and is designed and constructed so as to separate solids from the liquid, digest organic matter through a period of detention, and allow the liquids to discharge into the soil outside of the tank through a system of open joint or perforated piping, or a seepage pit. CESSPOOL. A lined and covered excavation in the ground which receives the discharge of domestic sewage or other organic wastes from a building, so designed as to retain the organic matter and solids, but permitting the liquids to seep through the bottom and the sides. WATER CARRIED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. Includes all piping, septic tanks, seepage systems, seepage pits, cesspools, treatment plants, or other devices through which household wastes are conveyed with the aid of water. It does not include the mains, treatment or disposal systems of publicly owned sewer systems nor the collector portions of privately owned sewer systems. SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL FIELD. A system of buried open-jointed pipes through which septic tank effluent may seep or leach into the surrounding porous soil. SEEPAGE PIT. A covered pit with open-jointed lining through which the septic tank effluent may seep or leach into the surrounding porous soil. NON-WATER CARRIED SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. All devices used for the disposal of human excreta in which water is not used as a conveyance. SAN!TARY SEWER. Any publicly owned sewerage system incorporating either a salt-water outfall or a sewage treatment facility, which operated by a political subdivision of the State of Alaska or by virtue of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity issued by the Public Service Commission of the State of Alaska, providing, however, that such sewerage system meets the requirements of the Alaska Department of Health and Welfare and the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Depa.'rtment; and has rates and charges which are commensurate with the service rendered and the public need. In order to establish the aforementioned conditions, all mandatory connection orders to certificated, privately owned public sewerage systems shall be subject to automatic review by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department prior to such order, to determine qualification of affected sewers for acceptance of the proposed mandatory connection and said rates and charges to be levied for such connection shall be subject to further review and approval of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Public Works Department, provided further that all such mandatory connection orders shall be subject to appeal on the part of the party receiving such order to the duly elected Greater Anchorage Area Borough Assembly. SEWERAGE SYSTEM. All structures, conduits, or pipe lines by which sewage or other waste is collected, transported, or discharged to the point of disposal and all devices and appurtenances which treat or were designed to treat sewage or other wastes or any portion of such system. (Ord 28-68 Amended by Ord 46~68 and 47-68) 16- 16 16.45.020 Sanitary Sewage Disposal Facilities Required. (A))*loper Disposal All human excreta, s(;wa,~e~ and griper wastes shall be disposed,of in a properly designed, constructed, and maintained sanitary sewerage system, septic tank or by other methods approved by tile I3ealth aulhority. (B) Discharge Creating Nuisance and Hazard. No human excreta, kitchen wastes, laundry water, si'nk water, toilet wastes, septic tank effluent, sewage or other wastes shall be allowed to discharge or fh)w upon tt~e surface of the ground or into any ditch, gutter, street, roadway, stream, lake, underground water source, or public place nor onto any private property so as to create a nuisance condition or health hazard. (C) Roof Drainage. No cooling water, or footing, surface or roof drainage shall be discharged into any septic tank or sanitary sewer system Imreinafter constructed. (D) Hindrance of Facility Operation. No person shall place into any septic tank, seepage pit, drain field, sewer line or treatment plant any object or substance which might hinder the operation of said septic tank, seepage pit, drain field, sewer line or treatment plant, except as necessary during repair or maintenance. (Ord 28-68) 16.45.030 Pollution of Water Prohibited. (A) Discharge Without Treatment. No sewage or other wastes shall be discharged into or disposed of in such a manner that access will be gained to any waters of the ,State of Alaska unless such sewage or wastes are first treated in a manner approved by the Alaska Department of Health and Welfare and the health afthority. (B) Domestic Water Systems. No abandoned well or deep well shall be used for the disposal of sewage or used as a receptacle for household wastes. No cesspool, septic tank or privy shatl be located in any water bearing stratum which is or may be used as a source of domestic water supply, or shall be so otherwise located that pollution from same can enter any domestic water supply, (C) Watershed Areas. No sewage disposal systern shall be located within the drainage of any watershed area used for or reserved for use as a source of public water supply without the written approval of the health authority; such sewage disposal systems shall consist of an adequately sized, self-contained tank or a lried and proven incineration device or other similar methods approved by the health authority. No method of sewage disposal shall be used in any watershed drainage, or any area reserved for use as a watershed to provide a public water supply, which is of an experimental nature. The health authority shall promulgate and enforce such regulations as he deems necessary to prevent contamination of watershed areas; such regulations shall include but not be limited to tank construction, tank size, tank location and methods o[ servicing which will guarantee adequate waterslled protection. (Ord 28 68) 16.45.040 Disposal of Privy, Cesspool, and Septic Tank Contents. (A) D..iscl]arge upon Ground. No [)art of tile contents of any privy, cesspool, or septic tank shall be discharged upon the surface of the ground unless written approval is obtained from the health authority. Final disposal shall be by incineration, burial, or other means approved by the health authority. (B) Pumping and Transportation. No pefson shall engage in the pumping, transportation and/or dispo§al of the contents of privies, cesspools, septic tanks, or sewage treatment plants without first obtaining a certificate and permit to do so from the health authority. The certificate and permit shall designate where and in what manner the disposition of the material shall becarried out. 16 17 (Continued) lC) Transporting Vehicle. No tank vehicle used for transl)orting the contents of privies, cesspools, septic tanks, or sewage treatment plants shall be used to transport any other material without the written approval of the health authority. rD) Creation of Nuisance of Hazard. The co~tenls of privies, cesspools, septic tanks, and sewage tr0atment plants shall be pumped, transported, and disposed of in such a manner that will not create a nuisance or a health hazard, ford 28-681 16.45.050 Use of Septic Tank-Seepage System Disposal Facilities. fA) Sanitary Sewers. Septic tank-seepage system sewage disposal facilities shall not be installed or used on any premises where sanitary sewers are available within 70 feet of the ~earest lot line of said premises provided that this section shall not apply to premises having a sewage flow equivalent of a two family dwellin9 unit or less, where said unit is more than 100 feet from said lot line. All sewage disposal systems not meeting the requirements of this section shall comply witt~in one year. ford 28-68) 16.45.060 Water-Carried Sewage Disposal Systems. fA) Compliance and Permit. ~cl~.~nAII septic tanks, drain fields, seepage pits, and cesspools, now in .~ ~r h,~r~inafter '~tructed or installed within the Greater Anchoraqe Area Borouoh shall meet the s~ec~hcatlons of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department and the Alaska Department ot Health and Wellare and no person shall hereinafter construct, sell, or install any s~ptic tank, seepage p~t, drain field or cesspool without first obtaining ~ oermit from the health authority. 2. Permits will be issued (free of charge) on an annual basis to all septic tank manufacturers and contractors or firms that rnanufacture or install septic tanks and or seepage systems as a business. 3. Permits will be issued (free of charge) for one installation only to individuals installing or rnanufacturing their own system. 4. No septic tank, drain field, seepage pit or cesspool shall be backfilled without thn !mrmission ot' the health authority..,All persons shall contact the Health Department qivinq as much notice as possible prior to covering (backfilling) any septic tank, drain field, seepage pit or cesspool. 5. Any revocation~ suspension, or denial of a permit or any order by the health authority may be appealed by filing with the Borough Clerk a written notice of appeal to the Borough Health Board, and stating the grounds lor such appeal. A further appeal may be taken to the Borough Assembly by filing a written notice of appeal to the Borough Clerk and stating the grounds for such appeal. The appeal notice musl be filed within ten (10) days afler the effective date of the revocation, suspension, or denial from which the appeal is taken; said appeal will not stay the effect of the actio~ appealed form. 6. I-[10 Greater' Anchorage Area Borough c'ncourage~; Ih(~ dew;topm(;nl and use of rlew proc[;%sf;s and methods which have been lhuroughly lested and found ~;alisfactory ~rl o[)[;r[Hiorl. Ir] reviewing plans and specifications, judgement a~(J (:orrin~en~ rnust necessarily t)(; Hre(Jicaterl upon experience and standard practice. If new processes or methods are i')ro[Josed incorporating deviations from standard l)ractice, proof of merit must be provided togelher with a bonded guarantee of perlormarme. Methods and processes of sewage di!;l)osal an(I lrealrnenl are con(inually changing with the advent of additional knowledge and experience. ['herefore, approval of [)hms and specifications; by the health authorily floes nol in[m lhal r(;comrnerldatiorls for alterations or additions will 16 18 16.45.060 (Continued) not be offered at some later date when conditions change or methods end processes are improved. (B) System Requirements. All water carried sewage disposal systems shall comply with the following requirements: 1. In determining a suitable location for the system, consideration shall be given to the size and shape of the land area available, type of soil, slope of natural and finished grade, depth of ground water, proximity of existing or future water supplies, and possible expansion of the system. 2. The sewage disposal system shall consist of a house sewer and a septic tank or sewage treatment plant with either a subsurface disposal field or one or more seepage pits, or of other facilities approved by the Alaska Department of Health and Welfare and the health authority. 3. The system shall be designed to receive all household sewage, including the kitchen and laundry wastes, but excluding footing, surface and roof drainage. 4. Bulldozers, trucks, or other heavy equipment should not be driven over the system during or after installation. 5. Design Capacity. The system shall have adequate capacity to properly dispose of the maximum daily sewage flow. If actual measurements are not available, the quantity of sewage and wastes shall be estimated according to the following table: 16 19 16.45.060 (Continuedi materials used shall be in accordance with generally accepted good engineering practices providing a sound, durable tank which will safely sustain all dead and live loads and liquid and earth pressure involved in each case. (2) The inlet and outlet connections shall be located at the opposite ends of the tank, shall be at least 4 inches in diameter, and shall be submerged or baffled so as to obtain effective retention of scum and sludge. (3) The invert of the inlet shall not be less than one inch and preferable 3 inches above the invert of the outlet line. (4) The scum storage volume, space between the liquid surface and the top of the inlet and outlet devices, shall be not less than 15 per cent of the required liquid capacity. (5) Outlet baffles and baffles between compartments, including pipe fittings used as baffles, shall extend below the liquid surface a distance equal to approximately 40 per cent of the liquid depth of the tank. They shall also extend upward to within one inch of the underside of the cover. When a partition wall is used to form a multi-compartment tank, an opening in the partition wall may be used provided the minimum dimension is 4 inches; the cross-sectional area is not less than that of a 6-inch diameter pipe; and the mid point of the opening is below the liquid surface a distance approximately equal to 40 per cent of the liquid depth. (6) When multi-compartment tanks are used, the volume of the first compartment shall be equal to or greater than that of any other compartment. (7) The tank shall be constructed so that gases generated in the tank, absorption field, seepage pit or absorption bed can easily flow back to the main building stack. (8) Access to each compartment of the tank for inspection and sludge removal shall be provided by a manhole with a minimum diameter of 16 inches or a removable cover. The inlet and outlet devices shall be accessible through properly located manholes, handholes or by an easily removable cover. Where the top of the tank is located more than 18 inches below the finished grade, manholes shall be built up to within at least 18 inches of the finished grade. Manhole covers shall be designed so that they cannot pass through the manhole. (9) The sewer lines to and from the septic tank shall be of cast iron or comparable material to a point not less than 5 feet beyond the nearest undisturbed soil. 7. Subsurface Disposal Fields. (a) All subsurface disposal fields hereinafter constructed shal! comply with the following requirements: (i) They shall not be used in heavy clay or other impervious soil formations or in Iow swampy areas or where the ground water during any season of the year will be within 12 inches of the bottom of the trench. (ii) Minimum absorption area, total bottom area of trench~, of the ahs(~r.ntion fi~lrl ~h~ll be ~t~termined from the results of percolation tests conducted in accordance with A~3pendix B of the National Plumbing Code, 1962 Revision. The minimum absorption area requlrecl sl3all be determ['n~ from the following table: 16 - 22 16.45.060 (Continued) TABLE NO. 4 Time in Minutes for Water to Fall One Minimum Arch Required in Square Inch During the Final Test Period Feet Per Sleeping Room 2 or less 85 3 1 O0 4 115 5 125 10 165 15 190 30 250 45 300 60 330 (iii) Their location shall be such as to provide not less than the stated distance from the \ tollowing: TABLE NO. 5 ! Any Source of Domestic Water Supply lr)~ f,pt River, Lake. or Stream 50 feet 3. Watermains or Service Lines 10 feet 4. Property Lines or Dwellings 10 feet 5. Foundation Wall 5 feet (iv) The minimum distances between center lines of trenches shall be not less than 6 feet for trenches under 18 inches wide, 6.5 feet for trenches 18 inches to 24 inches wide, 7 feet for trenches 24 inches to 30 inches wide, and 7.5 feet for trenches 30 inches to 36 inches wide. (v) The minimum depth for filter material under tile shall be 6 inches. (vi) The minimum total depth of filter material shall be 12 inches. (vii) The minimum width of trenches shall be 12 inches. (viii) The tile shall have a minimum diameter of 4 inches and shall be laid with 1/4 inch open joints or be otherwise perforated to permit seepage into the filter material and soil. Open joints shall be protected on the upper half by strips of asphal'btreated building paper or tar paper. Suitable tile connectors, collars, clips, or other spacers may be used. (ix) Tile distribution lines should be laid on a grade of 2 to 4 inches per 100 feet and shall not exceed 6 inches per 100 feet. (x) Filter material shall be crushed stone, gravel, slag, or similar material ranging up to 21/, inches in size and having not more than 3 per cent clay and silt. The filter material shall be covered with untreated building paper or similar porous material that will prevent backfill material from entering filter material. (xi) A subsurface disposal field consisting of one large seepage bed rather than separate trenches may be used if prior approval is given by health authority. (1) The effective bottom absorption area for such a field shall be double the amount shown in the above table for separate trenches. (2) The spacing of distribution lines shall not be less than 6 feet on centers. 16- 23 16.45.070 Non-Water Carried Sewage Disposal Systems. (A) Construction and Maintenance. The construction and maintenance of earth pit privies shall comply with the following requirements: 1. Earth pit privies shall be located at least 100 feet from any spring, well or other source of domestic water supply; 100 feet from any stream, river, or lake; and 10 feet from any watermain, water service line or property line. 2. Earth pit privies shall be constructed as recommended in the Alaska Department of Health Document HSE 7-2, "Sanitary Privies," or in a similar manner approved by the health authority. 3. The seat covers shall be kept closed during insect seasons when privy is not in use. The contents of a privy shall not be permitted to overflow onto the surface of the ground or be exposed to insects, rodents, or other animals. When the pit becomes filled to within 18 inches of the ground surface, either the contents shall be removed and disposed of by burial, or other means approved by the health authority, or a new pit shall be excavated and the old one be backfilled with at least 2 feet of earth. 4. The pit of all abandoned privies shall be backfilled to 6 inches above the original ground surface. 5. Privies shall not be used where adequate water supply is available to operate a water-carried sewage disposal system except for short periods of time as approved by the health authority. (B) Privies with watertight receptacles. On watersheds of public water supplies, concrete vault privies pail privies or other facilities approved by the health authority shall be used in place of earth pit privies for the disposal of human excreta. The vaults shall be constructed of reinforced concrete, metal, or other material approved by the health authority and shall be watertight. They shall be maintained in a sanitary condition and the contents shall be disposed of by removal from the watershed and burial, or other methods approved by the health authority. (Ord 00-00) 16.45.080 Notice to Correct Violation. Whenever in the opinion of the health authority~ any privy, septic tank, holding tank, treatment plant,' or other such device exists in violation of this article or otherwise exists in such a manner as to crea,te a nuisance or health hazard he may give notice to the owner or occu[~ant of the premises to c ean,'remove, or alter the privy, septic tank, holding tank, treatment plant or other such dev ce in a mar~6er satisfactory to nlm within five aays ot hrst notice (()rd 28-68) 16.45.090 Cost of Correction. Should the owner or occupant fail to comply with the request of the health authority within the time specified, the health authority may cause the work to be done and the expense of such work shall be levied upon the premises in the same manner as ad valorem real property taxes. Such special assessment shall be made in pursuance of a resolution of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Assem[)ly specifying the amount thereof and the lot or premises upon which the cost shall be assesse~J. Where such correction consists of connection to an existing publicly or certificated, privately owned sewer ~ystem; said assessment may upon petition by the owner, be established as a special lateral improvement district governed by provisions of Sections 16-26 through 16-33, as enacted by Ordinance Number 175 on August 28, 1967. Assessments under provisions cited herein will not alter e~(isting policy regarding duplication of assessment and appropriate credits will apply in all cases. (Ord 28-68, amended by Ord 46-68) 16.45.100 Authority to Enforce. (A) :Health Authority. The health authority shall enforce the provisions of this article through either civil or criminal action and has the authority to issue summons as deemed necessary to carry out the intent of this article. 16 - 25 16.45.100 (Continued) (B) Intent of this article. The health authority shall have the authority to enforce such rules and regulations not inconsistent with the specific provisions of this article as he deems necessary to carry out the intent of this article. Such rules and regulations shall become a part of and subject to the provisions of this article. (C) Rules and Regulations. Rules and/or regulations promulgated under the authority of 16.45.100(B) shall be advertised for a period of at least ten (10) days prior to the effective date of such rules and regulations. (Ord 2868) 16.45.110 Operation and Effect. The provisions of this article and the provisions of the regulations promulgated by the health authority as authorized by this article, except where they are more restrictive, are supplemental to all other laws related to disposal of sewage wastes and shall not be construed to modify, repeal, or in any way affect any provision of any other law. (Ord 28-68) 16.45.120 Penalty. Violation of this article is a misdemeanor. (Ord 28-68) 16 - 26