HomeMy WebLinkAboutEKLUTNA HEIGHTS BLK 2 LT 8B -. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGEs--', He~ '~ ' ' ~ ~ and Environmental Prote, ~n Fourth Floor West 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 INSpeCTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK,: DISTANCE '~7/~' ff~ I~ INSIDE LENGTH_ INSIDE WIDTH . NUMBER OF ~, MATERiAL~_~//~'/-, (3 COMPARTMENTS LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY/~.GALLONS- R~LD: D~STANCE Fr~OM',VELL(~C'_~_a=__FOUNDAT~ON / # of Lines --~/' DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ^BSO, T,ON AREA_/ -- OEPTli: ' TOTAL LENGTH ~ NEAREST LOT LINE /¢-- OFL,NE /$ ~ ____TRENCH WIDTH3,~ IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE SQ. FT. TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE _ J~ LENGTH OF EACH LINE -- DEPTLt OF FILTER .,,~ _ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE~ IN. ABOVE TILE IN, SEEPAGE PIT: Log Crib, Rings BUILDING FOUNDATION___ DIAMETER ~ OR WIDTH__--, LENGTH .... DEPTH Crib Slze:I DIAMETER___DEPTH_--DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE NEAREST LOT LINE__ ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) .SQ. FT. Well Class: ~ Depth: Well Distance To: Lot Line Bldg: Sewer Line: Pipe Materials: ~ of Bedrooms: ~ Installer: Remarks: THE L.ENG"i'H [:,IMENSZON IS THE: L. Ei'.,IGTH ( IN F'EE:T::, OF' THE: TRENCH OR DRATNFZELD. THE DEPTH O1.:: FI 'T'I-;;~ENC'H OR PIT I$ THE [:,ISTF'INCE BETI.,.tEEN THE SURF:RCE OF THE GROi. JN[:, t-:INt.) THE F.",'OTTE$1 OF THE EXC'FI',?RTIOI'4 (IN FEET). I"HEF;~:E IS-; NO .SET I.,tII)TH FOR TRENCHES. ]FIE (~it4.':FI',,,'EI... [:,EF'TH IS 'THE MIN].MLIH C, EPTH OF:' GRRVEL BETWEEN THE OUI~FF:ILL. F']:PE FIND 'I"HE 80'I'TCIPt (::IF:' THE IE'.:.,,'C:R',,,'lh]' i ON ,:: I N FEEl" ). ................................... F' IFil C:: Ii..=';; ~-t []ii E: F> L. FI t%11 -'If" uZ:, ti=''' '1" .'I,: l"2u ~"-,11 .............................. Fq PFICKF~GE:. PLI::~NT MAY BE INS'T'FtLLE[:' AT THE F'ER'MIT]"EE'"S OF'T ION '.E;IJE:JECT 'l"O 'THE F: t:) L ! ... O L,.I I i",1 Iii COND I 'T' I ON'.i~;: ::L. E1THEF,' F::t C:I_Ft%S i OR ii NSF: FIPF:'RO',,,'E:.D PL. RNT MR"r' BE INSTRL_L_ED. ;;?.. Ft CONI'tNUOUS MAINTENRNCE RGREEHENT IS RE[4UIREC'. IF R I'qRIN'T'[:]NF~NCE F::tGREEMENT' IS NCIT' KEPT CURRENI" YOU MF:IY BE F;?.E6¢JiRE[:' TO ENLFIRC:iE THE: SOIL F::tt::3SORF"f ]'EIN SYSTEM I::IN[:,,,'CI[4: YCIU f"lFl"~" [3E SUB..tEC]" "f'O i::'F..'OSEE:UT'ION. .......................... . ..... .:::. ~"'- E.-~ II.... '"'It'" .]] ...... ' ........ - ............ .... t1'" t---It CZg .: ;:? :::. ~ If'..4" ........ " ........... ,-~,' ......... " ) ' I,~'' I:ii:FICi'(F::]LI...iNC:i (IF: I::INY ::'r.:lEI1 14ITHOI..I'T F::INAL INSF'[ZCTIEIN FIN[:' i'-FFRt.,HL THIS I)EF:~F:IR'I MENT !,,.I I L..L.. 8E '.:51JE:.] ECl 'l"O PF;b]SECUT I OI"L [r'IINIMUM DIS]"t:;:INCE E~ETL,.IEEN R WELl... 8i",t[:, FINY ON..-SITE '.'.-'.';EI4R[;iE"' DISPOSRL SYSTEM IS ~L00 FEEiT FOR ~ PRIVATE WE. LL OR.' 200 F'EET FOR A PUBLIC WELL. [)I'HER F;?.I'X:Gt..IIREM[FNTS MRY F'tF::'PI,...Y. SPEC:IFICF:t'T'IONS RNf:) C:ON':_:TTRUC:TION [) ]', F't(~il:;~l:::ll'"l!i:-.'; I::IRI!!: FI',,,'I:':t ].' L.rI.::IEIL, E "['[1 '[ I'.4SURE: F'ROF'ER I N.'::;TFILL, FFf' 1 O1'4. i RM FFtMtL.[FIF.:'. WITH TI.,.IF REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE: SEWERS FIND NEL. L..$ RS SET 2: I W:[LL iNSTI:::IL.L THE SYSTEH ]:i'4 FtCCOR[:,RNCE !-4I"I'H THE CO[:,ES. ]!:: I I...INOERS'T'F~ND THAT THE ON-S';ITE SEWER S'¥'STEM MFI"r' REQLIIRE ENLIRRGEHEN'T' IF THE F:.:ESI[:,ENCE :IS RE]'"IO[:,!EL. EC, TO INCLU[:,E MORE 'THFtN I:;:tlC't,:'l... I C A N 'l'' KEVtN BF;..'ENNlaN 0 September 26, 1977 R&M No. 751240 Mr. Kevin Brennan 929 W. 27 Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: Soil Investigation for Sanitary Sewer System, Lot 8-B, Block 2, Eklutna Heights Subdivision, Peters Creek, Alaska Dear Mr. Brennan: At your request of September 23, 1977, we conducted a subsurface soils investigation at the proposed location of the sanitary sewer system on the subject lot. The investigation complied with those procedures required by the Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection. This investigation, which was accomplished on September 23, 1977, consisted of a test hole excavated to,depth of 12 feet below the existing ground surface. The test hole was sited according to your instructions and its location is shown in attached Drawing A-01. Excavation was accomplished with a backhoe. Material exposed in the trench was continuously monitored by an experienced engineering geologist. The topography at the excavation site is generally horizontal. At the time of the investigation, the site had original vegetation consisting of birches and low brush. The top of the test hole was located at original ground surface. The soils encountered in the excavation are shown in the test hole log in Drawing A-01. The symbols used in Drawing A-01 are explained in Drawings B-01 and B-02. This log displays specific conditions encountered at the test location. However, subsurface conditions may vary in other parts of the lot without any apparent surficial evidence of the change. G~_roundwater was not encountered.~Bedrock was not encountered. At the time the hole was excavated, seasonal frost was not present and permafrost was not encountered. An adjacent trench was dug to a depth of 5'. A percolation test was performed in a one-foot diameter hole dug within the trench to a depth of approximately one foot. The data in Table 1 show average infiltration from the depths indicated to the bottom of the hole. The measured percolation rate was 25 minutes per inch. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning this letter or if we can be of additional service. Very truly yours, R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. Stephanie Hoag ~ Staff Geologist SH/JMB/mu Attachments: Drawings A-01, B-01, B-02, and Table 1 LOCATION SKETCH LOT 8B, Block 2, Eklutna Heights Subdivision Peter's Creek, Alaska  corner stak~ for propose~ Per¢ . t building Test Hole }20' 0 rl- I I Trench L ~ Not To Scale Distances shown are approximate and have not been measured by surveying methods. TEST HOLE LOG Scale: 1"=3' 0.0w ORGA~]IC MAT 1.0' SILTY SA~1D, (SM) Orangeish Brown 2.0' Grd~VELLY S2~ID W/SO~E SILT (S~l) Occasional Cobbles & Boulders Lens of Clean Sand, And Of Silty Sand ~;/some Clay. 12'T.D. Groundwater was not encountered. This log depicts subsurface soils observed within the test hole at the location shown. See Drawings B-01 and B-02 for explanation of symbols. IDWN. CKD. SMH DATE. 9-23-77 SCALE.See above NSULTANTS, INC. LOCATION SKETCH AND TEST HOLE LOG KEVIN BRENNA~T GRID. PROd. NO. 751240 ~,.DwG. NO a-01 3A - LEGEND: O EXISTING HEBAR L'~ EXISTING HUB& TACK O EXISTING 3/A" IRON PIPe RI~BAR SET ON ALL CORNERS UNLESS RONALD d, ~ULDT CHUGIAK NOTE: AS OF' THE DATE OF APPROVAL OF THIS PLAT THE PLATTING ClRTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP & DIDICATION public use. There shall ~e reserved adjacent to the dedicated rights- ~e a~b,ed by the city. NOTA~Y'S ACKNOWLEDGtMINT Subscribed and sworn before rna this ............ ~-.day of PLAT APPROVAL Plat approved by the Borough Platting Authority this SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Signature of Land Surveys' DTi00027( ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION BY_ ~:~qil~ ~"']DV'O~ hereby accepts for public The uses c~d for public purposes the real property dedicated on tthls plat inCluding, but not limited to the eosement$~rlghts-of- ways~ oUe~, roadways, thoroughfare~ and parka shown hereon. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska, this ~__ day of ~ __ 197~. Borough Clerk Borough Mayor PLAT OF LOTS 7B, 7C,' EKLUTNA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION LOTS 7A EKLUTNA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION HEWI?T V. LOUNSBUI~y & AESOCIA~'I$