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L7 061 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE · DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTI~CTION ENVIRONMEN'rAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME IPHONE. ,~NEW MAILING ADDRE88 LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOM8 J PERMIT~O. Well~/~ ~ AbsorPtion area Dwelling ~ ~ ~ DISTANCE TO:-- ~ I ~ ~ Manufacturer ~ __ Materia~ ~ No, of compartments Liq. capacity in gallons inside length Width Liquid depth /~¢ ¢ IF HOMEMADE: ~ ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. O ~ ~ Manufacturer Material Liquid capacity in gallons Trench width NO. of /lines Length~iof ea,h line Total ,en,th~. lines .~. inches Distance b~g~Jines k ~ ~ Top of tile to finish grade ~ I Material beneath tile Total effective absorption area Length Width Depth PERMIT ~ M Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area ~ Well Building foundation Nearest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller Dbtance to lot line PER~IT NO. ~ Building foundation Sewer Hne Septic tank Absorption area(s) ~ DISTANCE TO: PIPEMATERIALS~,~ ~T~o ~K~ ~: /~V~ r / ., I iNSTALLER J ~MAR~S I'"II:::I::.:i]iHL!I"I I'"ll..rlt'"ll!ii:llii]l:;il OF E:Eii!i)I';i:(])OI'"I?;" .... ii!i: I"t"II!F; l..liEl'"i(;ii"!'H I) tI'"tE;NE!;)iOi'"I :!ZS THE I...!i!iii"'lC!i'T'H 'THE I')ET:'"I"I'I 0t:::' !:':I "t"I:;i:'E!!:I'"I(i;;I'"I 01:;ii I:::'.t;T ];E; "l"l'"lt~iil I) :t; S't"Ftt"'!E::E; E~tE"t'!.'IE;I!!i;I'"I THE: :ii!;I...lt:;i:i:::'l:::l(i::lii!; 01:::' THE; Eil:;;'.OI..t!'"l!i) FIND Tl"'ll!i! E!~OTTOH 0i:::' Tt'"tlE E;::':;(:)!:::I'v'I:::IT];(::~I'"t (]i!'"I i:':'!i!ilE'T'). T!'"IEiI:;i:Ii::; :t'S i'"10 SET I.'.t];Ii)"t'H I:::'01:;~'. TI'"IE Eit:;;'.t:::!VE!t-- Di~il;.r.::'TH ;I;:Ei; "FHIE I"111'i'.,1;i7i~"11...11'"1 D!EI:::'"t"I...! O1:::' I:::II'.,ID TI-'l!:!il BOT TOt"I (iff:::' "I"HIEi !i~7,:.::E:I::I',,,'t:::I"I" ]i 0!",I ( :( N FIEE'.T ). t:::'t!i!i!:;;fl-"l :I~ 'T' I:::tI:::'PI... it: (;;:I:::II'.,I'T' 141:::1S THE'. I:;;'.IESt:::'Oi'.,IE.'; I: I I.. I. , "!"0 ;i: I'.,II:::'OI:;i:H "!"H ;1: ;i!i; I)t:~!iPI:::II:;i:'I"i'"tlENT I":,1 I:;i' '( I'.,IG THE; )] N:i!i;"I'!:::II..J.,.I;;:I"I" ;1; E:Ii',,I ii: t'.,ISI:::'I!!:' '":'T' :!i (;;ff',lS OF FIl'.,l',r' I.,.II!ii'.L. LS I:::I[).,]'I:::I(E:E!iI",!'I" T I'..lL.II"ll!!i:!!!!il:;i: 31:::' !:',~'.E).!~;][I)I!!!]'-,t(])IE:'.i!; TI.,.IFIT Tl...tli!!i !.,.1113..I... !.,.I];I..,.L.. O ~ E GEC. ECHNICAL ~ DEVELJPMENT CO. Russell Oi/$ter 694~2774 Soils ~t Foundations Performed for: Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Name: Legal Description: ,Z~z- ~,, Depth (f~et) 0 2 3 5 . . ~?. 7 8 l0 694-2774 or 688-2280 Ear/Ellis SOIL LOG ~8-~o Land Development ~-~;~-- Tel. No..=;~9¢-~,17~ ~'~, L.Z,' ~,~'L~)~'/,/'¢- /~'z-~. '~'~. So11 Cheracterlsttc~ 16 Ground Water Encountered: Yes__ Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: No ~ If yes, what depth Drain Field ,,,