HomeMy WebLinkAboutELDON BLK 1 LT 8Onsite File s^^B-HD GANCHORAGE AREA BOROLJOIH HEALTH DEPARTMENT ^^ "� 327 E-AULE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-2511 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM wmuwG NAME Aoonsss49 PHDNEc�����. LOCATION -LEGAL DESCRIPTION/ SEPTIC TANK: D|STAN[EFROwvvELL ° NUMBER OF ' 4JER|AL cnwpAnnwsmTs �|Qu/o LIQUID CAPACITY__Z |NS|D� LENGTH lM5{DE Yv|DTH ^�--'� ospT*___���' SEEPAGE SYSTEM:. SEEPAGE PIT: mumasn OF p/o � �~^~ ^ nuTs|oe DIAMETER on w|oT*�. �sw�T�__4-- ospT*___�____. LINING MATERIAL DISTANCE FROM wsu . BUILDING FOUNDATION. NEAREST LOT LINE TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. p[ TILE DR/\|N FIELD: TOTAL LENGTH DISTANCE FROM WELL . pnuwo4no . NEAREST LOT LINE . OF L|wcS_________' momasxop LINESo|3T�wcs �� uE/��sm uwss TRENCH WIDTH IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORP AREA »O. p[ LENGTH OF EACH LINE ocpTx. Top OF TILE TO p|w/sH GRADE oeprn OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE,IN. ABOVE TILE WELL:~ DISTANCE FROM ' WATER----- TYPE DEPTH .BUILDING FOUNDATION. __����SAMPLE Zc�2wsAnsnr , wcAxssT ~� SEPTIC� osep4Gs ^~~-�� o7*sn LOT LINE. sEwem LINE- .TANK . SYSTEM ______ CESSPOOL __-. S0ux[cS___ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DISTANCES: o^Ts - Appnovso-~� GREATEF ',ANCHORAGE AREA '~-~OROUGH flEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 Eagle St. Anchorage, A~ 99501 279-25 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT RESIDENCE ADDRESS :' ~::.~ ~'~: ~ APPLICATIONT0 INSTALL: SEPTIC TANK /~ , SEEPAGE PIT. ,DRAIN FIELD ,0THER TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT , PERMIT TO INSTALL A AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED · SEPTIC TANK SIZE /g~'g'? TYPE DISTANCES: -.: ,_- ,..~ .. SEEPAGE AR EA~'~~ ~ TYPE_ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM Ly certify that ! am t'amJ]Ja~ with the ~equ~eme~ts of G~eater A~cho~a~e Area Borough O~d~na~ce No. 28-68 a~d that the aboYe described system is J~ accordance with said code. 'EATER ANTCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH i'FALTH DUARPTENT 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-201 DATE RECEIVED, z INSPECT: TIINE: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES FOP, I. Approval Requested By 6. Sewage Disposal System: A. Septic Tank (If homemade, show diagram on back) 1. Size 2. Age 3. Manufacturer 4. Installer Approval Request for Sew,, & !,Dater Facilities Page Two B. Seepage Pit 1. Size 2. Lining C.- Disposal Field 1. Number of Lines 2. Total Length 7. Required 1,4easurements A. Well to Septic Tank B. Well to Seepage Pit C. Well to Sewer Line D. Well to Property Line E. Well to Other Possible Contamination F. Foundation to Septic Tank G. Foundation to Seepage Pit H. Seepage Pit to Property Line 8. COIND-1ENTS: Zv -4( X - rn APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: DATE: DATE: APPROVAL VALID FOR ONE YEAR FRON' DATE SIGNED. MER AINMORAGE ARE -A BOROUGH 1TALT11 DMART','ENT 327 EA -GLE I I STPKE" MCHORAGE, ALASKA 99SOI 279 1 -2S11 DATE RECEIVED INSISPECT: TI!ME: RE -QUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE MID WATER FACILITIES FOR 1. Approval Requested By Address Lv Phone 2. Property Owner Phone 3. Legal Description 4. T yp e of Faci11t y to he I n s p e ct e d STREET: Number of Bedrooms rooms Well Data: ;4 A. Type B. Depth C. Size D. Construction E. Bacterial Analysis—a- 6. Sewage Disposal System: A. Septic Tank (If homemade, show diagram on back) i I I Size 2. Age 3. Manufacturer 4. Installer Approval Request for Se-, & Water Facilities Page Two B. Seepage Pit 1. Size 2. Lining C—DisposalField 1. Number of Lines 2. Total Length 7. Required Measurements A. Well to Septic Tank B. Well to Seepage Pit C. Well to Sewer Line D. Well to Property Line E. Well to Other Possible Contamination F. Foundation to Septic Tank_ G. Foundation to Seepage Pit H. Seepage Pit to Property Line 8. COINSENTS: DISAPPROVED: DATE: APPROVAL VALID FOR ONE YEAR FROM' DATE SIGNED. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH HEALTH DEPARrMUMr t0< e 4 *41 a REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF k(I INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES r ,7 (fill out in Triplicate) fl < .J _ -Name .of person requesting approval 2. ` Name of property! owner 3. Legal descriptio 4. NtkTTtb % -d3 bedrooms in house 5. Waten.Anallysis: n -t ��.74 a. Bacterial_ b. Detergent 6, We.l_l data:lk G ba �p-�y+ f 4 Type �Y. fid+ :,qq R,5 b. Depth, C. Casing Size i d. Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line' 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Area f. 4. Cesspool` -7-177 5. Property Line 6. Other sources of possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. 7. Sewage di.spasal system.. a. Age of system i' b. Septic tank capacity in gallons e. Name of septic tank manufacturer 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse side of this form. da Disposal field or seepage pit size and type IL 1. Distance to property. -Line , to house foundation e. Percolatim Test 'results f. Percolation Test performed b Use the reverse side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include he following, information: property lines' -well location, house location, eeptic tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, an4 direction of ground slope. 9. The Information on this for is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Applicant Dae 4S��-rn"e—d ti TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL he above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to the fallowing conditions': Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following reasons: S ,nature of -77—e 4.7 Dat Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. CPJ - cw I I I C: -4 0 :5� c z co a 0 c 4 -4 31 0 T al > m pT, n 11 0 1117 :3 F) fD El wa � ra (-b 0 m 0 V z 0 z El El z -4 to z C: m 0 0 ri z 0' 1 a tri l 0 0— Li El El En (b V 3z z 01 Ci. CL m 1 El El CD m X 0 WD 02 T W L CD Elc > i0Ci t z c tA m 1:1 El rt > 0 1 r) rt I P, PV a El El rb r) > El0 ,j z 0 0 Ll 0 Z 3 a z 0 fb z 0, �l ol ch 0 i tr (D L—J > 4 > co Z w 5; o z 4L pi cn z :zi 0 m 0 V z 0 z fA z -4 to z C: m 0 0 ri z 0' 1 a tri l 0 Li 3z z 01 m 1 El pa m X 0 WD 02 W L CD tA 1:1 El rt 0 1 rt I P, PV El rb El0 ,j x w 0 Z 3 a z 0 fb z 0, �l ol ch 0 i tr L—J > 4 > co Z w 5; o z 9 I <� Ili g {�a 2 fl �. r r ! vro 444—;� > w _rN- CD I - .' n ! t7 o B — z �c CD a � g cr ' u� o r 0 1 (11 �� >o a, I CD a & -`^, "rte' ci a •� „�,_., °"Q .i^ ._}.._El Zb �j .t, m j "'�"'. �._ rs { 1 q CD v m L7' 5D El Ci CD z-1 i3 �m u x — G r—i v D2 mo 0 3--a u2 a�! a :' F f i C: —-— -- s ,.�. .. i— Z ' g� �- z s W El r—+ F igg i } to ! 3" » ir ai El - co z C a 5959 f June 1, t971 Federal Housing Admtntstratten Box ~a¢ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SubJectz Reinapection of Lot 8, Block 1, Eldon Subdivision. Owner: Leonard Kelly. See 1.&%~r of May 13, 1971. Dear Sir: A :retnsrmctlon of the subqect ?ro~>ert;¥' r~?vesleft that the trailers h~d ap~>arentlv been disconnected from the well Out one of the tr'at]ors had not vet been remo/e:~ f~nthhe sewer 8y,~ter~. The ~;e~Ner s,/stem ts therefore, st~ll disapproved. Sincerely. Lynn 5. Coed Sanl. tarfan cC~ Leonard ~ielly Alaska ~utuai Savings Bank kmy May 13, 1971 Federal Housin9 Administration Anchorage, Alaska Sewer and ~eter Facilities for Lots8 Block 1 Eldon Subdivision. Owner: Leonard Kelley. Dear Sir: An inspection of the sublect lot revealed that the house and two trailers where all on the sa~e sewer an,t water system. The sewer s~stem is adequate for the two bedroom house and ~ one bedroom trailers. The distance from the sewer s~sf-e~'to'the well meets individual well distances only. For this 4epartment's approval one of the trailers must be removed from the sewer system end both trailers need to be disconnected from th~well, so that the well serves only the hOUSe. If there are any questions regarding the above please do not ~esttate to contact this office at 27g-~686, eltenston 336. Sincerely, Lynn $. Coed Sanitarian Leonard Kelley Alaska ~utual Savings Bank ky