HomeMy WebLinkAboutELMRICH VILLAS #2 Block A Lots 8 & 9 Public HOME OFFICE e. o. aox ?z~ 0! 1.5' ~ercolation Test Test Location: Lot~9 Block /4 Test Date: /~U~, '/OD /g~ Requested by: ~q~ ~$~ Test Hols Log 4-' 1st. Filling: Bottom of hole filled with to drain out. 2nd. Filling: Bottom of hole filled with i0" Test Hole Location I approximate slope of water and allowed /Z# , of water and test run. Percolation Rate: ~ min./in. ~'~e ~esults are onl~ the vlsual'soil COheir[OhS and theoretical percolation rate on this d~te for this test hole. I~0 0 ---- this pe~co~i~ ~at~ Xs 2,5 ~aLlono ~r sq. ~t. ~ day. day - 9~0 8q, ~2, + ,~0 (960) - 11~5,0 mt. fi, The ~e o~ artoptic wa~hers. to ba~ ftll. 1965 ~losure of the area. DAVID R. L. D~CAff, ~.~. 29 Septenl~u= 1965 Approval of Sewage I)ispOsal The sub{eot sewage dis~Mas been inspected by this [~pa~tmat ~nd is he~eby &pp~ov~d. Th~nk-you for your Sinc~ r~ ly, FRED WALATKA AND ASSOCIATES ELMRICHVILLAS ADDITION NO. 1 & 2 SANITARY SEWER SPECIAL PROVISIONS SCOPE OF WORK The contractor shall furnish labor and equipment and perform work neces- sary for laying sewer and water pipe in accordance with the drawings furnished by Fred Walatka's engineering firm and requirements of the City of'Anchorage and the Greater Anchorage Area Borough. TIME, OF COMPLETION The contractor shall complete all work within fifteen (15) days after receipt of a notice to proceed from the owner. Should the contractor fail to complete the specified work within the required time, liquidated damages in the amount of fifty dollar. ($50.00) for each and every calendar day between the specified completion date and the actual date of comple{ion shall b$ deducted from the total contract amount. CONTRACT'PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed contract] the contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds in the amount of 100% as security for faithful performance of this contract, and for the payment of all persons performing labor on the project under this contract, and furnishing mater- ials connected with this contract. The surety on such bond or bonds shall be duly authorized surety company satisfactory to the owner. 4. ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION The engineer or representative of the owner shall provide the engineering, surveying, and inspections. GENERAL GUARANTEE Neither the final payment nor any provision in the contract dooume si ~or partial or entire use of'the work by the owner shall constitute an acbept- anc~ of work not done in accordance with the contract documents, or r~lieve the contractor of liability in yespect to any express warranties or respon- sibility for faulty materials or workmanship. 6. PERMITS AND INSURANCE The contractor shall meet the insurance requirements of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough and the City of Anchorage and obtain all permits necessary to construct in the public right of way. 7. SPECIFICATIONS AND TYPICAL DETAILS All work under this contract will be accomplished using City of Anchorage and Greater Anchorage Area Borough construction specifications and typical detail. 8. DROP SEWER CONNE, CTION A drop sewer connection, as shown on the plans, shall be installed at 0+00. All fittings shall be cast iron and shall be constructed according to the GAAB details. Payment shall be made per each under "Construct Drop Sewer Connection" in the Bia Proposal. 9. CLASSIFIED FILL Classified Fill, as shown on the plans, shall be spread between s~ations 2+00 and 3+00 according to the engineer in the field. Classified material shall be obtained from the hill located from stations 0+50 to 1+75. Pay- merits shall be made per cubic yard under "Classified Fill" in the Bid Proposal. 338 DENALI STREET -- ANCItORAGE 99501 September 15, 1971 Mr, Peter Vincent Fred Walatka and Associates 3107 West 29th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Subject: SANITARY SEWER FOR ELMRICH VILLAS SUBDIVISION Dear Mr. Vinceht: The plans and specifications for the subject project are approved for the features with which this Department is concerned. However, this approval is contingent upon your providing us with a copy of the plan sheet which is stamped and signed by an Alaska-~egistered engineer. As our present copy is not. KJC/mw cc: GAAB-DEQ Yours truly, Kyle Jo Cherry Regional Engineer OFFICE: 272-0619 CIVIL ENGINEERING ANO LAND SURVEYING 3107 29TH AVENUE · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 RESIDENCE: 277.7162 Soptemb~r '1.4, 'L97] ~c~ion on ~he~e p}~s ~,~ soon a.a possib]a t,~o~.la be apprecia,~ed. Sincere] y your% Fre8 Wala~ka Wala~ka & &ssooia~es EGREATER_LANCHORAGE AREA-BOROUGH... -3330 C:STREET: YANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99503] ~-DE~A RTMEN~; OF:.ENVI R ONM ENTAL QUALtTY~ 274-4561 c August l, 1973 C L E A C 0 N! U N I T Y William Armstrong Civil Engineer Public Works Department Greater Anchorage Area 6orougil 3500 East Tudor Road A~chorage, Alaska 99507 SumJ,.;ct: Alson Lid l~o. 64 Lateral Extension Schedule ",V', Elmrich Villas Lid ;~o. ~3 Lateral Extension Schedule "B" Ellen Court Lid i';o. 59 Lateral Extension Schedule "C" Dear Mr. Armstrong: The Department of Environin3ntal Quality has received and reviewed the subject plans. We find ti~at these plans meet with all conditions witi~ wifich trlis Department is concerned. Should you have any questions regarding our review of these plans, please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, /,- ~l~Strickl and, R.S. Chief Sanitarian mld July 30, 1973 Mr. Rolf R. Strickland Assistant Director FQC Department of Environmental Quality Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Subject: TRANSMITTAL OF PLANS FOR REVIEW OF ALSON LID NO. 64 LATERAL EXTEN- SION SCHEDULE "A", ELMRICH VILLAS LID NO. 63 LATERAL EXTENSION SCHEDULE "B" AND ELLEN COURT LID NO. 59 LATERAL EXTENSION SCHEDULE "C" Gentlemen: Enclosed for your review please find one set of each of the subject construc- tion drawings for Alson LID No. 64 Lateral Extension Schedule "A", Elmrich Villas LID No. 63 Lateral Extension Schedule "B" and Ellen Court LID No. 59 Lateral Extension Schedule "C". The Public Works Department of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough plans to construct this project during the summer of 1973. If this design conflicts with either existing or future utility plans, please notify this office. 0 M M U I T Y Very truly yours, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH William Armstrong Civil Engineer WA/mw Enclosures