HomeMy WebLinkAboutELMRICH VILLAS #4 Block 5 Lot 8 Public Information GREF'-~R ANCHORAGE AREA BOP~'~GH Department of Environmental Quality 3500'~ Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LEGAL OESCR,PT,ON r : . g,'ll SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE /~[~ FROM WELL . INSIDE LENGTH MANUFACTURER INSIDE WIDTH MATERIAL .~{~ I NUMBER OF (~ · . COMPARTMENTS LIQUID DEPTH ~ LIQUID cApAcITY GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER Of PITS I DIAMETER OR WIDTH t)~d, ' LINING MATERIAL iO ¢.~, (','~1 .J~ CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER BUILDING FOUNDATION;~ , NEAREST LOT ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION , DEPTH ~1 LENGTH~ j DEPTH (~! ~/'~ . DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE (~ ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ~ ~_ SQ. FT. TYPE .~'~!.~, CONSTRUCTION ~,~11~ BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST FOUNDATION __ LOT LINE SEWER LINE CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: SEPT lC SEEPAGE TANK __ SYSTEM DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: Form PW-026 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PERMIT NO, , APPLICATION AND PERMIT LEG A L DE SCR' INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK PHONE DRAIN FIELD ¢ , OTHER TO BE INSTALLED BY COMP'ET'ON DATE ANTICIPATED /!, pFRHTT VAI ID ~)NF YFAR FINAL INSPECTIONs 24 HOUR NOTI~ REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL IN~ECTION BY TH~ HEALTH DEPARTMENT AUTHORI~ WILL BE ~UBJECT TO PROSECUTION, SEPTIC TANK SIZE MINIMUM DISTANCES, 5 ft. FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT 20 fee DflAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL 15 f~ e WELL TO SEPTIC TANK ~4 SEEPAGE P,'I' DRAIN FIELD ~/~* ALSO CONSIDER AREA WELLS. D"AIN FIE~D 10 ft. S~eT,C TA~. 25 ft.. S~e*~ ~'~ 100 ft... Oa*,~ F*~O 50 CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO ~RIB CROSSIN~ OAP EXCAVATION S FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. HEALTH AUTHORITY OR LICENSED DESIGNER TYPE DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM '. I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 26-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DATEDESCRIBED~/'SYSTEM 1, l. ACCORDANCE WiTH SAID CODE, ~/~"¢~'~--~-~~'~'~'~ ~...~_..-.~ ~ _ APFL,OA.T'S .,GNATU.E '- T.H.-I 9-21-7'2 0.0' ORGANIC SILT W/SOME GRAVEL SILTY SANDY GRAVEL W/COBBLES Med. Dense (GM) SAND MEDIUM GRAIN No Water Table 15.0' 17,O' Note : Hole excavated with tractor mounted backhoe, Engineering ~ Geological Consultants ANCHOPtA(3E FAIREIANKS ALASKA ~UN~^U Glacier ExCavating Property LOG OF TEST BORING Anchorage Alaska iow, .~ G.A.W. IOHKO "~ W.E.O. IP~O,."O. 26540~.D.~ ,0. DATE 10-2-72 ISCALE I" = ~>' R&M Civil Engineers ENGI('-'ERING & GEOLOGIC/ ,CONSULTANTS 22g EAST 51st. AVE. - P.O. BOX 6087- ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907-279-0483 TELEX 090-35419 Geologists Land Surveyors JAMES W. ROONEY, P. E. MALCOLM A. MENZlES, P.E., L.S. JAMES H. WELLMAN, P.E. September 27, 1972 R & N[ No. 26540-36 RALPH R. MIGLIACClO Engineering Geologist ]erry Conway Glacier Excavating P. O. Box 3364 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Test Hole and So~l Log Report J~or Sanitary System Lot 8, Block 5, Elrlch Villa S/d Dear A~. Co'nway: We are submitting herewith the test boring results and our comments regarding soil conditions encountered at the subject site. This investigation was performed in accordance with your request o~ September 22, 1972 and those procedures out- lined in a letter dated September 13, 1971 by 1V[r. RolJ~ Strickland o~ the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department o~ Environmental Quality. A s~ngle test hole was put down within the Lot 8 area J~or the purpose o~ de~nin~ general subsurface so~l conditions ~or the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with a tractor-mounted backhoe and the test hole was extended to a total depth o~ 17 J~eet below ground surJ~ace. The J~Jnal log prepared J~or the test hole has been included in Drawin~ A-01. Ground water was not encountered in the test h°le. We appreciate beJn~ ~iven this opportunity to be o~ service to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & /VI ENGINEERING & GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS ]WR:wb Enclosure xc: GA_AB ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS JUNEAU September 22, 1972 SOILS TESTS RESULTS, R & M ENGINEERING Glacier Excavating Lot 8, Block 5, Elmrich Villa Subdivision O. -3.0: 3.0-15.0: 15-17: organic silt with some gravel silty sandy gravel with some cobbles, medium-dense,G.M. sand fine-medium grained with trances of silt. S.P. NO WATER TABLE FHA F~o~n 2573 Rev. July 1958 Form Approved u.s. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Budget Bureau No. 63-R0296 FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA INSURING OFFICE Anct~orage, Alaska MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR MORTGAGEE SERIAL ADDRESS VISION NAME NO. NO. NO. REPORT OF INSPECTIONBINDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of [] Septic tank. Septic Tank: Distance from well feet. Material Total liquid capacity, Inside length,, feet. Inside width Distance from: Well Inside diameter, [] Cesspool. Number of compartments gallons.Capacity inlet compartment,_ t~et. Liquid depth, feet. feet; fi)undation feet; oearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, feet. Depth, feet. Liquid capacity .gallons. Lining material gallons. SECONDARY TREATMENT consists of [] Tile disposal field. [] Seepage pits. Other Tile' Dlapoaal Field: Distance from: Well feet; foundation, feet; nearest lot line at [] froot, [] side, [] rear,. Total length of tile lines, _feet. Number of lines, -- Distance between lines, Trench width _inches. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trenches Length of each line feet. Depth, top of tile to finish grade, Type of filter material: [] Gravel. [] Broken stone. Other Depth of filter material beneath tile,~ .inches. Depth of filter material over tile, Seepoge Plta: Number of pits .... Outside diameter, feet. Depth, Distance from: Well, feet; building foundation, Inapectlon mode by: [] State. Date of inspection feet. square feet. inches. feet. Lining material feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, [] County. [] Local Health Authority. Inspected by 19__ (TITLE) inches. REPORT OF INSPECTION--INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Distance to nearest public water main, __ __ feet. Size of main, .inches. IndivMual wells [] ar(! [] are not customary in neighbgrhood. Give most recent rtx:ord of failure of wells in immediate v~cinity to furnish adequate supply of water Properties in neighborhl)od [] are [] are not being deveh)ped with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal systems. Lot size: feet w de, __ feet deep. Dwelling set back from front property line,. .feet. Individual water supply fi'om: [] Drilled well, [] Driven well. [] Dug well. [] Bored well. Diatonao of well from: Building fl)undation cast iron sewer, feet; tile sewer, seepage pit, -feet', cesspool, Well conatrucflon: Diameter, inches. Total depth, Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well, Sealed watertight to depth of .feet, feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, feet; septic tank,. -feet; disposal field, feet; other sources o£ possible pollution, ~'eet. feet. Type of casing, Depth of casing, feet. Approximate yield, gallons per minute. Exterior space around casing sealed with: [] Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. [] Ordinary backfill, Well cover: [] Concrete. [] Wood. [] Metal. Openings in well cover watertight: [] Yes. [] No. Pumpt [] Shallow well, [] Deep well, Length of drop pipe, feet. Pump capacity l.x)cated in: [] Basement. [] Pumproom off basement. [] Pumphouse above ground. [] Pump pit. Pumproom properly drained: [] Yes. [] No. Pump mounting watertight: [] Yes. [] No, Type of storage: [] Pressure. [] Gravity. Capacity, .gallons. Has bacteriological examination of water been made? [] Yes. [] No. If answer is "yes," give date Quality of water [] is [] is not satisfactory for human consumption. Installation [] does [] does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. Inspection made by: [] State. [] County. [] lax'al Health Authority. Inspected by Date of inspection 19 .gallons per minute. 19 feet. GPO 889-088