HomeMy WebLinkAboutEMILY'S Lot 1 Plat# 94-51 S-9297 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: THRU: FROM: August 31, 1992 Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting John Smith, P.E., Program Manager, On-site Services Department of Health and Human Services -im~,~ Susan Oswalt, On-site Services~, ~. Department of Health and Human'Services SUBJECT: Request for Comments on Subdivision f..~ September 21, 1992 The Environmental Services Division, On-site Services Section, of the Department of Health and Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9297: Peck Subdivision - Amended Comments Provide public sewer to lot. DHHS does not object to the use of a private well on this property. SO/ljm KARABELNIKOFF SURVEYING 7435 OLD HARBOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99504 (907) 337-3434 March 21, 1994 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Economic Development and Planning 623 W 6th. Avenue ~~ Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 -- Attn: Mr. Jerry Weaver, (Fe~A) ( ~. ~ .) Re: Proposed platt of Lot 1 Emily's Subdivision, Case S-9297. $. I recently conducted as as-built survey of the footing and poured concrete foundation wall for this lot. I found that two corners of the foundation project into the twenty five foot set back zone. The previous owner, Art Peck, changed the size of the structure for his own reasons. Mr. James Dokoozian has since purchased the property without the knowledge that there a problem with the building set back. The best way to remedy this problem is to ask for a five foot vacation of a portion the ROW for the Old Seward Highway. I have discussed this matter with personal from the State of Alaska, DOT & PF, and members with your staff, we all feel that the five foot vacation is the best way to go. I am applying for this vacation, however, this will not be heard until early May. The original plat application expires on April 21, 1994. For this reason I am asking for a t~ime extension for Case S-9297. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, F. Lee Karabelnikoff, RLS Platting Board Summary of Action - October 21, 1992 Page 2 6. Placing the following note on the Plat: "Only one direct vehicular access from Lot 4 onto the Old Seward Highway." Providing a 10-foot vegetative buffer along the Old Seward Highway. D. CONSENT AGENDA E. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a. S-9041 and S-9042 Heritage Estates Subdivisions Approval of the proposed drainage plan and proposed route as outlined in the packet, subject to final review process by Public Works, State DOT, and other review agencies to include the following: 1. Drainage system from Heritage West to the tie in with State DOT storm drain. ® Following burial of the storm drain system, the surface will be regraded to avoid aggravating drainage problems. sizing of the drainage from Heritage Estates to State DOT outfall will be such that future catch basins will be able to tie in with minimal disruption and not having to rework the system. Go PERSONS TO BE HEARD 1. S-9250 New Smyrna Subdivision - Lynda Ulsher Concurred with proposal for access and lot frontage as shown by the proposed drawing and agreed to by Street Maintenance. A note is to be placed on the plat indicating the common access easement. Platting Board Summary of Action - October 7, 1992 Page 2 Returned for redesign and modification. Issues: 1. design of proposed park; 2. recognizing objections of landowners regarding secondary access; 3. garbage pickup; 4. tour bus parking/access; and 5. show how it is excess to Municipal needs. b.S~29~?eck Subdivision, Lot 4 - Vacation Returned for redesign and modification. Issues: 1. whether area being vacated is an easement or right-of-way; 2. need to clearly establish where the right-of-way reverts to which property; and 3. need copy of Commissioner's Deed. ' ~ti-C~ of Reconsideration was spread by Jon Isaacs. c. S-9298 Penland Park, Tract D-21A Approval of the plat, subject to: Resolving utility easements (existing ATU and ML&P utilities must be relocated at the owner's expense). Entering into a subdivision agreement to construct the proposed cul-de-sac on Rodeo Circle to urban interior standards with curb and gutter. 3. Resolving the ne~d for drainage improvements Platting Board S~!mmary of Action - October 21, 1992 Page 2 6. Placing the following note on the Plat: "Only one direct vehicular access from Lot 4 onto the Old Seward Highway." Providing a 10-foot vegetative buffer along the Old Seward Highway. D. CONSENT AGENDA E. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Public Hearings a. S-9041 and S-9042 Heritage Estates Subdivisions Approval of the proposed drainage plan and proposed route as outlined in the packet, subject to final review process by Public Works, State DOT, and other review agencies to include the following: 1. Drainage system from Heritage West to the tie in with State DOT storm drain. me Following burial of the storm drain system, the surface will be regraded to avoid aggravating drainage problems. Sizing of the drainage from Heritage Estates to State DOT outfall will be such that future catch basins will be able to tie in with minimal disruption and not having to rework the system. PERSONS TO BE HEARD 1. S-9250 New Smyrna Subdivision - Lynda Ulsher Concurred with proposal for access and lot frontage as shown by the proposed drawing and agreed to by Street Maintenance. A note is to be placed on the plat indicating the common access easement. i ,J .cZ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: April 6, 1994 TO: Department of Economic Development and Planning Zoning and Platting FROM: SUBJECT: John Smith, P. E., Program Manager, On-site SerwLces Department of Health and Human Services,j~%l~ Request for Comments on Subdivision(s) April 15, 1994 The Environmental Services Division, On-site Services Section, of the Department of Health an Human Services has reviewed the following cases and has these comments: S-9031A: Carriage Estates Subdivision (Plat 93-79) No objection. S-9269: Lots 12A, 12B Hall Subdivision No objection to the time extension. S-9297: Emily's Subdivision (Previously Peck.Subdivision) No objection. S-9567: Lots 1 110, Tracts A - H Legacy Park Subdivision No objection. Ail proposed lots will be served by public water and sewer. S-9569: Lots SA, 5B Selkregg Subdivision Proposed Lot 5B has an existing single family house on it which is served by a DHHS approved on-site wastewater disposal system and well system. Proposed Lot 5A is vacant. The applicant has provided a soils and percolation test for the lot. However, the wastewater system reserve area and location of the proposed well site must be identified. S-9570: Lot 1 Emily's Subdivision The subject lot is served by public sewer and a private well. DHHS requests that a copy of the well log be submitted prior to final plat approval. JS/ljm  VACATION OF RIGHT-C)F-WAY OR OFFICE USE EASEMENT APPLICATION REC'D BY: Municipality of Anchorage VERIFY OWN: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 196650 AFFIDAVIT: Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 POSTING: ,'3 A. Please fill in the information requested below. Print ORe letter or number per block. '~'~ ~ Case Number ¢. KNOWN). Street Address 1. Vacation Code , Tax I.D. Number l lolol' lt 2, Abbreviated Description of Vacation (EAST 200 FEET SOME STREET). 3. Existing Abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOT 34). 4. Petitioner's Name (Last - First). 5. Petitioner's Representative. Address: "~ '~ ~-0 /~L'"'/',,'~,..~ ,..~"'"~' Zip Code: ~__~ s-! ~ _ Phone No,_~y,¢/-- ~'~c/~.. Address: City: /~ I,,JCI-~. State: Zip Code; Rd:~ ~(~4 Phone No. ~ 7 ~ ~'~'J~::¢" 6. Petition Area Acreage. 7, Proposed Number Lots. 8. Existing Number Lots. 9, Written Justification, 10. Grid Number. 11. Zone. IIIl-lll 12. Fees 13l CommunityCouncil_~;:;,/--)L~E)i( B. I hereby certily Ihat (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire Fo vacate ~t ~n conformance w~fh Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances, J (mdorsland thai paymonl oltho basi0 vacalion loc i8 nonrefundable and ~¢ ~o cover ~ho associated with processing this application, lhat it does not assure approval of the vacation. I also understand that additional fees may be ' ~sesSed ,f Municipality's cost to process this application exceed the basic fee. I fudher understand that assigned hearing dates are ten,alive and may have [o be postponed by Planning St~ff, P~atting Board, Planning Commission, or ~he Assembly due to administrative ~sons.. Signature 20-019[Re¢ 992)' ;,om 'Agents must provide written proof or authoriza[ion. C. Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan - Land Use Classification ~F~ esidential D Commemial D Parks/Open Space D Transportation Related E] Marginal Land L-I Commercial/Industrial [~ Public Lands/Institutions D Alpine/Slope Affected -'1 Industrial :3 Special Study 2. Comprehensive Plan - Land Use Intensity: Dwelling Units per Acre: :3 Special Study C] Alpine/Slope.Affected 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland ~ 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation b. Avalanche L-'I c. FIo~odplain [~ d, Seismic Zone (Harding/Lawson) D, Please indicate below if any of these events have occurred in the last five years on the property, :3 Rezoning ::~l:Y!~ubdivision -] Conditional Use "~ Zoning Variance Case Number: Case Number: Case Number: Case Number: Enforcement Action For Building/Land Use Permit For E. Legal Description for Advertising, F. Attached written statement in accordance with AMC 21.15.130.B. stating reasons in support of the vacation. G. Checklist Waiver 30 Copies of the Vacation Request Reduced Copy of Vacation (8 1/2 x 11) Certificate of Plat Fee Topo Map 4 Copies Soils Report 4 Copies Aerial Photo Housing Stock Map Zoning Map Water: .'8~rivate Wells Sewer: ~ Private Septic Community Well Community Systems Public UtiIPy 2:lH~u blic Utility KARABELNIKOFF SURVEYING 7435 OLD HARBOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99504 (907) 337-3434 March 21, 1994 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. of Economic Development 623 W 6th. Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 and Planning Attn: Mr. Jerry Weaver Re: Proposed Plat of Lot 1, Emily's Subdivision Case S-9297 Mr. James Dokoozian has purchased the property from Mr. Arthur Peck that includes a portion of Government Lots 4 and 5 located in the SW 1/4, NW 1/4 Section 3, TllN, R3W, S.M., Alaska. Includ- ed in this pure. base is a strip of land 75 feet wide on the south- westerly side of the Old Seward Highway that was relinquished by the State of Alaska. This strip of land is the outer 75 feet of the 150 foot half width ROW for the Old Seward Highway. We are asking to vacate the SW'ly five feet of ROW on the SW'ly side of the Old Seward Highway so that the remaining half width of the dedicated ROW will be seventy feet. The existing ROW width of the Old Seward Highway is one hundred seventy five feet (175.00 ft.). If this vacation is approved, the ROW width will be one hundred seventy feet (170.00 ft.) I have discussed this with Mr. James Sharp, Right of Way Engineering Supervisor, State of Alaska DOT & PF and he has no objection with granting this vacation as the remaining ROW will be more that enough to satisfy the needs for this portion of the Old Seward Highway. This area is zoned R-7 which requires the lot area to be 20,000 square feet. The area of the lot is currently 11,250 Square feet, considerably less that the required minimum required in Title 21. If we are granted the vacation, the lot area will be 12,473 square feet. Since this lot is triangular in shape with utility easements along all three sides, it leaves little room to con- struct any kind of a residence. The additional five feet will improve the buildable area considerably. A gravity sanitary sewer line is on 'the easterly side of the Old Seward Highway and available for a service line extension to the lot. A private well has been drilled to supply the water. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, F. Lee Karabelnikcff, RLS /05. 59' I hereby certify that an accurate survey of the fallowIng described properly: ~OT / £MI/ ~'6 6U6. was made on_.~=_ and that tho improve-' meals situated thereon are within the property/ linee end do not overlap or encroach on fha property lying ocIjocent theretoI Ihat no improvements on lhe property lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premioas In question and that there are no roadways transmission lines or other visible easements on sold prop~rly except as Indicated hereon. ~ Anchorage, Alaska, this _ day of /~A/'¢~ ,19 ~.~. PREPARED FOR: J~zmes AS-BUILT KAt?ABEL NIKOFF' SURYEYIN6