HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAGLE RIVER VALLEY RANCHETTES General Information Hay 1, 19'[8 ~.ecu ti ve Director Alaska Public Utilities Commission 1100 Hac~ay Buildir~E 23S Denali Stpeet Anchorage, Alaska 99501 [' Dear ~cting ~xecutive Director: As of ~pri2 2, 1978, Be]] Utilities and Development, Inc. is a whol2y OWned subsidiary of Hawaii ~laska Trading Corporation. The Corporate O~fices of Be2~ ~t~l~t~es and Development, Inc. are 2ocated at ~7~1 BuS, ness Park Blvd., Anchorage, ~]aska 9950S. The tele- phone number is (907) 277-5615. The new Corporate O~f~cers of Bei1 Utilities and Deve~op~.ent, Znc. James H Seegraves President Peter p. V~rdone - V~ce President & Treasurer Paul Palmer Secretary Hr. W~llJam p. ~rnold is the Operations Hanager and can be reached at (90'~) 344-4463, for any r[o~:~a~L~U~s problems concerned with service; especially after hours. ~ny written communications shou2d be directed as usua2 to our Eagle River post o~r~ce box. We w~].l be filing for a transfer of the certificate o~ public con- ven~ence and neceas~.ty sometime a~ter Ju2y 1, 197~, as the books and records are unavailable to us at this time. Dan and Shirley Bell. w~22 turn over to us a~ books and recrods upon their return ~rom vacation sometime in June. Very truly yours, BELL UTILITIEs ,~ND DEVELOPHENT, lINC. Pgter p. VJrdone Vice ~resident & Treasurer PPV/WPA/j] c Dan C~ ~ ~0~ ~9577 P;UbJ~,,,~ %aTfl~ Rive~: Va~tley Ranchett~%s Ac{3oz'd:Lng' to thi~ d~t-~art~nt,s wa~ ~ample moni~'r bot:el~ fr,or% ~he S~m~ts ~,ab~ 527 Ma~t: 4th Avenue, as soon · .f 'kb.~'~r~. a.ve any ~u.t~.m~r que~'tio~)s~ pl~am~ contaet this Pl~rt.f.~ ..... a '7,,,,1n~- November 1.2, 1976 l~k-t,o r~quenm that I be nca't, er] Irl [(l-'%P:lm RJvo¥' Valley, TI~N ~i.seus,sed wl. tb the P]atitn~ section. I. wnll4 al,no lfke t,o .q(;hedule ;~ mer,t]m~ with t, ne Pl. atf}.n[~ Board DICKINSON-OSWALD & PAR-FNERS 6!' ENGINEER8 AND SURVEYORS - July 9, 1973 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality 3330 "CI' Street Anchorage, Alaska ATTENTION: Mr. Roll Strickland RE: Bell Utilities - 1972 Construetion- As-Built Drawings Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith for your review and approval are drawings showing 1972 construction by subject utility on Eagle River Loop Road and in Eagle River Valley Ranchetts Subdivision. It is our understanding from Mr. Dan Bell, the owner, that the mains have been sterilized in accordance with City of Anchorage specifications. Please advise if we may be of assistance in your review of these drawings. , Yours very truly, DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS Robert W. Kranich, Jr., P.E. RWK/vms CC: Bell Utilities, Inc. - Dan Bell Department of Environmental Conservation - Kyle Cherry Enclosures ~sed on the soils ~po)'t; sob)~)tt~ed to you bY Consultants ~e have concluded that ,in avora~)e soil Percola~llon to but not tncludt~g 4 bedroot~. Stnc~re)y~ John R. Loe, R.$. ky ~ h~'~ EagJoe River, ~ ~ ~1~] t ~7, 1970 Health Department '~/~ 0 ]J~ ~ 327 Eagle St. ~~ ~ ~C~-.1~'~ o Inclosed with the appl~-~ for sewer ~ermit for LOT 14-O is a i:nspection report from Alaska Oeo. Ocnsultaff~';-~5;'~[;' J. Moening with the general classification of our ~ub-Division. His report included inspection of some 13OO' of water main trench with 14' of depth and Lots 5B- 6B-16O-gA and 1SA giving a cross sect- ion of the subdivision~of 2~ lots. There are already 28 borough inspected and certified sewer systems installed on other lots in this SubvDivislon giving a cross section and service performance of up to 4 years or more. With this information and performance record I would propose that this lot and additional lot have a leach pit of 16 X 16 ft with two concrete leach rings 4'x3' and gravel packed 6'deep as ample to serve 3 bedroom single dwelling. This is a saving of $35.00 to $45.00 that can be passed on to the customer after the installation of this many systems within such a relative small area. This 16 X16 ft size is larger than Is recommended by the consulting firm but would give me a uniform system that can be priced to the customer and save the inspection charge on the additional. lots in the Sub-Division. Please advise by return mail or phone call. Respect fully ~ours, Dan ~, Bell DATE: July 13, 1970 GRE, R ANCHORAGE AREA BO, ',GH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE STREET · P. O, BOX 968 · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 FROM: lhwiromnontal Health Supervisor To: R.[I, [~ritt~, Sm~itary Engineer Envirom]ental [loalth, Juneau SUBJECt: Eagle River Vall.ey Randmttes Subdivisio% 1970 Water Extensions (Dickinson~.~wald tl Partners) T'rm]smitted herewith for your review and conm~nts are one set of plans m~d associated doctuam~ts for the sd)ject project, qhis water extension is from the now 8" well dril. led in 1969. The old 6" well is no longer in service. ~lho new 12" well is within twent7 (20) days of being in service. 'Ibis Department presently is approvi~g the new 8" well. Your approval is recon~mnded. RRS: rn etlcs. USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR REPI. Y ° * . · ° ° · ° ° ° DEPARTMI~NT OF IIEA]I.Tll & ~VELFARE Division of Environmental Health KEITN N. HILLER, GOVERNOR July 20, 1970 Mr. Roll R. Strickland, R.S. Environmental Health Supervisor GAAB Health Department P.O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Dear Mr. Strickland: Re: GAAB - Eagle River Valley Ranchettes Subdivision, 1970 Water Extensions. Plans, Application 'For Approval of Plans, and a letter from Mr. R.W. Kronich, Jr. (of Dickinson-Oswald & Partners) dated 9 July 1970 were forwarded to this office by your memorandum of 13 July 1970. The cover sheet carried as part of the title, Bell Util- ities & Development, Inc. No specifications were received but Mr. Kronich's letter stated the work would be constructed in accordance with "D/O standard copies." We assume this to be the Dickinson-Oswald & Partners Standard Specifications which are entirely satisfactory. The plans are approved for those features with which this Depart- ment is concerned. Sincera~y yours, Richard H. Britt, Sanitary Engineer Division of Environmen.tal Health RHB. bj cc: Dickinson-Oswald & Partners DICKINSON-OSWALD & PARTNERS ENGINEERS AND SURVEYOR~% DePartment off Health ¢~,'! We'lf'2~re 327 Ea¢~le Street A~c horm,~e, A] a.~ka Attn: Mro C]if¢ J~dk~ns Dear Mr. ,/t,'dki~n .' Trausmltted her¢with for your revtew .:~,r6 ,~-','~.,*vq] are two (2) sets of aonsff'rurlt~or~ drawl?l/ta. Included. Alton :%nclnded Is the ~tate of form for this w~rl~. &n_gs olease ~dv2se. DICKTINSON-,.O?;'c,,AI,D & i:MRTNE!{S ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS May 28, t970 Mr. Dart Bell P. O. Box 406 Eagle River, Alaska Re: Investigation of Soils to Determine Percolation Qualities - Eagle River Valley Ranchettes ~ Lots 5B, 6B, 16C, 9A, 1SA, 19 (Well site), 20A} B, CandD; 21A, B, CandD; 22A, ]% CandD; 23A, B, CandD Dear Mr. Bell: This is to certify that the geologic and soil conditions of the above-captioned property were studied to determine the percolation qualities for sewage disposal purposes. Five Test Pits and a long trench of fourteen feet depth provided an excellent exposure of the geologic and soil conditions of the area. On the basis of this investigation we conclnde that soils throughout the subdivision are of glacial ground moraine origin. They consist chiefly of dense silty gravel classified as G.M. on the Unified Classification System. Interspersed throughout the glacial till are lenses, beds and channels of water sorted well graded gravel, falling into the G. M. class. We recommend that the seepage facilities for each lot consist of a 12 x 14 foot pitwithtwo four foot diameter by three foot high concrete rings stacked in the ~,zcenter of th_e_pjL. These individual pits should begravel packed with coarse clean material, Should you have further questions in this regard please call us. i970 cc: GAAB Health Department Respectfully submitted, ALASKA GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS H. J. Moening ~ JanuaYY 22~ 1970 llr. Dan C. Bell Box 406 Eagle River, Alaska. 99577 c.,,,~;t"r. [a~to Rivor Valloy }~anchettos ,;uhdiws~on dar, od July I1, 1.009 .rob,ruling ~ ' subdivision. After r~viowlng all final inspections of ~ast; yom:, tho figure of 100 square feot pot bodro~l~: appoaro~ inadcquat~ in approximat°ly sevonty-'fivo percont (75~ oi~ all -, ..... a in the subjoct suh- ~herofore~, this ............. · s ~ or division, shall bO coutputoo r~,~ · SincorolY, CLII:FOf{D P- JtlI)KINS~ /~1~ ir i.:~tr,'i~tv¢ D{roctor Hnvxl ol a~mta.~ , ~,~lt 1 Supervisor RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ p~ [~ 10¢ fee [~ 35¢ fee GREATER ANCHORAGE ARE:A BOROUGH AIR MAIL TO ALASKA iS FASTER ~h'. Dan C. Bell Page 2 ~eptemBer 26. 196B Enclosed is a copy of the State wa~e~ supply code that explains the necessary natalie1 that m~t be s~mi~te4 on the engineering pl~ for the wal~, the wate~ linea, and wate~ l~ne e~eneionsa Please submit the above info~;mation at your eav3.ieet convenience sc this D,mpart~nt may ~ork with you In obtaining approvat of your new wateu supply, 9ince~eiy, DAVID R, L, DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Dl~Ctom BYi ~qan italian C~ CC) RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--20~ POSTMARK OR DATE Box 406 Eagle Rivez', 27 Aug 1968 Alaska Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department P.O. Box 968 Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Roll R. Strlokland SUBJECT: Water Supply Eagle River Valley Ranchettes Subdivision Gentlemen: For your file here is copy of the lates~correspendence regarding completion date on specifications and drawings for a new well. Yours truly, Dan C. Bell U~PARTM~Ni, August 27, 1968 Mr. Dan C. Bell P. O. Box ,106 Eagle Ri. vet, Ala~ka Subject: 500 G.I?.M. I)eep. Well Installation Dear Mr. Bell: In accordance with your letter of August 18, 1968 and attached drilling log, I estimate a completion date of October 4, ]_968 for all phases of this project. Work will continue on specifications and drawings for a new 500 gpm deep-well installation. Quotations and recommendations will be secured from pump manufacturers on a suitable pump and pre, ssure tank system together with horsepower requirements. If necessary, the services of J. P. will be empleyed, on a consulting basis, p].etion. Miller, Artesian Well Co. · ko expedite project com- Should your basic requirements change or the above arrangement prove unsatisfactory, please advise. H. E. Neelund Senior Eng [neet Process Services Division HEN/ag OREAI"ER ANCHORAGE AREA I~OROUGH · HEALTH DEPARTMEN]' A~rU~'k.. 21, 1968 Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department 327 Eagle Street P. O. BoX 968 Anchorage, Alaska Attention. Rolf R. Strickland, R. S. Sanitarian C~ntl(~n: Zn referenoe to your letter of August i3, i9~S re. ga~ing irspe~tion of water s~ly on ~t i8, Ea~ie ~wr Vaii~ mn~et~s S~vision, I hsve de~t~ qui~ s~ ti~ t~lg to decide w~t ~ ~ ~ut ~le ~ove s~ject. ~ decisi~ I }rove ~ide is ~ ~ ~ck up ~e p~pe~y ~d ~ill ~%o~er well at the r~on~]~ safe dis~ces. I k~ ~is will involve ~msider~le e~e, but here ~e ~e r~sons ~br my choice. (1) I ~ve no ~nt~l over ~e fo~-.plex pr(~e~y. ~e sewer is a ~)rough ~r and ~eir ]ms~)nsibility. ~en I ~illed ~loration Well ~lere ~re no resic~nces of ~y k~d wi~n a q[~ter of a t~le ~d I ~s ass~d no~ing would ~ done ~ the s~ll. ~i~gle adjacent ~ the well I ~d ~en advised ~mt roa~ay eas~ents could ~ ~ for safety ~eas p~lic water syst~. ~r my well was drill~, the fo~-plex w~ b~lt. (~e ~ro~jh was not in e~istence ~en ~d ~ had no ~er ow~r ~m property as I had ~ ~itten ~t on ~is pro~y. ) t~d ~ ~de ~e choi~ ~ n~e arr~g(~en~ wi~ ~. J~ ~rchick extent ~e leaching field an ad~tio~l 20 feet ~ q~lify as Class A, p~lic, this wo~d ha~ ~en i~ossible for the foll~i~ reasons: (a) ~. ~orchi~ doe~ ~t have enou~% p~perty ~ e~end ~e leach fiel~ ~ ~et the r~n~nts. ~e of ~e pits in e~s~nce is on ~ghway pro~rty. In fact ~e one that is 100 feet from ~ well ~as~i ~ f~ction in ~le spring of 1967 ~d the se~nd one i~lled is on Che s~lte ~way right-of- way. ~e de~ity of the clay soil in ~e i~dia~ ~ is ~ghly resis~nt to ~r~lati~. (b) Our franchised az~a %~der S~ of Alaska Pt~lic Se]~i~ ~ssion Pe~t ~65, P~]lic Water Sys~m~ when develo~d %~1t include ~er 500 lo~. ~s r~uires ~at we ~in~in our "~)lic Wa~r S~ply" dis~netion. '~s well, if you ~ll ne~ ~e 1~ in yo~ ~ssession, has ~ree ~uifer zones wi~ water t~n only f~m ~e ~ird zones 212 f~t from ~e s~face. 72'1 CPJ/cu E_A__S E M E N T Pa e 1 of 3 This agreement, made and entered into this ~ ........ )day of .,by and between ( Dan C, an.~l.S~hIp~e~ J. Bell.! ) of Anchorage, Alaska~ party of the first part, which expression shall include his, herr or their heirs, executors~ administrators, agents, or assigns wher~ the Context so requires or admits~ and,.(Stephen_ . J. and Karen M, Foster. . . )~ of Anchorage, Alaska, party of the second pamt, which expression includes his, her, or their heirs, executors, administrators, or agents where the dontext so requires or admits~ wltnesseth Whereas, the party of the first part owns and has title to that real estate and real property lecated near Anchorage, Alaska, described as follows: Lots or portions of lots within 200 Ft. of proposed well # B2~ and }35, (copy of plat attached showing wel:L sites and safty areas) Lots 18, 17A, 17B, 1TO, 17D, 9B, ~A'of the Eagle River Valley Ranch~t~es Sub-Div. Plat ~ 63-129A Anch. Rec. Dist. And whereas, the pamty of the second pa~ owns and has title to a parcel of property which adjoins the forgoing and described as ,: C~A of Eagle River, Valley Rgnohett.es Sub-Div. Plat #63-129A Located N1/2 of the BW 1/4 of section 7, T14N, RlW, SM desires to grant a perpetual easement for the purpose of ( A 9~%~ .. located at (...~10~~ 18 ( copy of plat attached showing well area~ and the easement shall be within the ~adius of ..~,.~00, ..,.,. . ) feet from the well site. Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed as follows: The party of the second part does hereby grant, assign, and set over to the party of the fimst part a perpetual easem~,nt for the purpose of installing and operating a community water system, said well shall be located at ( Lot 18 Eagle River Valley Ranchettes Sub-Div Plat # 63-129A Aneh Recording Dist. ) as located on that certain amended plat approved by the Greater Anchorage Platting Board and filed for record, such easement shall be within the radius of ( 200 ) feet from the well site. The party of the second part shall fully use ~md enjoy the aforesaid premises, except as to the rights herein granted. This agreement is subject to the following previsions: Second Party shall: a) Restrict the use of that portion of ( ~ A ) which falls within the ( ~-a~(r/~D )foot radius of the well from all sources of contamination, and that portion of said tract which falls within the ( 200 )foot radius shall have no sewers, septic tanks, disposal fields, pits or cesspools, except 'that sewer lines of east iron pipe with leaded and caulked joints shall be permitted~ as regulated by the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Departmeat. To have and to hold the said easement, right, and right of way unto the party of the first part. successors, or assi~s for a period of perpetuity and under the conditions, restrictions and considerations as set forth above. _~age 3 offS, It is expressly understood and agreed that this easement :is a covenant running with the land. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed under seal as of the day and year first above written. Dan C% Bell Ste~'~en J. FosV{er ~ ey J. Bell Karen M. Fo~ber STATE OF ALASKA ) THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) This is to certify that on the ( ) day of ( ) before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the State of Alaska~ duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ( ) known to me and to me known to be the individuals named in and who exenuted the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me, each for himself and not for the other, that they signed and sealed the same as their voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereto set my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. Notary Public in and for Alaska My commission expires: