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EKLUTNA ACRES General Information
nI.ASKA MINERAL & h4ATERIALS La'B 702 W. 32nd Avenue - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 272-2716 or 277-760I REPORT OF ANALYSIS Drinking and llousehokl Water TO: Great Land Realty Location of wel[: Ekluma Acres ATT: Mrs. Kohler 694-9125 Arsenic (As) ChLoride (Ct) Cepper (Ca) Cyanide (CN) Fluoride (F) @ 50°F Iron (Fe) Manganese (Mn) Nitrate (NO3) Nitrite (NO2) Sulfate (SO4) Salfite (SO3) Sulfide (S) Calciam (Ca) Magnesium (Mg) Sodium (Na) Potassiam (K) Total Ilardness as CaCO3 Noncarbonate Ha rdness Carbonate (CO3) mg/t 0.002 3.0 0.06 0.05 0.3 0.20 0.02 2.7 0.004 9.1 ~ 0.5 N.D. 55.4 20.8 5.0 1.0 226 0 0 P. II.S. Standard 0.05 250 I .0 0.2 '1.5 i) .3' 0.05 45 25{,I DATE: August 7, 1975 Sample ~2566 Date submitted: July 28, 1975 Sample size submitted: half gallon Ataminum (Al) Barium (Ba) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Ct) l,ead (Pb) Selenium (Se) Silicon (Si) Zinc (Zn) TtT._o m.k~[ D i ~t ve d _So 1 i._d~s~, Total Suspended Solids Total Volatile Solids .~O Lg_~i c~c ont amin a ti°n ~___ Turbidity units Color Llnits Odor umts Total coliform mg/[ 0.13 0.02 0.0O2 0. 001 0.014 N. D. 3.3 0.048 1.04 !47.7 none i6.6 0.62 5 · ~ 1 P.[I .S. Standard 0,0 [ .05 .05 . i) [ .{,)5 .t) Bicarbonate (1 Ice3) Free Carbondioxide (CO2) (9) 't0OF Acidity as CaCO3 A lka[init~ C_Q~C 0_~ 294 11.2 6.3 241.8 Fecal coliform Fecal streptococci N.B. Appearance Clear, colorless pll va[ac 7.75 Speci[ic conductance 410 St)() 5 L5 3 P.[[.S. Standard = Public ealth Service Drinkm Water Staadards, 1962 suggeste( lined are rejection limits; concentrations arc in mg/l or uaits. neg. = detection test negative; < = less than; N .D. - 11ol determined COMMENTS: Hardness is very high. Silver content is 96% of rejection limit° Softening by ion exchange is recommended. Traces of organic contamination are present. Filtration through active carbon, after ion exchange softening, is also recommendable. The water is potable. )nnbos/cm col/lO0 mi c__ol/lO0 m[ under- col/100 mL Paul carr DEQ Comments Pa~e Three May22, 1975 C. Those cases having neither pub]lc sewer or water: 29, S-3700 Knik Heights 30, S-3561 Bklutna Acres o~ubdivision Past approval was given. Plat still meets this Department's requirements, 31, S-3699 Selden Hills Subdivision 32. S-3603 Lund Subdivision Soils tests to be run on each lot before final approval, 33. 8-3694 Robin Hill Subdi~sion Recommend soils teat on each lot befove final app~val, 34, S-3677 Prospect tleights Subdivision ~ ~ecommend soile testa on each lot before final apparel. 35. S.-~678 ~iountain Slopes Subdi~sion Soils tests have been ~un on each of the proposed lots except the large t~aet, The soils proved to be acceptable, A field cheek of this area showed that the land was not as steep es'shown on the topography map p[~vided. The well depth on Lot 4 has been reported to be thirty (30) feat deep with an adequate flow of water. 36. ~-3679 Fox Run Estates Subdivision The soils provided are generally g~d ~d all were acceptable, Tests on each lot are required p~ioy to final app~v~., The sizes of the lots including easements and ~ight-of-ways should be I 1/4 acres, ~e have no intbrmatton on water uvailabili~ in this a~ea and two (~) possibly three (3) wells should be drilled to show availability. 37. S-3680 ~iaJestic VaDey Subdivision ~ell information is needed to show water availability in the area. A field cheek of the p~posed aubdivt~ion showed that the slope of the land was acceptable for installation of on-site sewer system~, The soils received w~re satisfactory, although the samples taken on ~t 11, Bl~k 3 and 279-2581 T~,ck, Nyman & Hayes c/o Denali Drilling 1940 Post Road Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: lIal Ingalls Subject: Test IIole Between Lots 3 & 4 Ek]_utna Subdivision Gentlemen: Transmi'tted herein are the resu].ts of the subsurface investigation performed on April 10, 1974 on the above property. It is our understanding that oxploration consisted of one test hole drJ. lled by Denali Drilling, inc. with a truck mouDted raobile B-50 drill fitted with a solid core continuous flight auger. SaTnples were reported to have been taken at 2' intervals from the flights of the auger near the bit. The laboratory visually classified the samples in accordance with the system(s) described on the attached sheets. Drillin($ was reported to }lave been supervised and the hole logged by Hal Ingalls. The stratification in the area defined, by the test hole is as follows: Depth in Feet F rom TO Soil Desoription 0.0~ 0.3' Organic overburden 0.3' 13.5'! NFS, brown ~_n._cl~:/___gjr~__~]~ff]_-' with a few cobbles, damp, subangular particles, GP 13.5'! 15,5' P-1/N]?S, brown s} ightly ~_i_ljiy- sa__ with a few cobbles, damp, subangular particles, Depth of Seasonal Frost: 3.5' Depth of Free Water :Level: DISCUSS ION The emphasis of this report is directed toward a seepage pit analysis. The Greater Anchorage Area Borough has established a recommended value for the number of sguare feet of seepage pit wall area/ per bedroem for NFS sandy gravel at 85 fL. ~edroom. With 2' cf cover, this value may be used to a depth of ] ~ .5' State and Borough regulations requJ, re at l. eas[~ 4' separation between the the bottom o:f the seepage pit and the free water level. Two feel of cover and three 3' rings wou].d have a total depth of q]', which would satisfy this requirement. For design and locatious of seepage pits or fields we call_ your attention to the Greater Anchorage Area Bosough Ordinance No. 28.-68. Very truly yours, H.R. Lee P.E. J~U,/pf @ CONSUL TA'FION ALASt(A TESTLAI3 TESTING 0 EXPLORATION ~ CHEMICAL 0 MATERIALS (~ INSPECTION SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 30%GRAVEL CLAY EY \ / , ©/ SI LTY SAND SAND GRAVEl_ 0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 CLAYEY CLAYEY \, 31L. TY \ \ \ DY \GRAVE L \G !.! V EXL. GRAVEL 70 80 90 I00 GRAVEL. (-I-~4SCIqEEN) % BY V/EIGHT NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS CONTAINING LESS THAN 3°/o FINER THAN O.O~_mm.'~ GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: FI GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 20% FINER TRAN F~_ SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN 3 AND 15% FINER TITAN O,02mm. F3 e. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE TilAN 20% FINER TITAN O.02mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT ~I_NE~ SII_FY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER TITAN O.02mm. b. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN IS. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. F4 ~. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. b. ~J.N_~ SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15°/o FINER TNAN O.02mm, c. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS TITAN 12. d. VARVED CLAYS. ALA$t(A -lEo!LAB'° , 0 CONSULTATION 0 TESTING 0 EXPLORATION 0 CIIEMICAL 0 ~A1ERIALS 0 I NS PI;C'I'ION The soil descriptions shown on the logs are the best estimate of the soil. characteristics at the time of field examination. Such examinations do not achieve the precision of laboratory tests £or the various propertics. 1. rl~]]e relative type of soil and the frost classification are shown on t~le sheet, "Soil Classification Chart." 2. Other criteria: Boulder - greater than 8" Cobble - approximately 3" to 8" Blow Count - blows/6" of 140-1b. weight falling 30"; 2" split spoon, (The standard penetration is blows/12".) Density - estimated by t. he rate of drilling type of soil, blow count, and moisture range. PL - Plastic Limit, moisture content being approximated as above (+) or below (-) plastio limit (PL) or liquid limit (I4~) as appropriate. Lw ~ Liquid Limit, see PL Dilatency - is the ability of water to mJ. grate to the surface upon vibration or jolting of a sample, an aid in determining whel9]er a soil is predominately a clay or silt. Well graded - uniformity coefficient greater than 7 Poorly graded - uniformity coefficient less than 7 (Uniform particles, gap graded) Organic Content .- estimated by volume, not: particularly precise. Clayey Soils a field method now being used as an aid to identifi- cation of these soils as a combination ball drop, and rolled thread test in which a 2" diameter ball of the Sand-Silt-Clay fraction is dropped 2' until a 1" thick pat develops. The diameter of a thread at crumbling rolled from the resultant pat determines whether-clay or s:ilt predominates. Dry Strength .- a small sample of the soil is formed into a cube and air drJ_ed~ and crushed between the finge.rs. High dry strength indicates clays and low silts. the apparent water table at the time of observation. Often the actual water table may be higher.un[Less the hole J.s allowed to remain opel] or is converted to all observation well. Capillary Fringe - change from moist to very damp, or saturated usually indicates that water table is close. Peat - Fibrous material of macroscopic and microscopJ, c fragment of decayed vegetable matter; very compressible, unsuit- able for foundation or embankment. Color light brown to black. - The upper layer, surface soil or topsoil, containing humus and/or organic debris, not satisfactory for foundations. Water Table ao Page l'wo I)EQ Comments November 15, 1976 ,! 12. S-3561 Eklutna Acres Subdivision Soils, slope, lot size and water availability are satisfactory for single family home development on all lots. 13. S-3562 Colonial Park Subdivision This property will be served by a public water system. The lot sizes (with the note regarding grouping) are adequate for single family bollle development. Tile land is basically flat and tile soils are adequate for on-site waste disposal. 16. S-3563 Timber Ridge Subdivision, Block 6, Lots 1 and 2 The soils, slope, lot sizes and water availability are satisfactory for single family home development. 15. S-3564 BLM Small Tracts, Lots 15SA and 155B The soils, slope, lot sizes and water availability are satisfactory · for single family home development. 16. S-3565 li'[ghland Hills Unit #3, Block 1, Lot 9 The soils, slope, lot sizes and water availability are satisfactory 'For single family home development. 17. S-3552 Richter Park Subdivision The soils, slope, lot sizes and water availability are satisfactory for single family home development. 18. S-3553 Aspen Highlands Subdivision, Block 2, Lots 5A and 6A Tile soils, slope, lot sizes and water availability are satisfactory for single 'Family home development. 19. S-3554 Mulberry Subdivision, Tracts A-1 and A-2 The sgil~,.s]op~, lot sizes aid water availability are satisfactory for s lngie TamlIy home development. 20. S-3556 U.S. Survey 3200, Lots lOA, lOB, lOC, and lOD The soils, slope, lot sizes and water availability are satisfactory for single family home development.