HomeMy WebLinkAboutEQUESTRIAN HEIGHTS Case 83-8313 //'/f---',~b~VISION CASE REVIEW \ DATE:~5 .-~l-"ac/~re~f / April 20, 19~/ CASE: S-6875 BAVARIAN HEIGHT SUBD. (Cluster Subdivision) Unsubdivided land into 40 lots and 3 tracts and vacation of SITE: riqhts-of-way. LAND USE: Undeveloped SOILS: Attached TOPO: Varies VEGETATION: Scrub Spruce and Undergrowth ZONING: R-6 DENSITY BEFORE: 40 DUA AFTER: 40 DUA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CLASS IFICATION: Residential INTENSITY: Less than 1 DUA SURROUNDING AREAS: NORTII EAST SOUTH WEST LAND USE: .............. Developing Residential .............. ZONIlqG: FINDINGS: Utilities have been requested, Public Works request the following: a. A subdivision agreement to construct all interior roads to suburban interior standards. b. Resolving the need to cQnstruct Northfield Drive to suburban access standards from the subdivision to Rabbit Creek Road. c. '-A subdivision agreement to construct 142nd Avenue to suburban peripheral access standards from Goldenview Drive to the end of the cul-de-sac. d. A subdivision agreement to construct Pickett Street to suburban peripheral access standards from the south end of Lot 9, Block 3 to 142nd Avenue. e. Resolving drainage and drainaqe easements with Public Works Enqineering. Planning Staff Analysis Case No. S-6875 Paqe 2 f. Resolving need for a wetlands permit. g. Resolving the need for footinq drains, footing drain stub-outs. h. Resolve the need for engineered foundations. i. Resolve the need for erosion and sedimentation control plan~ j. Removing the well from the right-of-way, or moving the right-of--way outside of the well location. k. Resolving the need for temporary turnarounds. 1. Prior to the filing of the plat 24-month monitoring program to review the functioning and the proposed curtain draining system. Public Works recommends denial of vacations. Traffic Engineering has no objection to the ~lat, requests a subdivision agreement for street name signs, traffic control devices. Traffic Engineering has no objection to the requested vacations with the exception of ['~ernwood Street along the south boundary of tract A. I)HEP requests a monitorin~ program for the curtain drain t!system after installed for a period of 12 months on a montly basis· After that review, the Department of Health would review percolation tests ~o dete~nine that each lot can function with an on-site septic system. Physical Planning points out that the area is in the Hillside Wastewater Management Plan as non-suitable for on-site septic systems, points out that special require- ments for unsuitable sites be adhered to in the develop- ment of the property· Physical Planning points out that natural vegetation should be maintained wherever possible and that oil, grease separators should be pro- vided at the outfalls of any drainage systems· RECOMME~.]DATI ONS: APPROVAL of the vacation on the east boundary, the west boun- dary, the south and north boundaries with th~ exception of Fernwood Street alonq the southeast boundary. Subject to Assembly concurrence and filing a suitable replat within 18 months. Recommendation of the plat. APPROVAL of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements. 1 22 Planning Staff Analysis Case ~o. S-6875 Page 3 (z6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2. Installing the curtain drain system and monitoring that curtain drain system for a period of 12 months with final resolution from the Department of Health and Public Works to determine the effectiveness of the cur- tain drain system and the ability of each lot to func- tion with an on-site septic system. Obtaining a wetlands permit from the Corps of Engineers, if required. Providin, g a soils report from a registered soils engineer indicating which lots may require engineered ×. foundations, and placing an appropriate note on the / plat. Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. Resolving the need for footing drains, and footing drain stuhouts with Public Workd Engineering. Providing a soils sedimentation and erosion control plan prior to plat recording. Removing the well. from the right-of-way or moving the right-of-way outside the well location. Resolving the need for any temporary turnarounds with Public Works Engineering. Entering into a subdivision agreement for: a. community water system; b. subdivision agreement to construct all interior roads to suburban interior standards; c. Northfield Drive to suburban access standards from the subdivision to Rabbit Creek Road. d. 142nd Avenue to suburban peripheral access standards from Goldenview Drive to the end of the cul-de-sac along the north boundary of the subdivision, and e. Subdivision agreement to construct Pickett Road to suburban peripheral standards from Northfield Drive to 142nd Avenue. 11. Doing no additional construction on the property with the exception of the installation of the curtain drain system until it has been determined by the Department of Health and Public Works that the curtain drain system works efficiently enough for each lot to function with an on-site septic system. COMMENTS: There has been considerable past case history on this pro- perty. The area is obviously extremely wet with surface and subsurface drainage. Staff has cohditioned the property with an extensive requirement to monitor the installation of the curtain draining system before any final approval is given. There also is -owners. considerable objection from adjacent property jw6/mpsa22 DATE: March 23, 1983 / TO: '~ Planning Department"" F~OM: D~pa~ent of Health and Environmental Protection SUBJECT: CASE NO. S-6~75 Bavarian Heights Subdivision The Department has reviewed the soils data and the proposed engineering design of drainage network and finds the department can grant concept approval. The design of the drainage network may reduce the water table to a signifidant depth so lots will support septic system. However, to assure that all lots will support onsite septic systems a monitoring program will be adopted for twelve months. A monthly monitoring report must be submitted to the department by the engineering firm and substantiated by a HEP person reviewing the project. The Department prefers using perforated PVC standpipe 1" in diameter placed at.five monitoring stations in percable and nonpercable locations with two stations in the tract areas. Also, Gold Creek flow change monitoring chart be submitted before and after construction of drainage network. If monitoring proves to be successful percolation tests can then be renewed in all questionable and nonpercable tests to establish leach field and trench size. Environmental Specialist 130 91-010 (4/76) S-6875 BAVARIAN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION RECO~'iMENDATI ONS: APPROVAL of the vacation on the east boundary, the west boundary, the south and north boundaries with the exception of Fernwood Street along the southeast boundary. Subject to Assembly concurrence and filing a suitable replat within 18 months. APPROVAL of the plat subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements; ' 2. I~s~all~i3~g--th~ Curtain drain system and monitoring /tZha~f~rtain drain system for a period of 24 months /with final resolution from the D~partments of Health / and Public Works to determine the effectiveness of / the curtain drain system and the ability of each k lot to function with an on-site septic system. 3. Obtaining a wetlands permit from the Corps of Engineers, if required. Providing a soils report from a registered soils engineer indicating which lots may require engi- neered foundations, and placing an appropriate note on the plat. 6 Resolving drainage and drainag~ easements with Public Works Engineering. Resolving the need for footing drains, and footing drain stubouts with Public Works Engineering. ~Providing a soils, sedimentation, and erosion ~ontrol plan prior to plat re~ding~__~ ~ h emoving the well from the right-of-way or movin~~ · e right-of-way outside the well location. 9 Resolving the need for any temporary turnarounds with Public Works Engineering. l0 Entering into a subdivision agreement for: a. mmun~Jly_j~a_ t e r syste b. sh~iv~s~on agreement to construct all interior standards; c. Northfield Drive to suburban access standards Planning Staff Analysis Case No. S-6875 Page 2 from the subdivision to Rabbit Creek Road; d. Pickett Road to suburban peripheral standards from Northfield Drive to 142nd Avenue. .11. Doing~ao--'~vd~-~on~ c~n~tq'~ctio~-o~' t~ prope'~-~---~'~ /w~'tbe exception of the installation of the cur- /tain drain system until it has been determined by) /the Departments of Health and Public works that the / {curtain drain system works efficientl~ enough for / ~each lot to function ~ith an on-site sys~ef~~ ..... ~ 12. -~e~lV:[ng-"th~ I6~tion of the intesection of Northfield Drive and Pickett Street with Public Works. Concurred by: Prepared by: Bill Luria Director Jerry T. Weaver, Jr. Platting Officer j tw] 0/cpsa27 !BAVARIAN HEIGHTS SUBOIVISION 010 S-6875 · la t · · · · Proposed Vacation_s · · · · 14 13 12 II 3 · Avenue -- T I~ C;.C9 500 1000 I I FEET S-6875 April 20, 1983 iBAVARIA['~ HEIGHTS SUBO[VISION SSS ENGINEERS, Inc. su~ - - -- ='z'~"~-' , ~ 1 I~-~? ........ ~-'--.- " ; 010