HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLEMAN Block 2 Lot 7 C 0 P Y G. W. NELSON MULDOON ROAD SUNSET DRILLING $/25/59 22' - 6" Drilled Water Well CERTIFIED WELL LOG: 0 - 10 20 - 25 25 Clay & Gravel Gravel Gravel & H20o 5' H20 From Bottom Pro ~&DH~I-ISE~-FI (e) IO~t~ ~o~pletely. INDIVIDUAL.WATB'R SUPPLY ALASKA DEI, ARTMENT OF nea.,LTH Section of Sani~tion and Enfineerinr ~Request for Bacteriological Analysis. Please Look on Reverse Sheet for Sample. Collection Tm,~uotlons. Lab9 ;54 Water sample collected by ...................... /...~-..~.. ............. .~....~...~:mv~...~ .......... (Date) ...... ~'~i: ............ (Name of person collecti, n~ sample) Water sample collected from ~-Kltchen tap; [] Bathroom ~ap; [] Basement tap; [] Other (list) ..................... ~ ............................................................................................................... Address premise where source is located ................................. i ................ ; .............................................................................................. (Name) ¢ (Box No. or. street address) Please place an "X" in the .box before items which be~t describe your water supply:' SOURCE: Well .-- [] Dug, [] Driven, [] Drilled, [] Bored [] Spring,~[:] Cistern, [] Other (list) ......................................................................................................... ; ..... Pond .......................................................................................... , ...................... [] CreelS, [] River, [] Lake, [] DUG WELL OR CISTERNCONSTRU~TION: Walls-- [] Wood, [] C0~_ crete,~ lVletal, []Tile, [] Brick or Concrete Block' Top --[] Wood: [] Concrete,~Met~l, []Open Top LOCATION: [] ~n basement, [] Basement offset, [] Under Aouse, .~in yard · omer ............................................................................................... , ............................................... ................. of contamination (l~t) .............................. ~:~;., ........... · ..................................................................................... MATERIAL: Buildlr~ sewer -- ~Cast iron, [] Wood, ~lle;[:] Fibre pipe, [::] Asbestos cement . ' Joint material ;-- Type ......................................... ',~...-.,~.;~.~f~,..;..., .......... :::. ................................ ; ...................... ;..; ......... GENERAL INFORMATION: Does water become muddy o~'disdolore~f~ ~yes, [] no ! When? - Diameter of well ..........~...] .... - " Well easing material ....... Length of drop pipe ............... Water depth from bottom... Pump location: [] In well, [] Other PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness suspected? [] Repairs to of-well · -. '' ............ ~. .......................... :. ........ :~... .................................... New source of s~pply? []- ~eS, ~ no ' I~O Remarks: P~EASE DRAW A SKETCH IN Tile SPACE BELOW. '~JPPLY SOURCE, SEPT]~C TANK, SEWER, DRAIN: BETWEEN WATER SUPPLY SOURCE AND ANY TAKE WAq'E.q EAMPLE TO: Money, Tuesday, Wednesday DIRECTIONS FOR COLLECTING SAMPLES OF WATER FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL ~ EXAMINATION Read CarefMly and Follow Instructions Exactly DO NOT COT.r,~4~T SAMPLES FROM ~ HYDRANTS, YARD HYDRANTS. DRINKING FOUNTAINS OR SII~4TLAR OUTLETS WHICH ARE' DIFFICULT TO D I S I N F E C T PROPERLY Bear in mind that water analysis deals with materials present in very minute quantities. The least carelessness in collecting and handling may give rise to results which are misleading~ Arrangements should be made to have water samples reach the laboratory as quickly as possible. After 48 hours the significance of the bacteriological analysis is impaired. For obvious reasons the laboratory prefers to receive samples in the early part of the week, but is willing to accePt samples a~ any time. In collecting samples from TAPS or PUMPS proceed as follows: (a) Thoroughly flush tap or pump by allowing water to run freely for' five minutes. (b) Shut off Water and flame the .outlet with torch or burning paper. The flame should riot be merely passed over the outlet, but should be applied until fixture shows indication of b~lng hot. Flame should'be directed against lr~lde edge. (c) Open fixture so that a small 'Stream flows. (d) Remove bottle from mailing tube. Hold bottle by the lower half in one hand and with the other remove the screw cap with the fingers, leaving paper protecting cover in place. Fill the bottle to the. shoulder. Replace cap with paper cover, screwing firmly into place but do not apply pressure which will split cap. Pack bottle, carefully in mailing tube enclosing this completed information sheet, being sure that a simple' skeet.ch is lnclude~l. In'·c~ecttng S~mples from STREAMS and RESERVOIRS proceed as follows: (a) Remove cap and hold bottle as described under (d) above. (b) Collect sample by holding bottle in a slanting position and sweeping it below the surface in such a manner that water that has been in contact, with the hand is not introduced into the bottle. Avoid collecting surface scum and bottom sediment. (e) SAMPLES MUST BE SUBMITTED IN · CONTAINERS PROVIDED BY'THE ALASKA DEPARTME~.NT OF. HEALTH ADH-H$~6.]~I (!) (4M) INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY DATI/ ALASKA DEPAR~NT OF HEALTH Section of Sanimt/on and .l]~ineerin~ ACTION ON RuqU ST Your recent request for an analysis of a sample from the Individual Private Water Supply setting ???? was examination has beea completed. FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL Regional WATER ANALYSIS Records in this office indicate this Individual Private Water Supply to be of i-" Satisfactory Questionable Unsatisfactory sanitary status. Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be ' Satisfactory Questionable Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your water supply to protect your family from water-borne diseases as oudined in eh- dosed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 2. Improve your spring--See bulletin HSE-6-2 3. Improve your cistern--See bulletin HSE-6-3 4. Improve your dug well- See bulletin HSB-6-4 5. Improve your driven well--See bulletin HSE-6-5 6. Improve your drilled well--See bulletin HSB-6-6 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system--See bulletin HSE-15 8. Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. 10. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or [] Alaska Health Department, Sanitation office for bulletins, consultation, and assistance. 11. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source should be developed. SANITARIAN'S REMARKS ADH-H~E.6-FI (f) ~0-~5.5M Lab. I~o. .tTe~t, INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Section of Sanitation and Engineering OFFICE ACTION ON REQUEST FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS Your recent request for an analysis of a sa~nple from the Individual Priv~ate Wa~y serving ~ ~)~ was received ,~l~ and examination has been completed. Records in this office indicate this Individual Priva~t~ Water' Supply to be of ~ Satisfactory (~uestionable Unsatisfactory sanitary status, j Analysis shows this SAMPLE to be Satisfactory. (~uestionable .Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "(~uestionable' status is indicated above, you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Boil or chemically treat your water supply to protect your family from water-borne diseases as outlined in en- closed leaflet, "Drink It Pure." 9.. Improve your spr~ng -- See bulletin HSE-6-9. 5. Improve your cistern -- See bulletin HSE-6-$ 4. Improve your dug well ~ See bulletin HSE-6-4 5. Improve your driven well ~ See bulletin HSE.6.5 6. Improve your drilled well ~ See bulletin HSE-6-6 --- 7. Relocate your well to a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system ~ See bulletin HSE-15 8. Bottle broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Sample too long in transit~ sample should~uot be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable results. Please send new sample. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or [] Alaska Health Department, Sanitation office' for 10. bulletins, consultation, and assistance. I 1. This is a surface water source and subject to ,pollution by man and animals. An approved water supply source should be developed. SANITARIAN'S REMARKS~ ,~..~ (Name of person ~i~ sample) (Date) (Time) Wa~e~ sample collected f~m~K!~hen tap; ~ Ba~hr~m ~ap; ~ Basement tap; ~ Other (1~)~ ............... ...~..~ .................................................................................................. Add~s p~em~e ~here source ~ l~a~d ........ ~~ ......../~.~-.~:: ............................................ : ................................. ~ .................... r,pom ................................................ j ............. (Name) Please place an "X" in the box before~t~ms which b~t desc~be your water supply: ~U~E: ~ell ~ ~ Dug, ~ Drlven,~D~Bed, ~ Bored ~ ~ SprM~, ~ CBte~, ~ Other (~st) ........................................ : ...................................................................... ~ Creek, ~ River, ~ Lake, ~ POnd .................................................................................................................. DUG OR C~TEBN CONS~U~TXON: Wa~ ~ ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ ~tal, ~ ~le, ~ Brick or Concrete Block- Top ~ ~ Wood, ~ Concrete, ~ Metal, ~ ~en Top LOCA~ON: ~ In b~ement, ~ Basement offset, ~ Under ~o~e, ~ln yard Other ..................................................................................................................................................................................... D~T~CE TO: Buildin~ sewer or other drayage pl~ ......... :....feet, Septic ~nk .............. feet, ~le field .............. feet, Seepage pit .............. feet, Cesspool .............. fee~, Pri~ .............. feet. Other ~sible sources of contamination (l~t) ................................................................................................................................. ~R~: Buildin~ sewer ~ ~ Cast ~on, ~ Wood, ~ T~e, ~ ~bre pipe, ~ ~bestos cement - Joint mate~al ~ ~e ....................................................................................................................................... G~R~ ~OR~ON: Does-~ter become muddy or d~col0red? ~ yes, ~no ~en? ................................................................................................................ ; ........................ Diameter of weB.[ .................................................... dep~ .................................................... feet We~ o~g mate~al ........................................ diameter .................... dep~ .................................. Length of drop pipe ................................................................................. ' .............................................. Water depth from ~t~m ............................................................................................................ feet Pump location: ~ ~ we~, ~ Offse~ ~ basement, ~ In b~ement ~ ~ ut~ty r~, ~ On top of well ~ ~her (~t) ...................................................... ; ................................................. PUBPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Illness sus~cted? ~ yes, ~ no New source of supply? ~ yes, ~ no Repairs to existin~ syste~? ~ yes, ~ Remarks: ....................................................................................... ,1 .......................................... ::~ ............................................................ PLEASE DRAW A S~H ~ ~ ~PAOE BEL~. ~IS S~CH SHO~ SHOW.~CATION OF HOUSE~ S~PLY SO.CE, SE~XC T~, ~R, DRA~ ~S OR:O~SOURCES OF_~U~ON BE~N WAT~ SUPPLY SO.CE ~D ~ OF ~O~ FAC~ DIRECTIONS FOR COLLECTING SAMPLES OF WATER FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION Read Carefully and Follow Instructions Exactly DO NOT COLLECT SAMPLI~,S FROM FIRE HYDe, YARD HYDRANTS, DRINKING FOUNTAINS OR SIMILAR OUTLETS WHICH ARE DIFFICULT TO DISINFECT PROPERLY Bear in mind that water analysis deals with materials present in very minute quantities. The least carelessness in collecting and handling may give rise ~o results which are misleading. Arrangements should be made to have water samples reach the laboratory as quickly as possible. After 48 hours the significance of the bacteriological analysis is impaired. For obvious reasons the laboratory prefers to receive samples in the early part of the week, but is willing to accept samples ac any time. In collecting samples from TAPS or PUMI~ proceed as follows: (a) Thoroughly flush tap or pump by allowing Water to run freely for five minutes. (b) Shut off water and flame the outlet with to~'ch or burning paper. The flame should not be merely passed over the outlet, but should be applibd until fixture shows indication of b~ing hot. Flame should be directed against inside edge. (c) Open fixture so that a small stream flows. (d) Remove bottle from mailing tube. Hold bottle by the lower half in one hand and with the other remove the screw cap with the fingers, leaving paper protecting cover in place. Fill the bottle to the shoulder. Replace cap with paper cover, screwing firmly into place but do not apply pressure Which will split cap, Pack bottle carefully in mallin~ tube enclosing this completed information sheet, being sure that a simple sketch is included. (e) In collecting samples from STREAMS and RESERVOIRS proceed as follows: (a) Remove cap and hold bottle as de,scribed under (d) above. (b) Collect sample by holding bottle in a slanting position and sweeping it below the surface in such a manner that water that has been in contact with the hand is not introduced into the bottle. Avoid collecting surface scum and bottom ~ediment. 8A1V~LES MUST BE SUBMri-i'~iD IN CONTAINer, S PROVIDED BY'~HE ALASKA DEPARTIV~_.NT OF I~..ALT~ MEMO TO FKOM Federal Houains Admin~sCraCion A~tantion: 1~. Bait GREATER ANCHORAGE HEALTH DISTRICr DATE 30 June 1960 SUBJECT ~RA 60-008153-H In r~gardo co our telephone eonvereatton this ~orning, concerning results of an FItA inspection made ou Nay 2~, 19&0, on the property owned by Mr, Gus tfelson, hope the £ollowinS i~formacioa viii giber; your neede~ need co eh ch ~ollovin8 ini)rovemm~e~ 1. !n__eCallaCion of & 7~O-8sllon, approved 2. Installation of a 41-gallon Freas~re tank 3. Yta~emmc o£ the pua~ iud pre, torte tank 1:~ lnohee ebove ch £1ogrof the basement or ~r~vl apace. ADAMS · CORTHELL · LEE CONSULTING ENGINEERS -- 501LS~ FC]UNDATIONBt AND MATE:RIAL5 -- Br'Ix la43 FAIRBANKS TE:L. 4653 BOX 1266 ANCHORAGE TEL. 7ra~YTra I~II:HARO la. AOAMB ALAN N, CORTHE:LL HARRY R. CE:E: AFFILIATE:ID WITH ARCTIC ALAIaKA T£BTIN~ /ABORATORIleBI May 9, 1960 Mr. C. R, Michlig 3141A~ Star Route B Spenard~ Alaska Project: Percolaflon test - Lot 7~ Block 2, Coleman Subdtvlslon~ Sec, 13~ T t3N~ Dear Mr, Michtig: In accordance wtfh your instructions a percolation fast was performed at the subject site on May 6~ 1960~ The fesf was performed by Arcflc Alaska Tesftng Laboratories in accordance wlfh fha method Drescrlbed In "Minimum Property Sfandards~ FHA No. 300". The results of this fesf are as follows: Hole No. i - Drained fao fa~f fo measure percolation rate The hole log ts attached herewith for your ln~ormafion, Should you have any questions In this regard, please free to contact the writer. V=ry truly yours~ ADAMS - CORTHELL - LEE '--~'Harry R/ Lee; 'P.E" Ht~L/ma ~nc i .