HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLEMAN #1 BLK 1 LT 9tl~ r'l Lof. I April 29, 1969 Mr. Robert Hiekman Federal Housing Administration P. O. Box #80 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Sewage Syatem Serving 8140 E. 5th Avenue - Lot 9, 51k. 1, Coleman Subd., Home of Glen Williams Dear Mr. Hickman~ Personnel of the Greater AnchOlage Area Borough Health Department have recently received information regarding the future availability of a sewer~ne to the subject location. This line will be installed by late summer of 1969. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D. Medical Director DBH/srr BY: 'DA Y :R' S. Sanitarian March 24, 1969 Mr. Robert Hickman Federal Housing Administmation Box 480 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 SUBJECT: Water and Sewage Supply Serving 8140 E. Sth Lot 9, Blk. 1, Coleman Subd. Dear Mr. Htckman: Personnel of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Health Department have made a recent inspection of the subject location. The existing sewage system consists of a log cesspool and the present water supply is from a 25 it. drilled well. , An approved sewage system for the home would consist of a 1,000 gallon septic tank in conjunction with the existing cesspool. Since a 25 it. well is subject to contamination in a highly populated area such as Muldoon, we recommend that a connection to the available water line be made when frost conditions permit. It is our under- standinff that a Central Alaska Utilities water line runs do~n £ast Pifth Avenue in front of the subject residenee. Money put in escrow could cover the additional expense involved in these renovations. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUNCAN, M. D. MEDICAL DIRECTOR DBlt/srr BY: Sanitarian GAAB~HD-I GP~-*TER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO~'GH HEALTH DEPARTMENT 327 EAGLE ST. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 279-251! INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM , /~/"~1 -,~" ADDRESS LOCATION (.J)~'/¢ J"~U/,,/')'O 0/O LEGAL DESCRIPTION PHONE SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL LIQUID CAPACITY MATERIAL GALLONS. INSIDE LENGTH NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS INSIDE WIDTH / LIQUID ~ r~ ~,,' DEPTH SEEPAGE SYSTEM: NUMBER OF PITS LINING MATERIAL NEAREST LOT LINE OUTSIDE DIAMETER OR WIDTH DISTANCE FROM WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) LENGTH , DEPTH BUILDING FOUNDATION__ SQ. FT. TILE DRAIN FIELD: DISTANCE FROM WELJ NUMBER OF LINES ABSORPTION AREA FOUNDATION. DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE NEAREST LOT LINE TRENCH WIDTH TOTAL LENGTH OF LINES IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE IN. ABOVE TILE WELL: TYPE 0~', ~-J~, DEPTH NEAREST LOT LINE SEWER LINE SEPTIC , TANK DISTANCE FROM BUILDING FOUNDATION SEEPAGE SYSTEM WATER SAMPLE CESSPOOL NEAREST OTHER SOURCES DISTANCES: DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE APPROVED HEALTH AUTHORITY INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE ^ND WATER FACILITIES (['ill out in Tripllcate) .ama.of person requesting__ ~O~.appr°val ~ . ~.[,:~/~b~_~( ....... . .P 4. Numbex.,'of J~edrooms in house 5. Water Analysis: a. Bacte.mial b. Der e~"~ent " 6. Well data: a. Type b. Depth c. Casing Size Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line . 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Area 4. Cesspool' 5. Property Line 6. Other sources of possible contamination, i.e.~ creeks, lakes, houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. a. Age of system ~ '~,~ b. Septic tank capacity in gallons c. Name of septic tank manufactu.m..e.r 1. If "home made" show diagram on reverse 'side of this form. d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type ....... 1. Distance to property line to house foundation .,, . e, ?erco2~t±o~ Te~t '~esuZLts f. Percolation Test performed by Use the reverse .side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include ,'the foJ.lowing ~nformation: p.~operty lines; .well location, house location, ',~ptJ. C tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, a~d di~ection of ground slope, The ]:n'~,~'trmt~on on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Szgn~ture of Applicant Date $zgned TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~.~ENT PERSONNEL The above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, subject to. the ............. '~'l!owing cond.~ions: ~' ~ Conditions: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following reasons~ - 'Signature of ..... . ,. . ~.(, ~' ~. ~...!. Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. · CPJ:cw ADHW - LAB - 2W DAT~- STATE OF ALASKA E' - *RTMENT OF HEALTH AND WEI~ "~E DIVISION OF: ~UBLIC HEALTH BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS PUBLIC F~ SEMI-PUBLIC F---~ INDIVIDUAL [-~ OTHER REPORT RESULTS TO ADDRESS ~ '~ ADDRESS SAMPLE COLLECTED BY I,~'~) /~' am~ DATE COLLECTED ~./~', ; _~ TI~E COLLECTED Sample Collected From '~'[ ~i~hen ~ ~lhroom Tap ~ ~sement Tap- ~ ~her (Lisfl Lab. NO. OFFICE Records in this office indicate this WATER SUPPLY to be of: [] Satisfactory [] Questionable [] Unsatisfactory Sanitary Status. Well- [] Dug [] Driven [] Drilled ~] Bared SOURCE: [] Spring [] Cistern [] Other Dug Well or Cistern Construction: Erich or Walls- [] Wood [~ Concrete ~] Metal [] Tile [] Concrete Top - [] Wood I--I Concrete {~ Metal [] Open Top LOCATION: [] In Basement [] Basement Offset [] Under House r-~ In Yard [] Other Building Sewer Septic DISTANCE TO: or Other Drainage Pipe Feet. Tank Feet.. Tile Seepage Cass. Field Feet. Pit Feet. Pool Feet. Privy Feet, Other Possible Sources of Contamination Asbestos MATERIAL: Building Sewer- []IronCaSt' [] Wood [] Tile [] Fibre [] Cement~ [] Plastic Joint Material -- Type GENERAL: Does Water Become FAuddy or Discolored? [] Yes [] No When? Diameter of Well Depth Feet Well Casing Material , Diameter Depth__ Length of Water Depth Drop Pipe From Boflom Feet PUMP LOCATION: [] In Well []BasementOffset In [] In Basement [] Roomln Utility On Top [] Of Well [] Other PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION: Hiness Suspected? [] Yes [] No New Source of Supply? E Yes [] No Repairs to System? [] Yes [] No ¸2. jAnalysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: ~/Satisfactory [] Questionable [] Unsatisfactory. If an "Unsatisfactory" or "Questionable" status is indicated above you should take immediate action as recommended below. 1. Notify consumers water is polluted, Boil or chemically treat this water as outlined in the enclosed leaflet "Drink II Pure." Increase chlorination sufficiently to meet recommended residual standards. Determine source of contamination and take action necessary to maintain a safe water supply at all times. Check chlorinatinn and other mechanical equipment, Make certain it is functioning properly. If after checking equipment a disinfecting residual is not obtained, please wire this office for emergency'assistance or advisory services. This is a surface water source and subject to pollution by man and animaJs. An approved water supply source should be developed. Improve your [] spring [] dug well [] driven well [] drilled well [] cistern. 7, Relocate your well to. a safe location in relationship to your sewage disposal system. [] see enclosure 8, Sample leo long Jn transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination to indicate reliable resulls, please send new sample. [] Bottle Broken in transit, please send new sample. 9. Contact your nearest [] Local Health Department or [] Alaska Division of Public Health. sanitation office for bulletins, consultation and assistance. · SANITARIAN' S REMARKS Signature READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPLE BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Dale Received '~ {'7~'~ ¢ Time Recelved ~~am Lab. No. Lactose Broth -- 10cc 10cc 10cc 10cc I 10cc 1.0cc I 0.1cc I I 24 hours 48 hours Brilliant Green 24 hours 48 hours EMB AGAR Lactose Broth. 24 hrs. 48 hrs. Gram's stain Coliform Density. (Most probable No. per 100cc.) Reported by / Daf This analysis indicates Coliform Organisms fa be: ~. Present DIRECTIONS FOR COLLECTING SAMPLES OF WATER FOR BACTERIOLOGICAL EXAMINATION Read Carefully and Follow Instructions Exactly Bear in mind that water analysis deals with materials present in very minute quantities. The least carelessness in collecting and handling may give rise to results which are misleading. Arrangements should be made to have water samples reach the laboratory as quickly as possible. After 48 hours lhe significance of the bacteriplogical analysis is impaired. For obvious reasons the laboratory prefers to receive samples in the early part of the week b~'i tiling to accept samples al any time. In collecting samples from TAPS or PUMPS proceed as follows: fa) Thoroughly flush tap or pump by allowing water to run freely for five minutes. (b) Shut off waler and flame the Outlel with torch or burning paper. The flame should not be merely passed over the outlet but should be applied until fixlure shows iudication of being hot. Flame should be directed against inside edge. (c) Open fixture so that a small stream flows. (d) Remove bottle from mailing tube. Hold bottle by the lower half in one hand and with the other remove the screw cap with the fingers, leaving paper protecting cover in place. Fill lhe bottle 1o the shoulder. Replace cap with paper cover, screwing firmly into place butdo notapply pressure which will split cap. (e) Pack bottle carefully in mailing tube enclosing this completed informalion sheel. In collecting samples from STR, EAMS and RESERVOIRS proceed as follows: fa) Remove cap and hold bottle as described under (d) above. (b) Collect sample by holding botlle in a slanting position and sweeping il below the surface in such a manner that water that has been in contact with the hand is not inlroduced into the bottle. Avoid collecting surface scum and bottom sediment. DO NOT COLLECT SAMPL3:ES FROM FIRE HYDRANTS, YARD HYDRANTS, DRINKING FOUNTAINS OR SIMI- LAR OUTLETS WHICH ARE DIFFICULT TO DISINFECT PROPERLY.' II ii STERILE WATER SAMPLE BOTTLES ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST FROM: Dept. of Health & Welfare SOUTHEASTERN REGIONAL LABORATORY POUCH J JUNEAU, ALASKA 99801 Dept. of Health & Welfare SOUTHCENTRAL REGIONAL LABORATORY 527 EAST 4th AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 Dept. of Health & Welfare NORTHERN REGIONAL LABORATORY 604 BARNETTE STREET FAIRBANKS, ALASKA 99701 '~x '~ '!'j~. ~ ,, Budgnt. Be,eau No.,63R-1087,1 j U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FHA ~ ~ ~ / *, ' ..... FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION CASE ' ~ ~ : ' .... i HQ, //f (), O PROPERTY ADDRESS CONDITIONAl.. COMMITMENT FOR MORTGAGE INSURANCE UNDER ~ ~: '~: r ',-~ ~' ~ ~: ~ THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT ': , '." :r .... · ',!,: ":". MORTGAGEE .... ~TIM'ATED ~HA VALUE 'MONTHLY' EsTIMAT. ES (E~]Roplacomen~ C°at $oc,213 or 220.) $ Main,& Repairs $ ~"'~ ~(t(') ~'"(~ MAX.INTEREST 6%. CO~ITMENT TERMS MAX.MORT.AMT, $ ,,x ~.,,. NO.MOS .... u~., ...... .,V ' ,~ (See Gon. C~d. ' "IN'FORMATION ~e estimates o~ ~e ~s~ance, taxes, maJRte~ce/repa[rs, heat/utilities and closing costs are [~m[shed for mastic[eels and info,at[om ~ey may be ~sed to prepare FHA Form 29~, Application for Credit Approv~[, wh~ a f[~ commJtment [s ~es[re~ GENERAL COMMITMENT CONDITIONS L MAZ[~ MOR~GAG~ AMO~ AND ~RMS - (a) OCCUPANT MORTGAGORS: ~e mortgage amount and te~ mortga~ors must comply with minimum cash investment require- set fo~h in the heading are the maximum approved for this prope~y ~ents based on total acquisition cost of the Real ProperLy. assuming a satisfactory own~-occupant mortgagor. ~e maximum 3, COMMITMENT TERM: ~is commitment shall expire SlX MONTHS amount and t~m ~ the heading may be ch~ged depending upo~ FHA's ra~ng of~e he.ewer, his income and credit, from the issue date iu the case of an EXISTING ttOUSE or ONE YEAR from its date in the ease of PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION, (b) NONOCCUPANT MORTGAGORS: If the mortgagor does not (FJJ/] classiJi(~s r~ll cas~.s ~ts cid~cr "EXISTING" or "PI~()~ occupy the house, the Iow limits the maximum mortL~age amount to POSED" for she purpose of determining ruben a comn~itmev~t not to exceed 85% of the maximum amount available to an eligible pitts. /Jccr~rdi~zgly, (~ house', eucr~ t]tough still uader cunszruc-, mo~gagor who will occupy the house (85% of value if Sec. 203(~) Lion, ~(~), b(' clczssific~t ~s ttn exi.~ting /tcmsc if it zurzs not ap- or 221), ~ the case of nonoccupa~t mo~gagors, the fire con. it- prouctl by FII~ or Y/I prior ~o the J)eginning af ment when issued will reduce the mo~gage amount and terms below that stated in the hea~na. 4. CANCELLA~ON:-~nis commitment may be cancelled after (c) C0~[TMENT CHANGES: ~e Commissioner may, upon r~ days from the date of issuance if construction has not started, quest of the approved mortgagee, cha~e the mortgage amour and unless the mortgagee bas disbursed loan proceeds. t~m set forth in the baaing. 2. FIRM COMMITMENT:-A firm commitment to insure a loan will he 5. PROPERTY STA~ARDS:-AI1 construction, repairs,' or altera- issued upon receipt of an Application for Credit Approval, FIIA lions proposed in the applica~on or on the drawings ~d S~ecifi- Form 2900, executed by an approved mortgagee and a borrower cations returned herewith, shall equal or exceed the FIIA ~ni- satisfactory to the Commissioner. If any are included ~t the sale, 'mum Property Standards. SPECIFIC COMMITMENT CONDITIONS (Applicable when chec/;~dJ  HEALTH AUTHO~I~ ~PROVAL:-Execution of Fo~ 2573 by ~ P~OPERTY lNSPECT[ONS:--Anotice of construction status shall the Health Authority ~dicating approval of_ the water supply and~ be ~[ven by Form 228gX, letter or telephone at the time indicated or sewage disposal installation is reqpir~. (Approval by l~,~e~ below: ~ ~ work days before *~beginnLng of const~ction' and Ia)Il) or ,2. TER~TE CONTROL:~a) EXISTING ~UBE - Furnish ce~ificate~ Ia)(2) when checked. ~ from a licensed, reputable te~ite co.roi operator that ~e house Jj shows no e~idence of infestation and in his opinion is free of~ ' (1.) ~ ~en ~e butl~ng is enclosed, structural framing termites. (b) PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION - Furnish original an~ completely exposed and rough.g-in of plumbing, twa copies of Termite Soil Treatment Guarantee FHA Form 2052. ~ hearSE and electrical work installed and visible. ; (2.) ~ ~en cons~ction completed and prope~y ready = for occupancy, ~ SUBD~SION R~E~NTS:~omply with Requ~ements ~ (b.) ~ REPAIRS: Notify F~A upon completion of req~red ~ No, [ repairs, from Repo~ dat~ for ]1 (c,) ~KR~ICATK O~ COMPLETION: A ce~ificate stat- Su~ivision. [ xng that the mo~Eagee has examined the proposed or [ required repairs and that they have been satisfactorily completed will ~ accepted, 4. EQ~MENT ~ VALU~:--~e mo~a[ors sha~ ac~owledge ~e [ 7, ~ fo~ow~ eq~pm~t as p~ of the mo~a~ed prope~y and fully ~ VA ~SPECTIONS:--~sh a copy of a clear VA f~al report, pa~ fo~ ~ ASSURANCE O~ CO~L~ON:--If the required ~epairs, ca~0t ~ be completed prior to submission of closin~ papers, a,~o~ 2300 escrow in ~e amount of $ (or such' ad~tionaI ~ B~D~S WA~ANTY:--~e bu~d~ shall execute EHA ~o~ amount as the lend~ desires) ~y be established as ~e me~s ~ 25~, ~lder~s We~anty. ~ to assure completion. 2~ [ns~a~ ~n~a~[ ~n basemen~ s~case. 3, Ens~[ mecha~ca[ ~an ~n basemen~ ba~ ven~ed ~o ~he outside, , ~-~,~ ~.~.~ ~.~..~:.:.~_~-~-:~"~. SEND TO MORTGAGEE AFTER AUTHORIZED AGENT SIGNS FHA FORM NO. 2800-5 F~ev. 5/67