HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLONIAL PARK Block 4 Lots 11A - 14A( ol oni l lo rK LI A ~S~l~UM 80a °3SK Pa~OallOO uo~eooq · s6u!~ds ~oq pu~ SaLO~emnj ~o~j 6u~eu~Ba ~03 u~ 3~I/3S~ ¢o saS~LeUe 'eaJe [emuaqloa6 u!qsn~eN '6¥ etqel DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION BILL SHEFFIELD, GOVERNOR Telephone: (907) 274-2533 Address: 437 E. Street Suite 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 Mr. John Lynn Municipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Environmental Protection Division of Environmental Health 825 "L" Street, 4th Floor Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 October 27, 1983 Dear Mr. Lynn: Subject: Colonial Park Subdivision In the matter concerning separation distance from the Colonial Park Public Well to a private sewer connection on Lot 10A-3B, Block 4. Colonial Park Subdivision, James R. Davis did breach the protective radius by approximately nine feet. The matter is yet to be resolved. Pending resolution, the Colonial Park Public Well will be considered disapproved. Sincerely, Environmental Field Officer JFH/msm August 9, 1976 Fielder Construction Company Box 851 TO: Mr. Donald S. Alspach Suhj ect: Colonial Park Subdivision; Request by Fielder Construction Company for removal of 3, 4, & 2nd S of restrictive notes on Colonial Park Sub. Dear Sir: Fielder Construction con, any received a letter July23, 1976 informing us of cancellation of on-site sewer permits on Lots llA, 12A, 13A and 14A, Block 4 of Colonial Park Subdivision. This puts us in a very m~fortunate position, because we already had 4 houses completely framed in, wired, and plumbed at the time we received the bkunicipality letter of July 23, 1976. Not only did we have the above done, we also had the sewer systems excavated on all 4 lots. The MLmicipal inspectors refused to inspect the excavations, therefore, we had the firm of Moening-Grey Geologists & Engineers inspect the insta~ation of the systems and certify that they are properly installed. I have enclosed a copy of these letters. Let me explain our position concerning this matter in ful. 1. Fielder Construction company bought the lots in good faith. We knew nothing about the restrictive notes on the plat. We were shown a copy of the subdivision plat, however there were not any restrictive notes at all on the copy we were sho~. We did have a sewer permit,(approved by Municipality Officials), we were issued a title policy, m~d we were issued a land use permit. So we had everything we needed to precede with our building program, which we did. Now to resolve the problem, Fielder Construction Company request that the restrictive notes #3, 4, and 2nd 5 concerning Lot llA through 1SA Block 4, Colonial Park Subdivision be removed. According to Ken Norman, Assistant Municipal Attorney, as per nv conversation with him, the septic systems are acceptable and will cause no problems what so ever. The engineering firm of Moening-Grey also confirm that the systems are com- pletely acceptable. Your help in resoving this problem will be much appreciated. Thank/,~ou ~'7 The history of this plat h~ls been Im~, dlffieult omi ~ery ~ it wes r~~ ~ Jwe 2S, lift. t ~ M ~iuk ~(~ altos to tho remov~ of this Rote. ~s/lw Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: November 16, 1976 TO: Department of Health and Environmental Protection FROM: PlarLning Department ~ SUBJECT: Colonial Park Subdivision This is to confirm that the Colonial Park Subdivision has been reviewed by the platting authority and the notes 3, 4 and the second five have been approved for removal. This plat along with all required documentation is now in the Planning Department for final and subsequent filing. This department recommends that inspection be performed at your convenience. 91-010 (4/76) DATE ~ TO~ FROM' SUI~JECT~ 'i h,unicipality o f MEMORANDUM August 24, '1976 Planning Department ML&P Chief Engineer Anch,.,rrage Platting Activity,Cases S-4186 thru S-4226, S-4228 & S-4229 ML&P has reviewed the proposed plats and found them acceptable as presented except for cases S-4200 and S-4219. We have marked requested easements on the copies of these two plats which we are returning to your office. Hans Koski HK:DLL:sb Greater Anchorage Area Boroug~ i~LakNNiNG DEPARTMENT AUG 2, 519'/6 POUCH 6-650~ -~~~ ,, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 9b. _~2k~._._~,/j?~~,~ I": ' 1907) 274-2525 ~/.,,~.~~~~// GEORGE M, SULLIVAN, MAY~O ~,. FIRST CLASS MAIL S-4227 - The Municipality of Anchorage has received a petition from Fielder Construction ;~ncl Charles Schulz to remove restrictive notes 3, 4, and second $ from Colonial Park Subdivision Recorded plal, 75-85. The pclition area is located between Eagle River Road and First Street and between Eagle River Lane and Hillcrest Lane. lhe Municil~,flity of Ancl~orafle Plattinfl Board will hold a public hearin~l concerning this nl;~Itt, r at 7:30 r).n~.~2[?.t~.?_t~.L..~_L~76 in the City Council Chambers, Loussac Library, 421 F Street, Anchorap~h Alas~a.c."?'-, This wilt he the only puhli~ he,nfir~ t~e)ore't'he P~atting Board on this petition and you are invited to appear and vo~c(, your opinion. 'If'you, would like to comment on the proposed oetidon, this form may be used for your 'co,?ehience. Mailin~ address: Municipal ~la~in~ ~epartment~ ~ouch ~-~50~ Anchorage, AlaSka ~502. Further information is available from the Planning Department, telephone 274-2525, ext. 266. NAME: ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: COMMENTS: F O 1976 20.001 (5/76) S-4227 - The Municipality of Anchorage has received a petition from Fielder Construction and Charles Schulz to remove restrictive notes 3, 4, and second 5 from Colonial Park Subdivision Recorded plat, 75-85. The petition area is located between Eagle River Road and First Street and between Eagle River Lane and Hillcrest Lane. September 7, 1976 August 13, 1976 Mr. Donald S. Alspach Municipality of Anchorage Planning Department Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Re: BURR, PEASE & KURTZ, INC. ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOHN W. SEOW,CK Colonial Park Subdivision Request by Fielder Construction Co. For removal of 3, 4 & Second 5 of Restrictive notes on Colonial Park Subdivision plat Our File A-3814 825 WEST EIGHTH AVE. ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 TELEPHONE 279-2411 Dear Mr. Alspach: This letter is written to ratify the actions taken on behalf of the owners of lots 15A, 16A, 17A, and 1SA in the Colonial Park Subdivision. I am the owner of those lots and have been for several months. It is my desire to con- firm and ratify Mr. Fielder's application on behalf of him- self and on behalf of me to have the restrictive notes on the Colonial Park Subdivision plat removed. I do plan to attend the Platting Board hearing which Mr. Jones says is scheduled for September 7 and wish to do everything possible to assist in the consideration of the request. Essentially I am in the same position as Mr., Fielder and his company, Fielder Construction Company. I have four houses which are very nearly finished on the four lots which I own. As you know, land use permits, building permits and sewer permits were issued to me for construction on these four lots. In reliance on those permits I constructed the buildings. It was not until July 23, 1976 that the Municipality suggested there might be some problem with on- site sewer. Your assistance in this matter is very greatly appreciated. Very.~ruly you~s,,~ Charles G. Schulz ( swc ) ~J GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH FINAL PLAT ROUTING SLIP APPROVED (Initialed by) 1'. Filing Fee , ...,,, () <;~ [~. 2. Certificate to Plat ~ S. Certificate of Tax Payment .~.. 4. C~t~'Engineer's Stamp ~-] 5. Subdivision Agreement ~ 6. Adequate Signatures '~ 7. Conditions of Approval [~ CASE NO. Subdivision Name Date Plat Submitted for Filing __ Date of Approval NEEDS REVIEW BY CUSTOMER SERVICE A_':' ~,:' ' ','; NEE'DS REv'EW BY ROADS & DRAINAGE ['--]NEEDS REVIEW BY IN 'OuT BY SURVEY u, TRACTING ? GINEEI S & ASSOu. ANCF~R3AG E, ALASKA~99502 August 16, 1976 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection 2510 East Tudor Road Anchorage, Alask~ 99507 RE: Lots 1SA, 16& & 17A, Block 4 Colonial Park Subdivision Gentlemen, This is to certify that we have inspected the septic tank and soil absorption systems on Lots 15&, 16A & 17A, Block 4 of Colonial Park Subdivision and find them to be in compliance with the code and the on-site sewer permits. (Permit.No.'s 76120, 76121 & 76122.) These lots have good gravel soils with a high percolation rate and the sewage disposal facilities have been installed in a good quality of workmanship. It is our belief that each system will perform very well because the soils are ideally suited to on-site sewage disposal. Please call me if further information is required.