HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRAIG S-4127 DEP*RTMENT OF ENVtRONM ...... .. QUr' ITY PLATTING OR PLANNING & ZONING CASE REVIEW TITLE: Date Case Received Suspense Date Comments to Planning Department For' Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting Date ROUTING Environmental Engineering Air Pollution Noise Environmental Sanitation "ONE TEST Is WORTH A THOUSAND OPINIONS" ~ 2204 CLEVELAND AVENUE · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 · 277-0231 May 20, 1977 H V Lounsbury & Associates 723 West 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaksa 99501 Attention: Daryl Kvasager Re: Subsurface Soils Investigation on Craig Subdivision, report dated May 27, 1976 Gentlemen: Per your request, one (1) additional test hole was excavated on May 18, 1977. Visual classification of the material en- countered was accomplished by David Paul of our Company. En- closed is the log from the test hole. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB David Paul Laboratory Manager DP/ss enclosure © T H TEST HOLE LOCATIONS CRAIG SUBDIVISION 3.27 JUL 6 1976 = 2204 CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" Cleveland - Anchora9e, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. Top Elev .... ~- 7, /S > [ :~9 - Depth Feet 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Sheet ---- of ~.o. No. rators ,. Date /l)~,~ ~'~7 ~rTi' -- Client ._,/'(_/'< ]''"..'. .~-Z ~:, ~'~' ~ ' Project_ S ~iP LE DATA LEGE~D GRAVEL SAND SILT 5 10 11 12 13 CLAY 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 ORGANIC CONTENT PEAT FROST WAT E R TABLE 2204 CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" Cleveland - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. Location Top Depth Feet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Elev. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM _ 18 2Z 22 25 26 Sheet---- of ~ W.O. No. Operator ~' Date /~ ~-J'7; /~?/~ -- Project ~/~ ~aFg,',],'_~,',~ .... SAMPLE DATA LEGEND GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY ORGANIC CONTENT PEAT FROST WATER TABLE 2204 CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. Location Top Elev. Depth CLASSIFICATION Sheet W.O. No. _Operator Date Project 3 Feet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SYSTEM ) 9 10 23 24 25 SAMPLE DATA LEGEND -- GRAVEL SAND SILT CLAY ORGANIC CONTENT PEAT FROST WATER TABLE 26 ,, ......... ~oo, .. l; ,. .~ PO0 ' J lllll ~ : --~.~ ~ . , .II III1 , !: : : 11111 " ~ i "-" ~ . i/1 , . . ~ ~ ~ ~/ ~ ~a _ ~.llllll ,. ~ i ~:, '~1 i~ I ! ~ ~ ~''Il'Ill ' ~ ~111 ' ~' ~; : 'o~ ~. ~ , ~- CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 2204 Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. 1-77 Location Lot~2~ 60' W from center of road, 5' N from S property line Top Elev. E~is~in~ Sheet ~ of ~ W.O. N~ ...... ~'~Operato~ DP Date ~ ~5~18/7~~ -- Clien~ H'~V-~unsbury & Assoc~_ Project C~raig Subdivision ~epth CLASSIFICATION SAMPLE Feet SYSTEM .... DATA LEGEND 1 !1t111 Peat 3 .f // Brown Silt, moist [ML] / / / GRAVEL 6 · ~ Sandy Gravel, non-frost SAND 7 "~ ' susceptible [GW-GP] 8 ' 9 125 Sq Ft drainage area SILT required per bedroom. 11 ' - CLAY 14 2 15 ORGANIC 16-- Bottom of Test Hole CONTENT 17-- 18 .- No ground water or bedrock 1~ .- encountered' PEAT 20-- <.