HomeMy WebLinkAboutCREEKSIDE PARK #2 LT 16LI ~'"' g '~ S ~ C 0 P CERTIFIED WELL For Preferred Contractors Location Lot 16, Creekside Park #2 Date completed - November 1960 Depth of Well - 54 [eec Size of casing - 6 Inch Distance to water - 11 feet Distance to water while pumping - 21 feet of 600 gallons per hour l)escri[Xion of Formation at rate from to Gravel & Clay O' 23' Gravel~ s~,nd w/water Clay, sand & Rravel brown 23 ' 25 ' 25' 35' Sand & zravel w/water Gravel~ clay~ blue Gravel~ sand & water 35' 37' 37' 52' 52' 54' I certify the above,true and correct. /s/ Clarence Foss & A1Clemenson Driller SWAFFORD DRILLING COHPANY 3401Spenard Road Spenard, Alaska MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION APPLICATION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATE 1. General Information Application Date ?///~/~:~ (a) Legal Description (include lot, b , subdivision, section, township, range) / o t-/z. Location (address or directions) /? ~.; ,~ ' Telephone - Home (b) Applicants Name /~!~-~.~ Applicants Address ~i (c) ~Appli~.ant is (check one_) Lending Insti~ution ~--~ Buyer ~-~ ; Other ~-~ (explain); ' ' (d) Lending Institution Telephone Business Address (e) Real Estate Co. & Agent Address ~', Telephone (f) Mail the HAA to the following address: 2. Type of Residence Single-Family,~_. Number of Bedrooms Multi-Family ~--~ .Y Other (describe) 5.' E.n~ineerin~ Firm Providin~ Inspections, Tests~ File Search~ Data and Information As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that, based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regula- tions in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm Address / Date (ENGINEER SEAL) DHEP Approval Approved for ~ bedrooms Approved ~ Disapproved Conditional Terms of Conditional Approval CAUTION THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONb~NTAL PROTECTION (DHEP) ISSUES HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL CERTIFICATES BASED SOLELY UPON THE REPRESENT- ATIONS GIVEN IN PARAGRAPH 5 ABOVE BY AN INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF ALASKA. THE DHEP DOES THIS AS A COURTESY TO PURCHASERS OF HOMES AND THEIR LENDING INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO SATISFY CERTAIN FEDERAL AND STATE REQUIRE- MENTS. EMPLOYEES OF DHEP DO NOT CONDUCT INSPECTIONS OR ANALYZE DATA BEFORE A CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S WORK. (DHEP SEAL) RR4/ej/D18 [Page 2 of 2] 7-19-84 ae MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAJ~E (MOA) HEALTH ALrL~ORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 Well Classification Well Log P=esent (Y/N) Total Depth Static Water Level Casing Height Above Ground ElectJ~ical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) Separation Distanaes f~cm Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot To Nearest Edge of To Nearest Public Sewer' Cle anout/Manhole Water Sample Colle~d By Water S~t~l°.~gt/l:~sults .t~/L/If A, B, C~ C, D.E.C. Date Completed Pump Set MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG2 DEPT. OF Hi:A,~T,t & ENViROix~MENTAL Pk.S i LC rlOb~ Yield SEP 2 8 '1984 RECEIV G~outing __ Sanitaz-f Seal on Casing (Y/N) .. __ Depression A~ound Wellhead (Y/N) ; On Adjoining Lots id on Lot ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Public Sewer To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot ; Date Be SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK ~ATA Date Installed ':~ ~ Size Standpipes ~) Ai~-tight Caps ~N) ~~ Cleanout Depression over Tank (Y_~ Date Last Pumped pumging/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) /?/.~ ; for Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) .~///~;~ Temporary Holding Tank Permit Separation Distances ~cr~ Septic/Holding Tank: To Water-Supply Well To Property Line To Water Main/service Line /~'.~/ No. of Ccmpa~tments To Buildip~ Foundation To Disposal Field / To Stream, Pond, Lake, c~ Major D~ainage ComTents ~ :~ '%¢ 771 7 [Page 1 of 2] 2-15-84 C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed ~^ ~ w~ Width of Field ~ / Square Feet of Absc~ption A~ea Depression ove~- Field (Y~ B~sults of Last Adequacy Test d~ka.~ ~ Type of System Design Length of Field ~ / Depth of Field Gravel ~d ~ick~ss Stan~i~s ~e~nt Separation Distance frcm Absorption Field: To Water-Supply Well ~J /~ To P~ope~ty Line 3d) To Building Foundation /--/tl~ ~, To Existing or Abandor~d Systom on Lot /3//; ; On Adjoining Lots ~ $-~ ALASKA IRonmEnTAL CO[1TROL SERVICES, II]C. ~nclineerinq ~ (~nuironmental Studies MUNICfP,'~,LIT¥ O~ ~ ~',~C~ORAQE ENv kC <,, ,,; ,..,_ .-,~;iLC~!ON SEP 2 RECEIVED 5EPTEI~,BER 12 1984 VICKI CHAPMAN 7700 OLD HARBOR ROAD ANCHORAGE AK 99501 SELLER - NANCY & KENNETH BROI/I'N BUYER - SUBDIVISION - CREEK SIDE PARK I/2 BLOCK - LOT - 16 ADEI;~JACY TEST FOR 5EI~ER SYSTEM THE TYPE OF ABSORPTION SYSTEM I5 A PIT WITH AN UNKNOWN AREA. THE SYSTEM I5 CAPABLE OF ACCEPTING 450 GALLON5 OF WATER PER DAY. THE 5URGE CAPACITY OF THE SYSTEM I5 689 GALLONS. BASED UPON THE TEST DATA THE SYSTEM I5 ACCEPTABLE FORA 3 BEDROOM HOIVE. THE SEPTIC TANK WAS PUI~PED SEPTIC TANK ADEI;~LIACY THE EXISTING SEPTIC TANK VOLUIvE OF 1028 IS ADEi~IJATE FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. ADDITIONAL COIV6ENT5 : ACCORDING TO HOIvEOWNER DRAWING OF SYSTEM. THIS DRAWING MAY BE FOUND IN DHEP FILES. 1200 UJCst 33rd Aucnuc, Suite J~ · Anchora§¢, Alaska 99503 · [907) 276-1361 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE " DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIOI~t~UNICIPAL~(  825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 DEPT. ENViRONi~/~,~T,~~ ~ ~ 2CTtON ENVIflON~ENTAL EN~INEEBINg DIVISION Telephone 264-4720 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER E'EEW_E D. DIRECTIONS: Complete all pa~s on page 1. Incomplete reques~ will not be proces~d. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. 1. ~ PHONE PROPE~T¢ RESIDENT (If different from above) PHONE MAILING ADDRESS 3. LENDING INSTITUTION J PHONE MAILING ADDRESS MAI LING ADDRESS 5.' LEGALJ;~SCRIPTION STREET LOCATION 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One [] Four Two [] Five Three [] Six [] Other 7. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL* [] COMMUNITY ~ PUBLIC UTILITY 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTI~ INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** [] PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available.) If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-O10(3/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED rIME I NSPECTI ON APPOI NTM ENTS TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE [] SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] TWO [] FOUR [] SiX [] OTHER 2. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM [] IN DIVI DUAL/ON -SITE []PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified I--ISeptic Tank or [] Holding Tank Size: Z~ If Tank is homemade give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA 4. DISTANCES WELL TO: Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED PERMIT NUMBER DATE INSTALLED iNSTALLER SOl LS RATING MANUFACTURER MATERIAL Septic/Holding Tank ~Absorption Area I ISewer Line Nearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS dI~,~'"APP ROVE D FOR ~.~ BEDROOMS [] CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) [] DISAPPROVED DATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY (Title) 72-010 (Rev. 3/78) t07' '~ // ~ ~5 ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99502 hora Anc e DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 "L" Street) March 9, 1979 Bob Feeler 7700 Old Harbor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Subject: ~ot 16 Creekside Park Subdivision Approval for your individual sewer and water facilities will not be granted until the following items have been completed: ~(3) Expose the tank for our inspection to determine its existence and verify its size. The septic tank is pumped with a receipt submitted to this office, do not pump until we verify the tank's existence. A four(4) inch cast iron cleanout be installed to the septic tank or leaching area. A percolation test b~ performed on the existing leaching area. This will determine if the system is adequate according to National Standards. A list of private firms who perform the test is enclosed. This department may grant conditional approval if monies are escrowed to cover the costs of the above, to be completed at a latter date. The date this should be completed by 1% no latter than June 1, 1979. Notify this office for re-inspection when descrepancies have been corrected. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, R.~ Sincerely, RCP/ljw March 19, 1979 R&M No. 951064 Bob Fesler 7700 Old Harber Road Anchorage, Alaska Attention: Bob Fesler Re: Adequacy Test on Existing Sanitary Sewer System; Lot 16, Creek Side Park No. 2 Subdivision, Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Fesler: Per your request of March 8, 1979, we conducted a test of the sanitary sewer system on the above described property. The septic tank was pumped prior to the performance of the test on the seepage pit. During the test the liquid level in the seepage pit was measured before and after the addition of 1000 gallons of water. The total depth of the seepage pit was 9 feet 7 inches. Ail liquid levels were measured below the top of the standpipe and are shown in the following table: Initial Water Second 24 hour Total Reading Added Reading Reading Drop (gallons) 9'7" 1000 8'3" 9'3" 1'0' The meter used during the test was a Neptune 1%" standard water meter which had previously been calibrated by R&MConsultants, Inc. The water level rose 16 inches with the addition of 1000 gallons of water, indicating a capacity of 62.5 gallons per inch. Twenty-four hours later the liquid level was again measured and found to be 9 feet 7 inches. It had dropped 12 inches. This indicates an average effluent acceptance rate of 750 gallons per day for the surrounding soils. If the 3 bedroom residence on the property is to house 6 people, the average load on the system can be expected to be 450 gallons per day. We can therefore conclude that the system is disposing of effluent at an adequate rate for a 3 bedroom residence. March 19, 1979 Bob Fesler Page -2- We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this letter or if we can be of additional service to you. Very truly yours, a.FONSULTANTSm INC. mith eologist GS/djb/ATSI-N ~-REATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIROI~AMENTAL QUALITY 3500 Tudor Road ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 279-8686 DATE RECEIVED INSPECT: TIME: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES FOR VA APPROVAL REQUESTED BY: ~SSLER & CO. ADDRESS: 604 Hast 6th Avenue. Amchorage Alaska 99501 PHONE: 272-9501 (Candi) PROPERTY OWNER: Dean Settles LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 16, Creeks i de Park TYPE FACILITY TO BE INSPECTED: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: CONSTRUCTION ,.~¢~i.',. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: WELL DATA: A. TYPE B. DEPTH C. D. E. PHONE: 333- 8515 A. SEPTIC TANK (If homemade, show diagram on back) 1. SIZE 2. AGE 3. MANUFACTURER 4. IN STALLER APPROVAL REQUEST FOR SEWER & WATER FACILITIES PAGE TWO B. SEEPAGE PIT 1.. SIZE 2. LINING C. DISPOSAL FIELD 1. NUMBER OF LINES : 2. TOTAL LENGTH 7. REQUIRED EASUREMENTS A. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK B. WELL TO SEEPAGE PIT C. WELL TO SEWER LINE D. WELL TO PROPERTY LINE E. G. H. COMMENTS: WELL TO OTHER POSSIBLE CONTAMINATION FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK ~.~.~l FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT ~60 t SEEPAGE PIT TO PROPERTY LINE APPROVED~~j-~--- .~f' ~-f~ DISAPPROVED: APPROVAL VALI~ FOR ONE YEAR FROM DATE SIGNED. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH~ DEPARTMENT OF'ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (~REAT ER ANCIIOt~t~,~AREA Dept, of Env~ronmentat llealth Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 KASSLER/WEST MORTGAGE CORPORATION 604 EAST SI XTH AVENUE -ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 · 212-9501 1) Al' I i: __Feb ruar_¥_l, !977 RE: SETTLES, Dean Legal: Lot 16, Creekside Park (FHA) (VA) Case # Gentlemen: Per the attached £orm, we hereby request inspection for tiealth Authority Approval. Please send your findings to either the FtlA offices or the VA O££ice as noted above For the "Case Number': Also, please send an exact copy o£ the report to our office. Your swiftness in expediting this request wou]d be most appreciated. Sincerely, KASSI,F,R /WES'[ MORTGAGE CORP. P.S. If you wish to make an appointment before inspection, please call Broker ---Jean Smithson @ 277-2628 Kassllmr~ Comranv Lot 1r, Crec)'si~e rarL Subdivisions. Sir: The ~11 ~mrvtn(i the_ subJ.~ct nreg~rty is aPFrov(~d by F'er, artment. .A satisfactnrv bact~rio!rgical analysis w~ter was t~l'r,n on F~:,bruary lq, 1S7~'. Public s~w~r is r, ot availnble t~ t'.~ subjr~ct lot and th~: on.,stte sr.w~r sy'st~m Serving the Subtect l~t is ar: att'roved ~ystem. !~ you have ar, y nuestions r¢oardi:,~ ti~e above, p!¢as~: d~ not hesitate to contact tL~s ocfic~-~. Since. rely. t.vnn S. Coad Envi ronm~nta! Specialist st cc, VA Administration -'~ ~ ~- '~ FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION ~'-~ Form Approved Budget Bureau No. 6 ;-R296.8 HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA INSURING OFFICE MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO. ~tanuaka Valley Bank Federal Housing Administration Pouch 7012, Anchorage, Alaska ~-008588 MORTGAGOR OR SPONSOR PROPERTY ADDRESS Crebkatde ~tbdivtsion ~2 iOYAL NUMBER: - Can attic or other area be made into BASEMENT New installation LIVING UNITS BEDROOMS BATHS additional bedrooms? i 3 I 2 F-] Yes 1~-] No F-] Yes ~---] No (If Yes, how mo.y~ "WATER SUppLy BY: [~ ~--~ ~-] SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR Public system Community system Individual No. OF BDRMS. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY: F-] Public system ,xm'] Community system ~ Individual 3 r'-] Yes pr] No PART II.--TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH I I J I I t I I i , r I I I ' I I I I I I III , j illl , ~ III , i III I III I ; [ II I I I I ; llllJ III II11 J II1 : IIIII I I IIIII , I Iii ~ ~ Il I II II "'ll, J III , : III III , 1 ~ll ~ II ~ i II1 : : II111 ~ III I i IIIII ' '" ' "1111 , ,,,,, : : ' I I III III : ~ i "l ,11 It is the opinion of the [-] State ~] County [~] Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply system D is [] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the I I State [_] County D Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: [~ Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and ~[-'] Cannot be expected to function ~atisfactorily is not likely to create an insanitary condition '.' DATE SIGNATURE i j TITLE NOTE: The health authority should complete the appropriate ol~in~on statement above and affix date, signature and title in the spaces provided. Use of the above grid for Health Department Inspector's sketch as well as use of the back of this form is at the option of the health authority. ~ .PART Ill.--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: ! have reviewed the £oregoing and the pertinent FHA Com?]i~n~e '~nspe~tion ReporL and recommend t~at Individual water-supply system be considered ~ Acceptable {~J Not Acceptable Sewage disposal be considered J--] Acceptable r-q Not Acceptable. DATE SIGNATURE I [] CHIEF ARCHITECT U DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT III II III 1111: I I I IlllJ III IIIII II1 IIII] I II Iii Jllll I '"Il I I III II I '11 , II 'H AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FHA Form 2573 Rev. July 1958 REPORT OF INSPECTION--INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ]}~Septic tank. [] Cesspool. Septic Tank: Distance from well, ~ ~ feet. Material, ~ ~0 ~ Total liquid car)acity, / O c~ c~ gallons. Capacity inlet compartment, Inside length, - feet. Inside width6 - feet. )Liquid depth, Cesspool: /'7I O / 1~ / Number of compartments "" .gallons. feet, Tile Disposal Field: Distance from: Well, Total length of tile lines, Trench width Length of each line, Type of filter material: [] Gravel. Distance from: Well, feet; foundation, feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, feet. Inside diameter, feet. Depth, feet. Liquid capacity, gallons. Lining material SECONDARY TREATMENT consists of [] Tile disposal field. J~Se~page pits. Other feet; foundation, feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, feet. ..feet. Number of lines, d Distance between lines, feet. inches. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trenches, ~quare feet. feet. Depth, top of tile to finish grade, inches. [] Broken stone. Other Depth of filter material beneath tile,~ inches. Depth of filter material over tile. . inches. Seepage Pits: - , Number of pits / . Outsided!::7.:::--, ,J"> X(~feet. Depth, ~--~'f~e~t'. Liningmateria] X(~/~ Distance from: Well,~feet; building foundation,~feet; nearest lot line at [] front, l~side, [] rear, ~ 7 feet. Inspection made by: [] State. [] County. ~Local Health Authority.inspected by ~/~ b~,' /~,~ ~2, Date of inspection 9 ~ , (TITI-li) REPORT OF INSPECTION--INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Distance to nearest public water main, ~ . feet. Size of main. ~ inches. Individual wells ~are [] are not customary in neighborhood. Give most recent re~ord of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to furnish adequate supply of water ~1 ,7 ~ Properties in neighborhood .J~.are [] are not being developed with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal systems. Lot size: ./~ ? feet wide,_~9__.~-~---feet deep. Dwelling set back from front property line, ~'// feet. Individual water supply from:/~,Drilled well. [] Driven well. [] Dug well. [] Bored well. Distance of well from: Building foundation, 3 / fe nearest lot line at [] front, ~s~e, [] rear, c:~ ~ feet, cast iron sewer ~ ~' feet; tile sewer, e~ .-~ feet; septic tank, - _ feet; disposal field, ~ feet; seepage pit, ~ ./C~ ~/~' feet; cesspool, ~ feet; other sources of possible pollution, ~' feet. Well construction: Diameter, 0O inches. Total depth, _0"' 4 feet. Type of casing, ,~' ~, e e / Depth of casing, .~ .~/ feet. Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well, /? feet. Approximate yield, /~ gallons per minute. Sealed watertight to depth of --~'~4 feet. Exterior space around casing sealed with: [] Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. ~Ordinary backfill. Well cover: [] Concrete. [] Wood. ~,Metal. Openings in well cover watertight: j~ Yes. [] No. ,~ c~ ',a ,'~) ~'~ ~/ ~ ~ ~ / Pomp: [] Shallow well. ~Deep well. Length of drop pipe, ~ feet. Pump capacity, 7' ~' gallons per minute. ~'~//'~, ~, Located in: [] Basement. [] Pumproom off basement. [] Pumphouse above ground. [] Pump pit. 0/~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~[~ P'c;TL/~.,. Pumproom properly drained: ~, Yes. [] No. Pump mounting watertight: ~Yes. [] No. Type of storage: J~Pressure. [] Gravity. Capacity, ~ ~- gallons. Has bacteriological examination of water been made? ~Yes. [] No. If answer is "yes," give date Quality of water J~.is [] is not satisfactory for human consumption. Installation ~,does [] does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. Inspection made by: [] State. [] County. ~Local Health Authority. Date of inspection Insured by ///' O / ' ~/19 ~' (TIT=) ~- U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 19S70-F--4ZT058 r... o,. CO