HomeMy WebLinkAboutCREEKSIDE PARK #3 LT 22icl L II FlffA Form 2573 ~ ?' Form Approved ~Re~. July 1958 ~ FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION~' Budget Bureau No. 63-R296.8 ' . . HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL · INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--TO BE COMPLETED BY FHA INSURING OFFICE MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO. MORTGAGOR bR ~P~S~ --t ' PROPERTY ADDRESS SUBDIVISION NAME ~ ~  BLOCK NO. [ LOT NO.  Can ~Jc ~ o~er a~a be made into TOTAL NUMBER: BASEMENT New installation ad~flonal b~moms? LIVING UNITS SEDROOMS 8ATHS (If Yes, how many~) WA~R SUPPLY BY; SYSTEM D~IGNED FOR ~ ~blic system ~ ~mm~i~ system , ~ Individual I,d. SEWAGE DISPOSAL BY: ~ ~blic system ~ ~mmunity system ~ Individual ~ ~ Yes ~ No PART fl.--TO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HE' ~LTH JEPARTMENT INSPE~OR'S SKETCH J Jill III ~ Jill III i111 III · I I I I I ~ '~11 III II 111 1 I ~ I I ~l~ m ~llll Ill d llll ~ Ill !1 I I Nil I I E '~ !1 I I [I I I ~ ~ ~ ~_ nil III -, i h II k & III I I ' ' I I I d Jtd I Il ~ VII I II - III eopinion of ~e ~ State ~ Coun~ J J Local Department of Heal~ that this individual water-supply system ~is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject properW. It is the opinion of the ~ State ~ County ~ Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance:  Can ~ expe~ed to function satisfactorily, and ~ Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily is not likely to create an insanit~ condition DATE SIGNA~RE TITLE UJe of the obove 9~d for Heolth Depnrtment Inipector'i ~ketch os well oi vie of the b~{k of thii form iJ ot the option of the I have review~ ~e foregoing ~d the pe~inent FHA Compli~ce Ins~ion Repo~, and recommend that 'the Individual water-supply system ~ considered ~ Accep~ble ~ Not Accep~ble ~mge dis~sal ~ considered ~ Acceptable ~ Not Acceptable. DATE SIGNATURE ~ CHIEF ARCHITECT  DEPU~ FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FHA Form 2573 Rev. July 19,58 REPORT OF INSPECTION--INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL ~sTEM'"':z'*t'c':i PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of ~ ~pfic ~nk. ~ ~ss~l. h~ Tan~ ~ Total liquid ca~c~,; ~¢¢ ,-g~lons..~ ,, Capaci~ inlet comp~ment,m ~ ~ /O ~ ~ g~lons. ~side 1~, ~ '~ f~t. Inside wide, ~ * ~ f~t. L~uid ~h, ~ w ~$ feet. Ce~h Dis~nce from: W~L - f~; fo~dat~n, , ~ n~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~nt; ~~. Inside d~ter, f~t. Depth, f~. Liquid capaciw, gallons. Lining material ~CONDARY TREAT~NT consists of ~ Tile dis~sal field. ~ S~page pi~. Other Tib Disposal Field: Total len~h of tile lines ~t. Numar of lines Di,tance b~een lines .f~. Trench width, inches. Tot~ e~five abso~tion a~a in bottom of trenches, ~qmre f~. ~n~h of tach line, f~t. Depth, top of tile m finbh grade, inches. Ty~ of ~r material: ~ Gravel. ~ Broken stone. ~er. ~pth of filter marerial ~neath tile,~ inches. Depth of filter material over tile. inches. Numar of pi~ /, ~tsid~~ ~ feet. ~h, ~ f~c Lining marefi~ ~ Distance bom: ~e;l, ~/~fe~; bfiil~ing fo~dation, ~ ' f~ de~ l~t l;fi~ arb ' ~f~. bOng ~ side; ~ rear,. Inspection made bi- [] State. [] C_~unty. [] Local Health Authority. Date of inspection /'// /, 1.9~ '~ Inspected by (TITLE) REPORT OF INSPECTION--INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Distance to nearest public water main, feet. Size of main, inches. Individual wells ~ are [] are not L~ustoma~ in neighborhood. Give most recent record of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to furnish adequate supply of water Propertiesa~ghborhood ~ are []_are not being developed with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal systems. Lot size: feet wide, ~ ~' feet deep. Dwelling set back from front property line, '~'~ .feet. Individual water supply from: ~ Drilled well. [] Driven well. [] Dug well. [] Bored well. Distance of well from: Building foundation. J~--~ feet; nearest lot line at [] front, ~ side, [] rear, ~ ~ cast iron sewer. ~ ,,.feet; tile sewer, feet; septic-tank,~feet;~ disp~asal-..field, seepage pit, ;Sa/aO&~ feet; cesspool,, feet; other sources of possible pollution, ~ ·feet. Wall construction: Diameter, ~ .inches. Total depth, ~'/ ~ feet. Type of casing, '~15e~¢ / Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well,, feet. Approximate yield, Sealed watertight to depth of // 7 feet. Exterior space around casing sealed with: [] Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. ~ Ordinary backfill. Well cover: [] Concrete. [] Wood. I~ Metal. Openings in well cover watertight: ~ Yes. [] No. Pump: [] Shallow well. ]~ Deep well. Length of drop pipe, feet. Pump capacity, Locat~ in: [] Basement. [] Pumproom off basement. [] Pumphouse above ground. [] Pump pit. Pum¢oom properly drained: [] Yes. [] No. Pump mounting watertight: [] Yesi ?~d TyPe or storage: ~ Pressure. [] Gravity. Capacity, ~'~,~ gallons. ~1~ ~, ~, feet, Depth of casing, // ~' feet. gallons per minute. /a , , /,' ,. gallons per minute. Has bacteriological examination of water been made? [] Yes. ~ No. If answer is "yes," give date 19 Quality of water [] is [] is not satisfactory for human consumption. Inspection made by: [] State. [] County. [] Local Health Authority. Date of inspection ./// ~ ,. 19_~ (Tm~) ~' U. S. GOVERNMENT PRIHTING OFFICE: 1~57 O-F--4;17058 , HOME OFFICE ANCHOI~AGI:'. ALASKA I'. O. ~OX ~21 Test Location: Test Date: ~ 0I Requested by: Test Hole Log 15' ~3-1779 Percolation i~est Lot 2~ Block Test Hole Location 11 '1 approximate slope lat. Filling: Bottom of hole filled with of water and allowed to drain out. 2nd. Filling: Bottom of hole filled with Percolation Rate: ~'~ min./in. Remarks: . ~'! ~ of water and test run. These results are only the visual soil conditions and theoretical percolation rate on this date for this test hole. By: XO Xq~ireb 1.964 Hr. ebirl.ea Pnpp OJ.d Harbor Rood Anehoralo, Almoim Dear Hr. Papp: Apparently X vas S~ven some mLsLnforwaCXm resardLns Cb locacXou of ImbXLe vicar ~n th~s area. T~,,refore, tim water ouppXy ce serve Loc 22, Creabide Pirk t3 SubdivioXou v~.ll be approved by ChLs deparCsmnc pandits Cb uesit:Xv, results of baeterXolos~eal and deCerpmC Zeoto to be performd on water oamplas Oaken from tb subject supply. S~nterely, DAVID R. L. DUNCiN, N.D. DIIP: faa ce: sp, rbm & HeLosu Co. Deu~d S. Penner' S.S'~ .... publLe supply. mm mob0~ Bo moueim ef the ue~or e~le. Tkim lnformtiou wbowld kew bern imeluded ms tbs ~rs ropor~. SfjmJorely, July 17, 1963 Loc 22 Creelmide Park ~3 Subdivts~ou - Hr. (:~haries Dear The percolation teac for Loc 22, Crbeka~de Park 8ubd~v~sLon ~3 l~d~eaCos chac chis lot will satisfactorily susCain che conventional type private sevaSe d~sposa~ syscom eonw~sCin8 of an adequoC&ly sisod sapcLe tank and an at x 8* x 6* los seepafe p~c surrounded by cwo hoc of sood grade gravel co the cop of the los cribbin8. Slnc~roly, I~kVXI) R. L. DUIMA#, DHP~roa Santtartan