HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLONIAL PARK Block 2 Lots 9A, 9B, 10A & 10Boton{ o.,I PO..rk, ti*-- 5-5 0 tOA OAT[, SITE: ISi N CASE RI VIEW STAFF ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATION Apri£ 1, 1981 CASE: s-5603 COT.ONIAL PARK S'UBDIVISlO~'-' TWo lots into four lots LAND USE: U~}developed TOPe: V., ties ZONING: F -IA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SOILS: Attached VEGETATION: BirCh, Spruce, Undergrowth DENSITY BEFORE: 2 I C _A$SIFICATION: Re $ '; dential AFTER: 4 INTENSITY'. _ SURROUNDING AREAS: NORTH LAND USE: Undeveloped EAS'r SOUTH Residential Residential WEST Undeveloped ZONING: R-iA R-lA R-I'A R-iA FINDINGS: ~:' '~'- ::~ 1. Publ.~,: Works requests; resolution of drainage and drainage ea~ents. Traf]fic Engineering !~as no objection. - . DHEP does not. support the proposed plat due to lot size and info mation and recommends lot ~i~e be increased. ~,'.;, REC OM MEN DATIONS . Ret~rn for redesign and modification to addreSS the"De'~artment of~eal~h:'s' con :erns COMMEN' 'S: lng Department L 11, 1981 Two CaSes Due for Review - March 18, 1981 - Continued S-5597: Lots 1 - 4 Snowline Terrace Subdivision Soils data requested prior no prelimi..na£y. Show areas of 10,000 square feet with less than 25% slope, Wells in the area have historica!l'~ been low producers. Water supply adequacy must be addressed. S~-5600: Lots 1 - 4 Amanda Place Subdivision Soils data will s~_.pport on-site sewer system. Perc test requested on all soils rated greater tha~ 150 square loon ~er bedroom prior to final approval.. S-5601: Lots 1, 2 Tract C1 Sap~hirine Subdivision Lot 2 will no~ be developable due to exureme slope. This depar%menr ~-equests a note on uhe plat indicating no development or stuucbures on Lot 2. The primary use for Lot 2 J.s uo give road access to anoEher tract. Lots 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B Block 2 Colonial Park Subd£visio~] Thi~ ,.'~ep~!~rtment ca:~n~ s!~p~ort lots of S-5604: T15N R1W Section 8 Soils nest information t'~as .uot been .~:ubmitted prior to final approval. S-5606: Lots A, B Bonnie Subd].visi. o~ The location of a well and ~'~ewer system :-3i%own as existing is not documented ou approved b'. this department. The matter of des].gn, adeq,~a.-.:'; ~nd legality mus% be resolved w.fth this ::lepaz~t~:~ent prior to any type of preliminary approval. S-5607: Les N. Buchholz,//R. Senior Environmental Specialist Lots A, B Melinda Subdivision The existzng sewer system on proposed Lou ~. ls not approved at this time. Since there is no ~oils information for tnzs preliminary plat and unapproved exisning sewer system, chis de~.arr_men~. cannot support the petition. ~~~inS~le~nd' R'S' LNB/RRS / 1 j w Mu pality of Anchora MEMORANDUM March 26. 1981 Jerry Weaver Planning Department Health and Environmental Protection S-5603: Lots 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B Block 2 Colonial Park Subdivis£cn ~'~mPpleme~tal Comments the proposal range between the SM and ML unified Classifica=ion rating. These types of soil are lIy accept'able a~d have a relatively high failure Considering protective well radii requirements, property line s~tbacks, soils; lots of this size present problems for Pla~e~nt of an on-site sewer system and replacement sites. With '~his density well radii will overlap and possibly influence neighboring lots. On-site sewers w~ll be placed in close~roximity to each other and may have overlapping influence resU~'~iag in early failure. Additionally, the proposal does no~. meet wi~h departmen~.~ platting guidelines and policies that incorporate soil type, lot'~.~ and future replacement sites. £ ~'. Les N. ' Specialist -./, ?', .-...-. R.~i~'/~~- ' Strickland, R.S. ~ivisi6n Manager LNB/RRS/ljw attache~ent ii lius~lell Oyster "Performed for: :.Legal Description: O & E ENG,, 'EERING & DEVELOF B~x 90, Davis St., Eagle R~ver. Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 SOIL LOG /'~.-'3 ,.~ ~"~ ..- Name: .,' [' / ~" Mailing Address: ~'~.~.. $oll Characterlatlc$ 'ENT CO. PLOT PLAN ~Ound Water Encountered: ~i, eposecl Installation: ~, mments: ~,~ ': ~ , ,,~ "*,~,ormed by: ~...~ ' Yes__ No...~'""'" If yes, what depth Seepage PIt_..~ Drain Field ~ .... 0 & E ,,4EERING & DEVEL Box 90. Davis St.. Eagle River, Alaska 694-2774 or 688-2280 ,¢IENT CO. Performed for: Legal Description: /--- ,Depth (fe~t) SOIL LOG Name: . ./]/"l .~_ 4z.~.?..~4L ~:-- Ma,ling Address: ~:'~'~)- ~ / Earl Ellis 688-2280 Soll Characteristics 2 1' 3 ! 10 11 12 t3__ 14 15 ........ Ground Water Encountered: Yes____ Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Y ,,,T If yes, what depth Drain Fieid_ Comments: PLOT PLAN PERC. TEST PedOr, med!,iby: i i~ullell Oyster t~4-2774 Performed for: O & E ENG,, 'EERING & DEVELOF B~'90, Davis St. Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Legal Description: _ L~::)T ~,.~l~Bpt h (feet) :,~"' 'ENT CO. SOIL LOG Name: ... , (..L-.--' ' '~/' ~-~? Tel, No ~ [~ - ,.5~' ' , Mailing Ad,ross: ~, / o~ ~x ~ / ~ ~ &~ ~ ~/ffC-~, ~ ~/~7' ~ ',' .... Soil Charactarlmtlcs /? PLOT PLAN .L~round Water Encountereo: Yes ..... NO___ PERC. TES'r If yes, what depth ........ ,~:~r~oposed Installation: '~omments: 'rtormed by~'-~ Seepage Pit_.. .... Drain Fie~d~.. P-~ O& E EN~' .4EERING & DEVELr" ~ BOX 90, Oavis St,, Eagle River, Alaska 694-2774 or 688-2280 ,/lENT CO. 7.12-I Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: / Legal Description:_ ~ ~T" Earl Ellis SOIL LOG 688-2280 Depth (feet) Soil Characteristics 1 2 ~ . 3_ PLOT PLAN t2 13 14 15 Ground Water Encountered: Yes __ If y'es, what depth ..~ Proposed Installation: Comments:__ Seepage Pit Drain Field Performed by O & E ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: Legal Description: Earl Ellis SOIL LOG 688-2280 Depth (feet) Soil Characteristics 0 1 2~ t m 7__ 8__ 9 10__ 11 12 13__ 14__ 15___ 16__ __No ~ If yes, what depth Drain Field.. ~ Ground Water Encountered: Yes. Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit PLOT PLAN PERC. TEST Comments: Performed by: O & E ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Russell Oyster 694-2774 Earl Ellis SOIL LOG 688-2280 Performed for: Name: ,//~ ~. ~'~,z:~ z; ~_~' Mailing Address: ~'~--~. '~ Legal Description: /-- (D'7-- ~ ~[;~. ~'~'c*-J'~-i~ / Soil Characteristic8 Depth (feet) Z 7.5- ~ 10__ 11__ 12 14__ 15__ 10~ Ground Water Encountered: Proposed Installation: Comments: Yes.. Seepage Pit · No . ~ If yes, what depth Drain Field. v'~' PLOT PLAN PERC. TEST Performed by: · O & E ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 CO. I~ussell Oyster Earl Ellis 694-2774 SO!L LOG 688-2280 Performed for: Name: Mailing Address:. ~, Legal Description: Depth (feet) Soil Characteristics 4 8__ 9 10__ PLOT PLAN 11 12__ 13 14__ 15__ 16__ Ground Water Encountered: Yes__ Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: No, If yes, what depth Drain Field,,,, Performed by.~---v~ L~ / PERC. TEST .O&E ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River. Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 CO. Russell Oyster 694-2774 Performed for: Legal Description: SOIL LOG Earl Ellis 688-2280 Name: -A/")~· ~'~~ (~"/'J /~-'~' Tel. No. ~V~ -~ ~z/~'-- Mailing Address: ~,,~, ~" ~ ~'~"J 4/: ~ '' ~-X. ~. Depth (feet) Soil Characteristics 10~ 11~ PLOT PLAN 12__ 13 14 15 16~ Ground Water Encountered: Yes If yes, what depth PERC. TEST Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit Comments: Drain Field Performed by:L'~~ ','~ ';,-~