HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOLONIAL PARK Block 2 Lot 1 Expired 07-22-88 0 2 BLOCK n rn THIRD STREET 0 m IA IB 50 50 S 89°56'00"E (R) 89°58'25"E (Met B 111.17' (M) 1 111.38' (R) io 0 M — 0.345 AC. - S 89°58'00"E -'I 11.30'--7' A BLOK 2 o 0 0 zO O W c2 1 N N 3 2 m 3 3 O 0 O n O O I I m0o 16 o UTILITY EASEMENT AND z z Ir 4SFLii M 0. 0.33455 AC. ro TELECOM. 8 EL E C. ESMT. - - 10' EACH SIDE OF LOT LINE. -' ____ 111.43' (M) 1 0 S 89°58'01"E (M) mCJ S 89°56'00"E (R) I. rn Q P SECOND STREET O# 0 IA 15,020 SF 7 co` - 3 • = RECOVERED 5/8" REBAR egitAegili 4•.. S .61.4% ®y49Th • • 17• aIle. Oa . Will . D. Fleming J . ®ems., .11. LS -5773 • ta° e o ®®®®f%flss ®® BLOCK 2 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, William D. Fleming, professional land surveyor do hereby certify that this plat of COLONIAL PK is a true and correct representation of lands actually surveyed and that the distances and bearings are shown correctly and that all permanent exterior control monuments, all other monuments, and lot corners have been set and staked, or if final com- pletion is assured by subdivision agreement, they will be set as specified in said subdivision agreement. Lot corners to be set by N/A. Monuments to be set by N/A. 3 8' VISULAND— SCAPE :ASEMENT 2 - 0 O ed N 50 EAGLE RIVER LANE 50 0 LUCAS AVE. o rn 2 3 a®® ®S ire tw CO q Cb 4 0 TYPICAL CAP MARKINGS DAVID AVE. REMAINING CORNERS SET WITH 5/8" x 30" REBARS WITH I-1/2" YELLOW PLASTIC CAPS. PLAT APPROVAL Plat approveOS by the Municipal Platting Authority ihis:,l (wily � i r 2014 _ ---- A horized Official 5 NOTES: CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP and DEDICATION / (we), hereby certify that I (we) hold the herein specified property interest in the property described hereon. I (we) hereby dedicate to the Municipality of Anchorage all areas depicted for use as public utility easements, streets, alleys, thoroughfares, parks, and other public areas shown hereon. There shall be reserved adjacent to the dedicated streets shown hereon, a slope reservation easement sufficient to contain cut and fill slopes of 1.5 feet horizontal for each 1 foot vertical (1.5 to I) of cut or fill for the purpose of providing and maintaining the lateral support of the constructed streets. There is reserved to the grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns, the right to use such areas at any time upon providing and maintaining other adequate lateral support, as approved by the Municipality. I (we) hereby agree to this plat, and to any restriction or covenant appearing hereon and any such restriction or covenant shall be binding and enforceable against present and successive owners of this subdivided property. I• VISUAL ENHANCEMENT LANDSCAPING MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF AMC I SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED BY THE OWNER WITHIN : e - My Commission Expires THE VISUAL ENHANCEMENT LANDSCAPE EASEMENT. 74:�- F L >C Commisss 4 i e 03 REWA-' hCLES Fat LOTS 1A AND :L to /'� r `' t\'I E.A6Lt RwER f_AN€ 1S PRONtSiTEb. BENEFICIARY MON. A COLONIAL PARK BLOCK 2 LOT IA / 880 s 1986 RECOV. 3-1/4" AL. CAP ON 2-1/2" AL. POST, FLUSH WITH GROUND. K IA I. BRUESCH 1994 THIRD STREET, EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed and sworn to before me this_ _day of_d{ JiJ___2002. My Commission Expires March 5, 2003 My Commission Expires Notary Public NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT pQ`�`` -; (sytet Subscribed and sworn to before me this G+s1 _day ofJja[4____2082,. ACCEPTANCE OF DEDICATION The Municipality of Anchorage hereby accepts for public uses and for public purposes the real property dedicated on this plat including, but not limited to the easements, rights—of— way, alleys, roadways, thoroughfares and parks shown hereon. Dated at Anchorage;; Alaska this cl0_{b)ay of SPl601 11'4r200 G J 4ttestf Muni 44 MON. B 1" OLp4iipt LSS 57 5773 LIA B2 FND. 3-1/4" ALUM. MON. IN DISTURBED CONDITION. SET 3-1/4" ALUM. CAP ON 2-1/2" ALUM POST, FLUSH WITH GRND. IN POSITION AS TIED 8/6/88. WIC ayor of Anchorage NOT !:. Or OWDed— /K.2 Sgr 4NCy0RACy6 REC DIST Date 10- e2 Y0 02 Time 3:19 f� M Requested By M04 Address eNJ_cc. TAX CERTIFICATION All real property taxes levied by the Municipality of Anchorage on the area shown on this plat have been paid in full, and if approval is sought between January I and the tax due date, there is on deposit with the chief fiscal officer an amount sufficient to pay extimated real property tax for the current year. Date APPROVALS Platting Officer___ Municipal Surveyor Environmental Protect 1 facertst uthorized Official ALASKA USA FE AL CREDIT UNION Notary Public NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Subscribed and sworn to before me this t3 day of AuqumT 20p,. My Commission Expires My Commission xpirer6 Notary Public VICINITY MAP SCALE: l " = 1/4 MILE CREST VIEW HANE CITATION ROAD a THIRD STREET EAGLE RIVER LANE w z J = T I4N, RIW LUCAS AVENUE SECOND STREET FIRST STREET J gr___ THIS r PLAT DAVID AVENUE 7 8 PREUSS LANE EAGLE RIVER 8 17 ROAD PLAT OF LOTS IA 8 113, BLOCK 2, COLONIAL PARK SUBDIVISION A SUBDIVISION OF LOT I, BLOCK 2, COLONIAL PARK SUBDIVISION AS PER PLAT FILED IN THE ANCHORAGE RECORDING DISTRICT UNDER PLAT FILE NO. P-688 LYING WITHIN THE SE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4, SEC. 7, T I4N, RIW, SM, ALASKA CONTAINING 0.69 ACRES MORE OR LESS SSS 17034 EAGLE RIVER LOOP ROAD Engineering EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 S8S Engineering (907)694-2979 Grid NW 55 Scale 1" = 100' Date 3/11/02 Book 54 Page 30 Drawn WDF 5-10879 200(2-122 Environmental Health Division CASE REVIEW WORKSHEET CASE NUMBER: S-8540 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ~,. l ~ ~'~ '~ SUBDIVISION OR PROJECT TITLE: Lots iA, lB Block 2 (Plat P-688) DATE RECEIVED: August 18, 1986 Colonial Park Subdivision COMMENTS DUE BY: September 12, 1986 ( ) PUBLIC WATER AVAILABLE ( ~V~.) PUBLIC SEWER AVAILABLE ( ) COMMUNITY WATER AVAILABLE COMMENTS: ~/~'''~ /~''~ 71-014 (Rev. 5/83) PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION OFFICE USE Municipality ,o~ Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF coMMUNITY PLANNING REC'D BY: P.O. BOXi6650 VERIFY OWN: Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 Please fill in the information requested below. Print one letter or number per block. Do not write in the shaded blocks. 0. Case Number (IF KNOWN) 1. Vacation Code 2. New abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 EOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK.3 LOTS 34). Existing abbreviated legal description (T12N R2W SEC 2 LOT 45 OR SHORT SUB BLK 3 LOT 34) full legal on back page. 4. Petitioner's Name (Last- First) 5. Petitioner's Representative Address T' lRt, City ~¢',~ ~ ~'~¢-~ t"- State /'~ J~, ~'¢J-'~,~ City Phone No, ~¢~ ~-~(-~"Z_- Bill Me v-' ,phOne No.  SON . Register~l Land Surveyor. 694-2543 Address.'-1;~%-, Box 456 - Eagle River, Alaska 99577 State Bill Me_ 6. Petition Area 7. Proposed 8. Existing 9. Traffic Acreage Number Number Analysis Zone Lots Lots 2 12. B. Date: 13, Community Council ~/E. I hereby certify that (I am) (I have been authorized to act for) the owner of the property described above and that I desire to subdivide it in conformance with Chapter 21 of the Anchorage Municipal Code of Ordinances. I understand that payment of the basic subdivision fee is nonrefundable and is to cover the costs associated with processing this application, that it does not assure approval of the subdivision. I also understand that additional fees may be assessed if the Municipality's costs to process this application exceed the basic fee. I further understand that assigned hearing dates are tentative and may be have to postponed by Planning Staff, Platting Board,'Plannir~g Commission, or the Assembly due to administrative reasons. 'Agents must provide written proof or authorization. FeeS '~-'0 ' ~' '-''-Z 10. Grid Number 11. Zone ZO-O(J3 Front Please check or fill in the following: 1. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Classification Residential Commercial Parks/Open Space Transportation Related 2. Comprehensive Plan -- Land Use Intensity Special Study 3. Environmental Factors (if any): a. Wetland /Jo 1. Developable 2. Conservation 3. Preservation Marginal Land Commercial/Industrial Public Lands/Institutions Dwelling Units per Acre Alpine/Slop~.Affe~d * -~ .......... ...,~ ...... ~..~- c~ .Fl~dElain ';~. ~,:,~ ~.~ d; Seismic Zone {Harding/LaWSOn) D. Please indicate below if any of these events have Rezoning Case Number Subdivision Case Number ~ Conditior~al Use Case Number i ~ ' ~ , Zoning Variance Case Number i, - Enforcement Action For '---"'"Building/Land Use Permit For · Army Corp of Engineers Permit E. Legal description for advertising. ', Lo' Co F. Checklist ~" 30 Copies of Plat , :, Reduced Copy of Plat (81/2 x 11) · ;,' ~-~'~-~ ': Certificate to Plat ~ ~'~--'~ Fee Topo Map 3 Copies · ~X~ :, Soils Report 4 Copies A~fial Photo HoUsing Stock Map Zoning:Map wa~r;. .......... ; i~at6W~l[~' Sewer: Private Septic Waiver ORIGINAL COPY OF APPEAL S-8540 ON LOAN TO DEPARTMENT OF AND HUMAN SERVICES ATTENTION: Steve Morris HEALTH Steve, Having seen the copy of the appeal that you were working with i can understand some of the problems you had when making your decision. I do take exception to your letter that you submitted on 10/24/86 in a number of different areas and I submit that you should review the following again. Memorandur~ August 29, 1985 S-8273 from DHHS. Summary of Action September 9, 1985 S-8273 from Platting. Memorandum September 5, 1986 S-8540 from DHHS. Memorandum October 24, 1986 S-8540 from DHHS. ~f~ ~ Subdivision Case Review November 19, 1986 (attached see · ~..,~ ~'"'~ comments in regards to DHHS) ri--'.; ~HS's continuing shift in position is clearly documented and is regards to S-8~7d having to hook to Public Water, it property that was adjacent (~ S~nson's} h~d access to public w~ and if you weren't aware that it existed~ where was S-8273 to hook up? The Me~orandu~ of August ~9 fro~ DHHS for private wells would have made ~ore sense. In regards to your statement that the density of private wells is being increased is in a way correct if you understand it to ~ean what is presently here. It ignores Blk 1 of the subdivision that is on community water and those homes that have also hooked up to Public Water in Blk 4. The number of private wells are decreasing in the area when looking at it over a period of time and if you would have examined our appeal more closely you would have noted that the decline is more apt to increase. The de~and in a "~arg inal water product ion area" in part icular this subdivision has been going down for some years and not up. suggest you also review AMC 21.85. 160 C when a~K~nq us to bring ~. Public Water. You are in error when you stated that proposals of S-8540 and S-8273 are not identical and had checked closer c,n your own documentation o~ that which provided in the appeal you would have refrained fro~ ~aking a state~en~, y~ /~ ~ ~-~ This letter is critical because of the ~ime spent and documentation gathered for this appeal. The ~nformation that had been provided to you was obviously skimmed over by your department and was called a review. You weren't aware of the public water syste~ which was covered in the documentation. You weren't aware of the decrease in wells in the area. You weren't was such knowledgeable of the property that had~een backfilled and had it confused with the recent backfill o~ Block 4 Lot lA instead of that which was on Block 4 Lots 2 & 3~ The information is in the appeal. DHHS has been shifting position from S-8273 and still moving. You weren't even able to recognize when we had met your earlier requirements and you have since changed them again (see Memorandum September 5, 1986 S-8540). We have talked to Jerry Weaver and advised him that you were to send a copy of the letter you are preparing to his attention at the Platting Dept. The letter would be more definitive than the one of 10/24/86. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: October 24, 1986 TO: FROM: Community Planning Department Steve Morris, DHHS SUBJECT: Colonial Park Subdivision S-8540 This department has reviewed the applicant's appeal of the requirement that public water be extended to the proposed subdivision. After reviewing the information supplied by the applicant with regards to the status of the surrounding water wells, it is this department's opinion that an adequate water supply is not necessarily assured from on-site water wells. AMC 21.15.110B.4.b states that the subdivider must submit "all plans, data, tests and engineering reports required by the Department of Health and Human Services to substantiate the availability of a safe and adequate volume of water." Given the uncertainty of the groundwater supplies in this area, we will require that the applicant demonstrate that an adequate supply of water can be obtained by drilling an on-property well and substantiating that it can meet required water needs. Surrounding wells should be monitored to demonstrate that their yields will not be adversely impacted by this additional well. Alternatively, the applicant can show that the existing well on proposed Lot iA can meet the water requirements for both lots. This will require a Class C "Certificate to Operate" from the State Department of Environmental Conservation. This well will be required to meet more stringent setback requirements to the sewer if it is to be used as a community or Class C well. It must be demonstrated that the increased demand placed on this well will not affect the yield of surrounding wells. It should be noted that subdivision proposals S-8540 and S-8273 are not identical in their requirements for water service. Public water service was proposed for one of the two lots proposed in case S-8273. In this case one lot was to be served by public water and the other by an existing private well. In this proposal, the density of wells in the area is not increased. Proposal S-8540 will require tha drilling of an additional private well to serve Lot lB if public water is not extended to the lot. This will increase the density of private wells and the demand on the water resources in a marginal water production area. The applicant's contention that cases S-8540 and S-8273 are identical is not true in terms of the demand placed on the water resources of the area. Joseph L. Brue~ch 19944 Third St. Eagle River9 Ak 995?? Nunicipality of Anchorage P,O. BOX 1.96650 Anchorage! Alaska Dear Sir: We wish to'appeal the condition to extend public water to'both lots. Our understanding is that it would require an 800~ line from Hillcpest to comply. Estimated cost is $80v000. We feel that the area is able to support an additional well fo~ a single family home. The State of Alaska in their Certificate of Appropriation of Water has determined that a family of four (4) requires no more than 600 gallons per day. Using well logs a~d Other information for the immediate area Ne can demonstrate that there is adequate wa~er available apart from the public system. Thank you foe your time in this Joseph L Bruesch C:IiRTI~CA. TI~ OF Jt~PROPRZ~TZON OF WAILER ~ N~ ........ 19.01 ................. I ~d ~e ~ ~d ~o~ ~m~ ~der, he~ ~ ~...JO~PH L~...BSUES~. ~d ~e ~ght to ~e ~ ~ ........... ~0, .~ ........................................... f~m ~e Public wate~ of the S~te ~ for ~e ~ of.,....dg~.~.$..~...~...: ......................................................................... ~e l~on of ~e water ~ ~ w~ ~ ~r.~t ~.~t~ ~ ap~n ~ '~-~- - -, ~ . ,,. ., ..,,- ~..~,, . ........................................................ ~d ....... ~.~ .......... :~~.~.-~ .............................................................. .. _.. ,.~,$:,.:~. ,~ ~...~.::. :~,? a DISTRICT · ,, .~., -~.. .~, ~ .~' , ,% PrioritF of spp~priatio~ b~[ln ............. ~ ................. ~h...!~,...19~! ........................ ~:,. 2' ........... ~1 ~ls~hllllm~ ~[IL'~of the State of Alaska has caused these presents to be ~xecu~ by the Director o! the Division of Lands pursuant to A. S. 46.15, is amended, thia '~i .... '_..ltd .;...~ ............................... day o! .......... June ...................... AD. 19...76... Director, Division of Landg ~ State Record of Water Pdght Certificates Vol ...... X.! I.! ........... ~'a~....!.~.O.! ............... ADL No. 74771 ~'" .- ~ , · · ' . '~: ':. i _ :..,~'- , LOG OF DRILLING by A 6' L DRILLING COMPANY KIND OF FORMATION: TO ........................ FT ....... ....................... Fr~OM .......................FT. TO ..................... r-~ ............................... FROM ...................... FT. TO .......................FT ............................ MISCL. INFORMu~TION: ~,:_cx;:,--~-~ ~/_: ~/- ~-.'/---- /16 OUTLINE of APPEAL Sect ion 1 Overview of Procedures Followed to Subdivide The plan to subdivide came aftep the successful division of Blk l, lot I of Colonial Park Subdivision (S-8~73>. We own the'next lot along Eagle Rivep Lane which is B!k ~ lot 1. This division of Block 1~ lot I (S-8~73) was made possible because public sewep was available and the lots wepe lapge enough to meet the 15~000 sq. ft. pequirement when divided. (A084-133) Our preliminapy action was to check with the Platting Dept. and the Dept. of Health fop any objections or complications that might arise. The initial idea was to do the leg work thereby saving some of the expense of subdividing but we found the process to be very involved and complicated. We obtained permission from the lending institutions that hold loans on ou~ property to subdivide and we then retained Mr. Bob Johnson R.L.S. to begin the process. Because of the work that he did on S-8~?S and the problems associated with that lot i.e. road access and drainage~ he saw no problems in completeing this lot with the same restrictions that had been applied to S-8~73~ for none of the complications e~isted apart from hooking up to public sewer. Because of approaching freeze-up and a standard Sept. 15 deadline for Ground work, we completed this work just days before the Sept 15 Short Plat decision on our lot. We had been assured by Mr. Johnson just before the work that there ~ould be no problems. Then with assurances from Mr. Johnson and the assurances received from the previous agencies we had contacted~ we contracted South* Fopk Construction to make the sewer connect to the house and install a sewer stub to the lower portion of the lot. Section ~ Summary of' Action Sept. 15 ~ 1986 and Variances From Summary of Action Sept. 9, 1985 This is an excerpt taken from the ShoRt Plat Summary of' Action Se pt. 9~ 1985: S-8273 Colonial Park Subdivion, Lots lA & lB The plat ~as approved* subject to: 1. Resolving utility easements; Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering; 3. Constructing 3rd Avenue; Insuring that the proposed lots meet the requirements of AO 84-133~ Placing a note on the plat prohibiting direct vehicular access to Eagle River Lane from either lot. (See Appendix) The following is an excerpt from the Short Plat Summary of Action Sept. 159 1986: S-8540 Colonial Park Subdivision The plat was approved subJeCt to: 1. Resolving utility easements. Extending public sewer and water to service each lot. Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. . Ensuring each lot meets the square footage requirements of the zoning.. (See Appendix) When comparing the conditions required for platting of identical lots in the same area there are some very distinctive requirements that apply to one and not the other. Likewise there have been omissions to conditions that should be applied to the other. S-8540 condition #2 which requires the hookup of both public sewer and public water to both lots is the basis of this appeal. Under the conditions for S-8273 and a memorandum from Health and Human Services Dept. dated August 29, 1985 only publ'ic sewer was required (See Appendix). In dividing the lot, the well became pa~t of Block 1~ lot FoP economic peasons~Block 1, lot 1R was able to hook up to bhe public watep system~ which is a line that runs parallel on 4th ~ve. Hook up to this system was much less expensive than placing a well on Block 1, lot lA. Had the owner decided to drill a well .instead.~ in spite of cost~ he would have been free to do so. The economic impact of implementing the condition for S-85!0 will be coveped undep Section 3 of this appeal. S-8273- Condition #5 prohibits direct vehicular access to' Eagle Rivep Lane from either lot. This proviso was poor planning on someones part when restricting lot lA to this condition but it is our undepstanding that this has since been corpected. The condition should eemain in effect for lot lB and should also be a condition fop S-8~40. In examining the two plats and the conditions attached to each, and lack of conditions, its difficult to recognize that the lots are in the same area. When Mr.. Johnson called in regards to the condition of putting public water to the lots, he was told that thepe were "lots" of complaints and thats why the condition was attached. Upon Reviewing the ~ile (G--8540)~ two complaints were found to have been filed. The two letters filed will be coveped in Section 4. Sect ion 3 Cost of Implementation Checking with the Eagle River branch of the Anchorage Water and Waste Utility and locating two of the closest mater utilities, the best calculation for putting Public water in mould cost over $35,880. This is a hookup from Citation (4th St.)' and Eagle River 'Lane. This did not take into consideration any damage and repair that would be required for the road. The other hookup is Crest View and ~nd St. which is about a 1/~ mile away and has an estimate in excess of $110~800. This is the hookup that we have. ~een asked to make. Additionally the lots would be assessed again if mater mas brought up from Crest View and in the mords of AW&WU PA double whammy". The office here in Eagle River mas surprised that the platting board mould put.such a restriction in. See Appendix for cost of construction in a bid from South Fork Construction for the installation of a water line from the nearest point. This does not consider the cost in repairing the road or equipment time. There is a more practical means of getting mater to the lot and that is by using a ~ll. Since the two letters address a mater problem~ and a concern for the potential impact of another mell drilled in this area, the rationale for using another mell is covered in Section 4. Section ~ Lettees of Objections The letters* of objections-to S-8540 center on the availability of water. The lettee feom Marcia Swanson who lives on Bolck. 1,. lots 2 and ~ has t'he highest ppio~ity, because the ppopepty does' lie pelatively close to oups and the ppoperty did have wells that went dry. The letter fpom Dave & Jan Wachsmuth is broader in appeoach in that the conceen is pee~ised on dividing the largep lots of blocks I & ~ and pequiring wells fop each of the ppoperties. Because each letter has a concern that is somewhat each will be addpessed sepepately. d i f ferent, We have lived hepe 11 years and to oup knowledge the Swanson ppoperty has been one of the worst in pegards to well problems. Theee is mention of othee wells in this subdivision that have gone dey but we are not familiar with any of those cases. When speaking of the number of wells that are on the ppopepty it should be undepstood that one of the wells had never produced water but was in fact a dpy hole. The opiginal owners of the ppoperty, the ~louds~ had Foss Dpilling (See Appendix Swanson Well Logs)put a well in. The well was just over a 180~ in depth and was a good ppoducing well. The date this was dpilled was prior to 197~ which is the yeap we moved hepe. The well failed in 1975 and A&L Drilling put in a ~60~ well in Dec of that year. Flow rate was 6gpm. Approximately seven months latter M-W was called in and they sank the one dry well. The current well that is producing was drilled by M-W Drilling for John Ringues. The well is ~00~ in depth and is a poor ppoducer. It produced ~ gpm with a 36~ draw down after ~ hrs. The date of completion for this well 'was Sept. 1~ 1976. We suspect'that this rate has improved. The drainage from the hillside used to flow across the propepties from Block 1~ lot 1 to the opposite end of Block 1. When Block 1~ lots ~ & 3-wepe backfilled this left a large pool of runoff water to accumilate on Block 1, 'lot 1. It eventually seeps into the ground and we suspect that this helps contribute to the overall flow rate on this end of the subdi-vision. In Appendix are the well logs and a map of the affected area listing depth and flow ratE~ by lot. Examining the well logs you will find that most of the wells were drilled after 1976. You will also note that the wells are of varying depths and rates. It is uneeasonable to conclude as Ms. Swanson has that we should bring in public wate~ to two lots to prevent an impact on the wells of this a~ea. You might also note that where the p~oposed well would go is in an area of high rate ~ells. None have the problems she has. Heritage Homes Subdivision brought in a watep system that puns by Ms. Swanson's propepties on Citation (4th). Pep Anchopage Water and Waste Utilities, the Municipality has been maintaining this system for over ~ yeaps. This system is paPt of the defunct Eagle Crest Utilities? Per Fred Smith Real Estate Div. of Alaska USA, Alaska USA sold this system to the Municipality about two yeaes ago. We understand that the dedication of that system took place. Propepties along that system are allowed to hookup and 3 ppoperties of Block I Colonial Park Subdivision have done so. This means that peoperties along'Citation will be assessed. If Ms. Swanson is having watep problems, she might considep hooking up to the public system and e~joy the benefits o~ mope water than she is cuprently able to get, taking advantage of what she will have 'to pay fop eventually (the assessment) and adding value to the property. Summary and conclusion are in Section This papt of Section 4 addpesses the concepns of the Wachsmuth~s. Theip ¢oncepn coveps a much bpoadep apea than Ms Swanson~s. It is difficult to supply specific infopmation in pegapds to futupe events but thepe ape some considepations that may have beer, oveplooked when the Objection was filed. Thepe is infopmation that~ has been intpoduced by the Wachsmuths that tends to be misleading as in eegapds to whepe ppoblems have occupped and when. The infopmation ~as-ppovided to show that thepe have been ppoblems in those apeas and the potential fop'ppoblems in ·this· subdivision. In the case of Ppuess it is 1/3 of a mile and extending away fpom Eagle Rivep Lane. The othep is on Cpestvie~ Dpive a 1/2 mile away fpom Eagle. Rivep Lane and extending the opposite dipection. Both apeas of ppoblem wells have been coppected with public watep. The Eagle Cpest ppoblem was pesovled ovep ~ yeaps ago. The Ppuess well ppoblems wepe pesolved this summep. The 1st addition to Eagle Cpest Subdivision lies between the ppoblem wells and Colonial Papk Subdivision. · Ron Dupbin of Dupbin Dpilling Co. of Wasilla said he pecently completed wopk thepe~ so thepe is as of yet no demand foe public watep. What has made Blk 1~ lot I and Blk 2, lot I unique fpom othe~ lots in Colonial Papk Subdivision is a public sewep line that puns up Eagle Rivep Lane. The lots ape also lapge enough to meet the pequiped 15~800 sq. ft. when subdivided (A084-133). The potential foe mope lots subdividing can not come about until a sewep system like that ppoposed in Mapch 1983 is implemented. That plan was tupned down. Only ~7~ wepe in favop of that plan and as one of the ~7~ foe it~ would be even less today (See Appendix Sewep-Colonial Papk). I would agpee with the Wachsmuths that aftep a sewep latepal wepe pun that thepe would be mope subdividing. The assessment foe the public sewep past oup lot was $10~a00.00. With costs like these associated with public sewep mope people when confponted by similap op highep costs will peduce theip obligations by subdividing when possible. It should be undepstood that of the lots in Colonial Papk Subdivision that cuppently only ~ lots can subdivide without incupping lapge expense. Block 19 lot I (which has been divided) and Block ~ lot I pending this appeal. The othep lots lack the sewep latepal to subdivide economically. The implication is that as all these lots subdivide that the ppessupe on the watep pesoupces will not keep up with the demand. This type of dividing envisioned by the Wachsmuths would cause the ppopepties to appeae like those which mate up Blk ~ and 3 of Colonial Papk and Eagle Cpest. In oup envisioning of the futupe in regards to the availabilty of water~ we see strong economic considerations involved. As more and more homes switch to public water vs well9 the marketability o~ the house on a well and septic system goes down compared to that which has the public utilities. The home that has public utilities reduces the concern from the potential problems of having a water system failure or a septic system failure. A home that has public utilities will have those assessments paid. A home in an area such as ours with public utilities surrounding it face future assessments whether they volunteer or not for the utilities. The most recent example is the sewer line that was put on Eagle River Lane for Heritage Estates. Likewise should we be required to have the water line brought in from Crest View, those properties would be assessed for that line. The assessment would be paid upon sale of the properties plush'the' interest that. has accured from the date of dedication. The effect of having an unknown future cost of a certain assessment reduces the value of the property. There is a safety factor or perhaps more accurately a confidence factor associated with public utilities. That has been dramatically illustrated in Peters Creek area where a number wells were found to be contaminated and homes that were on the market and yet not affected by the contamination suffered serious economic impact. Another consideration that has been overlooked~ as in the case of the Preuss and Eagle Crest water problems, that a number of those wells were marginal to begin with. Those that hooked up to public water at the same time relinquished their wells. We also expect to see others such as Ms Swanson eventually switch to public water as have Blk l~lots 18,? and lA of Ms Swanson~s Block. Some will hook-up because of poor flow rates. Others will hook up to meet the requirement imposed by lending institutions when the property is sold. As .these wells disappear? the pressure on.the water resources for the area goes down but when considering the l~rQe swinD in depths and flow rates as previously pointed out in ~'~how mu~h d~ff-~e~e= {~ ~ould actually make. We would address the more immediate problem of water fop the proposed subdividing and the more viable option of having a well drilled vs putting a public water line in. T~e prime ~oncern is t · i~___!~jQ~f another well in this area.- The .lot across t~e street which'is'in ~ruess ~uDoivlsion nas a well thats 1~0~ deep and a flo~ rate of ~0 gpm. This ~ell is approximately 1/3 of a mile from the proble~ ~ells of Pruess Subdivision' mention by Wachsmu~hs a~d ~hese problem wells ex~end in a direction a~ay from our property. As of 9/~5/8~, 9 properties had hooked up to the public ~ater-system with I waiting for inspection to hookup. Our well is 160~ and 4 gpm and the adjoing property to ours is ~65~ with a rate of 18 gp~. Diagonal to us is Ms Swanson~s well of 400~ ~ gpm and next to her~ on lot ! of her block is a well of 95~ with ~.5 gph. There is a question of risk involved in drilling a well. The risk is that there ~ay be no water. The depth, the flow rate, the longevity can not be guaranteed because of the area that it is in. The wells on Blk 1, lots ~ & ~ illustrates this point. This property has had two well failures, one dry hole and the current well which has bee6 a low producer since Sept. 1976. The majority of the wells in this apea have been dpilled aftep this well including those of Ppuess Subdivision that bopdep Eagle Rivep Lane. Thepe ~as a comment ~pitten on a well log foe anothep subdivision that is applicable hepe. Wpitten on the side "Lots o4 ~atep ppovided thepe is no quake.'~ Thepe is no guapantee that a well will last. We undepstand t'hepe is a cuppe~t ppoblem ~ith Ms. Swanson's well. that should be addpessed and that is the muddy ~atep. 'This ppoblem may have been caused by previous owneps of Block 1, lots 2 & ~ extensively backfilling the ppopepty. This Caused the natupal punoff to accumulate on Block 1, lot 1~ (See Appendix Photo) ovepflo~ing the well of lot I and possibly causing ppoblems to the S~anson well. It should be pointed out that to oup knowledge' no othep well in this apea has been a(fected . Though public watep would be ppefepped ,foe the peasons alpeady pointed out, it is not a viable economical solution at this date. Du~bin Dpilling has offeped an estimate of $6,600.00 with the ppoviso that states "Please pealize that this is only an estimatel actual depth of well at the time of dpilling will detepmine the total chapges." The pisk factop of $~,~08.80 plus is ppefepable to the $~,880.00 plus suggested by the Wachsmuths and Ms 8~anson. Section 5 Summary and Conclusion SUMMARY We discussed the procedures used to subdivide and the meetinDs held with the Platting Dept. and the.Health Dept..We have shown the diffepences in conditions between the S-8273 and S-8540. Objectional to us is the requirement to hook to public water when it is not economically feasible. We have addressed the two lettees of objections. One that was based on a single well in the immediate area to be subdivided and the other that was based on a much lapper scope dealing with more subdividing in our subdivision and water shortages that mioht develop because of those divisions. We pointed out how public utilities ape beginning to surround this subdivision and have speculated on the eventual impact it will have. We have included supporting documentation. CONCLUSIONS Health and Human Services had no objection to use private wells provided proper seperation to sewep line is. maintained (See lettep re S-8273). When spoken to Steve lng of Dept. Enviponmental Consepvation State of Alaska said thepe would be no objection provided public sewep was available. Eagle Rivep Valley Community Council pointed out a square footage concern in dividing the lot. There was no objection for the use of ppivate wells. Block 1, lot I (S-8273) was approved for private wells. The well logs foe the proposed aPea support the conclusion that another well would not have the impact alluded to by the Wachsmuths or Ms Swanson. We submit that the requirement for public water to both lots be stricken and the addition of a new pestriction that prevents direct vehicular access-to Eagle Rivep Lane from either lot. Based on prior action taken by the Anchorage Platting' Authority (S-8273) and our discussions with them'and the Health and Services Dept~ ~e have invested ove~ $16,000 to date in this subdividing. The new condition of hooking up to public water for both lots would require us to spend another $55, 888 to $118,800 pius, depending of the routing of the water' line'we have to hook to, is unreasonable and not in line with a similar decision for this area. This has been stated by several people to us from city agencies, an engineering firm and several construction firms. mill mL,, C~ST L&4 Iq,AC:I I I I ! .I _ -- I ;111 RIVEN LN. Il StdA~$~lO~ Lo'Ps I ~-~75 RIVER V~LLEY COMMUNITY COUNCIL P.O. BOX 778B18 EASLE RIVER, ALASKA BSS77 September 11, 158B Municipalitw of Anchorage Communitw Planning Department P.O. Box B6SO Anchorage, Alaska BBSO2-OBSO Omar Sir: The Eagle River Uallew Communitg Council reviewed the Short Plat #s-ss~0 concerning a subdivision of Block 2, Lots lA & lB in the Colonial Park Subdivision.' ?he plat.requests the lot to be subdivided into two lot~, one equal to 1S,O00 sq. ft., the other being 13,BO0 sq. ft. This lot is located within an R1A zoned area; however, there is a special limitation attached to Title 21 shich require~ the minimum lot size in this district to be i5,000 sq. ft.per lot. Lot lB ia onlw 13,BO0 sq. ft. and therefore can n~t be lsgall~ allowed. Requeet the review officer be made aware of t~e special limitation which applies to this area and not approve the subdivision of land as requested. This actior is taken pursuant to a unanimous vote of the communitw council, which met last evening, September 10, laBS. A 7,2-4¥5S President, Eagle River Ualleu Communitg Council MEMORAND M - DA TE: . August 29, 1985 *TO: C°~unlty Planning FROM: Depar tme n t Health and HUman Services Department SUBJECT: Cases due . September 6, 1985 ~he EnVtro~ental has revle~ed ,~ _Heaith D ~ne ZO2io~ ~ol~'~z°n o~ the Department o~ 1..~ cases ~d has the ~O12o~in8 Health and HUman Semites S-8271: Lots 25F-i and ~tend Public 2~,~r ~:~ard ~elghts ~. C°~en't~: S,8272: Lots lA & 18 Cricke '.' .-,,u ~a:er' to ~-~z:l*on Subdivision. ~o object/on Ct Subdivision. ~uc~ 1ocs. ~Lots EXtend ,u~,' ck 1 Colo-~ - wells .~ ~zc sews-, t- ~zal Park Su~:. ~-o,~er Separatio-.._No °bjec:io S-8274: Lot 3-~ Block 2 Upp~r n =u Sewer line % to use of No objection. Eagle ~ver ES:ares Subdivision. SUsan E. Os Acting progr~ ~ ~-Slte S~.~ naEer _ ----~ v&CeS SEO/pah '%. ~untctpal.tty of &nchorage P].a.~:t:i~g a~d Zou:l.ag Depe. rme~t . Anchorase, Alaska " "' Jan and Dave Wachsmuth 19709 Second Street Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Lot 8 Blk. 2 Colonial Park~ Sub. September 14, 1986 ACtn: Je~ryVeaver Coneernin~: Short Plat Case S85-&0 Dear Sir: We understand that the property involved /n'thts case does meet the required minimum of 15,000 sq. ft. per .lot when subdivided. We are very concerned about the availability of water for extsttn$ wells and future Sells tn our subdivision as more and more of the larger lots like ~hts one are subdivided. Wells 'in Pruess Subdivision across the Ea$1e R/vet Lane from this lot are ~arstnal and some have sons dry. I believe it has been necessary to brlng public water into this area recently or It ~/11 be brought tn /n the n~ar future. On the other side of Colonial Parks Subdivision is Eagle Crest Subdivision where a~ater crisis occurred t~o years ago and necessitated emergency funding for a public water ~ys~hookup. We want the HuntctpalitY o£ Anchorage to recognize our concern for our existing ~ells and we req~ect that ~my ney lots created by subdividing be required to hookup to publlc water ~ well as public se~er. Janet ,~. ~achsmuth David ';. Wachsmuth ANCHORAGE WATER & WASTEWATER UTILITY 3000 Arctic Boulevard Anchorage, Alaska 99503 (907) Tony Knowle$ Mayor Ownecl by the Municipality of Anchorage June 7, 1983 SUBJECT: PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT, CO[Z)NIAL PARK SUBDIVISION Dear Property Owner: The Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility has calculated the ballots for the proposed Sewer Improvement with the following percentages as shown. In Favor of Creation= Against Creation= Abstained from Voting= 26.9665% 49.5027% 23.5308% TOTAL 100.0000% This clearly shows the improvement district has not gained the support of more than 50% of the properties which would bear the cost of the project. Therefore, the Improvement District has failed and Municipal participation on this project must be and has been terminated in accordance with the Home Rule Charter. Should you have additional questions on this subject, please feel free to contact me at 265-5523. Sincerely, SKIP EDINGER Assessment Supervisor Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility SE=lb & · 18 I0 ~0 . Srd ST 0 I OA - B N ..... ~ ==. -=__ .... ~ COLONIAL PARK L.I.D. "50-18 PROPOSED L.I.D. BOUNDARY------------, PROPOSED LATERAL SEWER EXISTING TRUNK SEWER ---~.~- .... -- Municipalityof Anchorage September 17, 1986 P.O. BOX 196650 ANCHORAGE. A;LASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4222 TONY KNOWLE$. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PLANNING Joseph L. Bruesch 19944 3rd Street Eagle River, Ak 99577 O~ September 15, 1986, the A~/~3rage Platting ~ty acted o~ ~3ur pet~_tic~ fo=, sub~ivisio~ XXXresub~Visiom S-8540 COLUNTAL PARK S~ISION varianoe of XXXX If you have any ~uest/m~ ~ t~e~e =mx~i~ = ¢~3~es, please call our office. (264-4267) within fifteen (15) ~ of the Platt/rig Board's action. Sincerely, Je~f T. Weaver, Jr. cc: Robert C. Johnson Box 456 Eagle River, Ak 99577 SHORT PLAT SUMMARY OF ACTION September 15, 1986 S-8540 COLONIAL PARK SUBDIVISION The plat was approved subject to: Resolving utility easements. Extending public sewer and water to service each lot. 3.- Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. 4. Ensuring each lot meets the square footage requirements of the zoning. S-8541 RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION PLAT HILLSIDE NORTH The plat was approved subject= 1. Indicating section line easements on the plat. Resolving intersection a11ignments with the department of Public Works. Changing the wording on note number six to the Plannina Departments satisfaction by indicating that the area vacated will revert to contiguous properties on an equal proportion or to a contiguous property in total· S-8542 NORTHWAY BUSINESS PARK, WICKERSHAM TRACT & CZAR ALEXANDER TRACT ~%e plat w~s app&oved s~0ject to~ Resolving utility easements. Resolving drainage and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering. Ensuring with Zoning Enforcement, adequate existing parking and setbacks for structures. S-8543 AMBER HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION LOTS I & 2 The plat was approved, subject to= 1. Resolving utility easments. S-8271 SHORT PLAT SUI~4ARY OF ACTION ~ September 9, !985 SPENARD HEIGflTS SUBDIVISION, LOTS 25F-1 AND 25F-2 The 'plat wa8 approv,ed subject to: 1, Resolving utility, easements; S-8272 2. Res~lvi.ng access easement with Traffic Engineering· CRIC1CETT~ SUBDIVISION, LOTS The plat .~iWas approved oubJect to: 1 ,-' ReSOXvtng utility easements. COLONIAL LOTS lA AND 1 B PARK SUBDIVSION, The plat vas apprOVed subject 'to: 3 4. Resolving utility easements; Res~lving drainage'and drainage easements with Public Works Engineering; .. Constructing 3rd AVenue; Insuring that the proposed lots meet the requirements of AO 84-133; Pl~.iag a note .on the plat prohibiting direct vehicular access to Eagle River .Lane from either lot. S-8274 UPPER EAGLE RIVER ESTATES SUBDIVISION,'BLOCK 2 LOTS 3-A1 The plat was approved subject to: 1. Re.solving utility easements. J vl 3/csoa2 COLONIAL PARK, BLK 1, LOT lA,lB (S-8275) Blk 1, Lot 1, was approved Sept. 9, 1985 for subdividing {see attachment Lot lA has public sewer and public water. Lot lB has public sewer and an existing well. Lot lB has a'drainage problem, as it is a drainage hole for the upper hillside. Water collects and stands in the hole that used to flow into Lot 2 and $ of Blk 1 before it was extensively backfilled. This picture 'Shows the water runoff path of upper Eagle River Lane. Please note fresh pavement patches to right of road. The old pavement washed away this summer. Please note Lot lB of Block 1 is to the left of this and receives all the runoff via an under- road culvert. COLONIAL PARK, BLK 2, LOT 1 (S-8540) Blk 2, Lot lA has .public sewer and an existing well lB has public sewer. · Blk 2, Lot OUTH FORK CONS;I'R P.O. Box 567 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Phmm Page No. I of / Pages PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO ~ ~ } CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE ~, . A ~*/ ARCHITECT ' - ' DATE OF PLANS ~ We hereby submit s4~ecificatioa~_.lnd estiml~tes for:~ - _. ]I~' ~'I~IRIB~' hereby 'to furnish material and labor --compl'ete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: Pat~.r~nt to be made as follows: I AIl mltlrill il ~ulrlrd~edl t~ be n' IP~cJrm~l' NI wink t° Im ~campleted in ' ~mrkmi.-mike Authorize~ and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Date of Acceptance: No~,: this p.~o.I ~y b~ .~ 0 withdrawn by ~ if ~ ~ within days. ~g~ture ~um ar dllm/s be~jofld aur control. Owner ~o city tim, tomldo m~d Mh~' ' · Our warlmrs am fully covered by Wm~men s ComgensmJae Insurmme STATEMENT DLmbi~ DRilli~c~ Co. 1486 Grubstake Drive llVasilla, Alaska 99687 (9O7) 376-WELL Dete 9-27-86 Joe Bruesch 'Estimate fo~ __~_~-~ _~ver, ~.K 99577 ~'a, ~gl e ~ver Charges and Credits 330 ft. water' well $ $20/ft: This estimate includes 6" Steel well casing, drlll~.ng and any necessary development.time. Well cap and drlve shoe are included. Balance O0 an estimate; actual depth Of Thank you fo Own er/O. perate. Th~~k Yo, Location (address of: Township, Range, & Section (if known); distance from road: Size of Ca$inj ~eet. Cased to feet. · Static water level ~ Ifeet (abave] (be~) l~nd surface. Pinish of Well (check one) -~ Open end [~-)~-- Screen ( ): Perfar.~ted [ ). , Describe screen or perfo~..~ns:' ~ Nell pumping test_at,_~__~_allon~ 'per (hr) (mn) far__hours with ~feet of dra.wdown, from static level. WELL LOG _._~th in feet from Give details of formtioas penetrated, size of eaterial~. '~ _ ground su:face color, and hardness .... - , . ~0 tO tO to to tO tO tO M-W DRILLING, INC. DRILLING LOG Well Owner - John Rincjues . Use of Well Dom Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance m~!- road .L2~ -Blk l~ Colonial Size of casm~~epth o/Hok 400 Screen ( ); Perforated ( ). Describe - - 6'csa to ~69'~ 42' Well pumping test at 2 L,~llons per ~ (minute) for o/ ch~wdow~, /rom static leveL Park Subdiv ~~ ~t~ ~.~g) feet C~ed t~ '.. 400 fcet l~nd sur/ace. Finish of well (check one) open end ( X of 4' T&C run down ~o 400' 2 hburs with 36 ); Date of comPletion I Se? 76 Depth in feet from ~round surface C 0 ~TO 2 2 TO 18 18 .TO 97 97 TO 99 99 TO. 136 '136 TO 280 280 TO 315 315 TO 350 350 TO 399 399 TO 400 WELL LOG Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness Casing STickup 'Silty Cobble Gravel Gravelly Haxdpan A/Al' sporadic water seaps--no head Hardpan Till~ lar~ cobbles Gravelly Haxdpan Till~ sporadic boulders, cobbly A/Al small gravel seams Sand & Small Gravel Cemented Cobble Gravel Medium Water Gravel Cer~icate Nos. 2 -- STATE ?'~'-';--- IfA,TEk ~LL DRILL£P,$ LOG DO NOT FILL Drilling Co._ - Driller~ _ Size o~ Cs g · . -~.~r~l 3- ~ DOC Co. ~ba t- SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P, O. BOX 272. CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99567 :'. TELEPHONE 688-2759 LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE - Started 7~/? PERMIT NUMBER A='_/ Ended .%< DEPTH OF WELL / STATIC LEVEL OF WATER DRAW DOWN FT. GALS. PER HR ~'~ o KIND OF CASING KIND OF FORMATION: From _/9 Ft. to c~. From_.~_.._.Ft. to / / From I/ Ft. to ~ From / ? Ft. to / ,..F' From [ e;I;' Ft. From .-<--~' Ft. Ft. to Ft. Fi. to Ft. Ft. to_ Ft. , Ft. to~__l't_,"=-.. C~ 4~ ~ "' .~...e . " Ft. to - Ft .0 ,,,. - From Ft. to Ft, ~,,~ r'~'_ From __ Ft. to Ft. Front '7,~_ Ft. to j ~ / Ft,(' ~e' 4' Y ~' ~; '¢. ,'~,-"-'~' _ . · ~ ..- From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft From Ft. to Ft. From . Ft. to Ft Frmn Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to .. Ft. · From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. Frum~ Ft. to Ft. Fromm. Ft. to Ft. From__ Ft. to . Ft. From~Ft. to . Ft. From Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. MISCL. INFORMATION: ...~ ...".~',~ C ~d ! 7 ~ 5-0 7(,, 7 Y',~7'~' 7'-,[' )WNER OF LAND , ;,~:,. o-" qDDRESS ": ? DOC Co. ODO SULLIVAN WATER WELLSRECEI-V-i D- P. O. BOX 272. CHUGIAK. ALASKA ~gs~7 · TELEPHONE 888-27S9 ~*,~-/,,v'~,-/*~. ,.--:/f. =-. ~/.~,,~. lEGAL DESCRIPTION ./. ', ~,c. '- DATE - Started '" -"" ' / PERMIT NUMBER ;?'" '" -~ ,: Ended '?' ' / ICIND-OF FORMATION: From '": ~ Ft. to -' ~Ft. From - ~l-Ft. to ,, ,-,.,~: .~-1., From ,:--,' c.'c.,~;' ~ to Ft. ',:~: ,-~. .?~ ~ Fr~__ 3~ ~' '~ ~ ~".:~' ;~ F~ ~o Ft. -.. ' ~ /~ From__ From __ DEPTH OF WELL STATIC LEVELOF WATER FT. : ~"' ~9/ GA~. PER HR .' KI~D OF CASING Ft. to Ft. · Ft. to Ft. .Ft. to Ft:_ .Ft. to Ft, Ft. to Ft. .Ft. to . Ft. .Ft. to Ft. .Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to . Ft Ft. to _ Ft Ft. to Ft Ft. to Ft. Ft. to .. Ft. __.Ft. to Ft.. Ft. to Ff. From FL FC ~c~Ft' From ' /o ~Ft. From /'~- Ft. to From '~ ~.- Ft. to , , From ~ ' Ft. to . F~ ' Ft. to From ~ FCto ' ' - Ft. J ~'~ ~"%'' '~'~ ~u-o m From FL to Ft. ~ ~~ " From F~ , Ft. to Ft._ FMm F~ . Ft. to Ft. Fr~ Fr~, Ft. to , .Ft. From F~ Ft. to .. Ft. F~ blISCL INFORMATION: DRILLER'S NAME DbC 47z Well Log: Lot B, Blk. ;., Coloni~n ~rk Subdivision First .... --E~le RiVer; Ala.~ka Drilled by: Harry. A, Mackev Owners: Lo~: Kenneth and Mary Carol Simmom 0 - ?? feet 22- ~9 feet 59- 4~ feet ~9 feet &~- 96 feet 96- 99 feet q9 -~.y feet 5 gal net min- Sand and boulders Mostly sand Sand Large boulder Sand and H~rdnan Oray clay Hit gravel with w~ter Cased to lOS' ~0". Static Level 60"Feet L gGS SITE ID LOCAL NO. st5 ~-I- '7 D Well Log:-Lot 9, Blk ~, Colonial Park Subdivision First Ave~e .E~gle River, Alaska qq577 Drilled by: · Harry. A. Mackey 'Owners: ~r~'in 'and Norma Monsen Log: 0 - 69 feet S~nd, gravel, silt and boulders 6.~ '~'~.70 feet Gravel with some water. Pulled I00 g~l. Water shut off but picked uD at: 'feet Water 82 - 88 feet :Sand and Hardoan 98- 9" feet Sand, Hardpan, Water 91 - 400 feet .Gray Clay 'At ~00 feet water 0 5-gals. Der min. Static level i's 60 feet. Good.well. Cased to ~02'. i . Ft. to '° Ft. to __Ft. to __Ft. to ,,Ft. to ~; From ~' ~.~ ~ .... ~ .~ ......... ' From .... ,FL lo .... Ft. -" Ft, Ft. '=~"' '" .... "" ': ' ' - '" Ft. ' Ft. Ft. Ft. lo Ft. to w,,~er ]eve1 ~ ~t...~(~ii~e) (be]ow) ']~.d s~f.ce, l:'in/sl~ of well (check o-e) open end ( ~.~ ); ,: . ......... I )escribe s~ee~ oz pe~oT~tiOn ' · completion- =~'-et from ' -' ' ~.'face Give de~ils of fo,,nation~ penetrated, size of material, color a~d hardness ' - " ' '" ' ' ....~ ~.0 _ .-- . -- .' · ~;.~ -~ ~TO_ ~ t. '"- ~ ~,~ · '-- .. -- . ~' .. - . -- ' :' ~ -t/.'~- __TO~ ' -~o ol 8 e~ G~a vel ~o~ '"' "~:~ ' . ~TO~ '~ ~ ; ~'~- ..-.. , OlltOncl end OlractIo~ fr~m Ic~d Intarsect;ons Street Ad=retS end &rea Of Well Locetiofl I~$terlel Type: O tine tar: Slot/aeon Silt: Leagth: Set betuee~ ft. and STA?IC kATER LEV[L: ~ A~ve ~kl~ lek surface Type of f~asureOant: ft. 10. PUfqPING LEVEL belo~ land Surface ,, ft. offer- #rs. King . ft. after hrs. ImN);nI _ I!. ION: Q In &Dproved Pit iKf~s Ibc)ye IGriOt ~ .p.m. 12. 13. GRD~/T lNG: I~ll Grouted: Raler iii: 0 lle4 ~ Csm~n{: I'U~P: (if available) Length of Drop Q du~.,.si~le O Jet #P ::) i IiAM cO'rTt:N DR~ Boz 2g$ ~ F~/Io River, ,~3,uska [Ir llh g by OWNER OF LAND L ;-, ~ t,, ~" ADDRESS -'; ~ A.· / LEGAL DESCRIPTION "' - '-"- / ,v / . .j: .;, -/ DATE - Staffed /, . PERMIT NUMBER '7 ~' A & L DRILLING COMPANY BOX g7. EAGLE RIVER. ALASKA 99577 · TELEPHONE 694-2588 7-,' 5'-'~ ·, :- DEPTH OF WELL "" ' , / · STATIC LEVEL OF WATER FT. " Ended. DRAW DOWN FT. GALS. PER HR KIND OF CASING KIND OF FORMATION: From (5' Ft. to / Ft. "" ' ' ' From /'7~, Ft. to /7" Ft. From ?~,.2 Ft. to--Ft. From From ;" From From From From From Ft. tn Ft. From From Ft. to Ft. From From Ft. to ' Ft. From , . From Ft. to Ft. From From , Ft. to Ft. From Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft, Ft. to ,, Ft. ,Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to , Ft. Ft. to Ft. Fi. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft MISCL INFORMATION: /~.,,,,~ p. -~-c: ,'~ DRILLER'S NAME ' (gertifie lritling by DRILLING COMPANY 17, E&OLE/liVE[I, ALASKA ~e677 · TELEPHONE le4-25~ /..q. ~ OF From From Fmm Fmm From Ft. to Ft. Ft. to, Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft ,, Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft.. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to FL Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. Ft. to Ft. DRILJ,,ER'S NAME ,~l,Eagle River Lane 'Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Drilled'by: Harry Ao Mackey '' Triple ~ Cabinet and OM~ers: Log: .. oorcov ring ,Robert and ~udlth T~serend' ~-20 ..f~et - Clay, gravel and large boulders ' ~O-'~& ·feet - Nixed with ~lay, silt, hardDan ': ' $~ 67 fee~ - Note boulders · ~I- gO feet - 'sand and gravel 90-~ feet - ~or~ sand and gravel '; 9~-12~feet - gravel and Course 8and :.-' :. Cased ~o 120 feet~ --- lots of water., .... _. 20 gals per minute. ~','. , gravel, ", ."' ,' LOG OF DRILLING by A 6' L DRILLING COMPANY .T,TIC LL""V~I. O~' ,AYER FT ..... -'~----I ,,,, ~o,, ,,. 'H...2.:. .............. Well Owner [V~-W DRILLING, Inc. P. O. Box 4-1224 * 1310C International AirDort Road (907) 274-461 ] ANC HORAG E, AI.ASK~ 99~09 DRILUNG LOG ,r .,~,3..~. ~,.'"; .~' .. :I, -.,~) 4. ~t~, ... ,:..~.~.., .... ENV;RONMENIAL PI~O~iC1,ON -~O 7}/ I/IY 20 RECEIVED Use of Well ~o~ ~ location (address of: ~Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road · '~'? ~, 17 1'--,.-.~?.: · '" ~'?.i.:;, Size of casinE ' 6 r~epth of Hole, Static water leve! 3,:0 ft. (above) Screen ( ); Per/orated ( Describe screen or perforation WeU pumpL~g test at ~ *q 711o~s per of drawdown from static level. $7t5 feet Cased to '"~'~ = $ feet (below) land surface. Fin/sh of well (check one) )'. (minute) for ?-,, hours with Date of completion ;'t~ ::arch 197(~ .' WELL LOG x );. :ft; Depth in feet ~om ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness To .3?o -~?,?- TO ~72 TO. _To To. .TO , TO ~__.TO .TO TO TO, ~obble G.,.'~w..! ~ oct,.-.?., io:~al Sandy Gravel .-P:l-:s:aa] ! Coarse .~and (,.? %'1.'":;" 1,?~'xVA Ce;~[~-cd Cono'actv~ , ~.,.tific~tc }lok. 814 & 973 2--STATE 0,5'0 ,302_  MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT NAME IPHONE I []NEW MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION NO. OF BEDROOMS.~.. DISTANCE TO: / ~,~ Absorpti I Dwelling _ox 1 7 o.~:1- Z Manufacturer ~,~.~ ~,, Material No. of compartments Liq. cap~y~allons IF HOMEMADE: Inside length Width Liquid depth {~ v DISTANCE TO: Well , r~ Z ~, / //~ Dwelling PERMIT NO. n'--I-O Z ~:Manufacturer l '~ /-"'~ Material Liquid capacity in gallons ¢31,1~ Well I Foundation i Nearest lot line~ ~) I PERMIT NO. ~ DISTANCE TO: l/~ ~ No. of lines~ Length of each line ~ Total length o~ / Trench width Distance between lines ~ ~/ Top of tile to finish grade ~ Material beneath tile Total effective absorption area ~3 S ~ inches ~ ~m ~ ~ ~ inches Length Width Depth PERMIT NO. =  Tgpe of crib Grib di Crib depth Total effectiue absorption area m Well ~ % Building foundation Nearest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth ~ / ~ Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: Buildin~fo~da~on J Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS ~'J ~ SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER ~ ~ ' REMARKS ., ~,_~. ~ .~,. ~- . ~ - ' ~..A~TH~ %~ ~ ~ ~....~.=..~.z, ~ ~ ,~-~" ._, ~.~-- ~,~, 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) GRE 'ER ANCHORAGE AREA BOP' 'UGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION PHONE SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE FROM WELL MANU FACTU RE R~l#,er P~;t.S NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID CAPACITY. GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS ~ LINING MATERIAL L~. DIAMETER CRIB SIZE: BUILDING FOUNDATION ~ OR WIDTH IGI LENGTH I(0' DEPTH Il' DIAMETER DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: WELL TOTAL EFFECTIVE , NEAREST LOT LINE ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ~ SQ. FT. ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION TYPE CONSTRUCTION NEAREST --, LOT LINE , OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED BUILDING FOUNDATION CESSPOOL APPROVED NEAREST SEWER LINE DEPTH. DISTANCE FROM: SEPTIC SEEPAGE , TANK __, SYSTEM REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: REMARKS: Form No. EO.-031 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE. I~/~ /~i ~/ APPROVED .A.A.B. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department f Health and Environmenta' ,rotection 825 ~ Street,264-4720 Anchorage, AK. -~9501 ~ * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * Permit % 8 )0~ .... ~'' ~-~ ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Ap plic ant: Location: Phone Number: ~ ~ Legal Description: Z~/ ~ ~t~l ~ ~ ~1~5~ / Lot Size: Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: (/Drainfield: Seepage Bed: Holding Tank: Maximum Number of Bedrooms:~_~' Soil Rating(sq.ft/br) The Required Size of the Soil Absorption System Is: DEPTH~ '<~'~'--.. LENGTH GRAVEL DEPTH __"~'"~' WIDTH The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall Pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). REQUIRED SEPTIC(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = __/__~ALLONS Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of' residences that the well will serve. ' * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without final inspection and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1 9 8 3 * * * I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may r~quire enlargement if the r~idence is remodeled to include more the~3/ bedrooms. Signe~ &~ J ~ ~u~_~lssued b C"',.~/Y -- · Applicant Date: ~/~~~ ~ U SWP/024 (i/si) GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA Bol~)Ugh DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-4561 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT PERMIT NO. NAME OF APPLICANT INSTALLATION LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~' MAILING ADDRESS PHONE INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT I~/ , DRAIN FIELD OTHER TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED SO,L TEST RESULTS / g f '~ COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED NOTE: THIS PERMIT IS NOT VALI'D WITHOUT SOIL TEST FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTION BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE TYPe AREA TYPE MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK ~- I FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE Pit 2~0 I , DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE Pit WALL / f ! , SEEPAGE Pit DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK TO NEAREST LOT LINE. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD Io0 WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE Pit DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK, /bO! SEEPAGE P,T /z~,~' ., , DRAIN FIELD TO RIVER, LAKE. STREAM. CAST lEON INTO AND OUT Of SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND ~EEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH AIRTIGHT REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROU~GULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. ? / G.^.^... DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. DATE /f? 2/{ /4 1~/ APPLICANTS SIGNATURE FORM NO. EQ-016 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PERCOLATION TEST 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 ~2 3 4 5 6 20 COMMENTS PERFORMED BY:~ ~S (3ROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? No IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? S L 0 P E Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop [,;P ,._..... FI A.~ I ~'/ ~ ' · .... PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN 1~ ft AND !/I , ft CERTIFIEDBY' ~" 'DATE: ~ ~.~-~~ 72-0O8 (6/79) GFr"TER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Depa:~_..~nt of Environmental Quality 3330 "C' Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Date performed ?erco!ation test 'S - !2- 13 - ,'as ground water encountered? ~q) . if yes, at what depth? Date Gross Time Net Time Depth to H20t