HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRESTBROOK General Information ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health SEMI-PUBLIc WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT Establishment CRESTBROOK SUBDIVISION WELL Date of Visit 9/9/66 Location Sand Lake Rd. i 1/2 mi. W Sew. Hwy. Responsible O ffici~] /~,~/.Z~. ~-/,w~,~/ Mobile Homest Trailer Pk ¢ Campgr'd est No. Connections 36 Population Served 45 v/o #75 Form No. PEEHP-W-Z "As Built" Plans Available ? Unknown Mailing Address T it 1 e Motel/Lodge School Other Use(gpd) est. 4000 ay. Source: Spring Surface Well: Dug Location Size §" Static Level Date Constructed 1960 Driven Drilled ~ See sketch Depth 165' Artesian Type Casing Steel Casing Depth 145' Pump.Type Centrifu~al} 1/3 HP Pump Elevation Not known Water Tests: Chemical No Residual Chlorine No Bacte riological No Are records kept of operation and tests ? Storage: Reservoir = Pressure Tank Other -- Distribution: Pipe Type Pipe Size (Type and Capacity) pressure tank 6' x 4~ Diam. Galv Steel Pressure 30 - 40 psi cycle Chlorination Rate None Residual Chlorine None Other None Frequency -- NO Source Protection: Subject to flooding Casing or cover sealed Yes Floor drain piped to surface discharge No drains. Premises clean No. Clutter~d, moldy~ odors. Other Yes. Well in pit approx. 5' below existing ground. Well pit floor id natural ground. Note uncapped pipe on well head, ~hoto 89-12. Note: F' (Yes) x (No) Form No. PEEHp-W-Z. Page 2 Source location in relation to: (sketch below) 1. Sewer pipe, septic tank, drain field, cesspool, privy, drainage course, stream, pond, lake, garbage, animals. Z. Adjacent basements, building sewers, rodent and vermin harborage. 3. Distance to public water system. SEE ATTACHED SKETC~ Effect of earthquake; Reconstruction completed and remalmng: "Water system not affected by quake" -- Geo. Tucker Sewage and solid waste disposal is the responsibility of the individuals occup~in$ the subdivision lots served by the water system. Form No. PEEHP-W~2 Page CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions: ~. Lots in the subdivision are sold outright to people Interested in buy!n:. ·There is not a manager or an owner ~o to speak who collects rent or this sort of thing, ~gfectiveiy, the lots are the same as house lots in any other subdivision. The resoonsibilitv of seweSe ~iiposal at each o~ the lots falls on the owner of the lot itself. There is now sewer system in the subdivision. The well is ovned at the present time by an individual who maintains the well but does not charge the individual users for the water. There is an agreement in the contract of those people ~ho buy lots that once so many lots are sold in the subdivision, the well becomes community property and It is up to the people livin~ in the subdivision to properly maintain the well, At the present time this situation has not gone into effect.. ~a~e of the ct~cent owner is George Tucker of 326 E~ 2nd Avenue, Recommendations:, The we~l is housed in a pi~ with concrete sides but with no well pit floor. are n9 drains and rater seeps down thru the roo£in~ material. The well hcusir~ and well oi~ should be ~ladewetertt~ht With pit drains ~nich dts~se to atmosphe~e~ 2~ ,~ote in photo 29;12 ~hat the pipe extendin~ £ro~ the well head with the ~lobe valve is not caooedo This line should be capped to assure a well head aealo ,,,3, A trailer parked near the well disposes of sew~,e,in a shallow cesspool located ',, approxtmatel~ 95 feet from the well. Consideration should be given to re.oval / of this ,cesspool to a safer distance ~rom the ~ell. Water Samples Taken (attach results) G he mic al Yes Q ~'~_~/ Bacteriological Yes 9/.~ Photos attached Yes Dickinson Oswald & AssOCiates DEFINITION OF TERMS USED SEPTIC TANK: A watertight element designed to receive raw sewage; to provide removal of settleable and floatable solids~ to provide biological decomposition of the solid and liquid fraction of the raw sewagel and to provide storage of sludge CESSPOOL: An element which is designed to serve the same purpose as a septic tank except that it is not watertight and thus permits leaching of treated waste (largely liquid) into the surrounding soil. LEACHING FIELD: An element designed to receive only treated sewage (largely liquid) or liquid waste~ its purpose is to distribute liquid throughout surrounding soil. Constructed as & ~atwork of perforated pipes, open-jointed drain tile, or simlla~ material. SEEPAGE PIT= An element which serves the same purpose as a leach- ing ffteld.' Constructed as a pit with open-tointed lining. KEY TO SYMBOLS USE~ /~ Well ~ Septic Tank Cesspool ,,, ~ .... Sewer Lines .'/~.'.'.'~ Perforated Pipe  Seepa[e Pit --9~/,,, Wate~ ~ 'l Traile~ ZD-O ~78 D/0 #78 No. 29-9 9/9/66 CRESTBR00K SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing looking nomthwest f~om 50' No, 29-10 9/9/66 CRESTBROOK SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing intemio~. Note pump connection, heat lamps, and abandoned line on well head, No. 29-11 9/9/66 CRESTBR00K SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing inTerlom showing pump installation and pPessu~e ' tank. No, 29-12 9/9/66 CRESTBROOK SUBDIVISION WELL Closeup of w~ll head. Note that : line in background is not capped. Mr. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska PHONE 272-3428 Date:... Sept. 14, 1966 Work Order No.: 742? Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 913 Crestbrook Subdivision wall, sampled from tap at well inst~13ation on 9 Septembgr~ 1966 @ 4:00 p.m.; GAAB, D/0.AHB 914 Same as above 0 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Kenneth W. Ble~, MAIO Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 }f~VB: sc Page 17 U.S. D~PARTi~ OF ~ 2~]~EI~OR GSOL0~ZCAL SURVL~ WAT~ RRSOURCS$ DIYXSION Analyses by .Geological Survey, United States Department of the InterAor (parts ~er million) Laboratory Number { 9530 ] 9531 9532 9533 9537 9541 ! Date of collection ................ { 9-2-66 , 9-2-66 9-7-66 9-5-66 9-7-66 9-9-66 Silica (SiOn) .................... 6.6 2b 20 26 5.5 16 Iron (Fe) a.a5 0.0l 5.0h 0.{*2 0.17 0.31 Manganese (Mn) Calcium (Ca) .................... 2.0 29 46 19 15 31 Magnesium (Mg) ................. 2°4 .10 16 11 .3,5 10 Sodium (Na)., ................... lO 5.5 7.1 1.36 1.2 Potassium (K) .... · .... ~.. ......... 1.5 3.2 3.2 17 1.1 1.1. CarBon Dioxide (C02) 12 93 31 2.6 1.3 3~9 Bicarbonate (HCOs) .......... ..... 12 1~8 248 505 65 156 ' : Carbonate (CO,).; ............... o 0 0 20 0 0 Sulfate (SO~) .................... 0.5 3.4 0.0 36 0~0 0.5. Chloridl~(Cl) .................... 20 2.1 , 1.1 i~7 ' 0.~) 1.8 Fl (F) o. 8 : uoride .................... i 0.1 0ol 1'. 0.0 0.' 7 5' 2 3 , 09 7 Nitrate (NOs) ................. 0.1 O. Oo . . O, Dissolved solids · Calculated ..................... 53 151 , 221 k272 59 ' 1{~8. ''~ Residue on evaporation at 180cc · r %'' ' ' ' ' ' ' Hardness as CaCO, ............ '.. 15 13. '. 92 :. 52' Noncarbonate hardne~ aS CaCOs.. 5 .0 ' 0 0 ~ '~ '.0 ' 0 Alkalinity as CaCOs .... ; ......... 9.8 3.21 203 432 .' '.53 ! "-~: ~ 'iLl ~peclllc conductance (mlcromhas at'2$*C) ............ 96 2i6. : 357 ' 6 a .'7.1. 7 · 8.5' 7,9 7.8-( ~olor 20 0 i O, ~' 30 0 O: ':"': 9530 - Ah~iok CiW Well, Ahkiok. ~9532 -Don Wrtght's Steak House, 9533 - Mommson Subdivision, 9537.- Big lake Campground #1. -~0541 - Crestb~oq,~ Subdivision, Sand Lake~o~d, [- . x,x s SAMPLING SITE - INDEX MAP NO. 1 t966 POST-EARTHQUAKE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM OICKINSON - OSWALD 8, ASSOCIATES FOR STATE OF ALASKA ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health SEMI-PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT Establishment CRESTBR00K SUBDIVISION WELL Location Sand Lake Rd.; 1/2 mi. W Sew. Hwy. Responsible Official Mobile Homes.>.CTrailer Pk~¢.~ Campgr'd est. No. Connections 36 Population Served 45 "As Built" Plans Available ? Unknown Source: Spring Surface Well: Dug~D rive n____D ril 1 e d_2~_~_- Location See sketch Size 6" Depth 165' Static Level Artesian Screen Yes Type Casing Steel Casing Depth 145 ' Pump Type Centrifugali 1/3 HP Pump Elevation Not known Water Tests: Chemical No Re sidual Chlorine No Bacteriological No Are records kept of operation and tests B/0 ~78 Form No, PEEHP-W-Z Date of Visit 9/9/66 Mailing Address T it 1 e.~d~ Motel/Lodge School Other Use(gpd) est. 4000 ay. Date Constructed 1960 Storage: (Type and Capacity) pressure tank 6' x 4' Diam. Galv. Steel 30 - 40 psi cycle None None None Reservoir = Pressure Tank Other Distribution: Pipe Type Pipe Size Pressure Treatment: Chlorination Rate Residual Chlorine Other Frequency No Source Protection: Subject to flooding Casing or cover sealed Yes Floor drain piped to surface discharge No drains. Premises clean No. Cluttered? moldy~ odors. Other Note uncapped pipe on well head, photo 89-12. Yes. Well in pit approx. 5' below existing ground. Well pit floor is natural ground.. Note: F' (Yes) x (No) Source location in relation to: (sketch below) 1. Sewer pipe, septic tank, drain field, cesspool, privy, pond, lake, garbage, animals. Form No. PEEHP-W-g t~age 2 drainage course, stream, 2. Adjacent basements, building sewers, rodent and vermin harborage. 3. Distance to public water system. SEE ATTACHED SKETCH Effect of earthquake; l%econstruction completed and remaining: "Water system not affected by quake" -- Geo. Tucker Sewage and solid waste disposal is the responsibility of the individuals occupying the subdivision lots served by the water system. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions: D/O #?8 Form No. PEEHP-W-2 Page 3 .,!. Lots in the subdivision are sold outright to people interested in buying. There is not a manager or an owner ~o to speak who cotlects rent or this sort of thing. Effecttve_~lthe lots are the same as house lots in any other subdivision. The ____r~~of sewage ~isposal at each of the lots falls on the owner of the lot itself. There is now sewer system in the subdivision. The well is owned at the ~e~t time by an indivldual who maintains the well but does not c~har~he individual users for the water. There is an agreement in the contract of those · ~_people who buy lots that once so many lots are sold in the subdivlslon~ the well becomes community property and it is up to the people~living in t~he subdivision __ to~j~o~erly maintain the well. At the present time this situation has not gone into effec__t, Name of the current owner is Georse Tucker of 326 E. 2nd Avenue. Recommendations: ~ The well is housed in a pi~ wtt_h,,concrete sides but with no well pit floor. _,___~!p_roximately 95 feet from the well. There are no drains and ~ter seeps, down thru the roofin~mater~t~l~.The well housi~$ and __~ should be made ~mtertight with pit drains which discharge to atmosp~hereo Note in photo 29-12 that the pipe extendin from the wellhead with the globe valve __!s__Bnot capped. This line should be capped to assure a well head se~. A ~tler parked ne~ the well disposes of sewage tn a shallow cesspool located Consideration should be given to removal of this cesspool to a safer distance from the well. · &_ Bmeta~tolo~tca~ samples should be submitted t~ the State ne. partmen~___~t~ of Health each month~, Water Samples Taken (attach results) Chemical Yes O~/ Bacteriological Yes C}/~ Photos attached Yes Inspected By A~thur dlct & Dan Renshaw~pLE? Dickinson Oswald & Associates D~FIN,I[ION OF T~RHS SEPTIC TANK: A watertight element designed to receive raw sewa'~'A";' 't'o provide removal of settleable and floatable solids; to provide biologioal decomposition of the solid and liquid fraction of the raw sewage; and to provide storage of sludge CESSPOOL: An element which is designed to serve the same purpose as a septic tank except that it is not watertight and thus permits leaching of treated waste (largely liquid) into the surrounding soil. LEACHING FIELD: An element designed to receive only treated sewage (large'l~' liquid) or liquid waste; its'purpose i's to 4i'strlbute liquid throughout surrounding soil. Constructed as a metwork of perforated pipes, open-jointed drain tile, or simllam material. SEEPAGE PIT: An element which serves the same purpose as a leach- ing field. Constructed as a pit with open-jointed lining. KEY TO SYMBOL~ USEp Well Septic Tank Cesspool Sewer Lines Parlor&ted Pipe Seepage W&~eF Trailer D-O D/0 #78 No. 29-9 9/9/66 CRESTBROOK SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing looking northwest fPom 50t No. 29-10 9/9/66 CRESTBROOK SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing interior. Note pump connectlon¢ heat lamps~ and abandoned line on well head. No. 29-11 9/9/66 CRESTBROOK SUBDIVISION WELL Well housing in~eriom showing pump installation and pPessure tank. No, 29-i2 ~9/9/66 ~ CRESTBR00K SUBDIVISION WELL Closeup of well head. Note that line in background is not capped. Mr. PIarris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health 61 Welfare 327 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska Date: Sept. 14, 1966 Work Order No.: ?427 Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In accordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the MilliPore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample No. Identification Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliters 913 Crestbrook Subdivision wall, sampled from tap at well inst~]ation on 9 Septemb~ 1966 @ 4:00 p.m.; GA&B, D/O.AHB 914 Same as above ~ : 0 If there are any questions with regard to the above tests please. contact our office. knOB:sc Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB -- ~ Kenneth W. Ble~rse~, MAIC Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit P~ge 17 ~9532 -DoaWrSgbt's S~e~k HoUSe. . . 9533 - MmmsonSubdiviSlon. ~ 9537 - Big Lake Campground #1. ' ~cP541 - Crestbii~ok Subdivision, Smld Ia~ke Roa~,.....-, .. . ': Laboratory Number 9530 I 9531 9532 9533 )537 9541 Date o! ¢ollecUon ................ i 9-;'~66 ! 9-2-66 9-7-66 9-~-~,9:7-~ Silica (SIO,) ................ .... 8.6 24 20 26 5,5 ~on (Fe) 2.25 0.~ 5.0~ O.h2 0.17 0.31 ~ng~ese (~) .................. Calcium (Ca) .................... 2.0 29' ~6 19 19 ' ~ ~gnesium (~) ................. 2.~ 10 16 11 3.5 ~dium (Nm) ..................... t0 5.5 .7.1 ~ 1,2 ' h';6 Po~ssium (K) .... ...., ............ 1.5 3,2 3.2 17 1~1 C~bon Dioxide (C02) 12 93 3i 2.6 1,3 Bicar~nate (HCO,) .............. 12 1~8 · 2~ 505~ ~ Carbonate (CO~) ..., ............. 0 0 -0 20 0 /0 ~lfate (SOa) .................... 0.5 3~4 0.0 '36 0,0 0~5 Chlorid~ (Cl) ........... 20 2,3 ' !.1 ~' ' o.p 1,8 Fluoride(F)........ ..... ......... . 0.1 0.1 ~,i 1.8' 0.0 0~. Nitrate (NO,). ....... ::: ..... :. ~: 0.1 0.7 0,~ 2.3- 0.9 0,~ Dissotv~ soli~ .... " Calculated ...... , ............ 53 151 "~ ' - ~72 ~9 Residue on eva~rat~ at I~°C . ',- _ ' . ':' [ . Noncarbonate ~f~ess ~ CaCOs.. ~ O' :' 0 ' 0 0' caco 8 ' Alkalini~ ~ S. ;--;. ........ 9. ' .j ~H ............................ ... 6.2 . ~olor ....... ,.'. ....... ,, ........ ; .20 0 · O: 30 . '. O O' ' . / , ,'l ;? ,-' 1966 14. SAMPLING SITE - INDEX MAP NO. 1 POST- £ARTHOUAKF' ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM BY DICKINSON- OSWALD & ASSOCIATES FOR STATE OF ALASKA 14 1;3