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CROSBY Lots 9A & 9B Plat# 79-048 S-4766
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION "~' PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CAS~I~IUMBE R S-4766 PETITION FOR ~ R~ZON ~ <$?fiClA/ EXC~P'I'ION V;~CATION RE~USDIVISION DATE RECEIVED COMMENT TO PLANNING B~ ~1 10, 1~78 FOR MEETING OF OF Hewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates for Preliminary Plat of Lot 9A & Lot 9B Crosby Subdivision - a subdivision of th S 1/2 Lot 9, Sec 21, T12N, R3W, S.M. Ak, containing ? acres 1978 COMMENTS: ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION: PUBLIC WATER NOT AVAILABLE //~' of ~:-"~ Cases PUBLIC SEW~ER NOT AVAILABLE TO SERVICE PETITION AREA. ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING: ,. 71-014 (9/76) I I bHs used, etc. t I HEWITT V. i. OUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS PLANNERS SURVEYORS 723 W. 6th. Avenue, Anchora§e, Ak. 99501 Te1.(907) 272-~451 December 18, 1978 M, UNICIPALITY OF ANCHO:!,: DEPT. ©' ~:!:,,',i.T;~ & ENVIRON//-:,~]:,L ~, Municipality of Anchorage Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 ]cC '1 9 1978 DEF' Attention'. Regarding: Dear Les: Les Buchholz Environmental Engineering Lot 9A and 9B, Crosby Subdivision I am in receipt of your December 13, 1978, letter and herewith provide additional information which will allow recordation of the referenced plat. The seepage which was noted on our test log is theresult of frozen ground. When this soils sample was taken in June of 1978, this interface was melting and, although a small seepage was noted in the soils report, it was due to seasonal metamorphosis rather than adverse drainage. Likewise, on the soils report dated June 9, 1978, from Construction Test Lab, a perc of 125 is noted on the MA curve. With this information I believe the soils sample will provide information for an adequate septic system. The original plat was submitted in March of 1978, with the public hearing in May. At the time of submittal, the copies were submitted to the Planning Depart- ment and, hopefully routed to you. The copies included a topographic map. I have enclosed a copy of this topographic map which indicates a slope from back to front of approximately 5%. This gentle grade can, in no conceivable way, not allow gravity flow for the strata shown. With this information, please forward at your earliest convenience, a positive review for Crosby Subdivision. If there are any questions, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES Darl W. Kvasager, P.E. DWK/sw Enclosure DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT; MEMORAhIDUM December ]5, ]978 Don Alspach - Planning Departn~nt Les Buchholz - Environmental Engineering, DEEP Case #S-4766 - Lot 9A and Lot 9B, Crosby Subdivision File No.: PB3 Based upon topography information supplied, and clarification of the soil test log regarding water seepage being a result of melting frost, this Departmnt has no further objections to the proposal. Les Buchholz Environmental Engineering Acting Manager LB: lmp cc: Mr. D. Kvasager - H.V. Lounsbury & Associates 91-010 (4/76) Dece~er 13, lgT~ File No. PB3 (pre) Mr. D. Kvasager Hewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 - 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Sub3ect. Lot 9A & Lot 9B Crosby Subdivision submittal (Not yet submitted to Planning Depart~)mnt) Dear Mr, Kvasager: This Department has reviewed the soils and finds the following: 1. Water seepage is evident at 7'. 2. Elevating a sewer system 4' above noted seepage places absorption'tn a shallow strata which requires a perc test. 3. All soils are noted moist. Additionally, no topographical data is supplied~ therefore lot grade may not allow gravity flow for utilization of shallow strata° Fr~ data submitted, this Department cannot support the proposal. Sincerely, Les Buchholz Envt ronnmntat [nut neeri ng Acting Manager LB:lmp cc: Don Alspach - Planning Oepartnmnt "ONE TEST IS WORTH A THOUSAND OPINIONS" 2204 CLEVELAND AVENUE · ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 · 277-0231 June 21, 1978 H.V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 W 6th Avenue Anchorage, AK 99501 RE: Crosby Subdivision Attention: Bill Thompson Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are the results of the sieve analysis performed on samples as delivered to our laboratory from the referenced project. The sample is classified as Gravelly Sand (SP). If you have any questions, please contact Very truly yours, CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB David Paul Laboratory Manager our office, DP/ja Eno o HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES Engineers - Surveyors 723 6th AVENUE-ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501-Phone 272-5451 DATE