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Nlunicipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services Tom Fink, 825 "L" Street Mayor P.O. BOX 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 August 4, 1992 Mrs. Delores Widmer 5901 East Sixth Ave. #233 Anchorage, AK 99504 Subject: Lot 15, Blk 1, Birchtree Est. PID #017-141-23 Dear Mrs. Widmer, A careful review of the permit application for the subject lot has shown that the soil conditions do not meet the minimum requirements for on site wastewater disposal. As set forth in AMC 15.65, the lack of sufficient permeable soil and the presence of seasonally high groundwater prohibit development of a conventional soil absorption system. An appeal of this decision may be made through the office of the director pursuant to AMC 15.05.090 and AMC 15.65.015. Please be advised that any appeal must be made within twenty (20) days of the date of this decision. If you wish to discuss the matter further please do not hesitate to contact my office at 343-4744. Sincere~l~y,.~~/~~~ Daniel N. Bolles On-Site Services CC: John Smith, P.E., Manager On-Site Services Tobben Spurkland, P.E. db/188 6751 W, ~IHDND BLVD. (907) 248-5095 D:i. v:i. !~i:,:i. (::) I'ml~ I::) .~: ~: ~Ii~ v :iI r"c;,r'~rner'~tal Heal tl"'~ Del:::,ar"tme.u"it o-I: l...h:.:.:alth ar"~cl Social Services liii?.() I St'.r'e'..;,et'. Al'"~chc)r'age, At a.~ii!,::a ".?9'.Z'i()1 l:::'le r' m i 't Ap p 1 :i. c: a T:. :i. (::)n t....ot 15,~ B].(::)cl< 1 Birc:h 'T'ree li!i:states January 22:, 1992 i:) a n B(::~ :f. 1 e s; F' e:,r .... ,/")u r" :i. 13 '..iEit r L.IC: t: :i. C)l'] !B ~,J(.:.::: t'l'~c)13 i t'. C)I'" (:.Z'Cl (ii) r ou r"~ d w a t: e:,r' c: c:,r') cl :i. t :i. or') s c)n t 1 o'.: i:hr'c)ugl'~ I::)r"eal.::up,, Cin )"'lay 1 ~ 1992 the compt ei:e :1. crt was :i. nur'i ..... ctate:,cl ~:i.'l:.l"/ ~,.~ate:,r',, Sc:,me o..I: 'th:i.s wate:,r' is c:er'ta:i.r'lly snow melt,~ but: T.'.h(.:.iN"i:~ w~:~HJil a pl,-ogr'i~:.)s~;i vi.E, r' i ~Be~ o.1: th~ l~ ~/ '['.: (.:.:.) l" ]. eFv' (.:.:.) ]. ~ i n '[':.l"ie~ fl'l(::)l'] :[ tots :i. nc:l:i, c:at.:i, n(;;t t:hat: 'the gr"ounclwat:er' 1 e:,vel was r'i s:i. z/' ..... ' - ~' ' ....... :' :1: have r'evi sed t:l"~e (Jes~. gr~ s y I ~¢tl .~ I] r' oI] E.H'" t t (::t !~ I"1 (::) ~ a gr'cH..u-/(::l syste:,m (:::c:,r'~s:i. s'l'.: i r"~g (:)-[:~" (::)1'"., ~: eet (::).t: c: ]. ass:i...F i (.:.:.:,(::1 .~: i 11 ,j arid or .F(::tu~ ..... i:ee'l':, o.~: cover,, "1~I'~ Owner o.i: the prcil::)er"l::y has graded ~'a ]. (::)r"~ (;il '~:'. h e:, e:, a ~iJl t a ]'] (::1 ri o r' t h I::) r (::)1:;) e r" t y ]. i ne:, s t'. (::) I::) r' e:, v e:,l"~ t s u r -[: a (::: ((~. s h E' e t 'F 1 (::~ v,~ t c:~ :i. n u n d a t e t h e I::) r c:~p e r' t y ,, P1 ,ease r"~:.'.::v:i, e.?w the:, pr'c, pc, sed system and ;i. ssue a pe:,r'mi t:, TOBBEN SPURKLAND P,E, 203 ~ 15TH, AVENUE ANCH, AK, 99501 r 1 Well gui ~g D'~e AIo~orp'~lon Fielcl Absorp~;Ion Field 25 0 25 50 75 SCALE: i' = 50 FT, I£5 f~EVISED~ JUNE £3, ]992 LOT 15, BLOCK I BIRCH TREE EST/iT-' SECTION 34 TISN R3h/ ~DOLDRES k/HITMER SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN DATE, JANUARY 29, i99P SHEET, ~/3 GRID, 3037 ell gnifor i ,- CAPP ALL ENDS ,.~ 2' PVC TEE INTO 2' LINE Monitor I-1/4' PVC I/8' HDLESAT 60' C-C ]250 Gol STEP Tonk Foundotlon Cleon out Monltom 3' Cover Monitor 4' M~n Cover over Tonk Nifo Fi 140 -- 6 in, o£ Sep~:ic Rock 4 Ft, o£ Pilter sond minimum Ex/st, Ground REVISED] JUNE 26, I998 TQBBEN SPURKLAND P,E, 6751 ~, DIMBND BLVD, ANCH, AK, 99502-3904 L D T ]S, 3L OCK i 3IRCH TREE SECTION 34 T]SN R3~/ DEL£RES WIDMER SEPTIC SYSTEM I)ESIGN ])ATE, FE3, 6, I992 SHEET, 3/4 GRIg, 3037 , 4,0~ SEC TIDN DF UIL IN6 FILL QU~NTITIES~ PIT'UN FILL: i6S0 CU, YDS, FILTER SAN9~ ~70 CU, YDS. T~EN SPURKLAN~ P,E. LOT lS 9LDCK ~ BIRCH TREE EST, SEpTiC S~STE~ ao3 ~ ]~l~, ~VENUE ~, JUNE ~ ANCH, AK, 99501 SEC, 3~ TI~N R3W (~7) P7~-2~16 ~ELDRES WI~ME~ SHEET, ~/~ GRID, 3037 ,. Tobben Spurkland P.E. //5" (,_n___ _ "1"" . E;~ F"lJ t--~ i<]L.. ~.z-%i~R ID F:~ ., EEE .. 203 W 15th. AYenue~ Suite 206 ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-3916 LOT 15 SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN BLOCK 1 BIRCH TREE DELORES WlDMER ESTATE Grounc~ Water at 6 +t Use Pressur'ized Bed Soil Rating. From test 1/27/92 and 6/50/84 1.-5 rain/in = .8 gal/rain Use .5 gal/min Required Area per Bedr~am: 15(])/·5 := .5C)0 sq.~t. Number o.F Bedrooms 3 Bed Area 5(])(]) ).,' 3 = 900 sq. ft. SYSTEM CDNFIGURATION MOUND TOTAL LENGTH TOTAL #IDTH TOTAL DEPTH TOTAL AREA ROCK DEPTH COVER SEPTIC TANK 3B FT. 24 FT. 912 SO.FT. '1"he installation of this well and septic system will nnt impact adjacent lots. The well ].ocatic)n con-Forms to the sit:i, ng of the existing wells in the area~ and will not prevent the adjacent lot owners from developing t. hese lats or r'ep].acing tl~e exist, ing septic systems. ~ The insta].].at:i, on o+ this septic system wi].l not prevtent +rom be installed on the adjacent lots. wel ].s There are no deve].oped or natural st.tr'+ace / sub sur'face drainage c:ourses on 't':his or the adjacent lots. The proposed sept, ic system will not change the general slope of the area. Panding and/ar- conce, ntratian of surface runof'F will not result, from tl~is inst, allation. Septic System Design Lot 15 Block 1 Blt'ch Tree Estat. e pg. 1 PERFORMED FOR: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST (ENGINEER'S SEAL) DATE PERFORMED ,. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ~ILT' Township, Range, Section: SLOPE WAS GROUND WATER ,,./ ! ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Depth to Water Alter Monitoring? 3 Dale: SITE PLAN S L O P E Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE "/~) (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~'" "~ I ~ '~ CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. DATE: ~' q ~" 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST (ENGINEER'S SEAL) DATE PERFORMED~ ~. Township, Range, Section: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O O /~ WAS GROUND WATER y ENCOUNTERED? , , IF YES, AT WHAT 7 O DEPTH? p E Oeplh to Water Alter Monitoring? ~'~ Date:/'~'-/ff' SLOPE SITE PLAN Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~ ~O (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND ~ FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~ ~ I '~r'~ ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND MUNICIPAL GUIDELINES IN EFFECT ON THIS DATE. 72-008 (Rev. 4/85) CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN DATE: Municipality of Anchorage DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 825 "L" Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502-0650 SOILS LOG -- PERCOLATION TEST (ENGINEER'S SEAL~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Township, Range, Section: .~6 ~Z~L~ ~"1~,, SLOPE SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? S L IF YES, AT WHAT O DEPTH? p E Depth to Waler After Monitoring? Date: Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop 3 :/"/ .3 ~ IP. '/,./ PERFORMED BY'. PERCOLATION RATE __ (minutes/inch) PERC HOLE DIAMETER TEST RUN BETWEEN ~ FT AND q CERTIFY THAT THIS TEST WAS PERFORMED IN ^CCORDANOE W,TH ALL STATE AND M~N,C,P^L GU,OEL,NES,N EFFECT ON TH,S DATE. DATE: 72-008 (Rev, 4/85) VACANT ~ 3 I I/A~NT '~___ _o_L _? ~',~"~ ~1_. _ ~-, ~ I ..... '"~: .... ' 50 0 50 I0~ 150 ~0~ ~50 SCALD 1' = 100 TgB~EN SPURKL~N~ P,E, LOT I~ ~L~C~ I ~iRCN T~EE E~T~TE2 SEpTic SYST~ ~ES~N ~03 U 15TH. AVENUE SECTION 34 TI~N RSW DATE, JANUARY ~% ANCH. AK. 9950~ ~ ~_~ ~ELO~E~ ~H]T~E~ SHEET, I/3 6RZg, 3037 ~,~' ~ ,~i:~<. ~.~',~ ~ '. ~, ~ ~5 0 ~5 50 75 I0~ 1~5 158 '~'~"~ 2CALD I' = 100 FT, TDB~EN SPURKLAND P,E, LOT I~ ~LOCK I BIRCH T~EE ESTATES SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN 203 ~ 15TH, AVENUE SECTIDN 34 TI~N ~3~ DATE, JANUANY 8~ 1998 ANCH, AK, 99501 <~0~ ~_~,~ ~ELDRES dHITMER SHEET, ~/3 GRZ~, 3037 ~ell oonltor " Nonl~or L___ C~PP ALL ENDS -~ 2' PVC J-J/4' PVC I/8' HDLE$ AT 60' C-C ..~~ [ ~ ~1 ZTEP Tank ¢,.~~;~'""'* · · :~2~ ~ Foundation Clean ou~ ~ Noni~o~ ~ Honi~o~ / ~ 4' Topsoil , / i / , ~ over Fonk Mira ~i 140 / 6 in, o~ Septic Rock ~ r TUB~EN SPURKLAN9 P,E, LOT i5, BLOCK 1 BIRCH FREE EST SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN 6751 ~, 9IMDN9 ~LVD, SECTION 34 TI~N R3~ DATE, FE~, ANCH, AK, 99502-3904 <907) a48-5095 ~ELORES WIDMER SHEET' 3/~ OR~D, 3037 203 WiSTH. AVE. SUITE 206 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION LOT 15 BLOCK 1 SEC 54 T12N RSW 1.O GENERAL Owner is De].ores W:Ldmer~ 59C, J. ~,..l'a 9':7504. I:::'hc)rne 338.....~?.949. E6th, Ave. Anchorage 1,,2 Engineer is 't':.he person or en'~::i.t.y I"'~:i. red by the Owner t.o :Lnspec'l:' t. his pr"c.~.jec:t,, 'T'he Engineer must be recognized by 't. he Mur'~i(::::ipal:i. ty of Anchorage~ Del:)ar'bmer~'t': o.f Healt. h and Human S e r v :i. c e s. 1.3 Contractor is 'l:.he per'sor~ or' entity Inired by t. he Owner to :i. ns't:.a]. '.[ '[':.l"~i s I:)r"c~.jec:t. The Contractor must be re:,cogr~i z ecl I:)y the MLu"~icipa:L:i. ty of Ar'~chorage, Departmen'l;. o.f Heal'b.h and H u m a n S e r v :i. c: e s .. 1.4 'l"he Draw:i. ngs ~ .sheets :l 'l::hr'ou(;;lh 3,: shal 1 be part of 'Ehi s ibp (..'.':~c :i, f J. cat. :i c)n ,, 1 ,, 5 A 1 ]. m a t e r i a 1 s a n d w n r k m a n s h i p s h a 1 1 m e e t t h e r e q u i r e .... mer')ts of 't:he Mun:i.c:ipali'by o.F Anchor-age~ Depart. men't: o~ Health and Numar') Ser'v:Lces~ the conditions of the perm:i.t~ arid all appli(::al:)le rules an(:l regu],a'liions currently in ef.Fec:t. 1,,6 All excavat:i, on dep'L'.hs are aclv:i, sory, and are to be ver :L .f: i ed and may be modif:i, ed in the field b,/ the Engineer. 1,7 It is the respor'ts:~bi].it.y of 't:he Owner or the Contractor 'bo adhere to tine approved design, to ver'i.fy tha't: the speci.- · f i ed separa't:.:L on di stanczes ar'e me'l:: ~ and tl"~a'k: the requi rec:l :L r'~spe(z'[z:i, ons are j:)er'.~ ormed. :1.,,8 'T'l"'~e:, Contractor of 'l:he Owner shall r'epor't: 'l::o the neer any c)l:)serw..'-:,c:l condi t.:i. on wh:i. c:h would put the system in v:Lolation o.F S'bate or Mur~ic::~l:)a]. regulations. Engi - s e p 'l:. i c 2.0 SEPTIC TANK 2.:1. If t. here is ar'~ e:.,' :L st i ng sept::i.c tank, it may be used :i.f it meets the c:apacit, y requirement .f:or the residence. 'The tank sl"',al]. I::)e J.r"~spected by the Engineer, and :i.'t:s water' t:i. ghtr3ess and structural :[nt. egr:Lty shall be verb.f :Led. 2.. 2 A n e w s e p t :i. (::: t ,'..'.~ I'] 1.:: s h a ]. 1 b e c, n e::, f a b r' :L c a t e c:l b y e i t h e r ~nchorage Tank and Welding I::~r' by ~reer Tank Speci..Ficat::i(:~ns f(:]~ .... septi(:: system :i. nstallat.i, on l....o't: :1. 5 B1 ex::: i.:: :i. B:i. r'ch 'T'r'ee Es'~:a'l::e The sept. ic tank shall be a UPC-approved t. wo-compartment tank, constructed of 12 gauge, or better, steel with bitu mastin coating. The tank shall be set level on undisturbecl soil.The tank shall be covered with tine equivalent of four feet of soil. 2.3 The septic tank shall be installed a minimum of five · Feet Yrom the house foundation and a minimum of five ~eet fromm the absorption area. 2.4 The septic: tank shall be a tnif]ifnt.un o¥ 100 feet from any well serving a single residence; 100 ~eet ~rom any body of water~ creeks or drainage ditches with ~lowing water; 150 Teet 'From Class "C" wells, and 200 ~eet .Fr~m Class A or Class B we].ls. 2.5 All pipe connect, ions tc) the tank shall be mechanicai watertight calder couplings. Cleanouts shall be installed as designat, ec~ and capped with air-tight, rain caps. Clean- outs shall e;.,'tend a minimum of 12 inches above final ground e].evation. Provisions shall be made for landscaping and importation if topsc~il. 2.6 L:i. ft station shall be as manuYactured by Anchorage Tank and Welding ABSORPTION FIELD 3.1 Gravel used in the absorpt, ion field shall be 0.5 to 2.5 :i,r'~ch screened r(')cl.::, with less than 3% passing the No. 200 sieve. 3.2 Sand.~ used ~or ].evelin~l or fc:)r' -F:ilter'ing~ shall have an e~fec:tive grain s:ize between No, 40 sieve and No. 18 sieve. Uniformity coefficient shall, be less than 4. Not more than 5% by weight shall pass the No. 200 sieve. 3,,3 4-.-J. nch perforated pipe shall be ASTM F810. For pres- sure distril:)ut, ior'~, pipe shall be Schedule 40 PVC or ABS. 3.4 Solid 4-incl"~ pipe shall be Cast Iron or AS]'M D'.'";C)34. 3.5 Monitor standpipes shall be install, ed as shown. That sectior~ (::~ the pipe penetrating the graw~l shall be per~c~- rated, either by drilling 0.5" holes on 6-inch centers or by joining a section o.~ F810 per~orated pile to a solid section of pipe. 3.6 Geotextile shall be Mirafi 14C). 3.7 Insulation shall, be e,'.:truded direct burial pc~lystyl"ene. Dow f.]hem:ic::al Styrofoam HI 40. 3.8 Topsoil shall be a mi;,'ture of 40-60% organic matter, Specifications for septic system installation Lot 15 Block 1 Birch ]'ree Estate pg.2 20-:;50% sand and more that 20% silt. measured by volume. All quantities are :5.9 [.~r a ....... seed shall be Kent. ucky blue(.4rass. 4.0 INSTALLATION 4. :1. Loc:at.e al ]. under'gr outed ut :i, 1 :i. t :i es ~ property 1 i nes ,¢ fut'ure driveways~ exist:~ng or proposed water wel].s~ water ways.~ surYace and sub sur'~ace dr'a:i, nage ~aci].ities~ lakes~ por'~ds~ and all c:rbher ~aci].ities requir:Lng separatian dis- tances Yrom the I:)roposed septic system. Notify Owner or Engineer c:)¥ any observed possible c::onflict. 4.2 Stake alignmen't" of system with mar"kers showing the prot. ec:t'::~ve r.:l.1, s'l:ances from wells and water' bod.i, es. 4.3 Establish an elevation benchmark. This BM easi].y identi~iab].e~ stable and permanent. An elevation of 100 c:an be assigned. shal 1 'be arbit.rary 4.4 Install the tank as shown on the drawings. Recor'd 'bhe inlet and c)utlet elevat, ions of t.he tank. Tank shall be plar.:ed c,n undisturbed native soil. 4.5 Excavate the absorption field. Bott.om of excavation sha].l be level and sc. arif:ied. If sidewalls smears, they shall also be scarified. Recc)rd elevation of beginning~ middle and end o¢ trench. Record elevation c)~ each corner' and center point o~ bed. C~nstruc:tic)n equipment, shall not operate on the ~loor o~ the excavation. Any material com- pac:ted by the operation o~ the construction equipment shall r'emoved and replaced with unc. ompacted materials. 4.6 Plac:e the rock to the depth speci.Fied. Do not contami- nate rock w:ith native mater':ials r.)r spoils from the excava- tion. I...evel the rock surface (+- 1") before installing the pet"rotated pipe. 4.7 Inst. al]. the distribut:ior~ pipe. Record the elevation of eac:h joint. F()r pr'essure syst.em so:lvent weld the joints. 4.8 Cover 'the distribution pipe with rock, and cover the exc:avat:ion with geotextile before backfill:~ng and placing :i. nsulation, .i.¥ required. 4.9 Record the finished ground e;levation at 'the beginnin.c..j~ midd],e and end o~c t.rench. Rec(::~rd the .~inish ground eleva- 't':.ir,:~r~ at each corner and a't'.'. 'Lhe midpoint of the bed. 4.:iA F:'urnisl-~ a copy o,F al'l. survey notes to the Engineer. 5.0 INSPECTIONS Sp er.: i f :i. c: a t. i on s t~ or' sept. i c syst. em i n st a 11 at i r.:)n Lot. 15 Bloc:k 1 Bir'c:h Tree Estate pg. 3 5.1 A minimum a~F three inspectians are required. The first inspection will be of the open excavation. At this time the sail canditions will be abserved and compared to the design assumptions. Ground water conditions or' presence c)'f~ bedrock will be verified. The second inspection will. 1 be after' p].ac:ement c)'~: .standpil~es~ dis~"ributior~ piping,~ tar~k(s) and other r~ents as spec::i~:i, ed. gravel ,~ c' o m p o -. The third inspection will be a~ter completior~ c)~ the work. Any deficiencies will be nc)ted and the Contractor noti+'ied. Suc.~h de.~:iciencies shall be cc)rrected wi'~"hin ten days. 5.2 All electrical wc)rk requires either an MOA electrical i nspec:t i on or certification by an licensed electrician. Submit proof o-f :i. nspection c)r cert:i, fication to the EngineeE. 5..3 Submit catalog data o~ all mechanical equipment. 5.4 NotiYy Engineer at least 24 hours in advance ning any work. begi n- Speci~icatic.~ns -F(::)r septi(::: system installation Lot 15 Block :L Birch Tree Estate p g. 4 SOILS LOG PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 COMMENTS MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~.~,~o..~.. ~ ~,v,~o~~.~l~~l V~D~.S~PERCOLATION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST dUL 2 9 1992 SLOPE ~ PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPT~?/ s Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop Iq Y~ ,q .~0 ,,-,,,,.o -,,,_/,.,,,<.. ¢ PERCOLATION RATE ~ (minutes/inch) CERTIFIED BY: '¢~' ' V - -- (' / ALASKA 6FIUIROFImI FIT^L COFITROL $ERUICE$, IRC. [~nqineerinq ~- [~nui~'onmenla[ $ludies SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELEVATED BED ALTERNATIVE WAST~NATER ~%EA~VlENT SYSTEM BIRCHTREE ESTATES LOT 15 BLOCK 1 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 THE DRAWINGS, SHEETS 1 THRU 2, SHALT, BE PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. 1.2 ALT, MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP SHALL MEET THE R~QU~TS OF ANCHORAGE DEPAR~lVLENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PR~ION PERMIT. 1.3 ALL EXCAVATIONS AND DEPTHS ARE ADVISORY AND ARE TO BE VERIFIED IN THE FIRT,D BY ~z{E OONTRACTOR. 2.0 THE LIFT STATION (NOT USED) 3.0 S~PAGE BED 3.1 ~E C~AVEL FOR ~ RR, D SHALL BE SC~ TO rl"r]E SIZES INDICATED; 0.5 TO 2.5 INCHES. 3.2 ~dE B~ OF THE EXCAVATION SHALL BE RAKED WITH THE BACKHOE ~I2%DE TO INSURE THAT THE ~ HAS NOT BE~q COMPACTED DURING EXCAVATION. 3.3 TWO OBSERVATION PIPES SHAT,T, BE PLACED AS SHONN IN ~ DRAWINGS. THEY SHALL BE RIGID PVC, AS~M 3003 D-3034. ~HE SECTION SHCT~N WITH HOLES MAY BE EITHER DRILT,RD 0.5" HOLES @ 6 INCH C~TERS ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE PIPE OR A S~CTION OF RSX3ULAR PERFORATED S~TER PIPE MAY BE CLAMPED TO THE SOLID SECTION WITH A NO HUB OOUPLING OR SOLVENT JOINT. A RUBBER RAIN-CAP (JIMCAP OR ~QUAL) SHALL BE PLACED ON THE TOP OF THE PIPE. 3.4 INSULATION,IF ANY SHALL BE DOW EXTRUDED BLUE STYROFOAM 3.5 THE TOP AND SIDES OF THE BRD SHAT,T, BE PLANTED WITH A 3.6 ~HE SEPTIC TANK OF BED MUST NOT BE CLOSER ~ 100 FT. TO ANY EXISTING PRIVATE WRT,T, OR BODY OF WATER AND SHALL BE NOT CLOSER THAN 150 FEET FROM EXISTING CLASS C WET,T~ OR 200 FT FRCM ANY CLASS A OR B WELT,. 3.7 ~ DISTRIBUTION PIPE SHALL BE 4 INCH RIGID PVC OR POLYETHYLENE. THE PIPES SHALL BE LAID LEVEL. 3.9 ~ SAND SHALL HAVE AN EFFECTIVE SIZE OF 0.4 TO 0.6 b~4 AND A UNIFORMITY OOEFFICI~qT OR NOT MORE THAN 4. 3.10 ~HE BERM AROUND ~dE SRRPAGE BED SHALL BE OONSTRUCTED OF IMPERMEABLE MATERIAL, AND ON A SLOPE OF 1 FOOT VERTICAL TO 3.0 FEET HORIZONAL. RECEIVED JUL 2 9 1992 auniclpah ~, ~ Dept. Health & Human] Services 1200 I, Uest 33rcl/~uenue. Suite ~;. Anchoraqe. /~l(]skn 99503 *(907) 561-50110 ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SERVICES, INC. 1200 West 33rd Avenue Suite B ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 Phone 276-1361 SHEET NO. OF OHECKEO BY DATE SCALE ~ ~ ALASKA ENVIRONMENTAL .aDS ~,~-~i./f,,/E'.~Y=~.~ &/~t~- :~/~ / ~ ~NTROL SERVICES, INC. ~HEET NO~ ~ 12~ West 33rd Av~ue Suite B A~HORAGE, A~'SKA 99503 CALCU~TED BY ~'~ ~ Y ~ 27~1~1 ' CHECKED BY DATE --'..'.~I~~, rq SOILS LOG -' PEROLATION TEST Performed for. Legal Description: This form reports: Soils lo9~/ Department of Environmental Qu ity ~, 3330 "C" Street Anchorage, A1 aska 99503 Percolation test Depth Feet !1.1-" _l; _ .I ll - 12 - 13 - 14 .- Was ground water encountered? If yes, at what depth? Reading Depth to Water Date Gross l'ime Net Time Net Drop ' r~e'~-c 0 )' 'a~-o-n- ' "r-~i'~-~ ................. mi nute. · Proposed i ns tal latl o'--~-n-: .... -¢~;~a--(.le Pi t brai n Field ;]epth of Inlet . Dept}{-¥o'~b'~'m--o¥--pit or trench EQ-~040 (6/74) At:i~[j'ust 4', 1975 R & M :~o. 562079 Mrs. J. R. wi¢%ner 5901 East Sixth Avenue Anchorage, Alaska .~: ~es't Hole and Percolation Test For Sanitary System Lot. 15'Block 1, Birch Tree Estates Subdivision Dear Mrs. Widmer, We are submitting herewith the percolation results and our conLments regard ing soil conditions encountered at the subject site.. This investigation was perfo'L~med in accordance with your req-aest of July 28, 1975, and those pro- cedures outlined in a letter dated July 15, 1975 by Mr. Roll Strickland of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Department of Environmental Quality. A'single test hole was put down within Lot 15, Block 1 of Birch Tree Estates S~.~bdivision for-the purpose of defining general subsurface soil conditions L©r the proposed sanitary system. Excavation was accomplished with a hand powered post hole digger. The test hole was extended to a hotal depth of 6.5 feet below ground surface. The material encountered was found to consist of 4 inches of organics over- lying 3 feet of clayey Silt with some sand and trace gravel grading to clayey sandy silt with some gravel. The materials from 2,0 to 6.0 feet were saturated with water for a period of eight hours before the percolation test was started. The results of the. test are enclosed. Ground water was not encountered in the test hole. We appreciate being given this opportunity to be of service 'to you. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. /..J~.mes W. Rooney Vice President J >~?,/j a PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS Lot 15, Block 1, Birch Tree Estates Subdivision Time Elapsed T~ae Drop in inches (minute s) ].0:30 0 0 10:32 2 1 10: ~)4 4 ]-- ~ 10:36 6 2 10:38 8 2.5 10:40 10 3 10:45 15 ~ 4 10~50 20 ~ 5.5 10:55 25 6 11:00 30 7.5 ].].:20 50 11 11:40 70 15 3.2:00 90 19 12:20 110 22 12:40 130 24 The ak~ve information was recorded afker eight hours of saturation. R&M CONSULTANTS, INC. F- /- .... I",4L)L't i- FL-() FTO.% SERVICE CONTRACT MULTI-FLO WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT THIS AGREEMENT MADE AND ENTERED into tiffs-~t~'day of . t[ by and between the user of a multi-ilo wastewater plant and 0 ~ 5. Pt._~. ~ ~T/b. the servicer, WITNESS: THIS AGREEMENT is executed concurrently by the user and the dealer service manager at the time of installation. The dealer covenants and agrees to furnish twenty-four (24) months service on the user's waste treatment plant from date of installation. The purchaser-user covenants and agrees by the presents to, and does hereby contract with 3-. O. ,___ to service the user's waste treatment plant upon expiration of the dealer's aforesaid free service period of twenty-four (24) months. The user understands by signing this agreement that the user accepts respopsibility for the service after the dealer free service period, and also understands the necessity and responsibility for the service requirements that are advised by the dealer. ~./~ervice Contract - Continued Page Two This service guarantees to make two (2) service and inspection calls per year at regular intervals and .to respond promptly to any emergency calls for repair service. Unscheduled emergency or service calls not due to malfunction of or defective sewage treatment units shall be paid for by the sewage treatment plant owner. Although the regular service and inspection calls during the first twenty-four (24) months of installation will be free to the sewage treatment plant owners, the sewage treatment plant owner shall be required to pay the Service Contractor's road time for travel on an average scale computed by averaging road time costs for the number of plant custOmers in the area of the service call. Inspection service calls will include the following: L An effluent quality inspection consisting of a visual check for color and examination for odors. 2. Adiustment and servicing of any mechanical and electrical components that are out o{ order. 3. Backwashing of filter media or replacement of filter media with previously washed filters. 4.' Periodic sampling, twice a year if necessary, of the effluent quality, and of the settled solids in the aeration tank. Any additional work necessary will be done upon written authority from the homeowner and at additional charge. '- Service from MONTH - DAY - YEAR Service Call Cost $25.00 per call plus travel charges, if any. Customer's Name and Address Service DATE