HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCH TREE ESTATES BLK 1 LT 34 May 17.2006 J-8016 Paul Spiro P.O. Box 101074 Anchorage, AK 99510 Septic System Lot 34, Block 1, Birch Tree Estates Dear Mr. Spiro: There have been no improvements made to the septic system on the subject property since my previous inspection_in November of 2001. As before, there is water in the standpipe, which indicates the drainfield does not drain. Additionally, the septic system is within 100' of a creek, and 90' from the well. Since costs are higher now than they were in 2001, 1 would estimate the cost of bringing your septic system into compliance to be $40,000 if you have any questions or require additional services, please contact the undersigned at 907- 746-1593 (office), 242-9048 (cell) or e-mail buzdor@mtaonlinenet. Sincerely, Buzdor Engineering John A. Buzdor, P.E. Owner Ll Chad Wilson Senior Appraiser Municipality of Anchorage PO Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 P.O. Box 101074 Anchorage, AK 99510-1074 (907) 345-3341 May 16, 2006 Appeal # 466 #017-141-04-000-06 In the Residential Appeal Response (received 2 days before the Board of - - Equalization hearing!)-I.was-first apprised that the Engineer's Report I previously submitted detailing the condition of the septic system and cost -to cure was no longer being considered because it was over 2 years old. Had I been notified of this in a timely fashion I could have this report updated to show the same conditions persist today. The septic system was failed when I bought the property in 1996. Tobin Spurkland, PE, a local septic engineer inspected the system, saw standing water in the drainfield, and declared it failed by definition (drainfield not draining). The low purchase price reflected the cost of replacing the septic system. John Buzdor, PE, reinspected the system in 2001, confirmed the system's failure, and provided a cost estimate to replace It, If indeed possible. This wntten d6carrfentatlon-ryas-providedto-the-MOA. To date the system has not been replaced nor worked on. Although toilets flush, the system is still technically failed. Current MOA statues require that the septic system must be certified legal and functional for title to be transferred. Since property tax assessments are supposed to be based on market value, the $40,000+ it would take to make the property salable should be deducted from it's current assessed valuation. The MOA did a physical Inspection of the property last week. It should have been obvious to a savvy inspector that the septic system was in an illegal location (too close to the creek), had an Inadequate number of standpipes (one), and the drainfield was failed (numerous sinkholes he had to step around). I am astonished that the assessor's office would think the long- standing defects in the septic system no longer exist. I uest that your latest of $250,200 be reduced b luation the est matledr$40,000 it would t ke toamake this property legally salable• Sincerely, Paul Spiro, PE .. .The following are excerpts from the MOA's website, http.11www.munl. org/onsite/haacertificatesl.cfm, with my comments in Italia: In August of' 1998 the Municipal Assembly that is served ordinance requiwell orring ticat in order to transfer a title on any property system, a Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval must be obtained. The Certificate of On -Site Systems Approval Inspection and testing process is summarized as follows: L Standpipes are located. ible, many are required. Only one standpipe is vis Field measurements are taken to verify that the required separation distances between all impacted wells and septic systems are In compliance -with -the separation -distances -in effect -at -the .time. -the system was Installed. The existing system is only 90' from the well (loo, required) and far less than the 1 00'separation from surface water required. Verify that there is a functional monitoring tube in the drainfield so that an adequacy test can be performed. There are no monitoring tubes in the tests. field. Perform well and septic system adequacy tests. .The one existing standpipe always has standing water in it. This means the ground is accepting 0 gal/day of effluent in contrast to the required minimum 150 gal/day/bedroom. By definition the system falls an adequacy test. November 19.2001 J-3041 Paul Spiro P.O. Box 101074 N Anchorage, AK 99510 1 ,` idor, P.E. septic System r .Lot 34, Block 1, Birch Tree Estates i Dear Mr. Spiro: At your behest I -have Inspected the subject property and, concur the existing sed system has failed. Current MOA 'regulatioris prohibit its refurbishment or replacement in. Its current locho Required separations from the creek along the tot's northern boundary ;and the neig* well to the west limit a potential replacement site to the lot's 'southern' margin. In, ti relocation of the septic system elsewhere on the property would violate the -100' separat required of the existing well and would require a replacemt:nt well in a remote part of the"Ji r>ortf-iem fringe.' These constraints require that the existing water•.and waste lines abandoned and replaced —the waterline now on the north side of the house would ha' q go south and the waste line on the south would now'have to leave lfib building going }ro To accomplish this requires the removal of a large portion of the floor slab and excavai under the building's existing footprint :5 PYA Fuither complications are the lots topography and a seasonally high water table. The recent on-site disposal systems installed in the neighborhood :(for which there are MO( records) are three lots across the street from the subject property in a newer subdivisibR' ..,: (Forest Ridge). All three of these required mound fields; sand filters, and rift stations. / Iti9 e . . expected that a similar system will be required for this property._ - W A preliminary cost estimate to replace the'on-site disposal' system breaks down as folidivsv {:a, b Abandon'eAsting septic system, install new 1000 gal. septic tank,'. Intermittent sand filter, lift station, and mound drainfield $20,8W Drill new well (est. 130). $3700 Run new waterline (tl00) $1,500.; Demo building floor slab and reroute utility lines $6,000 '.,'•, ;' Engineering, surveys; test holes, permits $3,500 ;'t: 52.500 Replace landscaping TOTAL'; ' ' .,STT.••. 27n:.,.. ,.;,. Cur„d vnra 1594- Anehoraee. AK99503 Ph. 561.4494 Fax 746-5545 Cei1242-9418 -1593. Palmery45 L. J-3041. - ; • -77 Artiore accurate estimate can be developed when design work. is done. If.you:have'_ jf" - questions or require additional services, please contact the undersigned at' 907-746M5�3,Y';. --s" ,(office), 907-561-4494 (laboratory) or 242-9048 (cell). -Sincerely, tiw Buzdor Engineering - n A. uzdor, vvn , f,lr: •t 't L4.:i•:'0 k3T' 11 {- ira, ,Y•. ' . • �'_ - .r.••.,•.{til, 1 T•-rT+-•.•+•' J 2N n I:V Gk, .;R ANCHORAGE AREA BORt,. JGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK: DISTANCE . INSIDE LENGTH "~=l'~~-~- ~ ...... !='- - D ; NUMBER OF INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH LIQUID C A PAC I TY/~)O~/~GA L LONS. WELL ~)//~ FOUNDATION /--'/~ / DISTANCE FROM . NUMBER OF LINES ¢ DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES ABSORPTION AREA SQ. FT. DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE NEAREST LOT LINE /~) /' TOTALOF LINES LENGTH)// 7 7 / TRENCH WIDTH'~IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF FILTER MATERIAL BENEATH TILE~ / 9'.-/--. ~6-+ IN. ABOVE TILE WELL: T ,'PE _bZ;'r .:7-~_ Y,~Z~LONS T RUC T ,ON BUILDING FOUNDATION__ CESSPOOL APPROVED NEAREST LOT LINE_ NEAREST , SEWER LINE_ DEPTH SEPTIC SEEPAGE , TANK__ SYSTEM OTHER SOURCES DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCE FROM: DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY.. SEWER LINE DEPTH: Form EQ-032 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM i'qi:::IN ]i NUN l",li...ii'"itJ~:t~']]Fill OF:' IE:l!Ji]l]])i:~ilOOl"'llJ~i ..... ]]!: '.':.: F: Z L. I'?.i:""1't" ]; I"JG ,:] l:.:i~i]:! I:::-T',.'"iE:I:R i: ...... 'T'i...IEil I....Ei:i'.,Ji::i/l"H [::, :t: I'"tl!~:N:i!; ]: O1",I ]: :iii; '1"l-..tEil L...tiEI",iCii'T'H ':: ].' I'.,I I:::'Ei:E[T ::, OF::' "FHEi: TFi:!!!i:t'-,IC:H OF;i: Dt:;i'.I:::! :[ I",IF::' ]: 'T'i'-'iE!: [i:,EilF:'T'H OF:: I:::i 'T'F;iiI~i!ZI'.,IC:F'I OF;i'. 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JIi]:'Ei ~'!OFi:E~ "I"HFiI",I i'.!]: '::! ii' G Nii!iiD ', "i:: ........................................................... t,n.. c "IX' 4 Der rtment of Health and Environmenl Protection 2516 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 276-2221 S()il,S 1,()(i -- i'I';II()I,ATI()N TEST Performed for ~'~'~fft'~ _'.~ ~7~---~-~/ ;)ate Perform,.,d This form reports: Soils log.~ Percolation Lest Dep th Feet Was ground water encountered? If yes, at wi~aL dei~th? Reading Date Gross Time Net Time Uepth to Water Net Dr. op Percolation rate minute. -Proposed i ns ta] 1 atl6h-T --gb-e579e Pi t Ura i n F i old Depth of Inlet . Dept~'t%'~bZ~%'m-'b¥'-'pit or trenci, ~ ' ...... ,- , EQ-040 (6/74)