HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIRCH TREE ESTATES BLK 1 LT 35 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Development Services Department Phone: 907-343-7904 On-Site Water & Wastewater Section Fax: 907-343-7997 Pump Installation Log Well Drilling Permit Number: _______________ Date of Issue: ____-____-____ Parcel Identification Number: ____-____-____ Legal Description Block Lot Property Owner Name & Address: Pump Installation Date: _____-_____-_____ Pump Intake Depth Below Top of Well Casing: __________ feet Pump Manufacturer’s Name: ___________________________ Pump Model: _____________________________________ Pump Size: ____________hp Pitless Adapter Burial Depth: _________ feet Pitless Adapter Manufacturer’s Name: _________________________ Pitless Adapter Installer: ____________________________ Well Disinfected Upon Completion?;;<HV No Method of Disinfection: _____________________________ Comments: Pump Installer Name: __________________________________ Company: ___________________________________________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________ City: ___________________ State: __________Zip: _________ Attention: The pump installer shall provide a pump installation log to On-site within 30 days of pump installation. 017 141 03 BIRCH TREEESTATES 1 35 HESS SUE ANN & ARTHUR DAVID 5241 WOODHAVEN AVE ANCHORAGE, AK 99516 04 26 2023 90 A.Y. MCDONALD 23050V3LB .50 10 MARTINSON PELLETS ANCHORAGE WELL & PUMP SERVICE 7640 KING STREET ANCHORAGE AK 99518 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE  DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT IPHONE5 "~ ~IEW[] NAME UPGRADE MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL D ESCRI PTZON LOCATION ~Oed h~Ve~ ~ ~ Material No. of compartments Liq. capaciW in gallons Inside length Width Liquid depth / ~O IF HOME.DE: Well Dwelling PERMIT NO. ~ ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ O Z Material Liquid capacity in gallons O Z ~ Manufacturer O DISTANCE TO: Well / ~0 + Fou~n ~,/~ Nearest lot line ~-- PERMI~N~ ~ Ne. of lines ~ Leaf each line/o ~ ~ Total length of lines~ ~ Trench~t~ inches Distance between lineSc~ .. Total effe orption agea ~ Top of tile to finish grade /,~ ~' Material beneat~ tile ~ inches Q PERMIT NO. Length Width Depth O Total effective absorption area ~ p Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth m Well Building foundation Nearest lot line ~ DISTANCE TO: ~ Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. ~ Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorption area(s} ~ DISTANCE TO: OTHER PIPE MATERIALS ~ ~ ~ SOILTESTRATING ~ ~Vl REMARKS APPROVED DATE LEGAL 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) w Date Drilledt 6-13-84 Static Hater Level 50 feet Draw Down ''(6 feet 0 feet to ` F;I1 TI feet to 25 17AM4. eravol 25 feet to 6'1 RmlllOets, crave) 60 feet to 45 ("A-, eravol 35 A Birch Tree Gallons Per Minute 5 Total Feet of Casing 100 65 fpk to 100 Tlcht vrovet, ammo aAtpr to ? Zn- At 100 ft. nerfmra*p,1 At RR -71 feet nt 7 .,..... Hefty Drilling S.R.A. Box 1553 H AnchoragetALnaka 02 & U aWAM OF ANQI AOA DEPT. OF HEALTH a ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ,IAN 8 95 RECEIVED SUBJECT T '.~-~'~"-, '~,'~ / F · DATE PERMIT NO: DATE I S-~UED: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 t. STREET~ ANCHORAGE~ RK ~50! 264-4?20 m3N--SITE 840332 05/11/84 APPLICANT' ADDRESS' CONTACT PHONE' ARTHUR D, HESS SRR BOX ~22M RNCHORFtGE, RK ~507 LEGAL DESCR IP: SUBDI V I S ION: B I RCHTREE ~[STRTES LOT: ~5 BLOCK: l SECTION.: ~4 TOWNSHIP: 12N RANGE: ~W LOT SIZE' 2?029 (SQ. FT. OR ACRES> MR~ BEDROOMS: 3~ LISTED BELOW ARE THE OPTIONS AVAILABLE TO YOU IN DESIGNING YOUR ~EPTiC SYSTEM. CHOOSE THE OPTION THAT BEST FITS YOUR SITE. TOTA~EP~FT~ ) ~ ** T~ MUST HAVE AT LEAST TWO COMPRRT~NTS - I 'CERTIFY THAT: i, I Rffi FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIRE~NT~' FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AND WELLS 8S SET FORTH B~ THE MUNICIPRLIT~ ~ RNCHOR~E <~OR> R~ THE ~TRTE OF ALASKA. 2. I WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM .%N'~'RCC~~E WITH ALL MOA CODE5 ~D REGU~TI~S, AND IN COMPLINE WITH THE DES!~ ~!T~RI8 OF THIS PE~.IT. .' ~. ~ ~[LL' ~H[e[ TO ~LL MOA "~N~ ~T~~- OF~'~RERS~R ~[eU[e[MENTS Zee THE ~[T ~K csEI~RR~ s~STEM :ON THIS OR ANY RDJ~NT ~ NE~BY LOT."- 4. ~ U~,ERSTRND THeT TH~S PER~IT IS ~L~:FOR a ~:~M OF ] BEDROOMS: aND ANY ENLARGEMENT Wi-~C REQUIRE AN R~ITIONAL PERMIT. , IF R LIFT STATION IS INSTALLED IN RN AREA COVERED BY MOA BUILDING CODES, THEN (t> AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT AND INSPECTION MUST BE OBTAINED~ (-2> RS-BUILTS · WILL NOT BE APPROVED WITHOUT RN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT~ AND (~.) THE ELECTRICAL WORK~MU~T~BE DONE BY R LICENSED ELECTRiCiAN. · ..... ........... MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST DATE PERFORMED: · EGA, ~,ESCR,PT,ON: /--O"1- IS-- ~,~'~Ck I 9 SLOPE SITE PLAN 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2O WAS GROUND WATER (~/ S ENCOUNTERED? ]~'-~' L O IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? $~ePs Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE TEST RUN BETWEEN '~'~ FT AND ! PERFORMED72.008~(6/79) BY: ~O~l~~[ [B~ CERTIFIED BY:~' (minutes/inch) FT ALASKA b,dlROnmfl~TAL COFITROL $6b,C1~$, II1C. ~iinm. iml $ t~nuiPonmenhd Similes , PERCO..LATION TEST DATA SHEET ADDRESS DATE ZIP CODE TOTAL, DEPTH OF 'HOLE __ ft. ZONE TESTED ~, ~ ft TO ~- ft READING# CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROPRATE (mtn/in) DATUH ~ ~°//. ~ .,o.r /.W/,.,? o.~ .. FINAl.. PERCOLATION RATE (mtn/tn) ALASKA ,,diRo m%T^L CONTROL ~}i~'i~ $ ~nuimnmentd Sldks St3b,C6S, IFIC. PER~CO.LATION TEST DATA SHEET CLIENT ADDRESS ZIP CODE LEGAL LOCATION TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE. , ft. ZONE TESTED -~,5- ft TO ,fl__ __ ft READING # CLOCK TIME NET TIME DEPTH TO NET DROP RATE (lin/tn) ~ 34~- / ~,i7 : os- x~//x~-, ,,.~ _ lO z¢7 / 3y-~ .'or x's-/,/~z¢: FINAL PERCOLATZON RATE PERFORMED BY , J~o~9 ~"-- · 5, Po". ....... (lin/tn) ~' SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: DATE PERFORMED: 1 2 -'---"3 4 5 6 7 8 '9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: SLOPE SITE PLAN I ,t WAS GROUND WATER ,(¢5 [ ENCOUNTERED? O P .~ E IF YES, AT WHAT -'~ DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop ~-~O ~;o~ 7-, I PERCOLATION RATE I'~I' (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN ~,;.I/./.. FT AND 5 FT CERTIFIED BY: U DATE: 72-008 (6/79) <Permit 9: 820950 January 31, 1983 TO: Permit Applicant Subject: Lot 35 Block 1 Birch Tree Estates Subdivision A permit issued by this department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1982. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this department for documentation of the installation date and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files and documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. SincerelB ~obert C. Pratt, ~.S. Acting Program Manager Sewer and Water Program RCP/ljw enc: Copy of Permit SWP/057 PERMIT NO. MUN I L--: I ~ AL I T~" OF Ar-~cH, _~RSGE DEPSRTMENT OF HESLTH 8ND ENVIRONMENTSL PROTECTION 825 "L" STREET., 8NCHORSGE., BK. 99501 264-4720 L~ELL AND ON--S I TE SEWER PERM I t 820950 ) RPF'LICANT DAVID HESS SR8 80X ]~.22M 99587 LOCRT ION LEGRL L_?.5 Bi BIRCHTREE EST LOT SIZE TYPE OF SOIL 8B=,ORPTI[N SYSTEM IS: ~ ...... ' ~6._,-~6i,' 9~9~9~ SQUSRE FEET MRXIMUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS SOIL RRTING THE REQUIRED SIZE OF THE SOIL 8BSORPTION SYSTEM IS' DEPTH= ~ LENGTH= DEPTH= THE LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE LENGTH <IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR DRSINFIELD. THE DEPTH OF 8 TRENCH OR PIT IS THE DISTSNCE BETWEEN THE SURFRCE OF THE GROUND 8ND THE BOTTOM OF THE EXC8VSTION (IN FEET). .... ~ .... T~- '-' ~. .. .-- ......... THE GRSVEL DEPTH IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRRVEL BETWEEN THE OUTFRLL PIPE 8ND THE BOTTOM OF THE E×CSVSTION (IN FEET)~ REL;!I_IIRED SEPTICS TAN~( SIZE= 1000 I]RLLONS PERMIT 8PPLtCRNT HSS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM THIS DEPRRTMENT DURING THE INSTRLLRTION INSPECTIONS OF 8NY WELLS 8DJRCENT TO THIS PROPERTY 8ND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THRT THE WELL WILL SERVE. TWO < 2 ) I t~SPEIST IONS ARE REnU I REC-, BRCKFILLING OF RNY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINSL INSPECTION 8ND 8PPROVRL BY THIS DEPRRTMENT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. MINIMUM DISTRNCE BETWEEN 8 WELL 8ND 8NY ON-SITE SEWRGE DISPOSRL SYSTEM IS 100 FEET FOR 8 PRIVRTE WELL OR 150 TO 200 FEET FROM R PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL. MINIMUM DISTRNCE FROM 8 PRIVRTE WELL TO 8 PRIVRTE SEWER LINE IS 25 FEET 8ND TO 8 COMMUNITY SEWER LINE IS 75 FEET. WELL LOGS 8RE REQUIRED 8ND MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPRRTMENT WITHIN ~0 DRYS OF THE WELL COMPLETION. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MRY 8PPLY. SPECIFICRTIONS 8ND CONSTRUCTION DIRGRRMS 8RE RVRILRBLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTRLLRTION. F'ERM I T EXP I RES [)ECEMBER _~l., 1982 I CERTIFY THRT l' I 8M FRMILIRR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS RND WELLS RS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPRLITY OF 8NCHORRGE. 2' I WILL INSTRLL THE SYSTEM IN RCCORDRNCE WITH THE CODES. ~' I UNDERSTAND THaT THE ON-SITE SEWER SYSTEM M"'~ REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE RESIDENCE IS ~ELED TO INCLU~ MORE THSN ~ BEDROOMS. SiGNED:._~~~6~_ ~r+~- RPP.~ICRNT ?~VID HESS ~ ISSUED BY .... DRTE- /~/ Y~ V4.0 GRE 'ER ANCHORAGE AREA BO "'UGH Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM NAME .~----~~-~~f MAI LING ADDRESS ~ ~/- ~-, --~ ~-~-, PHONE LOCATION /~'~292~/~',~/-'/~'-~/ ,~5~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEPTIC TANK .... DISTANCE ~ ~ .~--~--.~"~""- NUMBER OF FROM WELL/~,o~/~ / MANUFACTURER.~,~,,~,//f/~...¢-,./ MATERIAL ~.~,,,4./~__.~-g.~ COMPARTMENTS INSIDE LENGTH INSIDE WIDTH LIQUID DEPTH .LIQUID CAPAClT~ GALLONS. SEEPAGE PIT: NUMBER OF PITS / DIAMETER //"~ ~R WIDTH --, LENGTH__~, DEPTH ~'~ LINING MATERIAL?~//f'/~-f CRIB SIZE: DIAMETER .~ DEPTH~ DISTANCE FROM: WELL /. ~<~ ~ TOTAL EFFECTIVE FOUN DATIOI~(2 BUILDING ADDITIONAL ABSORPTION NEAREST LOT LINE/~ "~-~'7. ABSORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) ~='-~~ SQ. FT. WELL: TYPE ,///"'/~/'~'/'/,~//~'~ CONSTRUCTION BUILDING FOUNDATION __ · ¢~'~~ DEPTH · . DISTANCE FROM: NEAREST/ NEAREST SEPTIC/~,~-~'~' SE EPAG E LOT LINE//~ ~ (,"g:2 /~- ~'~ ', SYSTEM /~"~'~ --/~ ~. "-~'~-- , SEWER LINE , TANK OTHER SOURCES /---'/'~/~'/~ C ESSPOO L//-~2/~~--' APPROVED DISAPPROVED REMARKS DISTANCES: INSTALLED PIPE MATERIAL: LOT SLOPE: R E M A R KS: z Form No, EO-031 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE GreATEr ANCHORAGe AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 3330 "C" STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 274-4561 SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM -- APPLICATION AND PERMIT PERMIT NO. NAME OF APPLICANT INSTALLATION LOCATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION MAILING ADDRESS PHONE INSTALLATION OF: SEPTIC TANK SEEPAGE PIT DRAIN FIELD OTHER TYPE AND SIZE OF FACILITY TO BE SERVED FINANCED THROUGH SOIL TEST RESULTS TO BE INSTALLED SY ;'~- NOTE: THl~ PERMIT IS NOT VALID W!TH~UT ~OIL TE.~,I]' COMPLETION DATE ANTICIPATED FINAL INSPECTION: 24 HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED. BACKFILLING OF ANY SYSTEM WITHOUT FINAL INSPECTIOI~! BY THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AUTHORITY WILL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. SEPTIC TANK SIZE TYPE MINIMUM DISTANCES, REQUIREMENTS FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK · ": sEEPAGE AREA SIZE TYPE FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT SEPTIC TANK TO SEEPAGE PIT WALL SEPTIC TANK , SEEPAGE PIT TO NEAREST LOT LINE. WELL TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD DRAIN FIELD , DRAIN FIELD SEEPAGE PIT ALSO CONSIDER AREA WE'-LS. WATER MAIN TO SEPTIC TANK DRAIN FIELD SEPTIC TANK, , SEEPAGE Pit 'TO rIVER, LAKE, STREAM. SEEPAGE PIT , DRAIN FIELD CAST IRON INTO AND OUT OF SEPTIC TANK AND INTO CRIB CROSSING GAP OF EXCAVATION 5 FEET INTO UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4 INCH DIAMETER CAST IRON SIPHON PIPES ON SEPTIC TANK AND SEEPAGE PIT FITTED WITH airTIGl~T REMOVABLE CAPS. GRAVEL BACKFILL CONFORM TO BOROUGH REGULATIONS REGARDING INSTALLATION. --~" ~/ G.A.A ,B. OR LICENSED DESIGNER DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM I CERTIFY THAT I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. 28-68 AND THAT THE ABOVE DESCRIBED SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID CODE. ~ DATE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE ~1~7~ F~I:~HORAGE, ALASka 99502 D~ D~pJ OF i~U~MENTAL QUALITY Performed .ur · Leg~l Description: Lo~ 35 This Form Repor&s Soils L~g TY CASE # Date Perf.ormbd Mn.vi: lo?.R S u b d i v i s i o n Birchwood Esta~t~ Pe'r'c'o'l a'r i o n ~esr Depth Feet Soil Characteristics I 8 10 -- K Brown Clayey Silt (NIL) Gray and Dark Brown Sandy Gravel (GW) with Gravelly Sand from 7' (SW) Was Ground Water Encountered? No If Yes, At What Depth? Date Gross Time Reading '' I T ~ I , ir, P'ercolati:°a' 'RaTe ,Proposed Insta'llation: Depth Of Inlet COM?,E,qTS: Depth to H20 Net Time l 't:[:F n u t e Seepage Pi~ XX Drain Field Depth To Bottom Of Pit Dr Trench 110 Sq. Ft. of draJ_L~!o~.e~zlzs.~.;z.is rC%~LLred_per bedroom. ~CPe'Ff'Or'm'e'd DY g' E. ~arlis!5 Alaska Mineral & Materials Lab, Inc. ~ICIPALIT~ OF ANCHORAGE £VlSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALI DEPA/~THE~f OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION A~PLICATION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL C~RTIFICATE 1. General Information Application Date (a) Legal Description (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) Location (address or directions) (c) Ap~l~an~ .is (check one) Lend~n~ Institution ~ ; ~er/bu~lfle= ~ Buyer ~; OCher ~' t (~plain); (d) Lending Ins=i=u=ion Telephone A~ss (e) Real Estate Co. & Agent Address Telephone (f) Mail the HAA to the following address: ,~-'~ // /' L~X ,~ I~/~',-4''~-'/,fl I 2. Type of Residence Single-Famlly~7~ Number of Bedrooms Multi-Family ~-~ Other (describe) 3, Water Supply Individual Well Community ~ Public~ Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 4. Sewase Disposal 0nsite ~ Public ~-~ Community ~--~ Holding Tank ~-~ Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. ~e 1 of 2] ® En~ineerin~ Firm Providing Inspections~ Tests~ File Search~ Dat~ and Information As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wast,water disposal system is safe, functional and a~equate for the number of bedrooms and ~ype of structure indicated herein.. I further verify that, based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regula- tions in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm Telephon. Address DHEP Approval Approved for~-~bedrooms Approved~.~ Disapproved~ Terms of Conditional Approval CAUTION THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (DHEP) ISSUES HEALTH AUTHORITX APPROVAL CERTIFICATES BASED SOLELY UPON THE REPRESENT- ATIONS GIVEN IN PARAGRAPH 5 ABOVE BY AN INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAl. ENGINEER REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF ALASKA. THE DREP DOES THIS AS A COURTESY TO PURCHASERS OF HOMES AND THEIR LENDING INSTITUTIONS IN ORDER TO SATISFY CERTAIN FEDERAL AND STATE REQUIRE- MENTS. EMPLOYEES OF DHEP DO NOT CONDUCT INSPECTIONS OR ANALYZE DATA BEFORE A CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S WORK. (DHEP SEAL) RR4/ej/D18 [Page 2 of 2] 7-19-84 -' OF MUNICIPALITY ANCi-IO ?,AG[. [VJ'L,,I~CTP~ O~ ~'~j'CJ,]O~:~}l~, (MOIA) DEPT. OF HEALT~J & ENVIRONMENTAL PR©T£C[ION JAN 8 1985 ~ CHECKLIST - FEB~Z/AR¥ 1984 "' ~=-~'~-" ~-;~Z~'-~',~.- . ."" ...' Total ~p~, /~ .... ~ ~ . /~- . ~ Of ~bing ~/~ ' Casing ~ignt ~ ~nd ~ ~t . ~anit~ ~al on Casing ~) Elec~i~l W~ing in ~n~tt ~) . _ ~essi~ ~nd ~l~ead (~ ~p~ation-DiS~n~a ~ ~-- . C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption St=ara Date .Installed Width of Field Squa=e Feet of Absorption A=ea Depression ore= Field (Y~_) Results of Last Adequacy Test Type of System Design ~ ,, I~r Z .... Length of Field , , ,, Depth of Field Gravel Bed Thickness --5'"7~/' ~ Standpipes P=esent Date of Last Adequacy Test SeDaration Distance f~(xa A~s(xption Field: .---/ ~ To ~ildi~ F~n~tion ~ ~' To Existing ~ndo~S~m ~ ~o,,,, //~ , ~~,~,n~ ~ , ~,, ~, ~ ...... TO ~te= Main/~=vi~ Line~/~ To ~~( if ~e~nt) ~/W , , ~/, To ~way, P~ki~ ~a, ~ Vahicl~ S~=a~ ~a ,, /0 , ~ .... D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Sizs in C~llons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at Tested fo= Elect=ical Codes, Ccrments Dimsnsions Level at Adequacy Test. Meets MOA ** Check Permitted Bedrocm Rating A~ainst HAA Request I certify that I have checked, verified, c~ eonfcz~ed to all MOA FAA Gu~]m,U. ne's in effect on u~ ~ate of this inspe~i~. . ~f_~. ~_.,~ I-;~:...o........4;:,, Co. any /f,~' ,~¢.. . '~o~ No. ~:Sl/dS/s . ! /'"m.,-,,..~, 'fZ~',,/N~. 2-15-84 NUISANCE COMPLAINT FORM Complainant's Name~ Street Address: Phone No,:~- ~S~'~ .Box No. Description of Complaint: : Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made:}J~/~A/:~ /7~/5 Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Owner's Address: ~'~k~5'-~ Location of Complaint: L ~,~S-~//~, / Street Address: Person Receiving Complaint:~ Date: I certify that such statement of facts is true to the best of my be-. ¢ lief and knowledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investi- gated and that appropriate action thereafter be taken. I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if necessary. Complainant REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN Date Investigated: Action Taken: //--~ . DATE C LAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSIT'I'ON OF COMPLAINT: /e-~.-5-,~-. ~,./~. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN October 17, 1973 Lawren;e Harris Box 8566 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~' (plus postage) POSTMARK OR DATE / SENT TO l ~^.o .o. '' OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES -RETURN · ~7 ~h~o~E~a~--d~U~e~*. .......... i~ .rn=mT ~k~ With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ .~r. ~ 2. Shows tO whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVlC~E? ~__~__ With d~liveryto addressee o~y .......... 85¢ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... 50¢ ~ ~E C~-~L '~ E~ VE-R~ ~;x~-r a' ~ ~e qui ;e~ ..~.....~....... :~: PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See other side) A~,. ]p?~ NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~ o~o: ~e~ o-*eo.~ Re: On-stte sewage dtsposal system Installed on Lot 35, Block 1, Btrch Tree Estates Dear Mr. Harrts: Thts department has recetved and Investigated a complaint of a dangerous excavation and an illegal sewer system Installed on property owned by you. Our Investigation reveals that the sewer system ts in violation of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Code of Ordinance, Artlcle V], Sewage Dlsposal Prac- tices. In accordance wtth thts ordinance, a permtt must be obtalned and the lns&allatton made accordingly. Zt was further noted that the seepage ptt agea ts an open ptt creattng a dangerous excavation. Thts ts 1n violation of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Areawtde Publlc I~utsance Con- trol Ordinance, Arttcle 15, Sectton 12.15.010, Paragraph I. Thts letter ts to serve as nottce to you that you have ftve' (5) days from receipt of thts letter to obtatn a permtt from th~s department and brtng thJs s~tuatton tnto compliance. Fatlure on your part to do so wtll result tn prompt legal actton, We wtll look forward to worktng wtth you to resolve thts situ- ation tn the best tnterest of all parttes concerned. Sincerely, ..... . Carrol S. HcKechnte, Environmental Control Offtcer CSl~/ko Certified # 7404~1 GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM October 31, 1973 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian C.S. McKechni~ Environmental Control Officer III Complaint Received From Mrs. Doug Sehm' Regarding Open Seepage Pit Excavation Located on Lot 35, Block l, Birch Tree Estates Subdivision On October 16, 1973, I investigated a complaint at the above subject location. It was noted that a seepage pit had been installed and was full of water presenting a hazardous situation to people or small children who may De walking in the area. It was further noted that the water in the excavation was not sewage but either a high water table or runoff and rainwater. It was determined that the property belonged to a Mr. Lawrence Harris. Mr. Harris was advised both through a certified letter and personal contact that tile excavation was in violation of the Areawide Public Nuisance Control Ordinance. Mr. Harris in- dicated that he did not have the financial means to fill in the pit at the present time. He further indicated that the Borough would have to take him to court in order to gain compliance as he could do nothing without money. He requested that the Borough fill in the pit and assess the cost back to him. As the situation existing is an extremely dangerous one and court litigation could be lengthy, the Department of Environmental Quality is in the process of abating this public nuisance and charging the cost of such abatement back against the owner, Mr. Harris. According to the Borough Attorney, this would be in accordance with the Greater Anchorage Area Borough's Areawide Public Nuisance Control Ordinance, Article 15, Section 12.15.050. mld