HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHALET TERRACE Well Information October 26, 1973 Dontractin§ Engineers & Associates 1301 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Attel-)tion: Glenn t(uff, P. E. Ke: Chalet Terrace Subdivision Wellhouse !)ear Sir: Tt~c subject wellhouse was inspected by this department on <)ctober 2'3, 1973. The only discrepancy noted was the open i~oles through vthich tile electrical ~tires passed in the well seal. These holes should be caulked shut to insure ti~at noti}ing can be introduced into the ~ell from the outside. ;lith ti~e con',?letion of the above, the ~ellhouse is approved by this departF~ent. Sincerely, Tip~ Rumfelt, R.S. Sanitarian TF,:/ko L~cto~,er Z3, ~::rr~c~, £u~ivisioq Wa~r System ~s-buii~ ~c~uuer, i~YJ plans fur ~.c su~jcc~ .... ;,, ,- ~',ous~ its~lf, ~.. ,~at~r sysCe(:~ ..Hll ~e a~.~rovc~ for c~: T'i;.~ i<unf.~i'L, ;:.S. September 23, 1971 Glenn Huff Contrlcttng £ngtneers and Associates 1801 Stanton Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Clalet Terrace Yater System £ngtneertng Plans. Oear Mr. Huff: The Greater Anchorage Area Borough ts tn recetpt of ~Olr pre- llmtnary eng~neer?ng plans for thts particular rater system. After revtew our Oepartment finds these preliminary engineering elans are tn compliance wtth those features ~lth which t~ts partment ts concerned. ~e would wish to brtng your attention to the following conditions once t~e water system ts butlt. The following must be submitted once the water system Is completed. 1. Asbutlt engtneer1~)g also to tnclude the Interior of t[~ pump house and 1ts valw. ~. Cheetcal and bacterial analysts of :he water 3. T~e owner ts to contact this ~e~artment once t~ts s~ste~ ts ~n operation to establish a routtne sampling Oroceedure ~or thts ~ater system. Should you have any questions regarding the above subject matter please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Roll Strtcklend Assistant Director cc: Jack Richards st May 8, 1975 Mr. Glenn Huff Contracting Engineers & Associates 7010 Old Se~vard High~ay Anchorage, AK 99502 Subject: Chalet Terrace Water System Plans Dear Mr. Huff: T]~e as built plans for this project are approved for the features with which this Department is concerned.. Yours truly, Kyle~'. ChL~i'ry, P.E. Regional Environmental Supervisor cc: Rolf Strickiand JV~-W DRILLING, Inc. P. O. Box 4-1728 · 2811 Dawson A C 907-279-1741 ANCHOI{AGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG Well O~vner. Ohmls% Terrace Sukdivision Use of Well Do~ Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Hilllside ~rrve 4~ Size of casing_ 5 .Depth of Hole ~ feet Cased to feet Static water level 5 ft. {~bov~' (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) _j. ~r,~' t : ~' Perforated ( ) open end ( x ); Describe screen o.r perforation . ?;~-~ Well pumping test at ~ gallons per (heur) of drawdown from static level. (minute) for ! hours with IOL,;~ ft. Date of completion WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and harchness S~I ! (~rr~ve! TO_29 TO TO 47 TO. TO. ~TO__ TO. .TO .TO .TO .TO .TO .TO TO_ :'{ayrie E. ?l~stber~ 1 -- CUSTO1VFER ALASKA MINERAL LAB 2229 SPENARD ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 PHONE 272--2716 OF ANALYSIS REPORT Jack Richardsbh FOR DATE 5777Lake Otis Parkway Anchora~e~ Alaska q9507 March 17, lq72 PAGE I of 2 · LAB. IDENT. DESCRIPTION I ELEMENT Dr .W. NO. NO.. UNIT Elemenl ssmple St_an. units 2571 D~inking water - 1 gallon sample for community well Appearsnce clear Conductance W~X 201 ~mhos/c~ ii TDS Total Dissolved Solids 142 500 m~l .Acidity 9.5 ,, a! CaC03 .. Alkalinity 130.2 - a~ C~CO3 ChloriQe Gl 4.2 250 " Sulfate S04 8.2 " .Calcium Ca 51.0 --- Msgnesium M~ ~.2 ,, Iron Fe 0.25 .0..) ,, Manganese Y~ ~ 0.02 0.05 " . . . Zinc , Zn 0.67 5.0 ,, Aluminum A1 ~ 0.2 --- " Total Hardness 150.2 --- " Arsenic As ~0.002 0.0~ ,, C. ogper Cu _ 0.03 .1.0 ,, Cyanide CN neg. 0.2 ,, Fluride F I 0.4 1.5 - < = less than neg. = negative on detection test COMMENTS: Dr.~;/.Stsn = Public Health Service, Drinking ~ater Standards - 1962 Suggested maximums, underlined 'are rejecti~on l~imits,~r~n?entrations are milligrams per liter Louis V. yon !~eybig, P.E. TITLE Chemical Engzne er Jack Richsrdson ~.. 2 oF 2 DATE ?~arch 17~ 1972 REPORT OF:ANALYSIS LAB IDENT. ELEMENT ~r. w, NO. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT Element Sample Start. Units 2571 Nitrate N03' 5.5 45.0 mg/1 Barium Ba neg. ~.0 ,, Cadmium -.. Cd neg. O.O1 ,, C~romium Cr *~ 0.002 0..05 - Lead Pb .~ 0.02 0.05 ,, Selenium Se neg. 0.01 - Silver Ag ~0.02 0.05 ,, ALASKA MINERAL LAb 2229 SPENARD ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASka 99')03 COMMENTS: The water has rather high hardness. No objections on the basis of physical and chemical characteristics. BY: 1801 Stanton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING ENGINEERS &ASSOC. COnsulting Engineers Phone: 279-1792 ENGINEERING REPORT CHALET TERRACE SUBDIVISION WATER SYSTEM Water System for: Lot 2 thru l0 Lot 1 will be served by an individual well, Total lots served = 9 A. General l, The system as designed will serve the 9 lots in this subdivision as noted above and as shown on the attached drawings. 2. The system as designed will not be expanded, 3. There will be no industrial activit~ which will affect the requirements of this water system. 4. The estimated daily water consumption assuming 100 g.p.d, min, and 3.25 people per residence and 9 residences is lOOx3,25x9 = 2925 gal,/day, _-~r 2.0 ga]~/min, This is the present a~d future requirement, ~ _ The capacity of this system is based on the peak demand computed as follows: Assuming for each lot: 1. bathroom group with flush tank 2. kitchen sink 3. laundry tray Total supply fixture units per lot = ll Engineering Report Chalet Terrace Sub. For 9 lots the load on the system in supply fixture units is 99. With this load the supply demand is equal to 42 g.p,m, for approximately 20 minutes or 840 gal. With the installation of one 82 gal. Hydro-pneumatic storage tank with 2/3 effective volume for storage on each lot served, the total storage for this system will be: 82×2/3x9 = 492 gal. Required pump capacity = 348 = 17.4 gal. per minute or 1044 gal. per hour 20 5. The source of water for this system will be a deep water well located as shown on the plans. The well will be drilled and cased with a 6" casing to prevent ground water contamination, The top of the casing will extend at least 12" above finished grade with no pit around the casing, A well house will be constructed over the well to allow all electric controls to be located at the well. The well house will be insulated and weather tight. It will have a daylight drain and will be electrically heated to prevent freezing. A pitless adaptor will not be used and the discharge pipe will come out the top of the casing and will be connected to the distrubution header in the well house. The casing will be sealed. 6, All development in this area depends on wells for their water and the acquifer which this well will penetrate has proven to produce water of a quality suitable for household uses. Prior to public use the water from this well will be tested for quality. B. Permafrost is not known to be present in this area, -~, This ~'not a ~urface water source, - D. Purification is not anticipated or proposed, Ee Pressure will be maintained in the lines at all times by the use of a submersible pump with a minimum rating of 1180 gal, per hour with a discharge pressure of 60 p,s.i, and a depth to water level of 120 feet, (Jacuzzie Submersible Pump No. 15S4C or equal). If the depth to water level is such to require a larger pump, then a pump of adequate size will be installed, To minimize fluctuation in pressures, a hydro-pneumatic system consisting of one 82 gal. pressure tank will be located in each .residence. Pressure loss in the mains at peak pumping rate is negligible, Engineering Report Chalet Terrace Sub. -3- F. The distribution lines will be constructed with approximately 275 lin. ft. of 2" NSF approved water pipe. Service connections with a corporation stop at the main and a curb stop with service box installed at the property line or easement line for each lot will be constructed as part of this system using 340 lin. ft. of 3/4" NSF approved Type K copper water pipe. 2. There are no special features in the distribution system. 3. The distribUtion system will be installed with a minimum of 10' of cover over the distribution lines. 4. The system will be located in glacial till at the depth specified. Water will be stored as specified in "E", 2. Fire protection has not been provided, H. Cost Estimates Construction Well with 6" casing 200' at $13/ft. 275 lin. ft. 2" WL installed at $6/lin. ft. *9 curb stops installed at $150 each Submersible pump and riser pipe $2,600 1,650 1,350 600 $6,200 Maintenance cost estimated to be $400/year. The followi~ng minimum distances from points of possible contamination -~o groundTwater supplies will be exceeded: - 1. Any contamination - 40 ft. 2, Sewers, septic tank, disposal fields - 80 ft, 3, Seepage pi ts - 120 ft. *Curb stops included service connection. Eighty-two gal. hydro-pneumatic tank to be installed by each builder as lots develop, 1801 Stanton Ave. Anchorage, Alaska CONTRACTING ENGINEERS & ASSOC, Consulting Engineers Phone: 279-1792 September 21, 1971 Mr. rolf Strickland Greater Anchorage Area Borough 3500 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr, Strickland: Transmitted is one complete set of plans, specifications and engineering report for the Chalet Terrace Sub. water system for your approval. -- ' Sincerely, G. A. Huff 77//./ V /ii,, O0,gO oON ./ N.