HomeMy WebLinkAboutCHUGIAK GARDENS Sewage Disposal & Well Locations RONALD L. THIEL, PE. CONSULTING ENGINEER 519 WEST EIGHTH AVENUE ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 (907) 279-6508 August 1, 1972 Mr. Roll Strickland Dept. Environmental Quality GAAB 3S00 Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska Re: CttUGIAK GARDENS SUBDIVISION SEIqAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEHS AND NELL LOCATIONS Dear Roll: The above referenced proposed subdivision was soils investigated with the results shown on the accompanying enclosures. The results showed an acceptable gravel substrata with slight traces of silt in the southern portion. The plat shows the typical spacing of three cribs per_$ot (8 foot depth) and the buildable areas in red. If the builders adhere to the current GAAB codes for installing the seepage pits and follow the necessary spacing as the plan shows, the subdivision should be expected to be reasonably free of disposal problems. The above information is limited to information obtained from four test holes dug by a back hoe and one cut bank at the northern end of the property. Sincerely, RonaYd ~, Thee[, ,f~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO.UG}~-~ HEALTH DEPARTHENT ._. CASE ~/ 327 EAGLE STREET -:--" ....... ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 ~ .~, ~ : / · Legal Description-: ~o~ - Block 'S~dlv-~si~h ~' /~/ -~-~; Z ' -j~' )"'-~/ Th~s Fom R~pq~'~s ~: boz~ ~og ~,~ · ·-Fercolat~ '~est 'Depth ,/[ ' Do~, 7-1~ ~, L.o ? · .. ... , Feet ~ot! Cha~a~te~istles Loeatlon Sketch''' Was Gmound Watem Encountered? If Yes~ At What Depth e~c~~zon P, ace Z / Reading Net Time ld~aute ' Proposed 'Instal~Seepage Pit Depth Of Intat Dmp~'h'To ~'~om. Depth To H20 Net Drop Dra'in Field '~f-'P~i~ Or Depth Feet Soll Cha~aeterlstlC~ : .... . ... ....~V~, ~;/~.u~,~',',,.~.~.,.'''~ . ~ ~ >~ ..'.~'.':.'. '.~, :...,',. '... ~.. ~..-.~; ':. '1~"~-, . ~'~..~'~. '~. ..~'~......'./.,. / ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ',c ' '" ~ · .., .~, ,, GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH'~- ~ HEALTH DEPAP, THENT ' 327 EAGLE STREET ....... - ' ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 L~gal Descvzption: Lo~ Block . S~d-ivlsion Was Ground Water Encountem~d? If Yes9 At What Depth __ Readlng Date G~oss Time Net Time Location Sketch'" Depth To H20 Proposed ~nstal-i--ati0'n:--Seepage Pit DFc'in Field Dep%h Of /nle~ bep~h To f'o~'~'om.'Ofr ~it OrTPenc~ ................. '- COMMENTS: ...... ' ...... _ _ .~___~ ...... . ...~, ~.. , , , .... ,,. ~ .~/~~-'~: ~./.:,.,~:~,.,~, ~. :-..,..-,~ -,~,, :,. ~.._~ '. ,~,,: ~-,.,..-__....... -~- . ~ ~--~ .....~ ...... ~,;~...,: ~.. .... ~, .. ..,, ... ... .. ..., ...... · ' .. ' . ~---.- .. ...... ;.:~,.'~,-.~.;..~ ...... ~.~ ..... :c,.-.~,_~ .,,,,".'~:.j~ t.:~ .... .. '. . , . · . . . ~ ...': ~ . .. . ., :- . ..~. ~ .,.~ ,.~., .~ ..~' ,.~,. '. , ¥' . Da~a C~r~ifi~d'ay:' ' · ..'_ ..' ,' · ,..: .';..,?'.~..~,.: '~ ,:,' ,:~:,'...,~',.~~-..'....~ . " ........ ~--"-'~'"-~- '~: ~'' ~' ' "' ,~' '.r ?' , ,' ', " ' I 1' . ' . · ~ : , ~ '.: '; ..' ., ' ; . . ~-~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO.UG~ . HEALTH DEPARTHENT .... CAgE 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 This Fo~ RepoPts a. Soxts Log ~ '-Psrcota(ion 'rest Was Ground Wa~e~ Encoun'~er~d? .o .._ If Yes~ At What Depth Reading .~ ! Gross Tim~ Net Location Sketch; '' Proposed 'Ins~al~Se~page Pi~ Dmain Field ~-~GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO~G~ .. HEALTH DEPART~ENT 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 CASE This Foz~m Repo=ts a. Sozls Log ._ :'- ' ' . '~ol~ti6n'T~st Wa~ ~'ound Wate~ Encountered?_~/~J..ff.. If Yes~ At What Depth Date Gz'oss Time Reading P~oposed "'- ' Znstallat~on: Seepage Pit Dep%h Of Inlet Dep%'h To ~6'~'~om. COMMENTS: ........ ' Location Sketch' Depth To H20 Drain Field Of Pi~ or TPenc~-' ' ~-~ GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUG~ HEALTH DEPAP. TNENT ' ' .... CASE ~ 327 EAGLE STREET ANCHORAGE~ ALASKA 99501 Legal Description: Lot Block 'S~d-2-V'i's'i'on ' '~ ........... '" .... _=~-,.. ' .... '.'Pemcolat~on Test Feet Soll Chapactarls~tCs ~,,-. - .... ~. - ...... .. - .... Ground Water Encountered? Yes~ A~ What Depth Gross Time P~oposed ' ~ Installation: ~eepaEe Pit Depfh Of Inle~ ...... Dap-th Location Sketch''' D.-pth To H20 Nat Drop' D~a'in Field Of'~it Or T~ench---" .... -- ...._h