HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE LAKE LT 2 TR L Co?.5 PAGE 1 OF 1 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES P.O. BOX 196650, 825 "L" STREET, ROOM 502 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 ON-SITE WELL SYSTEM PERMIT PERMIT NUMBER:SW980055 DESIGN ENGINEER:DUMMY COMPANY OWNER NAME:GOODALE HARVEY B & OWNER ADDRESS:14411 FIRE LAKE DR EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 DATE ISSUED: 4/07/98 EXPIRATION DATE: 4/07/99 PARCEL ID:05133323 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: FIRE LAKE LT 2 TR LOT SIZE: 40590 (SQ. FT.) NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: 2 THIS PERMIT: 2 THIS PERMIT IS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF: WELL SYSTEM ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH: 1. THE ATTACHED APPROVED DESIGN. 2. ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 15.55 AND 15.65 AND THE STATE OF ALASKA WASTEWATER DISPOSAL REGULATIONS (18AAC72) AND DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (18AAC80). 3. THE ENGINEER MUST NOTIFY DHHS AT LEAST 2 HOURS PRIOR TO EACH INSPECTION. PROVIDE NOTIFICATION BY CALLING 343-4744 ( 24 HOURS ) (NOT REQUIRED FOR WELL ONLY PERMIT) 4. FROM OCTOBER 15 TO APRIL 15 A SUBSURFACE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNDER CONSTRUCTION DURING FREEZING WEATHER MUST BE EITHER: A. OPENED AND CLOSED ON THE SAME DAY B. COVERED, SEALED AND HEATED TO PREVENT FREEZING 5. THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL PROVISIONS. SPECIAL PROVISIONS: ISSUED BY: ! DATE: 4 - 7-- ~8 AS-BUILT ,5'E:¢TION LOT2. )TRACT L (/'/5/~// .F'IRELAKE .S'UBDJVI $10, N ANCHORAGE REJCORDING DIS'TRICT,~ P-III bock ~lJ'b ~.ATH :b, ~W coP.. I-,oT "0"" SEPTIC CLEAN- ~> ~.~V~ 165".00~ SCALE I" = 40' I HEREBY CERTIFY 'THAT This PLAT REPRESENTS A SURVEY DONE BY 19~$ AND 99-b~T ALL DIMF_.14,,eION ARE CORSE. CT A~ SHOWN. I" 'TRIANGLE SURVEYS', INC. ~RA 62~2 YADON DR>PALMI~I~,~ AX by DOC Co. dba SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P.O. BOX 670272, CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99567 · TELEPHONE 688-2769 OWNER OF LAND ~'/',~ ~'J ~J //~ ,,~ ~J~ ~'~ ~") BORE HOLE DATA DEPTH ADDRESS J .,~""~ I ,,~ (~ ~,' ~' ,~ ~ ~ ~ From To LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~'I~'E ~/~/4~,E Z. ~)~ ,,), 0 PERMIT NUMBER ~*Oe 5-~'"'Date of Issue ~ - '7 -~'O~' TAX INDENTIFICATION NUMBER _O__~'J ;~.~ 3~1 ~. well located at approved perm No Method of Drilling: ~ir rotary [] cable tool Depth of well: 3~ 4~.~' /_~""~ CasingType ,~7'~_~ WallThickness,o,~'-~,~ inches Diameter ~/! inches, depth c~"" feet Liner Type: ,~5~E / ~'" ~/~ Casing Stickup Above Ground: ~ feet Static Water Level (from ground level): ~0 feet ~,~O ~,,~ Pumping level: feet after hrs. pumping __gpm Recover Rate: ~ ~" gpm Method of Testing: Well Intake Opening Type: [] Open End I~pen Hole [] Screened; Start feet Stopped feet [] Perforations Start feet Stopped feet Grout Type: ~,,Jr~,,/,T'E Volume I Depth: from ~ feet, to ~ feet Pump Intake Depth: feet Pump Size .hp Brand Name Well Disinfected Upon Completion? ~3.-Y~s ~ No. Method of Disinfection: (~ ,~, oA, ~- ~"0 Comments: Driller's Name ATTENTION: It is the responsibility of the property owner to submit a copy of the well Icg to the proper authority. Municipality of Anchorage: Department of Health & Human Services and/or Department of Environmental Conservation. MatSu Borough: Department of Environmental Conservation. EAGLE RIVER ENGINEERING SERVICES Lou Butera P.E. November 10, 1986 Mr. Steve Morris Civil Engineer, On-site Services Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, AK 99519 P.O. Box 773294 ed Ea~le River, Alaska 99577 PROTECTION :W0¥ 1 2 1986 RECEIVED REF: Lot 2, Tract L, Fire Lake Subdivision At the request of my client, Mrs. Joyce Porte, I am submitting a request for Health Department Approval for a nonconventional type water system serving a single family 3 bedroom residence on the above referenced lot. Mrs. Porte had been in contact with the Municipality, requesting the feasibility of this type surface water system, and it was requested by Steve Morris that an engineer submit the design plans. The source of available water supply is Upper Fire Lake, Eagle River. The area around Upper Fire Lake has a problem with the availability of well water, The supply being uncertain and in some cases non-existant. Bedrock outcroppings surround the lake and the area has a low density population. The owner has an existing water collection system from the lake and would prefer to retain this type of water system rather than invest money in an uncertain well. Our proposed design would involve reconstructing the water collection and delivery methods and make use of an existing UV light purifier with modification. The current water collection is by a submerged pump placed in the lake and anchored with an iron dock. This dock is not adequete for support and is subject to ice forces. Our proposed design involves excavation through the ice during winter and developing an area at the shoreline that will contain a submersible pump inside a well screen surrounded with a graded filter sand and then protected by filter fabric and a gravel ballast. The water delivery to the house will be through an arctic insulated PE pipe with heat trace channel. A drain back system to the lake will be provided. The water entering the home will be disinfected by an ultraviolet disinfection unit, Aquafine model SL-1 adequate for a 10 GPM flow rate. All water will be disinfected excepting that used for outside watering, i.e. hose connection. The water system pump will be designed to deliver no greater than 10 GPM flow rate. Specifications for the existing disinfection unit are attached and a UV level monitor, with alarm will be installed !.f available. A test for coliform bacteria will be provided al{er the system is operational. If there are any questions, or if any further requested, please feel free to contact me at 694-5195. Thank You, Lou Butera, P.E. information is EAGLE RIV ENGINEERING SER~,CES INC. P. O. Box 773294 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Phone 694-5195 f ....~ ........ iLS:tz, Tracf' L~ Fire i.]...: · ' i LAKE'SURFACE close Sand .ifh ~ilter' +?abric, SHEET NO OF CHECKED S¥ DATE. Lake Subdv. Collection System tgp; John~on/uell screen ~ith ~ub~er~ible pump to residence ~ connection PE to iron pipe sealo~heat"frace'channel, drainback optional :~ur~ace ~E MITHi' ~ HEAT BY HAHUFACTURER CONT~TiUSE.. TR. 3' A S- BUILT SECTION LOT~ ~ TRACT t .F'IRELAKE SUSDIVI$1QN ANCHORAGE RIECORDING DIS~RICT~ P-Ill bocl~ ~PPE~ FI~E LAK~ / ~T s~&F~c~ ' ~ PLAT XHO~LI~E 0 TR.K iq6o N SCALE I" ~ 40~ I HEREBY CERTIFY "THAT THIS DOI4E: BY ~YSELF ON ,NO~ 7~ 19&6 A~ T~T ALL DIMENSION ARE CORKECT A~ SHO~, TRIANGLE SURVEYS, INC. SRA G~.82 YADON DR~PALI4ER~ AK ~75'023~ Aquafine--the leader in quality ultraviolet sterilization' equipment What Is Ultraviolet Energy? UItravi01et energy is radiated by Iow- pressure mercury lamps. These ger- micidal lamps are made of a special hard glass that allows the transmit- tance of shortwave ultraviolet energy, predominantly the 254 nm wave- length. This light ray has the unique ability to kill all microorganisms in which it comes in contact. How Do~s Ultraviolet Kill Bacteria? The ultraviolet rays strike the bacteria, virus, yeast, molds or algae, and break through the outer membrane. They penetrate the heart of the organism (known as the DNA) and destroy it. Why Ultraviolet? Ultraviolet safely and efficiently re- places chemical sterilization. Ultra- violet eliminates corrosive action of added chemicals.., eliminates chemi- cai feeders and monitoring devices.. does away with holding tanks and the risk of recontamination....and reduces inplant maintenance. With Aquafine Ultraviolet Sterilizers, your bacteria- free water is completely unchanged in pH, color, taste, odor and temperature. How The Aquafine Sterilizer Works Low-pressure mercury vapor lamps produce the ultraviolet energy. This en- ergy is produced when an electric arc is struck across an inert gas, vaporiz- lng the mercury contained within the lamp envelope. The mercury atoms are excited to a high energy level and --upon returning to a Iow energy level --radiate the 254 nm wavelength. The UV lamps do not come in contact with the water; they are either housed in specially fused quartz sleeves, or may be external to the water chamber for very Iow volume models. Time- proven quartz sleeves are used pur- posely for many reasons: quartz has excellent UV transmittance, maximiz- ing the Ultraviolet output of each UV lamp. The UV transmittance through quartz is typically 95%, unlike other materials, such as Teflon, which inhibit UV transmittance by 30, 40, and even 50%. The quartz sleeves maximize UV lamp output, maximizing energy efficiency. As water enters the sterilizer, it imme- diately comes in contact with either a turbulence-creating disc, or a helical baffle. This forces the water to travel tangentially through the chamber, spinning rapidly over and around the quartz sleeves, so that the various mi- croorganisms will spend a maximum amount of time close to the quartz sleeve and ultraviolet source. This pre- cludes the possibility of microorgan- isms receiving less than the required amount of ultraviolet energy Aquafine's single and multiple lamp cylinder arrays maximize ultraviolet in- tensity and energy consumption. Both the UV intensity and energy consump- tion is enhanced when the UV lamp is housed within a quartz sleeve, and within the sterilizer chamber. If the ster- ilizer construction is such that banks of ultraviolet lamps are external to the water chamber, less than 50% of the UV lamps' output may be utilized. Most bacteria require 13,000 units of UV energy for complete destruction. This is expressed as dosage in micro- watt seconds/cra~ at 254 nm. At rated flow, all Aquafine models pro- vide in excess of 30,000 microwatt seconds/cm~ after 8000 hours of lamp operation, based on I a coefficient of absorption of .06. *(99.97%-plus bacteria-free water. Independent lab tests prove conclusively that all types of bacteria and viruses are deslroyed with the proper exposure to 254 nm shortwave ultravio- let energy,) Technical Data Independent Laboratory Test Reports Our testing procedures are in accord- ance with accepted standard labo- ratory procedures, and the represent- ative reports shown below provide test data to demonstrate typical per- formance of several Aquafine Sterilizers. Daylin Laboratories Test Report Kt3475 Model Tested: CSL-eR Innoculated Control Std. Plate Count 140,000 organisms per mi Effluent Samples--After UV Flow Rate: 70 GPM S.RC, per mi Sample 1 ................... - 1 Sample 2.., Sample 3 ................... - 1 Sample 4,. Sample 5 ................... - 1 Griffin- Hasson Laboratories Test Report R6390 Model Tested: SL--1 Innoculated Control--Std. Plate Count 120,000 organisms per mi Effluent Samples--After UV Flow S, PC. Rate per mi 5GPM .................... -1 10GPM .................... -1 15GPM. ................... 9 Model Tested: MP-2-SL Innocurated Control--Std. Plate Count 130,000 organisms per mi Effluent Samples--After UV Flow SEC. Rate per mi 10 GPM 2O GPM 30 GPM ................... - 1 Griffin-Hasson Laboratories Test Report S10250 Model Tested: SL--IOA Innoculated Control-- Std. Plate Count 2500 organisms per mi Innoculated ControI--Coliforms per mi 16 + Effluent Samples--After UV Flow S.RC. Coliforms Rate per mi per mi 1 GPM 1 - 1 2 GPM 2 - 1 3GPM -1 -1 4GPM .-1 -1 5 GPM ' 1 -1 - 1 means no organisms were detected within experimental limits. S,RC. = standard plate count Bacteria Destruction Chart Amount of germicidal ultraviolet en- ergy necessary for complete de- struction of various organisms measured in microwatt seconds per Bacteria Organisms Bacillus anthracis 8700 S. enteritidis 7600 B. Megatherium sp. (veg.) 2500 B. Megatherium sp. (spores) 5200 B paratyphosus 6100 B, subtilis 11000 B. subtilis spores 22000 CIostridium tetani 22000 Corynebacterium diphtheriae 6500 Eberthella typosa 4100 Escherichlia coli 6600 Micrococcus candidus 12300 Micrococcus sphaeroides 15400 Mycobaclerium tuborctJIOSiS 10000 Neisseria catarrhalis 8500 Phytomonas tumefaciens 8500 Proteus vulgaris 6600 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10500 Pseudomonas fluorescens 6600 S. typhimurium 15200 Salmonella 10000 Sarcina lutea 26400 Serratia marcescens 6160 Dysentery bacilli 4200 Shigella paradysenteriae 3400 Spirillum rubrum 6160 Staphylococcus albus 5720 Staphylococcus aureus 6600 Streptoccus hemolyticus 5500 Streptococcus lactis 8800 Streptococcus viridans 3800 Additional Organisms Mold Spores Penicillium roqueforti 26400 Penicillium expansum 22000 Penicillium digitatum 88000 Aspergillus glaucus 88000 Aspergillus flavus 99000 Aspergillus niger 330000 Rhisopus nigricans 220000 Mucor racemosus A " 35200 Mucor racemosus B 35200 Oospora lactis 11000 Virus Bacteriophage (E. coli) 6600 Tobacco mosaic 440000 Influenza 6600 Protozoa Paramecium 200000 Nematode eggs 92000 Chlorella vulgaris (Algae) 22000 Yeast Saccharomyces elliposideus 13200 Saccharomyces sp. 17600 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 13200 Brewers' yeast 6600 Bakers' yeast 8800 Common yeast cake 13200 4 State-of. the.art equipment Operational Guidelines OperatlngPressure SlandardModels: 120 PSIG operating 180 PSIG lesl Higher ratings available. Consult faclory. Water Temperature Range Standard unils 35°F to 100°F (2°C to 38°C) Optional on CSL Series ,,32°F lo 150°F (0°C (o 65°C) Ambient Temperature Ran;;e 25°F to 130°F/-4oc to 54°C~ Operating Conditions To assure continuous operating effectiveness, equipmenl should be operated only with wa er owing hrough the sterilizing chamber. An optional thermistor is available to protect the equipmenl from ex- tended no-flow conditions~ E~ces- sive on-off cycling should be avoided lo prevenl damage to ~he UV lamp. General Notes t. The average UV dosage for all models exceeds 30.000 ~W sec- onds per cm2, after 8.000 hours of operalion. 2. All flow rate capacilies are based on 99% plus bacterial reduction. 3. All 316L stainless steel used in construction ol sterilizing chamber ~s electropolished and passivated ~o mil spec S-5002 4. At raled flow, Ihe pressure drop !anges Irom .5 to 4 PSIG, depend- ~ng on Ihe specific model. 5. Four lamp and larger models con- lain an L.E.D. display for lamp op- eralional characterislics. Models SL-10A and larger conta n a run- ning time meter. All single and double lamp models contain a UV lamp viewport 6. Ultraviolet lamps are rated for 8,000 hours operation, excepl Model SP-1 lamp, which is rated for 4,400 hours. 7. Specily voltage and Irequency al time of order. 8. PVC models for salt water and other applications are available upon request. Specifications subject to change without notice SP-1 Aqua, fine SL-IOA MP- 2-SL SL-1 l Technical Specifications Model No. SP-1 SP-2 SL-10A SL-1 MP-2-SL CSL-4R CSL-6R 1. Maximum capacity 22 m3/hr .44 mS/hr ~68 m~/hr 2.27 m~/hr 4.54 m3/hr 9.09 ma/hr 13.63 m3/hr clear fresh water 1 GPM 2 GPM 3 GPM 10 GPM 20 GPM 40 GPM 60 GPM 2. Dletllled D.I,/R.O, .22 m=/hr .44 m3/hr .90 ma/hr 2.72 m3/hr 5.45 m~/hr 11.35 m~/hr 17.72 m~/hr Water (C of A .01) 1 GPM 2 GPM 4 GPM 12 GPM 24 GPM 50 GPM 78 GPM 3. Shipping Weight 7 Lbs. 7 Lbs. 25 Lbs 41 Lbs. 66 Lbs. 105 Lbs. 120 Lbs. 318 kg 318 kg 1136 kg 18.64 kg 30.0 kg 47.73 kg 54.55 kg 4. No. of UV Lamps 1 I 1 1 2 4 6 5. Total Amps 16 .43 .38 .51 11 2.3 3.3 @ 120 VAC 6. Total Watts 19 52 58 61 132 276 396 7. Inlet/Outlet (size} 3/8" FPT ~/," FPT '//' S,S 1" S,S 1Y~" S.S. 2" S.S, 2" SS, FLANGE FLANGE FLANGE FLANGE FLANGE 8. OverallDimensions 14x5'/~x31/2 14x51/4x3'/~ 6'/,x10~/~x18'/~ 6'~,x12~/~x38Y~ 7'Ax21x38Y~ 11~/~x20~/,x41 11Y~x20:Y, x4 (inches) including mounting brackets 9. Sterilizing Chamber QUARTZ QUARTZ 316L S.S. 316L SS 316L SS 316L S.S. 316L SS (wetted parts) marl. ~0. Cabinet Housing 304 SS 304 S S 304 SS 304 SS 304 SS. 304 S.S. 304 SS Material #4 FINISH #4 FINISH #4 FINISH #4 FINISH #4 FINISH #4 FINISH #4 FINISH 11. S-254 Sensor N/A N/A OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 12. Thermistor N/A N/A OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL OPTIONAL 13. UV dosage* >30,000- >30,000 >30,000 >30,000 >30,000 >30.000 >30,000 ~.w seconds/cm~ *After 8000 hours operation based on a coefficient of absorption of .06 *'Afler 4400 hours operalion based on a coelficienl ol absorplion of .06 TO EAGLE RIVER ENGINEERING SERVICi P.O. Box 773294 EAGLE RIVER, ALASKA 99577 Phone 69~5195 Steve Morri~ Civil Enxineer P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ Attached [] Under separate cover via [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] OATE. I JOB NO. 11/26/87 I 86-215 Steve Morris RE: Section Lot 2, Tract L Fire Lake Subdivision ICIPALITY OF ANCHC)I~A~I: DEPT. OF HEALTH & RONMENIAI R E C E ! V E D 't.e following items: [] Samples [] Specifications COPIESDATE NO. DESCRIPTION / /~// k,-'..,,.~ r ,~f~'/-,/'-~- c~,---/-, / /~/, ~, ~,' , ~ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~-For approval [] For your use [] As requested ~ For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return__ copies for approval copies for distribution .corrected prints __ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: If enclosurem are not am noted, kindly notify um at once. '$ommercial~ilters,, ~ ~, P.O. Box 1300 ' Lebanon, Indiana 46052 Telephone 317/482-3900 Telex 2-7304 A Sohio Company Fulflo Single Shell Filters " (Brass and Stainless) Fulflo single shell filters are ideal in water and corrosive fluid applications. They are available in two styles. BRSB Models The BRSB10 has a 304 stainless steel shell and the BRSB20 has a 316 stainless sleel shell Each model featt, esa four boss,brass head BSSB Models The BSSBIO af~d 20 have a 316 stainless steel shell and a four boss 316 stainless steel head It shoHId he tlso(J in applications whine an all-stainless steel construction is ~oquirod Both the BRSB amd BSSB models feature single caroler holt construction and single tlrld domed shells with gasket for r1~ick, sp~4-frm} cartridge r;hamgos, positivr~ (JrRH]R(~O leakproof pelf of hIJino p~pe connections make installation easy and all models have vents and dlains, and spring-loaded bottom seats for positive cartridge seals. Knife-edged cartridge seals prevent bypassing. Options Bracket kit is available for installation on drilled head bosses for mounting filter to permit flow in either direction (Not installed by factory,) Specifications Model BRSB BSSBi BRSB 10-3/4 t~SSB/BRSB 10-3/4 SD with bracket option T handle cover nut assembly is available (Not installed by factory.) No:'an(J Length of Rated Wound Depth Maximum Overall Capacity Cartridges Operating Heighl (gpm) (in.) Pressure (in.) 1~-§~ Sl~--,~ ........ One-~6' 150 ~iat'2OO°F i~-3/4 ISSB/BRSB 20-3/4 SD with T handle cover nut assembly option Face Oulslde Io Pipe Dia. Face Size (in.) (In.) (NPT) Shipping Weight (Ibs.)(Approx.) 3-5/8 4-5/16 3/4" 6 .__--'-'-'-'-~ ~'-BR'~20-3/4 'SD ~t'~__----~]~ .......... ..... 150 psi at 200"F 22-¢/8 3;5(8 4'5/16 3/4" __ _!0-1/2 ~SSB 10~8/4 SD 5 One 10 1_50 ps! a!._2_50"F 12-3/4 3-5/8 4-5/16 3/4" 6 3/4" 10-1/2 1" 6 1" 1Q.d./2 k-Pa = psi x 6 895 Ipm = pgm x 3.785 kg = lbs x 454 mVmm = scfm x 02832 "C = 5/9 {°F-32) 150 psi at 250°F 22-7/8 3-5/8 4-5/16 150 psi ai 250°F 13 3-5/8 4-1/2 150 p~i '~i ~50°F 23Lii8' 3-5/8 4-1/2 S~U ~ SD ~ One 10 BSSB 20-1 SD 10 Twq 10 FulIIo wound filter cartridges are available In 20" lenglh for Model BRSB 20-3/4 SD & BSSB 20-3/4 SD Wilh Fulflo calbon cartridge, opllmum ~ltr"a0on and absorbtlon obtained with flow of 2-1/2 gpm through each 10" t,ube Form C-1280 ~lfactlYe~t/SS Su eraedes 4/84 et~82 Kennecott Corporation All Righls Reaenied Page I of 2 Commercial Filters Assembly Details: Typical Fulflo Water Filter BRSB/BSSB Models Cover nut Cover nut gasket~--~j~r Cast filter head ._~__~/ 01JT~-i---~! Single-shell O-ring Cartridge Fulflo wound depth'' seat p,a~e gasket.~..JJ ~J J j Drain sc rew,,--------~ ' Airvent screw Vent screw gasket .IN '%~x% p-2 Yin-' FI' 3t/4--~ (4) Slots T-Nut j 2 i.~-1'~ J-~'~ ~'a (Optional), ~'/~ - m -'Y -~" Media: Fulflo carbon cartridge available for all water filters for efficient filtration of potable water External precision-wound Fulflo structure removes microscopic solids. Inner core of activated carbon neutralizes objectionable tastes and odors by adsorptive action. (Nominal 5- micrometer rating). This cartridge improves taste and odor in such water systems as drinking fountains, water coolers, soft drink dispensers and coffee machines, and it removes microscopic sand and solids. The manufacturer reserves the right to change specifications w/lhout notice or Jiability, Standard Fulflo wound depth cartridges give efficient depth filtration at high fl0w rates with minimum pressure drop. Available in a wide range of precisely controlled particle removal ratings down to 1 micrometer. Fulflo filter cartridges are made from a variety of different filters. Fulflo wound depth cartidges are available in 20" length for Model BRSB 20-3/4 SD and Model BSSB20- (3/4 or 1) SD. Ordering ,For assistance in finalizing your cartridge selection and to place an order, refer to the Yellow Pages under "Filters-Liquid" for the telephone nurnber of the nearest distributor of Commercial Filters filtration equipment. Page 2 of 2 I.)V ] .~.fll[',~.~, ~ o ~'i)c! I','~ ~l)C:J E~ t. ,¢)) ~ 0()(') bOLIl".. 'CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATION OF WATER Certificate No ........ !~.~0. ................. that the State of Alaska, pursuant to A.S. 46.15, as amended and the rules ~md regulations promulgated thereunder, hereby grants to ....!.!a.~'.v.~¥...J~.,...Good~le..and .... the right to the use of ........ ~.:.~.0...0...g..a.1...l..°...n..s...Pe..r...,.d.,a.~ ....................... from the public waters of the State of -, domestic use and garden irrigation' ' 3daska for the pm'po~es u~ ................ : .................................. ~ .............................................................................................. The location of the water source to which the water righ~"~r'~'i~'~'ranted shall apl~rtain is.....l~.P.9..r.....F..t..,re ';~ [~.,.:... ~.t..!!...~ ?...r...c...o. L~.~..c.t. ~..o..n... ~.o...~.~.L..a.~l~.c..?.~L?.....T.r.~.c..Lk..o..[..[~L ~ :.. r.~...[.a..k.~...~:!~..v.! :Lon, Sec. 31, TISN, RI~, and the right to said water shall be appurtenant to that certain tract of real property described as follows: '::':'"~" ::' .' Tract L of Lot 2, Fire Lake'Subdi~ts'lon~'":"~ Sec. ~1o TISN, RII~, SH -..~. Priority of appropriation begar~ .............. .~,e..~.~.~r..~.!..._.l.~..S. 1 ................................................. i~ ..................... · .~11 ~im~' llll~l I11 ~j;hll~l the satd water right ~lth' the appurtenances thereof unto tha ssld 'Grantee and.......t.!}.~!.r. ............ J.....heirs and assigns forever, subject to the provisions of A. S. 46.15.140-160. "' '' ~ ~vsltmo~§ ~[[~rPof the State of Ala's'ka has caused these presents to be executed by the Director of the Division of Lands pursuant to A. S. 46.15, as amended, this ................ 8.t]~ ' ,day ~' October an 19 74 State Record of Water Right Certificates Di~~,i~ion of Land.- 'Vol..~! ..................... Pa~ _!.450 ...... .A.J.~L ,15395 June it,,,, 1968 Hr. Harvey B. Ceodale Box ~7 Deaf Nfl. Goedale I SUB~ECTt On-SLte lnopeetLea of Sevale D/opeeal Syotma The C~rea~er Aneho~e Area Io~o~lb lleal~h Depa~menV Lnapeeled the eevage dAspeeal eye,em aez.v.t,,i ye~ reaAdenee above Lewef Fire Lake eu Hay 2ga .1.9~SI. On-SAte luepeetLeu ~hoved the ,p~per AnstaXXatLou of a a~ee! l,O00 fallen eep~Le ~aak An e~ueo~ien vX*h adequate ,eepaae a~ea. DAVXD R. L. DUMCAN, N. D. 14edJ. oll DAI,,e(s~oz. Eq~e RLve~ kelf It, ~t~te~k~and, R, ~. ,fCzuixicipality Anchorage P.O. F~OX 6650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-.4111 TONY KNOWI LS. MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES December 2, 1986 Lou Butera, P.E. Eagle River Engineering Services P.O. Box 773294 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Water System Approval, Lot 2 Tract L Fire Lake Subdivision Dear Mr. Butera: This Department has reviewed plans for a water system to serve the subject lot. The Department hereby gives conceptual approval to those plans. Please be advised that the Municipality accepts no responsibility for the maintenance or successful operation of the system. The long term safe operation of the system will depend on regular maintenance by the system users. This maintenance should include periodic inspection of the both the ultraviolet disinfection system and the filtration system. Components of both these systems should be replaced if necessary. Included in your water system plan was a water filtration system. For this system to be an effective filter for "giardia lamblia" an effective pore size of 5 micrometers or less is necessary. This pore size should be included in your filter specifications. The filter should be located upstream of the ultraviolet disinfection system to reduce turbidity and thereby increase the effectiveness of the disinfection system. Prior to the issuance of a Health Authority Approval an inspection report of the proposed water system and sewage disposal system must be submitted to this Department. A "Waiver of Liabilty" should be provided for the water system. This waiver should release the Municipality of any liability associated with the operation or function of the proposed water system. This waiver must be recorded prior to the issuance of a Health Authority Approval for the subject property. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact me at 264-4744. Sincerely, Stephen S. Morris Civil Engineer On-site Services [ iT1000337 z .u S~,LE IN FEET / ~ EYOR'S CERTIFICATE I,~ ~Cdd;na~n, pm~ion~llm~dsurv~,~ra~ycen~y#~f~Pl~to£ s~ ~# s~ked, or /f #n~lcompl~n~n /$ as~umed by subd/via/on agreement, thay will ROBERT C. JOHNSON, R.L.S. PROFESSIONAL ~ SUEVEYOE , RECEIVED NOTARY~ ACKNOWl FRGF__~ENT Subscdl~domdsworn tobefomrnethls ,- ~. dmyof Notary f~r A,~!~ My commi~on ACGEPTAN~E OF DEDICATION BY GREATER ANGHOHAGE ~_A The Gre~r Anchorage ArmBor~ugh ~er~by o~ ~ pub~ u~$ ~nd f~r public p~T¢o~$ ~e m~ p~y ~Fic~f o~ ~ l~f i,,ac/g<f/~'~ ~¢ ,'~' #,'~/l~ ~ the H~woy,~l~,~s, ~s~ ~d~s ~ ~n. % APPRO~D PLAT APPROVA~ ROBERT C. JOHNSON, R.LS. PROFES~DNAL LAND SURVEYOR / / CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP a OEO/CAT/ON I (~) h~ c~W~y ~ l dm (we ~) the ~n~ ~ fhe ~ de~i~ ~r~. su~asa~r~ed~e ~.o.~.~e: ~ FB~, ~q7 ~ NOTARY'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Notary ~r A/a~ / My ~mi~n expires ACCE~CE OF DEDICA T/ON BY · #,N 3 0 ~987 RECEIVED ROBERT C. JOHNSON, R.L.S. PROFESSIONAL. LAND SURVEYOR /9071 694-Z,5,~ / Scale: /