HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE LAKE LT 3 TR M 825 L Street- Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEW.AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT MAILING ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOCATION Wall DIS~TANC~E T~O:I :_ /l~pacity in gallonsI ' /OOO I .............. : DISTANCE TO: I Well Manufacturer Length ~v I.-z IAbsorption area Dwelling Material W dth ~ ,, NO, OF BEDROOMS PERMIT NO. No. of comp~,ments Inside length_. Liquid depth Dwelling PERMIT NO. Material Well Foundation ~'~3~ ¢' Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: /,,..$~ / ----- No. oflines / Length of each lin~.., Total length of ~s.~ ! Trench wid5 . Top of tile to finish grade ~ / Material beneath tile Width Depth Liquid capacity in gallons PERMIT NO. ~, ~--¢..2~;~ '~ Total effective absorJ~ion area PERMIT NO. Type of crib Crib diameter Crib depth Total effective absorption area Well Building foundation Nearest lot line DISTANCE TO: Class Depth Driller Distance to lot line PERMIT NO. DISTANCE TO: Building foundation Sewer line Septic tank Absorpt on area(s) OTHER PIPE MATERIALS SOIL TEST RATING INSTALLER R EMAR KS APPROVED DATE LEGAL 72-013 (Rev. 3/78) GR'",.,,r,, ANCHORAGE AREA B0k_,J H Department of Environmental Quality 3330 C Street Anchorage, Alaska 99503 INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM LOCATION /~(-..%~' J"'-l~:~'~' ~..Jz-~. J LEGAL DESCRIPTION g '~ Tj'~ Jl~-'-lJ~L~J~'~ S~-~'~' SEPTIC TANK,: ~ FROM WELL~ MANUFACTURER INSIDE LENGTH ~ INSIDE WIDTH "T-I-,L-E DRAIN ¢~:~ ,~ ~ NUMBER OF COMPARTMENTS LIQUID DEPTH '-- LIQUID CAPACITY_~,OO(~JGALLON$. DISTANCE FROM WELL NUMBER OF LINES ABSORPTION AREA q .~ ~ SQ. FT. LENGTH OF EACH LINE __. ,/ DEPTH OF FILTER DEPTH: TOP OF TILE TO FINISH GRADE .,~'~..,~ MATERIAL BENEATH TILE _/'.,"~'-~ N. ABOVE TILE_ WELL: ~ O'A (-"~ o.~ '"'~x.~. 0'~ ~.%:~.~c TYPE I I TOTAL LENGTH FOUNDATION I o NEAREST LOT LINE '~ '""f~.__OF LINES DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES _ ~/f:~' TRENCH WIDTH'~ff:~ IN. TOTAL EFFECTIVE ____ CONSTRUCTION DEPTH DISTANCE FROM: BUILDING NEAREST NEAREST SEPTIC FOUNDATION__ LOT LINE __, SEWER LINE TANK __ CESSPOOL OTHER SOURCES ~J~J~-.~ ~:~"Ofl'lrlt ~ APPROVED _ _ DISAPPROVED ..... REMARKS SEEPAGE SYSTEM DISTANCES: INSTALLED BY: "~t,~.D~- ~_. SEWER LINE DEPTH: PIPE MATERIAL: · LOT .SLOPE: REMARKS: Form EQ-032 DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE~,~APPROVED DE:F:'ARTMENT [)F: HIEAI.,..'f'H AND ENVIRONMEI~H'AL PI:rd]'I"EC'I''ION 82?5 I.,.. STFQ:J]ET', ANCF'I[)F~AGE, AK 995C) 1 2 b 4.".'4'72:'.() CONTACT PHE]NE~ LEGAl,.,. DE.,: CK 1F , L..O"t' SI ZE:: MAX BEDROOMS: IEAGI..E R];VER E:NGI NEER F:'.O. BOX 7732911. EAGI....IE RIVER, AK 9~577 694-5 ;L 95 SLIBDIVISION: F'IRE LAKE SErCT I ON: :]..I :L 'T'OWNSH I P ." 15N ;:?. 5A (SQ. F"T'. [::IR ACRES) 4 /_ r3 RANEBE: .'I.W L L..OL, K.. NA 'l"[)T(.q.... DEEF"I"H (F'I".) GI:~AVEL. WIDTH ([::"1".) GR(.~VIEL I....E:NG]H (1:::"1".) GF?AVIEI.... VC]I...LIME (CLJ, YDS. ) 'T'ANI'::: SI ZE (Ci~AL, S) SOIL.. RATING (SD.I::"1".. /BR) ' Lis'Led I:)e:l.o~ ar'e the op'Lions available to you in d~,~signing your sept:L(:: system. Chc:)ose the optic:)n that best. fits yaur' sit. e. DEP'fH 'T'O PIPE: BO'TTOM (FT.) 4.0'/, ' 4. C) 4.0 ....... · ,5.: ' · ~.~ .. 5 b~ ** 'T'AIxlI.::: MUSI" HAVE A'T I,..EAS"[' 'TWO COMPAR'I'MENTS I c:er'tify 'LIqat: 1.,, I am Familiar, with t. he i*equiremen'L:[~ fop on-site sewePs and we].ls as se'L f'c)r"Lh by t. he Municipal:i. ty of Anther'age (MOA) and the State of' Alaska. 2'.,, I Wi].]. ins'La].], the sys'Lem :i.n a(:mordarlce wit. h all MOA codes ar'id r'egu:Lat:i, ons, and in compliance wit, h the design cr'itepia of t, hi~ per'mit. :5. I will adhepe te a],]. MOA and State oF Alaska r'equinements for' t. he Eie'L back al:is'Lances f'~-om any e>(isting well, wast. ewat. ep disposal, system or' public seNePage syst. efll on 'LhJ. s ep any adj/~cerl'L eP r'l~':H*by tot. 4., :[ ur~der'stand that 'Lh~s per'mit, i~ raj. id fop a maximum c:)F 4 bedr'ooms arid any e?nJ. al-gemer~t wi].], r'equit-e an adl:lit, iJ:Jr'lal pePmJ. C. IF:' A I.,,.IFT S'T'ATION IS INSTAI....I..JED ]:lq AN AREA DOVERED BY MOA BUlL. DING CODES, 'T'HEIq (1) AN EI...EE:'r'F~ICAL F::'ERMI]" AND INSF'E[:TION MUST BE OBTAINED; (2) AS-BUILTS WIL. I... NOT BE APPROVED WITHOUT AN EL. ECTRICAL INSPEC]"ION REPORT; AND (3) THE ELECTIRICAL WORK Iqt..IS'T' BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELE[;'T'F~:[CIAN. SIGNED AF'F'I..,,ICAN'i"= EAGL.E R:I:VER ENGINEER r-*ll L! r,***! ]: C: :E F _ **]: 'l*'" 'T' Cf: F' f::l I'-,,I C: F-! n: ~**:t Ci!i [:~EF*'FIF~*.I'HFNT AF HEFIL. TH Bt*J[:, ENVIRONf*IENTFIL. F:*F.'.UTECT ~ON :3;:::'.5 '" L '" STF.:EET., FINCHOF.**FIGE.. FIK. ."-2E;,:~--'4. 7 ;~:0 l--J EE It_.,,. It ...... FI I"..,! [:,C, r-.I ..... ~; :£ '1'" ~£ ~: E 1.4 EE !:;~ F" E'"' f;:;: r-'Il ][ T F'EF.'HZT NO. ,:: ';:"705t15 ::, DFITE OF' ;['..Si:~;I..IE 7;;;!'.Ef;::';~' C: ,~) F" :+::+::+: WRF.'.N ;1. I'.JG .... [:'UE TO C:HI::ING .T. i'.JG P:'.EQU ! E'.EMEi"JTS 'TH ! S F:'1.;i: I I'.JTOLIT i"IFI'T' NOT BE FIN E]:':',F:ICT :+::'~::+: C:OP"? OF THE ORIGIONFIL PERI*'I~T FIF'F'L ! IZ:RNT L 0 C R T ]: 0 N LEGFIL sRr,1 CO'T'TEH FTS;H HFITCHER"r' RE:, LS: ']7'1 F t RELF-IKE SUB[:, L.O"F F.'::I ZE "I"'.,.'F'E OF SOIL RE:SORE:T!ON :,T::,TEr,1 IL=;: TF. EN..H r,lFi::.::zMur,1 N..IrlE, ER OF E:EDRC,-~M$ = 'FO!L F.:FITING ,:: :.:.:; L::! F I. E,R ....... :1. 'T'I..4E F.:EQUIRE[:, SIZE Eft: THE: SOIL. AESCIfq*F'TII3N S"r'STEf'I IS;: C. EE F' T t-..t :== 1 ¢_-'".~ L. EZ I'...I C~ -1'- H ==: 'Z?~: ;22 r:i F: FI '...' E: I[ .....[:. E: F:" 3F' It-...~ ...... THE: LENGTH DIMENSION IS THE: LENGTH ,.':Ir.,I FEET::, OF THE TRENC:H OR: [:,1.;;:FIINFIEL. I.% THE DE:PTH OF' R TRENCH OF.'. PTT !S; THE [:,ISTFINCE BEI!,.IE1.EN T1..4E S;URF:F:ICE: OF GROUN[:, RN['., THE BOTTOf'I OF THE E',:.::CFIVFITION ,::ZN 1.:EET::,. THEF..'E IS NO SET I.,.ITDTH FOR TF. tENE:HES. THE GP.R'v'E:L [:,E1.:'TH I¢ THE M!NIr,IUM E:,EPTH OF GRF:IVEL. BETI4EEEr. J THE OU'T'F'FIL. L. 1.::'!F:'[E FtN[.', THE BOTTOH OF* THE: EXCR'v'FIT!ON (IN FEET::,. E,k_.I-..FILL~NG r'lF RI'.J'.? S'-r'STEI',I W!THOUT FINRL !NSF'EC:T!ON FIN[:, FIPF'F.:O'v'F:IL. E ~' DEF'FIF.:THENT W!LL BE S JBJEC:T TO PRE:E;E Z _ T ZCff.J. MINIHLIM [.',ISTflNC:E 8ETI.,.IEEN R WELL fiND ANY ON-SI'I'E SEWFIEiE [:,ISF'OSFIt.. S'¢S"f'Ef,1:1.S J..OO F'EET FOP.. FI P.F..'.I'v'FITE NELl..; OF.'. :1.50 TO 200 FEEl" FOR FI PLIBLIE: WELL [:,EPEN[:,ING UPON THE "1."YF:'E OF PI..JEILI[: HELl .... I.,.11.1i:t...L. LOGS; RRE REQUIRED FIN[.:, r,IUST E:E F.'.ETLIRNE[:, TO THE [:,EPRRTHEr. JT P.IITHIN ]i:O DFI"r'S; OF THE WELL COMPL. ETION. OTHER REQU ! REt,lENTS r'lFI'.r' FIPPL"r .... ZPEC I F I CRT IONS FIt'l[> CC)NS;TRUC'T I ON [:'I FI.GF;'.FIMS R'v'FIIL.HE, LE. TO !r.JSUF.:E FR_FER ! ,ISTRL.LFITION % IF::" E F.: F"I I -r' EE ::-:: F" I F..: E": S; [::. F_" C: iZJr-1 E: E': F~.': ."3:: J.' ! FIM F'FIH!I....!FIf4: !.4!TH THE RE[-:!U!REMEi'4TS; FOR OI'.4-S;T'I"E ':SEP.IE;1.;i:S 1::1i"4[:, P.IEL..1.~:: SET FORTH B"r' 'THE: I"1JN I C ! F'FI[. ! T'?' ~IF FINCHC~F~tFIGE. 2: I I.,,tlLL. !NSTFILL THE: '.F.,'¢STEM ]CN FICCOI~E:,FINCE 1.4!TH 'T'HE CC.)[:,ES. :.'~:: I UN[:,EF.'STFINE:, 'F1.-tFIT THE ON-S ITl.i!: SEI,.IE:E: S;"r':.:.;TEi"I t'IFI'¢ REQIJIF. tE EI"JI. FI1.;b:!iEHENT IF:' 'THE F.'.ES;![.',ENC:E !'..S REMO[:,ELE[:, TO INCLI...ID1.~: HORE 'T'I-.IFIN .7: E:E[:,ROOr'IS. Si; I Gi".JED: ............................................................................................ RPF'LICRNT sFir,1 COTTEM ISSUE[.':, E:'-r'. ............................................................................................. DFqTE ................................................... ! NSF'FCT I ON 1-41STOR"r' -* SEktER 1 0 SE:I.,JER ;.::i: 0 WEL. L I NSF:' 0 HE:L.L. L,.OG [:,RTE 0 [:,F.: ILL. ER PERM I T FIPFI...IC:RNT .SFIM C:OTTEN L. OCWI" '.[ OI'-,I FI 2:F! HFI"FC:HER¥ R[:, LEGFIL I..]"2.: "f'RFtC'I" i',1 F IRELFIKE S,.."D 'I""r'F"E OF: %OIL. FIE::E;ORF'TION ?~.'.'-3TEM I2;: TRENCH I:)EF'FtRTME1.',IT .. HEALTH FIN[':, EN'v'IRC~NNE.:.N"FF:IL ]'T'ECTION ~;i;~'.r!'.i '" L" '_::;TREiET, FtNCHORFIGE., FIK. ;:2 6 4- 4 7';.:.? E'l ~:]) t"..~ -- :.:.'ET; I l'- EE :E~- IEEE II..-..~ EEE fF:~." F" Eiii~ !F,T...". F~'l I '"ir'" ,:: ',i3::LeC:"]i:8 :." F'O E:;:-:: ;296 ER I....0 T 2; 12'E :.'[.F3!,~:'.:~0!::] '51]:!I...II:::IRE FEET 1.'IF:I::':;IMIJH i"4LIHBER OF EE'E,R:".:M2'; = 2 SOIl,.. RFITING ':::5[.:! F].',."'SR:: .... THE RE6!UIREE:' 'E,I;Z:E OF THE S;OTL FflBSORF'TION S"r'STEM I'.5: IE:, E: F" 'T' II'"-I 'THE LENGTH DI1.'IENSION :[2; "I"HE L_I[.NG~i~ (IN FEET) OF THE TRENCH OR [:,Rfllh,IFIE]..[:'. THE [:'EP].'H OF FI TRE1.',IC.H OR PIT IS THE DISTFINCE BE]"HEE1.4 THE S1.JRFFICE OF THE GROUND RN[:' THE E~OTTOM OF' THE EXCRVFll"ION ,::TN FEET). 'T'HE':RE I:-]; 1'.40 :SET WIDTH FOR TRENCHES. THE:. GRFI',,,'EL [:,EF'TFI IS THE MINIMUM DEPTH OF GRFI',,,'EI.... BET!-4EEN THE (:)1..JTFF:ILL F:'IF'E FIN[:, THE E:OTTOM OF THE E.L.H,~TI_N ,::IN FEET). PERMIT FIF'F'LICFINT I-..IFIS 'THE: RESF'ONE;IE:ILIT'¢ 'T'O INFORM THIL~ [.,EFPF:.TMENT [, F'IN]i 'TIqE IN'.:i;"f'FILLFITIOi",I iI',I::,FE_,TI_N::, OF FIN"r' I.,.IELL~; RD.IFI]:ENT TO 'rHIS FF._FEI~ ['r FIN[:' THE i"`1UHBER 3F F.:EE;I[:,E:NCE"2, THRT THE HELL. b4II._L ',SEF..,E. ...................... T' I.,..! [.]~ ,:] ,;E ]:, ][ T-.Il .~]; F' [~'.: [:: -I'- I Cw f-.! '"'~; F4 F." E: I[~: E nj:! 1.,..~ ]:: F;: E: t[:: .................. E',R ..]:KF' Z LL I N(.:i OF FI1..,1'¢ .=, 'r: "f Er1 J,.I I TH :ii.IT F I NFIL I N~PECT I ON FIND FIF'PRO',,,'FII.. DE:F::'F:IRTMENT I.,.I ILL E:E :5 _ B JECT T ..'].l PROSERUT T r,~:[N:[r,~ur,~ [,ZS'"RNCE E:E:]"HEEN f::t I,.IEI._L..~I~E:' FIl'.,l"r' ON-S]:TE SEHFIGE r:,~,:-]:F',?SFI.L.. S¥::-':?]E!~:! ~; .. ±(~D FE:ET F'OR FI F'F.'.~',,,'~,,TE'~ WELL OR(].tS'.';.~;.~]~ TO 2~l,C1 FEET FRf]M F't F'UBI_.IL: I,JEL.L. DE. PENI.:'INb IIF'f"l["J THE T"r'PF I-IF F'I_IE, LI'L-: I.,JELL ~ . MI1.'`1IHI...IM DIL:.';TFIN]:E FRFIH R F'F.I',,,'FFrE [,JELl_ TO Ft ~'RI'~i'FI~E _-,E.I. JLI~. LINE 'f:.:.; ;?5 FEET FIND TO FI COMMIJNIT'¢ :~,E!.,.IER LI1.',IE I?.'; 75 FEI[T. ~¢~,,. $~ LI--IER REL]¢JIREMEN'I":E; t'IFI'¢ FIF'F'I.,.'-r'. , :B~¢:IF~TI~i"',IS FIND C:I"'I 1.'`12 FIRE I CE:RTIF"r' THFIT 1: I FIH FF:IMILIFIR t.,.IITH THE: REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEI,.IEF.:'.B 1:41",1[) I-,JELL'.~; FIS SET FOR].H E,'"? THE I''11...I.1'.,t I C I F'FILI T"r' OF RNCHORRGE. 2: I WIL. L INSTFILL. :''FIE S'¢STEM IN FIC:E:OR[:'RNCE 14ITH TFIE C:O[:'ES. ]:. I UNDERSTFIIq[:' THRT THE OI"`1-'_E;ITE 2;E!-4ER S'¢STEM 1.'1R'¢ RE)'::!UIF':E ENL, RRGEMEN]" IF' THE RE'.BIDENCE I2; REHO[:'EL.E[) ]"O INCLU[:'E MORE THFIN ]: 8EDROOHS. :51 GN[i ~ ......................................................................... ~F f' L .[ _.hff',11 SRM '] '" TTEN January 4, 1982 Sam Cotten P.O. Box 296 Eagle River, AK 99577 Permit ~. 810738 Subject: LT3 Tract M Firelake S/D A permit issued by this department for a well and/or sewer system has expired as of December 31, 1981. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal Ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If an engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Program M~nage~~---' '' Sewer and Water Program Enclosure: Copy of Permit :-~.::+::+: I.,.IFIRN I NG ..... [:,LIE: TI] CI...IFIN[ii ]: I'.,IG REii:g!U I REME:i'..II"'.::'; 'TH I E; PR I i'..ITOIJ'T' MI:::l"r' NCFf' E:E: FIN IEXI=IC'T' :.I.::4-::+: CCIP'T' OF1 THE OR I I:'~ I OI'.~FIL. F'ERM I'T' FIPPL I [::F:INT L. O C: FI ff' I O N L.EEiFIL. '::J;, FI M C:O'I"TEH Frith HFfTC:HER'T' RD L.]: TH F:'IREL. f:IKE:: 'Z.i;UE:E:, F:' O BOX ;:..!::~:)E I.,..Off' S I ZE T'¢PE OF E.:;OIL EIBSORE,'TION S'T':E;]"EH ]:S: ffRENCH i"II::~XiMUH NUM['3ER OF 8E[)RCrOM:E; = SOIL RFITING ,::S~;:! FT,.."F3R::,= '1"HE RE:6!UIRE[) SIZE: OF:' 'THE: ':!;OIL FIBSORF'TIOI"4 '.'+.';'T'S'FIEH IS: 'T'HE LENGTH [:, I MENS I ON I E; TFIE LENGTH ,:: IN FEE:T) OF 'THE ff'RE:NCH OR DRFtII'.,IF'!E:I....[:,. THE E:,rEP]'H OF FI TFi.:ENC::H OR F'IT I'.:='; THE r_:,I~TEINCE: E~[TI.,.IEE]'.,I TI...IF~: :F]I...IRf::'F:iCE: I:]F' THE (]iRf]UN[::, Eir.,l[:, TI-E-: E':OTTOM OF THE: EXC:R',,,'F:II'ION ,:: IN FEE]":). THE:RE IS NO SET WIDTH FOR TREI'.~CHE':.!L THE GRF:I'v'IEL. DE:P]"H ZS ff'HE MINIML.IM [':,EPTH OF: QRF. I',,,'EL~ E=E'T'[qEEN THE OUTI:::'EILI.... I:::'II:::'E FINE:, THE 8OTTOH OF THE E',:-:',CFI',/F-I]"ION ,:: IN EXEET). .......................... 'T' 1.-.I N]) ,:: ~: ::, I I%1 [::';. F' EC C: '"f' I ,2~ I'...! :==:'~; I::::1 F;;.-:: EL" F~:: E:: C:;:~ LII]E iF;ii: !E!!ii: It::::: .............................. E:RCKFT LL I NG OF RN'.,.' ';...:'.,.'::FrF='M I.,.I :1: THOUT F :[ 1'.4F~L I N'..":';F'E:[:T I ON I:::11'.,1[:, FIPPRO',/FiL.. I'.~:'T' "f'H :t: Z [::,E:E'raRTMENff' 1.4:[L.L [.::E:: ~::UE:JECT ff'O PROSECu'r]:oN. i'"IINIMLIH [::,I:.STF~NCE E=ETWE:EN A WELL RND FIN'T' OI'.4-SITE~ S[!i:[,IFl[!iE [)ISPOSF:IL ?.r".:ii;'TE:M :l::!!i; :t. OO E'EET FOR FI PRIVRff'E: I.,.IEL[....~ OR :t..50 ff'O 200 FEEff' FOR El PUBL. IC: 1.4EL[.. DEF'ENDINCi UPON THE: 'T"T'F'E OF PUBL. IC I.,.tlELI... WELL I_OG'.:~; FIE.'.E RE6!UIRE[:, FIND HI...I'}.'i;"I" BE: RETUF.'.NE[:, TO THE DEF:'F"~RTMENT b. IITHII",I [:IF::' 'THE: WELL [::OMF:'L. Eff' ]: [:iN. O'T'HE:I:;;: REI:.:~U I REMENTS MFI'T' FIPPL'T ..... SE'EC I F:' I CFtT IONS FIND CON:E;TF.':LIC:T :1: ON E) I FYv'EI l' L. FISLE TO l' NSURE: F:'ROF'ER I N::Sff'FII_LI=IT ION I CER]"IF".r' THFfT' :1.: I RM F:'F~HILIRR [4ITH THEE REQUIRE:HE:NTF...; FOR ON-SITE: ':T..;E]P.IE:R':'~; FIND 1.4EL]...S FI:E; F'CIF..'ff'H B'T' THE MLIN I C: I PFIL I T'¢ OF RI'.~CHOREIGE. ;;;'~: I [,~ ILL. I NSTFIL. L. THE '_=;'¢Sff'EM I N I:ICCORDRNC:E W I ff'H THE CO[:,E:.'!~:;. ]:: I UN[:,ERSTFIND ff'HRff' THE ON-SITE: E;E[,.IER S'¢STEM I"IFI'T' RE[:;!UIRE ENL.FIRGE]'"IE!]'.,IT Il=' ']"t..l[:i: RE::E;II:)ENCE I:.:.'!; RE]"IC~E:,ELE[:, ff'O INCLU[)E MORE: ff'HFIN ]!: [:":E[:,I:i'.O[)M:.~i;. I ! j!:: J:(i!:: ] '::, i'.,ii! ::'Jif' i i,.j ! ii' i!'i !:;:! il;ii ! J:;l'J I%!! :J' JJ:i'i;. '~ t:i'i ti'l!:: ;' Ii ~ i I::':i": ] (li;i~ i 'i ~'.!'.i i:ii'"J::'i:;?l'i~-q:!) F'i ~:::i!'ii i'il'i'~~ !::N: i J",?:;Ji::Jl i i:'i) I::1 !' '~h'. i i'.: i~li P::; 'ii:: ! i'.!! l:"i"i!::l~",!i i I::!!'i!;'!::i::!,ji.ii!'..i i J ;::: !:;ilJ ~)li t t;i'!'J, I i: i:l i'1~:: ] !",lJi:j',!iff',i(i!il ~::!~i?t':i:i'ii :',il i':: .!ill i':FF:'i I il~.'!;i'i i',ii h'q'!li i,IIT~' J::!;j:- J,:!.:i.)liii!;iit:il:, Iii ?.41 F:II?G i i!'JJ:i c:;(til. ',::1t::'.'::.3 i1:> :' ~ I',q clh.":L t i:'! I:~I..i, .'1 ~. ~.,., !i I H~:: .7 t.:~1:i ill !}::,.ij.i :! il i J:::'i:;i(i':::iJ:: ~;i l'i ii ilJ'-,l J:I~v~:.l i! J;:li:;;J t:: I i ) b.!'.;j jj(q. i"!;,q)l;:;q.J? ! ?.,!'::j I!J ! J::l'i f I December 29, 1978 ~770555 Sam Cotten Post Office Box 296 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Lot 3 TM Firelake Subdivision A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated on the permit, by authority of Municipal ordinance. If you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to this department to document the installation date. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. Senior Environmental Specialist LNB/1 j w eno: copy of permit MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SOILS LOG PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: LEGAL OESCmPT,ON: DATE PERFORMED: SLOPE 10 11 12 13 14- 15- 16- ' '" 17 , 18 ', ' 19- 20- SITE PLAN WAS GROUND WATER S / ENCOUNTEREB? ~'~'~'~'~'~'~'~ ~ P E IF YES, ATWHAT / DEPTH? /~''~ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time 'rime Water Drop *~' ': ' V~ ~,~ f ~"~ ~-.'~'.t' .~ PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) ',C', L';o\~.". ?. "~"~-, :;;*'" TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND ~ FT COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: .~'/.5'&' ~=~1~¢'~ /~"~/,"~_~4.~ CERTfFIED BY: ~ 72-008 (6/79) O 8 E GED, ...,HNICAL &' DEVEL MENT CO. Box 90, Davis St., Eagle River, Alaska 99577 694-2774 or 688-2280 Earl Ellis Russell Oyster 688-2280 694-2774 SOIL LOG Land Development Soils 8 Foundations Performed for: Name: .ailing Add.ess: Depth (feet) 12 16 Ground Water Encountered: Yes ~'/' No__ Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit If yes, what depth Drain Field Comments: Date: (ger ifieil rillitt[l [DOC Co. elba SULLIVAN WATER WELLS P.O. BOX 670272, CHUGIAK, ALASKA 99567 · TELEPHONE 688.2759 OWNER OF LAND ADDRESS ~ O ~ c~_~? g ...... ~.j~ ................ LEGAL DESCRI~ION DATE -Started t0 PERMIT NUMBER KIND OF FORMATION: From O Ft. to From -J~ Ft. to / From__Ft. to From i~ Ft. to '-~-~' From-- Ft. to--- From -_'t~.~%'~' Ft. to From. ~ I Ft. to From -.~_.Ft. to From __. Ft. to From ...... Ft. to From ....... Ft. to.~_ From _ _Ft. to From ......... Ft. to ..... Ft From ......... Ft. to ....... Ft ............................ From ...... Ft. to __Ft From ..... Ft. to .... Ft. From _Ft. to ..... Fl. [:rOll1 ..... J:l. to ..... Ft. [:rom ........... [:t. to .... Ft. From ...... l:t, to ..... Irt [:rmn ......... [:l lo ...... Ft. I:rl)lll .... I'l I, ........ 1:1 Fr,m .... I't. Io _. Fl. [:rlml ..... [:l, 1o ..... ~ 1:I, From .__ Ft. to ......... Fl .......... From _. Fl. to .... Ft. From .......... Ft. to__ _Ft From ...... Ft. to MISCL. INFORMATION: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF ENVlRONI~ENTAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY 264-4720 Application Date June 1~, 1986 GENERAL INFORMATION (a) Legal Description (include tot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) l,ot 3 m~c~ M Fire Lake T15N R1W Sec, 31 Location (address or directions) (b) Applicant Name S2~ Cotter', Telephone: Home 688-2581 Business 694-99;85 Applicant Address p.~_ P~ 296 F:~EI~ Riv~,'r,~ Al~.qka (c) Applicant is (check one): Lending Institution []; Owner/builder ~; Buyer []; Other [] (explain); (d) Lending Institution Alaska Mutual Bank Telephone Address ~ Eag]~ River, Alaska 99577 (e) Real Estate Company and Agent Address 69 -~t~571 Telephone (f) Mail the HAA to the following address: P_i_c~ ~? hy_ez~g'i nePr TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Family [] Multi-Family [] Number of Bedrooms '~ "~, Other WATER SUPPLY Individual Well [] Community [] Public [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. 4. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Onsite I~ Public [] Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Page 1 of 2 z2-025 m/e4) ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDIhd INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, D,~, A AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approvat shows that the on-site water suppiy and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage flies and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with all Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this !nspection. Name of Firm _ EAGLF. J]IY~[]J~IGINEERING SERVICES Telephone EAGLE RIVER, AK 99577 Address ~,/,~-/-4' P. 0..ux 773294 Date · 69~-51 Seal DHEP APPROVAL " Approved for ~'"~,/~',~E ~..~bedrooms by _ Approved __,~ Disapproved Conditional Terms of Conditional Approval CAUTION The Muncipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection (DHEP) issues Health Authority Approval certificates based solely upon the representations given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHEP does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHEP do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work, Page 2 of 2 72-025 (11/84) MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MOA, HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST - FEBRUARY 1984 264-4720 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENViRONMENTAl. PROTECTION 1986 WELL DATA Well Classification J~/'ClMA 7'~" If A, B, C, D.E.C. Approved (Y/N) Well Log Present (Y/N) /V Date Completed /~,/~'~'" Yield Total Depth ~' ?" Cased to ~ 1 · Depth of Grouting Static Water Level /-// / Pump Set At /~"~ Casing Height Above Ground ¢~" Sanitary Seal on Casing (Y/N) Electrical Wiring in Conduit (Y/N) /v Depression Around Wellhead (Y/N) '/~ Separation Distances from Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot '~z/-5'0 ~ ; On Adjoining Lots ~-J~" To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot /5-4)" ; On Adjoining Lots /~ ' To Nearest Public Sewer Line ,,/M'/,~ To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole ,'~",~ To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Water Sample Collected by _,~".~.~-1¢ ,,~/~.~ ~:~,~,'~¢e,~;'~ ; Date ~//3.,//'P Water Sample Test Results ~ Z/-r~?~:"/'e~'.Y '~' Comments B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA ~/ No, of Compartments Date Installed ..~,/~5-- Size Standpipes (Y/N) /1/ Air-tight Caps (Y/N) ~ Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) Depression over Tank (Y/N) //-/' Date Last Pumped /¢/-,~..., Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) ,4../,~¢ ; for Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) ,~v'.,~ Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Tank: To Water-Supply Well To Property Line ~'/'~ To Water Main/Service Line Course /~ / To Building Foundation ~/~ To Disposal Field ~/'~ / To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Comments Page 1 of 2 72-026(11/84) C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed / Width of Field Square Feet of Absorption Area Depression over Field (Y/N) ,//-/ Results of Last Adequacy Test Separation Distance from Absorption Field: To Water-Supply Well /-~-~ ~ To Building Foundation ~'~ / Lot To Water Main/Service Line "-/~ To Stream/Pond/Lake/or Major Drainage Course To Driveway, Parking Area, or Vehicle Storage Area /¢' '" Comments ~ ?,/Z?/ /ZCb'~ C.~'~- Type of System Design Length of Field Depth of Field Gravel Bed Thickness Standpipes Present (Y/N) Date of Last Adequacy Test To Property Line '~'/~ / To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots -~'-~J / To Cutbank (if present) LIFT STATION/~ Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at Tested for Electrical Codes (Y/N) Dimensions Manhole/Access (Y/N) "Pump Off" Level at Vent (Y/N) Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA Comments ** Check Permitted Bedroom Rating Against HAA Request ** I certify that ~h~,ecked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. Signed _ --,""~'~ ~---- - - Date Company ,~/~:J" MOA No. Receipt No. _~ ~ 0~/"~,~ Date of Payment G -~.C, -~__~ Amount: $ /~ ~ ~"~-"' Page 2 of 2 72-026 {11/84) *-' -' Engineer's Seal Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: March 5, 1982 Fire Lake Subdivision - File Rolf R. Strickland, R.~_~ Division Manager Dr. Karl Francis/Sam Cotton Properties Dr. Francis called Rolf to discuss the above subject. He wondered why the existing sewer system had not been moved. Rolf advised that the agreement with Sam Cotten or subsequent owners of the property was that the existing system would be moved prior to any use of the sewer system. I do not know why there has been no building on the lot, but an unused sewer system does not pose a health threat to Dr. Francis' semi-public Class A well. RRS/ljw 91-010 (5/78) ^ugus~ Zl, 1~7~ Who~ [t ~my Concern Joseph S. ~lalr, ~.5. Tract ii Fire Lake Subdivision on-site Sewer System (Sam Cotton) Tract L-1 Copm~unity well {Dr. Karl Francis) The following is a partial chronology in the contlnutn~ saga of the above described on-site sewer-neighboring community well situation: July 20, 1977, Sawn Cotten issued a permit for an on-site sewer system on tract ~4 Fire Lake Subdivisions. July 28, 1977, 1st inspection of on-site sewer by John Kennedy. August g, 1977, 2nd inspection and approval of on-site s~er by Cory ~illis.. i~tation and ~easureuent of 106 ft to neighboring .ell. February 1~78 complaints received alleging the well on tract L-1 was a community ~ell serving another residence and as such the on-site sewer syste~ on tract i'4 ~as toe close to the well. ~tscussion with Kyle Cherry suggested the possibility of soil tests between the end of the s~ver trench on tract i~ and the well on tract L-1 to determine the potential of danger to the well. On February 2, 1975 a letter to ~r. Sam Cotton suggested this recommendation. Subsequent contact with ~r. Cotton indicated his total reluctance to pay for any additional soils analysis. Local engineertne firms informed this office the cost of the test holes would exceed jl,O00, it was determined the sewer trench could be ~oved for $1,gO0. - $1,400. At a meeting in our office on July 14, 197~, I%olf Strtckland provided the the information that he had discussed the relocation of the sewer syste~ to a distance of 120' from the well on tract L-1 and that Kyle CherKv was responsive to this suggestion. ~ plat ,rap was drawn indicating relative locations to the suggested realignment and a memo written to Kyle Cherry to obtain his concurrence in writing. A reply from )~le CherKy dated July 20, 197~ indicated a reversal on his part to ~,{atve any of the 150' distance reouiren,ent. Page 2 Whom It May Concern Joseph S, Blair, Tract H Fire Lake Subdivision on-site Sewer System (Sam Cotten) Tract L-1 Cm~unitywell {Dr. F~rl Francis}. On July 21, Hr. I~11 talked to Mr. Cotton and informed Mr. Cotton the sewer system would have to be relocated to 150' from the tract L-1 well. On July 24, 1978 Hr. Strickland placed a men= to this effect in the file. On August 4, 1978 the undersigned sent a certified letter to Mr. Cotton to inform him of the requirement to relocate the sewer system. On August 9, 1978 Hr. Cotton contacted this office to object to the letter and the requirement to relocate the sewer system to 150' rather than the 120' described on July 14, 1978. tie stated at this time he was going to contact Kyle Cherry and get back to us. We have had no further contact with Mr. Cotton since that date. J~nSeph S. Blair, R.S. virom~ental Service i:.ianager JSB/ea August 4, 1978 Sam Cotton Post Office Box 296 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Dear Mr. Cottenl This letter is to advise you that it is necessary to relocate the sewage trench located on Lot 3 Tract M Fire Lake Subdivision and that a permit to relocate the trench has been prepared for issuance and is available in this office. Conversations and correspondence with the Alaska Department of Environmental Con~ervation indicates they will not grant any distance requirement waiver. The sewage trench must be relocated to a distance of 150 feet from the Dr. Karl Francis public well. Please contact this office at your earliest convenience to obtain your aopy of the permit to relocate the subject trench. If there is any question, please do not hesitate to contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Joseph S. Blair, Environmental Services Manager JSB/lJw RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postage) SENT TO STREET AN~NO~ - ---- STATE AND ZiP~ CODE OPTIbN~L SERVIcEs FOIl ADDITIONAL FE£~ -- -- RETURN k i? Shews to whom a~d date delivered ,:...'.3 Ii RECEIPT p Wi h de very to addressee only ............ 65 2. Shows to whom date and where de voted ,, 38 SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 85 DELIVER 70 ADDRES§E~ONLY ........ ~ .................................... : ....... SOd SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) ................. h.,.[,.i: ...... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- POSTMARK OR DATE (See other side) 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~ GPo: ]97~ o- 400-?43 'M~INICIPALITY 0" ANCHORAGE POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 TO REFERENCE. ,*' / DATE FROM TO, , ~08(3/76) DRAFT July 20, 1978 Mr. Kyle Cherry Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 338 Denali Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Plan For Revised Sewer System on Tract M, Fire Lake~Alaska 5/D Dear Mr. Cherry: The Department of Health and Environmental Protection became involved in community well and new on-site sewer system encroachment situa- tion in February of this year. Since that date we have worked to solve this problem and have received little assistance in the matter. Our files indicate a sewer permit was issued to Sam Cotten on the subject tract on February 20, 1977 and the sewer system was inspected and approved on August 2, 19~. We learned in February that the system was too close to a community well on the adjoining tract. This well was assumed to serve only one residence (Dr. Karl Francis) but evidence by Dr. Francis revealed that several years ago a water line was extended to serve one neighbor. We initially discussed with you in February the possibility of running soil tests to determine if this sewer system would create a health problem. This would have determined if the sewer system could remain as is or would have to be moved. These tests were never conducted and also the sewer system of Mr. Cotten's has never been used. Actually, a house has not yet been constructed on the lot. Draft to Mr. Kyle ChP--y page 2 This entire matter came to a head with a meetino in our office on July 14, 1978. You could not attend but did come and discuss the situation with me that morning. The result of the meeting was that Mr. Cotter agreed to move the entire sewer system outside the 120 foot radius of Dr. Francis' well. I called you to confirm this condition at 4:15 PM that date and you agreed. That same date I sent you a letter and diagram and asked for written concurrence. I received a call from you on July 20, 1978 stating that you could not concur until two additional soil boring were run between Mr. Cotten's sewer system and Dr. Francis' well. This most recent discussion is a ~~reversal of your previous position. As you know, we have spent at least 100 hours over the l~ast six months attempting to resolve this matter. I wish you could have attended the July 14th meeting but in your absence I discussed the matter both before and after with you. Based upon our discussion and concurrence we have proceeded toward correction only to be blocked by your request of July 20, 1978. Draft to Mr, Kyle C~ y page 3 I must now officially protest your inconsistent decisions regarding this matter. I ask that either you or your superior place in writing the official ADEC policy and procedure on this matter so all parties involved may proceed in an informed manner. Sincerely, Enclosures CC: Ernest Muller Ken Norman Ed Hite Sam Cotten Dr. Karl Francis Les Bucholz MUNICIPALITY O: ANCHORAGE POUCH 6-6~0 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 ,~,,,~.~ ~_~..~_~..~, z~_~_...~l~___%_ .......................................... ........... ___~ ....... REPLY DAlE ....................................................................................................................................... FRO/~ ........................................................................................................................................ FORM 91-008(3/76) -- DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION $OUTIICEI~IWAL RL:~IO#AL OFFICE July 20, 1978 JAY $. MAMMO#D, OOVERIVOR : 3.~ OEIIALI STREET M~I~AY B#ILDI#~, ROOM IZS~ AfflCHORA~E ~i~81 Mr. Rolf Strickland Dept. of Health and Environmental Protection Anchorage Municipality Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, AK 99502 Subject: Karl E. Francis Public Well Dear Mr. Strickland: I am writing in response to your letter of July 14, 1978 which transmitted a revised sewage disposal system to serve Tract M, Fire Lake Subdivision which would be less than the 150 feet required by 18 AAC 80.020(d). The well under contention being located on Tract L-l, Fire Lake Subdivision. We are prepared to objectively review the proposed waiver of the 150 feet distance, but we must be furnished with the information required by 18 AAC 80.020(d) concerning waivers for protective distances. Test holes to at least 20 feet in depth or to bedrock must be included. We sug- gest a minimum of three holes. Well logs would also be helpful. This information is necessary because of the location of the Frontis well in the well defined surface drainage. If test holes indicated a similar shallow bedrock condition we could not grant such a waiver. Also since there are at the present no waiver provisions under 18 AAC 80.020(d) we do require in a case such as this that the owner of the well be aware of and concur in the waiver of the normal distances. As I know all parties are anxious to resolve this matter we will expeditiously review the submissions. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAG2 DEPT, OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ,J LIL ":' 'Z 1978 Sincerely, Regional Environmental Supervisor RECEIVED GML July 14, 1979 Mr. Kyle Cherry Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation 339 Denali Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: The plan for a revised sewer system on tract M, Fire Lake Alaska Subdivision. Dear Mr. Cherry: Our department met with the owner and discussed the required relocation of the drain tl~ench on the subject lot. The trench can be relocated, and the entire sewer system will be outside a 120 foot radius of Dr. Karl Francis~ community well on tract L-I of the same subdivision. Our discussions on July 13, 1979, indicated that this relocation is adequate to protect the community well, therefore, e permit to relocate has been issued. Attached is a sketch of how the system will look when finished. I would appreciate your written concurrence of this desig~ location for our files. Sincerely, Rolf Strtckland, R.S. P. nvironmental Health Manager Les Buehholz ( I f I / ,...- / / / / BamCotten ~ost O££1ce Box 296 99577 Dear ~. ~otte~: not aw~e, at t~t Dr. Fr~ois also se~ ~t ~di,~oe of 10~' fr~ t~ ~d of ~e ~w~ tr~ on ~t 3 ~act ~ to l~ividual h~, but~e~mt'r~m~t zituation su~ aa individual h~ is 150' separation. This o£fice is attaining to datar~Lne the ne~ossity o£ It would enable us to ~ake a much better e~aluation if two(2) additl~al soil test boron could h~ drilled between the end of 'cbs se~opago tz'enoh and D~, Karl's vol~. Tho holes should be'&~ minimum of o:Lghteen(18) feet deep and A list of people approved by ~his o££1oe to per£orn soils analysis is attached, Your cooperation is ~uoh app~eolated. If th.re ere any Sinc~rely, ~oseph S. Bla~x, R.S. Environmental Services ~SB/lJh unicipality of Ancl orag¢ MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: January 20, 1978 Joe Blair, Sanitation Senior Administrative officer FROM: Joel DeVote, O~budsma~~_ Francis complaint: Sewe~ to Well Separation SU~ECT: Forgive me for adding to the general snowfall of paperwork. I'd like to'ask several questions about Dr. Francis' sewer problem. Since some questions might require some checking, I'll send them in writing. I'll be grateful for your answers. 2. Ilow ~eep is Mr: c, ott,en's, t.renc, h .or sew~er outlet? / O '~ ~ 3 Ilow deep is Mr. Frahcis' well? ~kvxo~,~x ~X ~~u~''~' 4. tlow dee~ is bedrock in the i~ediate area? /~ ~ ) , 5.~oe~ (h~ beGroc~ s~0~ Gown ~rom Hr. CoLLen's sewer sysLem towards Dr. Francis' well? ~,,. V~ ........ 6. How many bedrooms is Mr Cotten's sewer system intended to 7. What is the nature of the soils in this i~ediate area? Are they better or worse than average soils for dissipation or cleansing of wastes? ~~,z/~V~ gv~/ c 8. What plan does your department have for monitoring ~. Francis' well to prevent or catch the first incidence of contamination? 9. Dr. Francis believes that by the time he notices contamination (by someone becoming ill or bad tasting water) that there will already be such a reservoir of sewage in the soil that it will take a considerable amount of time before the conL~ination ~isappears. Could you comment? .5-- , = =~ ~artment contact Dr. Francis o 9 Did any employee o~ u~= ' lr McCubbins (who is connected to the same well) in. order P' ' ........ 11 ~rior to our issuanc9 of the permit for the sewer system~ ~;~ ~. ..... , -', ~ ~ Francis Col~p~int Memorandum: January 20, 1978 10. In your professional opinion do you feel that there is any danger of contamination of Dr. Francis' well? What evidence is~.¢there~ ~t°~ ~pp~rt the conclusion? 11. Would you forward to me a copy of the department's corres- pondence with the parties involved (e.g., letter to Mr. Cotten), and the information on file concerning Mr. Cotten's sewer and well and Mr. Francis' information, if any? ~- 0 ~x I'm interested i~ permits, soils tests, and the like. If it is mdre convenient for you, I'll be glad to stop by your office to discuss the information you have collected. Thank you for your concern and help. cc: Rolf Strickland re: Fire Lake Subdivision ? ! ,/ ,. SUPPLY Cha tpr FOOD, DRUG, & COS!.'::]TIC 14 15 Article 2, I'ou:f "I. I'. · Article A~'ticlc, 4, Shri~::n '.~ Crab Article )'lanis Article 7, Food Stan(13rds /(rticle 8, Uakeries PREV!lilI'!OI.~ CIF It'~3LSi'RIA!_ WASTE POI. I. UTi 0;I 17 ? (l Article l, Tourist Ac:commudations /~g t'.~cle 2 Insect and ~' ' ' · ~ OdUl~ COll~ro'~ Art';cle 3, ~lousinc , .~upa ~'ichal Paqes 7.76.1 7-93 7-94 - 7-13,i 7-94 7-97 7-9F; 7-100 7-100 7-103 7--'103 7-109 7-10g 7-119 7-119 - 7.-12,1 7-124 - 7-1.32 7-132 1 - 7 1"' 7-134 7-139 7-1,I0 7- 157 7-140 7-153 7-153 7-155 7-155 7-156 7-155 7-157 7-157 - 7-159 7-159 - 7--i73 7-173- 7-177, Rsl,,islcr,15, Apli] 1973 ttI';AI.'I'II ,,\NI) .qOCIAL 51(t.,'VICi 7 AAC 14.020 7AA(; 1,1.030 ~3) A '~t: ,...'atcl :,tii~lqS'" :,hall mc'an lmlividu:d ',V;ltcr ~ut,plicx co~sl~uctcd (13) "lh'climim~y Icp~ll" shall tm':m a 1,:lmrt dcl;lilcd t)l;:n~ ]l;~vc lwcn ol should t~opcrly hc picp;l~cd, (,1) "Commissioner of llcallh and Social ll¢;dlh alld ,'q.cial ,qci~h'cs I'm' Ibc of llcallh aud ,";,ci;d ,'-;crviccs. (14) "Applic;ml" shall mc:m a municipalil.v, utilily dislIicl, autho~ily, coipo~;!tion or per;on (S) "l'c~so;'," shall mcan mu,icil~;dity, subdivision, ','il):q',c, town, utility dislricl, COllUiltlllil~/, i~h]Uqli;ll csi;fl~li,;hmtnl ;rev duN' ol his ol lhcit at~lho~iz~xl a¢cnt. (6) "l')csi:,,nin~; cm',inc'cr" shall mcan rcg~da~ly tc?tc)c,,t bF Ibc Ala~:!.:~ ~lalc architect duly lq'.i:;tcrcd by lh'c same aulho)ity, (8) "(;cnctal plm" :;h:dl ira':in a re:q3 of thc [L:iIIIJICS with I('I'cICIICL: 10 C;~L'll olivet. (9) "D~'taitcd Iq;ms" shall J:Jc;m Id;ms showin?. S{or,l[~c, lC~Clwoits, t~tl~llpi)]~', slationx, pt~ific:tlion v,'o~ks, filt:r l'i;~n/s, di,,dnlcction (12) ":\s-huilt pl:ults" -;h:¢l ri;can I'im:l Id;ms $]lOWill!'~ Ilk' :Oml',h'h:d pt,)h','l ;p; c,.)n,;l;l~ h:tl ltll(I shall be. lib! h;lsis I'or lin,d plOjCcl ;ipl)lov;d. () 5) "l*crlnafrost'' shall mcan thc phL'llOll/CllOII OJ' [)L'I'III 3 llt~ll [ [~' rF(L/CI1 inclt,linj' ~oiJ or oth~'~ sup'Il-ici;ti dCl)n,;ils. cvcn Ix'(l~ock, at v;~rJ;xb]~ depth t,cnc;~lh thc StllJ'itc't' t)[' Iht c:~th. I In cfi'cot bctolc Authorily: A~ St;md;~:'ds-19(~2" hy Iht U.S. Public the l)ep;:ttmcnt ot llealth and Wclf;~:c and sh:dl be known as thc "Ah:ska l)~inkin7 Water (I) Any w;tlcr which is st)pplicd to thc public, }lOtC], l'cs',;itll~tlll, da}F'.,', C;II}llCl'y, l'ooci IllLtl};Cl, l'ood m:znu factuxi'u, establishment, wcJf;ll'C JloII~C, hospit:ll, :lPilrtlllCrq[ [IOdSC buildinF or ph~cc o(' h~mpt)r:~5' abo3~', or in any othcrl>uh:icinstilutinn, public budJm;:, clnph~ym~'nt or ph;cc l'~cqucnlud by thc Imblic, shall Jncct ti~c foiiowin¢ st;md:~rtls: (A) Such :val,cr shall (ii) such w:ller sh:~ll adc,.luatcly (B) All :tach allilJ3'xi5 ;I C]tt'IDiC;I! COIlbJllJ 7:77 ;ICk'Ollll);lll~/ SIu.'h L'OI/tkllll,';b. (3) A conliqctc.and c,,IIc~t dc~;criplic, n of thc S('tI. II'CC iIDd SJI~I'IC Sh:~]J ;~ COillJ'311~' k'dk'J/ b;~l/l~]L'. containcr. (4) All c.',:prcss or other oil lilly SiIIIII:]LI contain~'r fmnp-,Jle(l :~:.: Jlt.'r'cil/ im'~vid..',.1 shall Im paid J,y otherwise diro;lcd hy thu ('onlmi~,'.d(m of l lc;dth anti Social Services. protection of lmblic health. (c) All :l!l:!ls'{ica{ inctl;,!d,: :-;hall bc lllCi)lOil5 ale provided. (In ell'col bcio~c IlE.,\l/l'll AND ,lOCI.,\ l..%I-.I.',VIC' 7AAC 14.100 lhciI s:mitary I'cutulcs. (b) :\fi<'! such pi;ms and spccific:uions have bccn ui,i~lovcd t~y thc lk:l*;nltncnt location, plans, ,.;on~;truclion, ,:,r olx:i;ition of Jill}' ,SUCI1 N.VS[OI;l Of \t,'()li~.'; filliP.,' [lt..' lll~l(IL' ",VitJlOLIJ i cct:ivin:', its ;!pl'q~ v~ :,1. / /.-.- . .. .............. ~...~J~ ( (c) .q::id plan,;. 5;pccificalions, x~ infornl:lli!m sh;t[I bc sul:nJit!,:d c,f sLlch c×iqin,.; water supply J':~cilit~os oi- ('Ol!lltli.~,ioiicr ti' il,.'alth and S,),.'ixl 5crvt '.:s. hrlvin>; Ibc v, crk?, iu ,.'hc~r~:c ~,h;dl p~c,n~l,tly 7 AA(: 14.{k';O. I:()I~515 .\NI~ I)I'.'$<'I{II'TIVE MATI'JRI..\L. Th,: (Su,!n~:>,,J,~ncl educational ipLllcri;ll tlcsi~mcd h> iml,rove OpCta/i,m (~[ p~ivalc x',';ucr >upi,lies ;tn~l tJ'.crchy p~oh.wt pt*bl/c hcalth, tin cllcc[ COIp<>lllJtlll, or ol'lJCdl' oi CltljqOyk'k' thcrcoJ. £'Ol/'illtlClioll (>f ;tnv t',ublic vu~tcr .,,ut>ply ..',,/',(~' 14. 100. ,.\ I'I'[..IC,.VI'I() N I:O I,~ AIq'l~OV.\l. OF I'L..\NS. I~,.'l'ore cntcllnq n~l,.)a for thc install:tit,,n, c×tcnsit,n Of il l;ublic wa't~:r s,.ll-.l-,[5' s,,'>lcm. ]'il I/l, cor?r:~t h)n, CO:iSi; I!CI ill}', '.;U C J t ,',y 5{ C 111. II1 liN', ajq'>lic,~l!cll tO lhe l)Cl',arlwtcnt of J{c:tlI}/ al',p!ic:!ticn .quill be si~!ncd by thc oJ' Ibc C(n'pC>T:lt ion. or rc:q)olls, ib[¢ i¢cr>;oll, 35 {'or C.N;/I11J~[t.' J>V [lit! IiI;H1;l'.',t'l (/j' ;1 Intmicip:flmty. tlEAI.'Ill ANI)Y;(>¢:IAi. F,I~ILV{(TI:' 7 .,\AC 14.360 7 AA(.; 14.390 Class Pi;vale Scmipuhlic Public Per MimJh~ 0-50 50-1 O0 (),,'c ~ I Mini:mm~ I~i,,tanccs, in foci, (o Any Seplic ,10 100 100 10 5O 12O 200 1 O0 120 20O 15(/ 150 200 20{) 200 *All sex':c~s except ca~;t him pipe with Ic:tdcd and caulked .i'aints S/l/ 1%:, Amh~,tity: AS 1~;.05.0.'1(¢ 7 AAC 1,1.370. S'I'P,I:..\M P()LIArt'ION. Ir aflcr invc'di?.:ltion by thc I),,u,:lllmcnl of and Soci:fl ~;c;-viccs, of any st~c,~m, Mkc ~ 'r :' body of water within lhc Si:itc, or ['olmi~g thc sufficient pollulicm to cmi:~nl,.cr thc both pt~xsibJc :md prattle:thio, th,' ;iiRI w?Jl';~le. (.ill cl'J'cct b,.'lotc Aulho~ity: ,1N 1~;.()5.0.I() 7 AAC 1.1.380. FI.I.!OI~II)..VI'ION ()I:' ',',',VI'F.I': ~L;21':.:: 2. 11 ....... ', ...... '. ..... ', ...... : .............. II:!S }'Wi'Il I'Cql:P,J l('* I~<' ;Ill CI'}'CCli\'C {~U!~IS,: m,,:;t'~urc. ['uhlic xvatv~ s,.;ppii:~ whicl~ do not lin ell'cot bcP~rc ?/28/59) Authority: AS 1~4.05.040 7 AA(2 1,1.390. I'l,l OCI(I )111.I I'] INSTITUI'IN(; FI.()UI~II)ATION. ]'Ii,):' lfl/<'in;', trculmcnt in clTcct which lo a public wilier supply, the follow;n;,, steps arc (1') an application in writing I'rum thc rcsy,ns~lqc ot'licials of tho utility t~l' local ?)x~i'ni;/7 body s]lotlJd be submitted to thc l)cp:,rlmcnl of llcalth ami Social Scrviccs rcquc~dinq portals'dcm to ;ti>ply flotuidcs Io thc }OCid Wilier SUplqS'. 'I he applicatl,~n I'cr l]uo~ id;~ticm should be ;~ccomlxmicd Clltlol:;Cll/CI] [ J'FOIll these ;l['.Cllci c s OI}~;illJZ;lllOI1S: Chapter iS..10 A.L :~.,;, .. A0min:[ :~ t rat. ire Except as ohherwise provided in hhis hih].e, any act or omis%[on required or prohibihed blz tile following provJ, sio:~s of the A~Laska Adninish£akive Code shdll also be requir(}d or !)rohi~bi-hed by th:i.s hitle, and any person who ¢:e~mni. hs any p~'ohibih~.~d ack or tm/ihs any required act viola-hes 'this {:ik].o. (adaphed from CAAB 16.10) 7 AAC 1.4.010--'.420 ~,..].~,t.Ln~ tO L:,nher Sttpply. C '/ AAC 20.010-."" · .~.~0 Y'c;lahi~t,l f:o !3uJ_ldi. ngs and P~'.',~ D. 7 AAC 22. 0].0-. .~,:0 ..... ' ' ~_ :.-d.,.t ~.].ng to C:2n~.~ral S..N't:[tat'iOn. .1.5 1 5. ]. 5. 15. 15. 1.5. 65. 65. 65. 65. 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 OLO 020 030 050 O0 (! 0'/0 080 090 ].0(~ 12 0 13 0 W,.ttol--c::.~:'ri. ud :;'.',,',~'.6:' d~.r;p:::;:~ ny:; Ea'~ th Dciv.ies Excm:,L i.c>n Wastewatc',' pu:apir'tg, i:vanso-'>r,.akJ, c:~n and C. x 't't',)~.ic: lfoa]t}~ f;~;~ ',' c' ' J?nl.~.L;,-',' ~. t;,,. . !.;2[l, Hat',t'~,:tJL .... -. ' ' ' ~;!;',:~.?:i.c: ' ,' ~' ._ [ O40. 06!5. fl'70. (1) ;no .: ' A,'xC 7;2. ')20 t970 Water 'UtLlity Cc>r: tltli~cflt C<):~:;~l:?t:i()l~. (J'if:'[. )..;:]/:~J_/:]:], ?,;i'i'iiOi::ifiiT A3 d 6.03. 020 (:! O) (?,) ;~$ 4(~.03.020(i.0) (C) A3 ,16.03.050 ~g ,i(;.03. lli ,'~rd2 ~L).02(.t. ,~ ~.):il,'t:_:;:: I'I~'D'i%C'!?.T.C:.i. (d) No }:-.'-)t~:'::cct It:t:,.' .~;¥: ',t '. ':9. OIX' ~tt; 1!0] ].0,';'.:-;: (I) ItlC' C:d:;li;';I ('ql [!1'1 (:,_IZ;CYj 'v.,.].J..:, ' '" i c,.>t , ,2 :,:~,.:~ <! t:'o,.:;x]. :l(~v,:,]. <7)~? t:ht~ :l ,: ~ve?:l. og khe v,',., 1.1. hou.'-:e (.! ,'*) ..................................................................................................................................... Sit ti i tall yst ...................................................... ;r;r::;;;:.;;;;;;:::::::.:'¥"`-:::;,:.;..;:....:.;......;..;v..;;z.:;z:::::..:.:::..:.:::..:.:::.:..:..:;.....::..:.:.~..~.;:..;.~;::::.:~;.~:;c HEP OKs Cotton ~ s ans. ·~:::.::::::.:::::~:~:.~..~:..::..============================================================::~:::::::::::::::::::::::: .... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;;;;;;:..;;.;.;.;...;:;;;..~c~c:":,~:::~c;;;;;;;;z~;~.;.;;;;;x~;;;c~c;;;;;;;;;;c;;;;...;;~zc~c.cc~ AAC 7. State ad, opts ~stricter ~istance HEP indicates they will give Cotton a :::::.~:~::::;.::~:~.~::~w:`~:~<..~.::¥.~*~*~*e.~.~*.,~*~:~*~.~.~:.~.~.~'.~*~'.~.~.~ system rep~laced or !f pollution. connocted to, ~i~l~prodecossor~:~ ............................... ================================================================================================== well. The ,added connection makes the :.':::::::::::/:':':.":'/iSii/'i//////:;5/:.':.!?.}:}L~.~.: ........................ ~ .............. '..;;.';.'..;.'.~.; .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... ~ IE~AR N E 5 ~ c ~_~ R¥ F__ DATA E -- L E ~ F__ N D ~ 75"-/q-/ ? - 17 /. 15" ~.' c_= .¢.,¢,~. I// ! ; ,, ..:/' , .. :%: RECEIVED ~ontainin~ ~,.9[Z At.. ROBERT C. JOHNSON, R.LS. Pf~3K'-F-~NAL LA.~D SURVEYOR Gq'id: I)c~e: J ~ ~AR~-IE ,5 ~ C- U P.¥ F_ DATA --- LE 6 F N D "- DTI000341 ROBERT C. JOHNSON, R.LS. PROFESSIONAL LA~ SURVEYOR Box 456 Eogle Rive~, b, kis~ 99577 ~ I% {Od ..... P L Z~-T'' LAkE C b A ~ J N u L' I~ 0 P ~ ~ DT1000342 :,2