HomeMy WebLinkAboutFALLING WATER Block 3 Lot 5
0 8' 3PMEN1 L;U.
Box 90, Davis St, Eaule River, Alaska 99577
694-27'/4 or 688-2280
Earl Ellis
Russell Oyster 688-2280
694 2774 S01'L LOG Lend Developmeo!
Soils ~ Four~dat~ons
Performed for:
Matltng Address: Star Route Box 1613 gag, lc River. ,,Alaska 99577
Legal Description:, Lot 5, Bl,o,,,ck 3, Falling Waters Subdivision
Depth (feet)
Soll Charactertstlc~
ML - Silt topsoil with roots and organics.
275 sq. ft./Bt,
' ' GW - Sandy Gravel with cobbles to 36 inches in diameter°
Occasional lense of very coarse gravel.
100 sq. ft./Bt,
11 _
Bottom of pit.
Ground Water Encountered: Yes No ~
Proposed Installation: Seepage Pit__Drain Field ~
Comments: Pit measurm~ ~pproximately }' x 1 ~' in plan ~rea.
If yes, what depth__
A].I sides of the pl,t
lo, zed $.be same,
Performed by: ........ Date: May 24t1977
June 27, 1977
~a~e.~ with direct co~,nmnts as follm:~:
DO~L for F'retiminary of i'ur:tagain Subdivision Addn ,o. 3 Lots I & 2 -
a Suhdtv of an un~ubdivtdod portion of Blk 2 Turnagain Subdiv Addn No. l
located within i~E 1/4 Sec 19, ll,.,i, RY,,!, S.H. Ak, containing 0.719 acres.
~',~lic t~ater not available. Public se;let not available to service ~titton are. a.
~his {)epar~,~nt will ~.mnt soils and percolation tests - Lots 1 ?, 2. Reques~ post-
~,,i,.~,,~,l c until data is received and reviewed by this Departk:{mt.
FKed ~lalatka a Associates 'For Plat of Lo~ 4:: & 43, ~lI< 3A, Hoorehand
Subdivision ... a suhdiv, of Lot 4, F~lk 3A i~oorehand Subdiv located ~dt:hln
the SE 1/~i. Sec,,
Public ~.~ater not aw~la.~le. Public sewer available tn service petition are~. No
oh~ec~ions to this subdivision.
?ell, ',errin;-, ,:~" Associates for Pl,:m~ of Lot 1 1-A glk E , Hurray. Subdivision
locatml. ~,lthin NH 1/4 of Sec 5, 'Ila,,,~ i~J~,,'~' ~ o.,,..c ~ Ak, containing 0.34 acres.
Public uater not available. Public sm~er available to service petit!m~ area. t~later
ts ~vailable at Old <"~ ....... ~ ..... ' ......
_ ~o~a~,~ crud East Jtxt.v-..,ixcn. ~io (,,,J~:c,..tons to this suodivtsfon.
ilo!:?hoff ~ Associates, Inc. 'For Plat of
..... ,~, ,.,~ ~.:~, i~lk l, Evenson Sub-
.~ , a ~,~,uo~:lv of Lot 2 ~lk 1, l.v,.n.,o,, .~todtv located
T12;~, R~?, q ~' ?:k~ con~¢dn~,g 2.5q acres
,uo~ic uater not availabtc~ Public ~,'- not available: to service oetitto~ area~
have no soils irtfor~mtion on this suoulvm,~,t.n. ~oquest ~)ostponm~nt until data
received and revi(~ued by this l)epaptt~k)nt.
DO~!L for Preltmt~mry of t~estgate Park ;.~b, ivIsion Lot 7A, ~;lk t, a t~'esub-
div. of Lt~ts 7 & ,~, bl~ 1, J~stga~.. Park Suqdiv..o~.,~,~ t~i'%hln ~.,,.
' ~- ,.,~ service mr~.ltton ar~a. HO
P,:;bltc ;later ava~la, lc. PM)lic sm,mr not avail'''~
S-.4471 Robert C. ,Jo!insoil for Fallin,~,.. TM,,a'~r'r. . 5ubdivish-m Prelil':Jinary Plat of
Blks ~ . ~u,~..~iv ii~.~ 1/4 Sec ~ tl3~,
~ & 3 - a subdlv, of Tract A, Duhill ~ :'~ · . .~,
S.~. Ak, contain{n~ l~.,, acres ~ (i]r~id ~iicKcy, St~r Rt box 194, Eagle
.... S-4472
?t)btic water not available. Public soya, er not availab'ie !:o service petition
Soils for one lot not adequate as a sol'is test a~d percolation test on l~l.g
subdivision. This Department ~dll roqJl~:st soils test on all lots of this subdivision.
Request by Gerald V. Randall Jr., Surveyor, for Vacancy: Anchorage Original
To'ansite Fourth Addn I)lk 36 Lot 5A Plat of T~lk 36, Lot SA, Fourth Addn
~).T. - a resuhdiv of Lots 5 ~ 6,, Dlk 36, 4th Addn O.T. located t~ithtn N~,~ 1/4
~E 'i/~, Sec 17, TI3?;, R3~l, S.;i., Ak.
Pu[:,lic water not available. Public .sotr~q' avomjl~)')le to sL, rvlco potitlon area.
i~<) obJac'~ions.