HomeMy WebLinkAboutALDERWOOD BLK 2 LT 2 - I, NSpE,CTION~ REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM SEPTIC T~K: D~s~ce~5~C~fmm well [7~ . Mate~a~T~..t, }- N~e~. of, compartmnts. ~t" Liquid capaci~allons. Inside len~h~Insxde w~dth ~ Liquid depth . SEEPA~ SYSTEM: Seepage Pit: N~e~ of pits / Outside dfa~te~ o~ well 7~ , building fo~datim ~/~, newest lot line~ Total effective ~so~ption a~a (wall a~a)~ sq. TILE DRAIN FIELD: Distance fPom well, , , fo~dation , nemst lot line _ . Total l~n~h of l~n~ Nu~ of ltn~s Distan~ b~tw~n l~nes T~nuh ~pth: Top of til~ to finish ~ad~ ~p~h of f~lt~ ~.i~[ b~n~th lot llne~, nearest sewer line... , septic t~k...Tg' seepage system cessp~l_ , other sources DISTANCES: A-8= 75-/ DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM DATE: APPROVED Health Authority SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT Name of Applicant Mailing Add~ess ,,~, _ PL. Residence Address Location of Installation Application to Install: Septic tank_ _, Seepage pit,, To Serve the Following ~acilit~ Financed Througk ..... To ~e Installed by ..., l~ain field__., Ocher Percolation Test Results_ Anticipated Date of _~o~pletion ....... .... ~, , ,. ".,', ,-. ..,.,.:.- , ,., ..... .~-~ ~ This is to serve a~ DISTANCES: ~, permit to install a . _as described below. Size of unit to be served ~DtiC tarnk size_.....___~pe Seepage Area~ _ , .... Type DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM certify that I am familiar with the requirements of Greater Anchorage Area Borough 9rdinance No. 28-68 and tha~ the above described system iS in accordance with said code. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WATER FACILITIES (Fill out in Triplicate) ~"~'~%~%.. Name .of person r~questing approval/~/._.~ 2. ' ~e of prope~y~ owner 3. LeE~ de~riptio~ .~7 _.~. ~/~ ~. N. Nu~e~o~ ~ooms in house 5. ate~Anal~ ~s: b. Detemgent " . 6. , Well data: a. Type D~-,//.~ c. Casing Size Distance from well to closest existing or proposed: 1. Sewer line 2. Septic tank 3. Seepage Area Cesspool' . 5. Property Line . 6. houses, barn, drainage ditch, etc. Sewage disposal system. Other sources of Possible contamination, i.e., creeks, lakes, /,8 o b. Septic tank capacity in gallons, .~~ / c. Name of septic tank manufactum~ _ If "home made" show diag.'am on reverse side of this form. d.' Disposal field or seepage pit size and type 1. Distance to proper~y line_ ~ ~ / tO house foundation ~, .~ . ~. Percatation T~st ~sults ~ f. Percolation Test performed by Use tLe reverse,side of this form to show diagram. Diagram should include ~%he foJ],~,~ing information: p~operty lines~.well location, house location, .... ~c tank location, disposal area location, location of percolation test, aL4 d~ction of ground slope, The ~'~,~'~.~',,.~on on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. 'S'$gnature of Applicant "' Date $i~h'ed T~O. BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPART~.~ENT PERSONNEL above described sanitary facilities are hereby approved, ,$,¢bje~c,t, to the 5ol!owing conditions: , , ¢onditiona: The above described sanitary facilities are disapproved for the following reasons: Date ~ ' Approval is valid for one year following the date of approval. · CPJ:cw ~, Alan P. LahAoou 6505 Air ~amr~ Road Anehor~ot AXa~kl 99503 St~JECT: bptic Tenk-bopqe PAt AXdor~ood Subdivialou ~ar M~. Richisoa ~ Thio As to #a~e as you~ perult to lustai.t a X,O00 f#t of #epqe ~ea a~ tho above Xoeation ~o oer~re a ~hPoe bodr~om home, Plo#o outiot thio offl# fo~ final hopeotion end app~oveX p~io~ to backfill, DAVID R. L. D~NCAM, If. D. Envtr~nmntaX Ho&tth Dl~eeto~ October ~$, 196~ l~r, Dan aapalN Ye'ceranm AdnLnJJtT~at i on Box 1399 ~nc, hoz~&~e · AXa~ika ggsol SUaJ£CT: Approval of Sewe~ and ~ater System Installation· Lot 2, Block ~· AXclervood SubdJ. vXston ~ear ~. Rapalee ! Thin Depar~nent has ~ade an inspeetion o~ the sub:~eeC sever and water feallities and i'ound tha~ they need the necessary health ~equlremnts. Sin~e the hm will ~e served by a deep well· ye would expee~ that a~eqGate s~plAea of sa~e water will ~e c~tained the yell aa ~ other in the v~cinity. Sincerely, DAVID R. L. DUMCAM, M. D. Hedical DL r~L~or Dali/art B~I David S,' Xa~ee'"