HomeMy WebLinkAboutLot 07-09 KASSLER/WEST MORTGAGE CORPORATION 604 EAST SIXTH AVENUE *ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 * 212-9E01 DATE: July 15_. 1971 GREATER ANCltORAGE AREA BOROUGH Dept. of Environmental Health Pouch 6-650 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 RE: James E. MorAam Legal: Lot 8~ Block 2 Plat P-60 Parmenter Addition (t~) (VA} Case # lSl 853 Gentlemen: Per the attached form, we hereby request inspection for Health Authority Approval. Please send your findings to either the FHA offices or the VA Office as noted above for the "Case Number'.' Also, please send an exact copy of the report to our office. Your swiftness in expediting this request would be most appreciated. Sincerely, KASSLER /WEST MORTGAGE CORP. Loan PrOCessing Department Linda McClelland P.S. If you wish to make an appointment before inspection, please call 110 -.<~) >- 111 ¥ 124 Sand Lake Area Reference-PlO July 26, 1971 Kassler West Mortgage Corporation 604 E. 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Dear Sirs: Water Supply at Lots 7, 8, and 9 Block 2, Alderwood Subdivision ' An inspection of the subject lots revealed that the well was located in a pit. The proper well distances have been maintained to the sewer system. Also, the sewer system was functioning satisfactorily. The well does not meet the regulations necessary for this. Departments approval. The well is in a pit and therefore subject to surface flooding and contamination. Contact this Department for the changes necessary for approval of the well. Sincerely, Lynn S. Coad Environmental Specialist st AP,~OVAL RE~tlE~:,~;'i' FOR, SP..!,.:~ '~: "~ATER FACILITIES PA~: ~.D AJ C, D, E, F. c., Ii. 3, ~r ~ TO SEPTIC TA. JK ~,~/.~ ' I!ELL TO SEEPAGE PIT, '"ELL TO I,IEI.L TO PROPERTY LI::E ./~--'_./- ,-:iL TO O~)ER PO.~SI:,LL COLTAtlI:.IATIOD: FOUI'~DATION TO SEPTIC FOUixDATIOI:I TO $-F. EPAGE PIT.__~__~_.~" SEEPAGE PIT TO PROPERTY LINE ~.:2~, /- ~EPAR'iFENT._qOF [LWIROi _,t~E~ffAL 01JALITY 3500 TUD~ RO~D /~';mOR~E, ALAS~ 9950F RECUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL SB'~ AND i'IATER FACILITIES FOR SI B, C, SIZE_ ~ :/ E, P.~.CTERIAL A~..YSIS. SB','AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: A, SEPTIC TAr,~K (IF HONEI'JADE, SH~'! DIAGRAH ON BACK) ~)EP~tT.~F~E~IRO[ ~,~I~I'AL t'~UAI. ITY 279-~36 DATE DECEIVED INSPECT: TIME;,,. INDIVIIAIAL SBqER Al'ID ~'IATER FACILITIES ~. Su'.:PAG~:nF "' ~IT _1, szzr: /~ C, 2ISPOSAL FIELD 2, TOTAL LENffrH 7, i~EQUIRED ~ T'EASUREMB,ff$ ^, ',~L TO S~mC T~X ,~b~ B,' !ELL TO SEEPAGE PiT. /,~2 C. "~LL TO ~'"' , ,' ., o~.:..ER LI.~'.E /5i ~- ..... E. "~LL TO O~F_R POgSI:';LI.: CO;,T/~II'.'!ATION F, FOUHDATIO~ TO SEPTIC TAI~K , _ 11, SEEPAGE PIT TO PROPERTY / ,A, PP!~I.AL~Ii} FO"2. O~iE .YEC, ~i iIF,,TE SICC!E~, t3I~I'F.J~ Aide AREA tK)ROUGt-I DEPAR'TY,11~ff OF I~N'IRO~,IEI, ITAL ..e~/.ITY MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION  825 L Street - Anchorage, Alaska 99501 ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIVISION Telephone 264-4720 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF INDIVIDUAL WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES DIRECTIONS: Complete all parts on page 1. Incomplete requests will not be proc~sed. Please allow ten (10) days for processing. 1. PROPERTY OWNER [ PHONE 4528 ~lon~ Strut ~oraqo~ ~aska P~O~fi~TY ~fiS~fi~T (If different from above) S~ as ~ ~. ~uy~ PMON~ ~le, J~ice ~d Willi~ 277-7285 M~ u ~ ~DDR 5SS 3801 ~st 44~ A~ ~raqe, ~as~ ~i~d ~ ~k~~ 276-1911 ~A[[~NG ADDRSSS 645 G S~t ~choraqe, ~a~ 4. REALTOR/AGENT [ PHONE Sh~ ~ty/ ~ny Di~i~sI 279-3511 ~A[UNG ADD,SSS P.O. ~x852 ~t~.~iQ~l ~~ ~d, ~Qraqe., ..~a~ 99~0.~ 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~ot 8,9 Bioc~ 2 _~L[der-vz~x~ STREET LOCATION 4528 Delong Street 6. TYPE OF RESIDENCE [] SINGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY NUMBER OF BEDROOMS [] One [] Four [] Two [] Five [] Three [] Six [] Other 7. WATER SUPPLY [] INDIVIDUAL* [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY * ATTACH WELL LOG. A well log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available.) 8. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM [] INDIVIDUAL/ON-SITE** [] PUBLIC UTILITY **If individual/on-site, give installation date If system is over two (2) years old an adequacy test is required by this Department. NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST ACCOMPANY EACH REQUEST BEFORE PROCESSING CAN BE INITIATED. 72-010(3/78) THIS SIDE FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY DATE RECEIVED INSPECTION APPOINTMENTS TIME TIME TIME DATE DATE DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTOR INSPECTOR DIRECTIONS: NUMBER OF BEDROOMS 1. TYPE OF RESIDENCE  S INGLE FAMILY [] MULTIPLE FAMILY [] ONE [] THREE [] FIVE [] TWO [~ FOUR [] SIX [] OTHER 2. WATER SUPPLY INDIVIDUAL [] COMMUNITY [] PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified 3. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM [] INDIVIDUAL/ON -SITE ~PUBLIC UTILITY Connection Verified []Septic Tank or [] Holding Tank Size: If Tank is homemade give dimensions: TYPE OF TANK TOTAL ABSORPTION AREA 4. DISTANCES WELL TO: PERMIT NUMBER DEPTH OF WELL DATE DRILLED LOG RECEIVED PERMIT NUMBER DATE INSTALLED INSTALLER SOILS RATING MANUFACTURER MATERIAL Absorption Area to nearest Lot Line Septic/Holding Tank IAbsorption Area JSewer Line INearest Lot Line 5. COMMENTS APPROVED FOR / BEDROOMS CONDITIONAL APPROVAL (letter must accompany certificate) DISAPPROVED DATE LEGAL DESCRIPTION 72-010 (Rev. 3/78) AC~:ff, AL I} eEOLO(~ICRL LADORATO~ OF ALASffdL I~'~C~. P.O. BOX 4-1276 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 4649 BUSINESS PARK BLVD. Drinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria TELEPHONE {g07) 279-4014 TO BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM: I I I ] I.D. NO.' Paul Homolaines Public Water System Name 4528 DeLonq Street Mailing Addresa Anchorage, Alaska City SAMPLE DATE: Mo. Day SAMPLE TYPE: [] Routine [] Check Sample (for routine sample with lab ref. no [~ Special Purpose Loan State Year Zip Code [] Treated Water [] Untreated Water SAMPLE NO. 5 OCATION L 8~9 Bk 2 Calderwood Time Collected Collected By 1:45 RCP TO BE COMPLETED BY LABORATORY LABORATORY: CHEM & GEO LABS OF AK., INC. NAME 4649 BUSINESS PARK BLVD. ADDRESS ANCHORAGE, ALASKA Date Received Time Received CiTY 8-16-78 3:15 PM Analytical Method: [] Fermentation Tube Xr~X Membrane Filter Lab Ref. No. Result* Analyst ~)-.'~con I Iii I ICI I I~ * No. of colonies 1100 mi. or No. ol Pollllve podlon~. READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COLLECTING SAM PLE Form No. 18-310 (3-78) 06-3.220 (b) BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD Rev. 1978 Date Collected 8-16--78 Source L 839 Bk 2 Calderwood a.m.. 8508 DateRecelved 8-16-78 Time Received 3:15 dg~Lab..o. Presumptive ]0mi 10mi 10mi 10mi 10mi 3..Omi 0.1mi 24 Hours __ 48 Hours Confirmatory 24 Hours __ ~.8 Hours EMB Broth 24 hours: Broth 48 hours: Multiple Tube Report: 0 1Omi Tubes Positive/Total 20mi Portions Membrane Filter: Direct Count Collform/3.0Oml Verification: LTB. __BGB Final Membrane Filter Results Collform/3.0Oml 8-17-78 Reported By D. Bacon Date Time: 1430 a.m. FH~Form-2573 Re, v. July 19S8 ~ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Form Approved FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION Budget Bureau No. 63-R296.8 ' HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL IND,I¥1DGAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PART I.--tO BE COMPLETED BY FHA INSURING OFFICE MORTGAGEE SERIAL NO. Veterans Administration -Anchorage Kassler/West Mortgage Corp 706 West 27 Ave. ~fO~w~ James E. Morgan Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBDIVISION NAME Parmenter Addition - Plat P-60 2 ?OYAL BASEMENT ~ New instaLLation Can attic or other area be mode into LIVING UNITS IEDROOMS BATHS additional bedrooms? WATER SIJ~Y BY: SYSTEM DESIGNED FOR _g...ql_~blic system I ' Community systemr-~[ ~ Individual No. o, ..,~s. a,,.~a,~,s,os^, SEWAGE DISPOSAL [ [ Public system ['"] Community system [~] Individual r~ Yes ]~] No PART fl.--tO BE COMPLETED BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT INSPECTOR'S SKETCH It is the opinion of the ~ State [-'] County [--] Local Department of Health that this individual water-supply 0 is [~] is not satisfactory as a domestic water supply for the subject property. It is the opinion of the [ } State ] } County [~ Local Department of Health that this individual sewage-disposal sys- tem with proper maintenance: r-] Can be expected to function satisfactorily, and [--1 Cannot be expected to function satisfactorily is not likely to create an insanitary condition NOTE: The health authority ?hould complete the appropriate opinion statement above and affix date, signature and title in the spaces provided. Uso of ~the a~t~O~&~r1~f~r Healt~Del~artrn~nt Inspector's sketch os well os use of the bock of th!s form Js at th~ option of the health authority. PART Ill.--FOR USE OF FHA OFFICE TO THE CHIEF UNDERWRITER: I have reviewed the foregoing and the pertinent FHA Compliance Inspection Report, and recommend that the I' Individual water-supply system be considered [~] Acceptable 1--] Not Acceptable Sewage disposal be considered [~] Acceptable [~] Not Acceptable. DATE SIGNATURE r[3C'IEFARCHITECT r-]DEPUTY FOR CHIEF ARCHITECT HEALTN AU?H~BI~Y INDIVIDUAL WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM FHA Form 2S73 Rev. July 1958 REPORT OF INSPECTIONmlNDIVIDUAL SEWAGE-DISPOSAL SYSTEM PRIMARY TREATMENT consists of [] Septic tank. Septic Tank: Distance from well,__feet. Material Total liquid capacity, Inside length,. .feet. Inside width, Cesspool: Distance from: Well, feet; foundation, Inside diameter, ~ ,fee~t._~D~e~t_h_ .... UCO~DARY TREATW~fl' consists of [] Tile disposal field. gallons. Capacity inlet compartment, f~et. Liquid depth, [] Cesspool. Number of compartments gallons. feet. .feet. square feet. inches. feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, fe~t.. Licluid_~:apocity .... gallons. Lining material [] Seepage pits. Other. feet; foundation, feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, feet. Number of lines Distance between lines, inches. Total effective absorption area in bottom of trenches feet. Depth, top of tile to finish grade, [] Broken stone. Other. inches. inches. Tib Di~osal Field: Distance from: Well, Total length of tile lines Trench width Length of each line, Type of filter material: [] Gravel. Depth of filter material beneath tile,, S~epage Pit~ Number of pits .... Outside diameter, feet. Distance from: Well,_ feet; building foundation,_ Inspection made by: [] State. Depth of filter material over tile, Depth, feet. Lining material feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, [] Cx)unty. [] Local Health Authority. Inspected by. 19 (TITLE) Date of inspection REPORT OF INSPECTION--INDIVIDUAL WATER-SUPPLY SYSTEM Distance to nearest public water main,__ __feet. Size of main, inches. Individual wells [] are [] are nor custornary in neighborhood. Give most recent rccord of failure of wells in immediate vicinity to furnish adequate supply of water Properties in neighborhood [] are [] are not being developed with both individual water-supply and sewage-disposal systems. Lot size: .feet wide .... feet deep. Dwelling set back from front property line, feet. Individual water supply from: [] Drilled well. [] Driven well. [] Dug well. [] Bored well. Distance of well from: Building foundation, cast iron sewer, feet; tile sewer, seepage pit, feet; cesspool, Well construction: feet; nearest lot line at [] front, [] side, [] rear, feet; septic tank,, feet; disposal field, feet; other sources o£ possible pollution, feet. Diameter, inches. Total depth, feet. Type of casing, Approximate depth to pumping level of water in well, feet. Approximate yield, Sealed watertight to depth of feet. Exterior space around casing sealed with: [] Cement grout. [] Puddled clay. [] Ordinary backfill. Well cover: [] Concrete. [] Wood. [] Metal. Openings in well cover watertight: [] Yes. [] No. ~ump: [] Shallow well. [] Deep well. Length of drop pipe, feet. Pump capacity, Located in: [] Basement. [] Pumproom off basement. [] Pumphouse a~ve ground. [] Pump pit. pumproom properly drained: [] Yes. [] No. Pump mounting watertight: [] Yes. [] No. Type of storage: [] Pressure. [] Gravity. Capacity, .gallons. Has bacteriological examination of water been made? [] Yes. [] No. If answer is "yes," give date Quality of water [] is [] is not satisfactory for human consumption. Installation [] does [] does not comply with approved exhibits, if any. Inspection made by: [] State. [] County. [] Local Health Authority. Inspected by Date of inspection 19 Depth of casing, .gallons per minute. .gallons per minute. (TITLE) feet; feet. 19 GP 0 878 47 !