HomeMy WebLinkAboutALASKA INDUSTRIAL BLK 8 LT 2A SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION ~ PERMIT Name of Applicant ~/~ ~/~' _ _~. Residence Address Legal Description__ Location of Installation ~0 ~, U,,~ ~, Application to Install: To Serve the Following Facility .... Financed Through Septic ta~k..,.~/, Seepage pit_._., Drain field....., Other .. ...- TO be Installed by. ~ ~' '3 ~X(' Percolation Test Results .......... ~ticipated Date of Co~eti~~~ BELO~ TO BE FXL~ED O~ BY ~ALTH DEPA~T~NT This is to serve as_~<O (_~¢~; . as described below. DISTANCES: , permit to install a Size of unit to be served ~0 Type ,, ~ SeepaEe Area~Typ.~ ~Ptic tank size DIAGRAM OF SYSTEM Health AUthority I certify that I am familiar 'with the requi~ments of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68 and that the above described system is in accordance w~th said code, 630 Fl£~ Avmme 99~0~ ~ustmms L~ l~diu~ Salary Insp~cc~o~ - ~aar lit, ~ilhour: l~a ara ~rci~/ng ~ you a~ mm~ of ~h~ prop~r~y ~r~ ~ kll~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ July l, 197X, ~ c~y of ~io leC~. PaS~ 2 This i~ to advise you, as o~er of this property, ~hat co~t_nuefl ee~mcy by a~y pe~a~ttted use o£ t. hes~ p~tses vi11 require adequate s~i~ry facilities bein~ installed br ~ occupants of the premises. As previously indica~eg, failure o~ the parc o[ ~ or until co~liance has been maintained. Please f~l £ree ~o c~f~ct the uaderslgned £or ~y fur~t~er tnfo~cio~ or assistance relative ~ this ~atcer. Yours very t-ruly, Fred Ii. Sel~, Jr. Urbasl ~ro~s~m~l Investigator Enc. 1 ~-~r. Joe Wilhour 3350 Hr. View fop Building on Lot 2A, Block Alaska ~ndustt-ial Subdivision Dear Mr. ~ilhour.' The GveateP Anchorage ^~ea Borough Health Department will appPove the use of a tempcramy o~-sfte sewaffe disposal system at the sub~ect ~e have r~celve~ a lette~ ~o~ ~r, Tom P~foe~ Actin~ City £ngineer ceneevntnc the av~[la~il~.ty of sanita~y se~e~ se~vice to thi~ location, The installation must include a 750 ~allo~ septic tank in con~ctf~ with adequate ~eepage a~a. ~is installation is to be conside~e~ ~ly e temporary syste~ until the City s~itamy sewe~ i~ available. Prior' to installat~.on cf t~i~ system a w~-~tt~.n ~,[t ~ust be obtained f~,ea the City Bail~in,i~ DeDartmeat. This permit ~]1 ~llow the install~ of the system appmoved by th~ Depa~tmnt. contact this office ~hen the necesears., permits have been obtaitted .and also pmlor to backfilliaK the system fo~ a final inspection by th[? De. par+-~nt. DAVID R. L. ~JtlCAN, M. D. ~edtcal Df~,etor City Building Depert~nt City Public Works Roll ~. St~iokland, Ro S. San tterian June 4, 1968 Mr. Strickland Environmental Health Services 217 E. Street Anchorage, Alaska Dear Mr. Strickland: Subject: Sewer Service for Lot 2A, Block 8 of Alaska Industrial Subdivision We have reviewed Mr. Wilhour's problem for sanitary sewer service. At the present time, we feel that it is not feasible to service him with the existing facilities due to lack of easements and extremely long runs. The City plans to initiate action on a sewer improvement district this year that would provide service for this entire area. Very truly yours, Tom Price, P. E. Acting City Engineer TP:LB:jl AIRMAIL IS FASTER TO: FROM: SUBJECT: GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH Department of Environmental Quality M E M 0 R A N D U M September 4, 1973 Wayne Mabry Planning Department Rolf Strickland, R.S. Chief Sanitarian Subdivision Plat Review for '~ ' meeting of September ~"~ Listed below are the cases which meet t~]is Department's approval and also which are provided with public sewer and water: l) S 3172 Snyder Subdivision, Addition #1 Lot lA 2) S 3175 East Addition to Original Townsite, Lot 7A, Block 26C 3) S 3176 First Addition, Alaska Industrial Subdivision, Lot ~A, Block 9 4) S 3177 Green Valley Subdivision, Unit #1, Tracts lA and C 5) S 31~0 Huntington Park Subdivision 6) S 3167 Track 5B and 6A, Campbell Lake t-teignts #9 7) S 3173 tiess Subdivision 8) S 3174 Hideaway Hills ~l 9) S 3171 Lot 8El and 8E2 ..~ The cases listed below will meet our requiren~nts once the are attached to t:'~e subdivision agreement: lO) S 3181 Community Park Subd'ivision Public sewer and water is availabl~., for extension int~. either Bragaw or 20th Z',venue. ~ot all of the lots ~ave right now. We recommend t~o petit'lo~er enter into a su.~.~, ment to provime public sewer aF, m wa~er to a'l~ lots. L ..... s~ould be includad with this c~se. St. / / // / × z~-~, .~. g ~~-- WRANGE L L ~'~-~STREET !,~.;~.~:~t~,.¢~. __( N O°09'W 560.18 RECJ $ O= 10'I6"E 145.09 145. OEI ~t20.20 0 m SEWARD. i -~'A"E O~S SONIFAI~ ROAD ':% g. S CH ODD~ ~ $TREET