HomeMy WebLinkAboutFAMILY SERVICE CENTER TR 2C"["R. MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OE HE'T~].'ttl & MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE FNVIRONMEN1-AL PROTECflON DEPARTMENT OF HEAl~TH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAl- ENGINEERING DIVISION LEGAL DESCRIPTIQN ½EDROOMS L in §allons DISTANCE TO: Well ¢ pt~ IF HOMEMADE: PERMIT NO. Inside length Width Liquid depth Dwellin9 PERMIT NO. Well Manufacturer Material uid capacity in gallons DISTANCE No, of lines Top of tile to finish grade Type of crib Width Crib diameter Well DISTANCE TO: Class Dopth Building foundation DISTANCE TO: Depth Crib depth Tolal effective absorption area Building foundation Nearest lot tine Driller Distance to lot line I PERMIT NO. PIPE MATERIALS APPROVED DATE LEGAL 72-013 (Rev, 3/78) I Alaska Baptist Convention SRA Box 1791 Anchorage, Alaska 99507 R & M No. 652180 Attention: Dr. Prince RE: Subsurface Soil Investigation, Southeast Corner of O'Malley Road and. New Seward Highway, Anchorage, Alaska Gentlemen: In accordance with your instructions, eight test borings, Test Holes 1 through 8 were drilled and sampled at the locations sho~n on the attached ]Location Diagram, Drawing A-01. Each test hole extended to a dep~% of approximately 31 feet except for Test Holes 4 and 8 which extended to 10 and 5 feet respectively. The drilling was accomplished on November 30 and December 1, and 2, 1976. Soil boring and s~pling operations were performed with a track-mounted CME-45 rotary-type drilling unit. Test Holes 1 through 3 and 5 through 7 were advanced using an 8 inch O.D. continuous flight hollow stem auger. Test Holes 4 and 8 were advanced using a 6 inch O.D. continuous flight solid stem auger. Representative samples were obtained from the ret%~ns off the auger flights or by drive sampling to obtain undisturbed samples of possible frozen material. Samples recow~red in the field were visually identified at the site. Drawings B-03 through B-06 present the complete lo~s of the test holes. As illustrated by the accompanying legs of the eight test holes, t~e soils encountered consisted primarily of layered and intermixed sands, silts and graw~ls, overlain by surficial organic material. More specifically, Test Holes 1 through 3 revealed t~at the surficial organic mat varied in thickness from 1 foot to 6 feet J.n Test Holes 1 and 3 respectively. Underlying the organic: mat and extending to approximately 25 feet were layers of intermixed brown sands and silts. Gray silty sand was ~en encountered and extended to the total depth of the above test holes. Test Hole 8 revealed organic material to a depth of 1 foot followed by silty gravel with some sand to the total depth of the test hole. Test Holes 4 and 5 revealed organic material ranging in thiokness from 0 to 0.5 feet. Beneath the organic mat brown s~ds and silts predominated to the total depth of the test holes. Test Holes 6 and 7 revealed a thick surficial organic layer ranging in depth from 7 to 11.5 feet respectively. Silt with a trace gravel was encountered in Test Hole 6 between 7 and 23 feet. This silt layer was not encountered in Test Hole 7. Gray sandy silt wi~h some gravel was then encountered and extended to the total .,- . .:: . ~ ,,.., .,.. ~ :,...~; ~,,., .., ,. (~( ...,., ...... .AlasKa Baptist Conven~' Page Two December 3, 1976 Groundwater was encountered in ali. of the test holes with the exception of Test Holes 4 and 5. It is felt: tha~ this water table was indicative of local groundwater conditions of the time of drilling but not representative ef the long term hydrostatic water level. Factors which can be expected to influence this type of water ~le include seasonal precipitation surface runoff conditions. Therefore, the water table may be expected to vary) in depth and areal extend du~ing various time~ of the year~ The borings placed at the designated locations confirms the absence of frozen subsurface soil at the particular locations; however, this does not preclude the possibility of ice rich materials existing within other areas of the property. It is recommended that a detailed subsurface investigation precede any development in the area. This will insure verification of the subsurface soil conditions and permit an adequate .basis for foundation design. We appreciate the opportunity to perform this subsurface investigation. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact us at your convenience. Very truly you/'s, R & M CONSULTANTS, INC. Edw~urd Ya~k, Jr. ' Geotechnical Engineer Bruce L. Davison Geotechnical Engineer EY/BED/ddp cc: Jim Morrill - H~%son Ohrt Realty Don B. Hoff 'l 0 0 NOTE: Test hole locations are approximate and have not been located by survey methods. 600' TH 3 250'. 300' NEW SEWAPd3 HIGHWAY tTH 6 200' TtI 4 WN~ m~-3-~6 /II ................................. .LOCATION DIAGRA2~ ALASKA BAPTIST CONVENTIOt4 ~.ICH. ORAGE~ ALAS~ A TH 1 1~-30-76 __0.0' ~RGANIC bUtTE RIAL Dark Drown ..... 1.0' SILTY SAN[) Brown .... 2.5 ' SILTY SAND w/ SO..',UZ G!hRVEL Brown 7.5I SAND Brown, Medium Dej~s__e__ 8.5' ~ 2 1'1-30-76 .- 0.0' ORGASMIC S~ND w/ SOI,U~ S]ILT~, A SAND w/ SO:,~ SILT; TRACE GRAVEL Medium Dense, Brown A A @ SANDY SILT w/ TRACE GRAVEL Brown @ SAND w/ TP~tCE TO SOME SILT Loose, Bro,~n ..... 21.5' sAND ~,/ Ocoaslonal Cobbles/, ........ ~__24.5' ~ s~ s~ wZ so~ T~CE G~L Gray Ss ~ 38 31.5' A A SILTY SAND SANDY SILT Gray ® 6o 28.0' . 31.5' T.D- 11-30-76 --- 0.0' SILTY SAND w/ TRACE GRAVEL Medi~an Dense, Gray 34 .,- ]L5.0' SAND w/ SOME S%LT TO SILTY S~D Brown T'H 4 12-]L-76 All Samples A 0.0' [~'.~ 'SILTY SAND W/ SO:'~ GPJtVEL I~:1 Brown '-- l. 0' ~ SILTY SAN0 w/ Tm~CE O~L ' '- '7  Brown, Loose "'- '~ {- ........ I~{ ~B=~wn, Loose ' ' -'"?' ~ ~, "/ -- 10.0' T.D. ss ® ss ® Ss 4O SILT w/ S0~ SAND Gray ~ 55 ---- 24.0' 31.5' :.: f: LOG OF TEST HOLES ALASKA BAPTIST CONVENTION A~CHORAGE · A~-~ kA A A A TN 5 12-1-76 ..~0.0' ORGANIC ~,LATERIAL ....... 0.5' SANDY SILT Brown, Loose .TH 6 1,2vl-76 All Samples A SANDY SILT w/ SOME GRAVEL Loose ..0.0' ..... 12.5' SILT w/ TRACE GRAVEL Soft SILT w/ SO.~ S~ND ......... ~7.5 ' A SILTY S~ND ~edil~ Dense .--- 23.0 Q No Recover5r .... 23.0' A ® SAND w/ SOME TO TRACE SILT Brown, Nedium Dense ® 17 31.5' T.D. ® NO Recovery SANDY SILT w/ SO5~ GRAVEL Gray, Firm 3.1,0' TH 7 !2-2-76 ORGANIC MATERIAL Dark Brown - -11.5' S0..9~ GRAVEL SANDY STLT w/ '" Gray, Dense Ss ~ 89 31.5' T.D. , 0_-1(£2.1~