HomeMy WebLinkAboutALPINE TERRACE BLK 1 LT 2o~s- ~43- 2c John M. Lambe, P.E. 2720 E. Lexington Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SOIL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND TESTING 907-276-4113 May 14, 1979 COOK INLET REALTY 619 E. 5th Ave. Anchorage, Alaska, 99501 ATTENTION: Charity Elliot Subject: Lot 2, Block 1, Alpine Terrace Subdivision Dear Ms. Elliot Please find attached the results of the soils exploration that we performed, at your request, on Lot 2, Block 1, Alpine Terrace Subdivision. Test Pit 1 was placed in the location requested by you and the buyer. When water was observed intruding into the test pit, we were directed by the buyer and Mr. Elliot to'place an additional test hole on the bench near Lot t. The locations of the test pits are shown on the attached sketch. The field observations by the writer of the soils encountered in these pits are presented on the standard Municipality of Anchorage forms for Soil Logs. All soils were visually classified in the field acCbrding to the Unified Soils Classification System. To verify the classification of the soil strata most likely to accept on site waste water disposal, a sieve analysis was performed on a sample taken at four feet below the surface in Test Pit 2. The results of the sieve analysis are presented after the Soils Logs. Both test holes were dug and backfilled on May 8, 1979, with a JD 450 dozer with a backhoe attachment. 4" perforated P.V.C. pipe was placed in each test hole prior to backfilling. On May 14, 1979, 6 days after exploration, we observed the water levels in the pipes noted on the Soils Logs. Similar soil stratification was observed in each test hole. Underlying a 1' to 2' thick layer of forest litter (Duff), a 1' thick layer of silty sandy gravel was observed to overlie a 3' (TH1) to 7' (TH2) thick layer of permeable, alluvial, sandy gravel. Underlying Lot 2, Block 1, Alpine Terrace page two the alluvium, there appears to. be a dense, probably fairly impermeable, diamict~n composed of silts, gravels, cobbles, and boulders. Numerous cobbles and boulders were observed. Immediately underlying the alluvium in Test Hole 1, we observed a 1' thick layer of plastic silt, underlain by a 1' thick layer of clean, wet, sand. Water was perched above the silt and ran into the hole during excavation. The scope of this exploration is limited to providing the Municipality of Anchorage with soils information with which to evaluate the suitability of the soils to accept waste water from septic systems. To this end, both test holes were placed significantly higher than the creek elevation and 100' or more from the creek alignment. Depending upon the siting of the house on the lot, a sump and grinder pump may be required to be installed in the house to lift the domestic wastes to a septic tank-drainfield system installed in the locations tested. Specifically excluded from the scope of this effort are the design of the waste disposal system and the interpretation of the data to provide foundation recommendations. The field effort was not designed to provide the latter. However, because exploration was performed with a back hoe, loose backfill exists in the locations of the test holes. Footings should not be placed on this loose backfill, because the surface and any improvements placed in these locations can be expected to settle. We trust the foregoing is sufficient to your immediate needs. Please feel free to call should questions arise or if we can be of any further service. Very Truly Yours, -- Lambe, P.E~ Civil Engineer 4254-E L~ ~' SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [] PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST Pouch 6.650, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 276-222~ SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DATE PERFORMED:~ SLOPE SITE PLAN t i ~.4...ENCOU NTER ED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Nat Depth to Net Reading Data Time Time Water Drop 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND -- FT COMMENTS ~----~.. tl~'_~ .72-008 (7/76) SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE "'-~'~ ~--~o,_~ ~ [] PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST Pouch 6-650, Anchorage, Alaska 99602 276-222~ SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O W^SOROUNOWATER ENCOUNTERED? IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? (minutes/inch) · TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND PERCOLATION RATE Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop MOISIAIG~S 6£/~ L/~ alt~]-~:Jdd¥ ~ 0 '~6 ~ -6A 'oN ~ ' 'I'd ]8~V1 '~ NHOf g~Vld SISA~VNV 3ZIS ' IIII IIII ~m~llll[[]1 II]11 ~]11 I1~! ~ II1~ IJJlio~ IIII II]1 IIIt~ I]1] lllll III! IIII I~11 ~- I!II I111 IIII IIIII ~ IIII IIIII ~ IIII ]111 Illll '~~111 ~!111o,~ ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, llll II11 lllll [~l]~ ,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,, IIII Jill I1111 II IIII IIII [1111 ~111 ~', II o~ Ilil IIlI IIIII lill ~.IIII1~ IlJl ~11~ llJll ~111'~ Illll Jel~oJp~H I s~e~mnN e~e~S pJopuols'S'~ { ez~s 6u!uedo e~e~S p~opuols'S 'fi JML John M. Lambe, P.E. I 4303 North Star Street Anchorage, Alaska, 99503 907-279-8056 30% GRAVEL CLAY EY / OR SI LTY CLAYEY 31LTY \ 0 lO SAND \ ~DY \G AVl= L ~ \\SAN GR AVE L LY D L 60 70 80 90 I00 % BY W EIGHT 20 30 40 50 GR AV EL (+~4SCREEN) NONFROST SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS ARE INORGANIC SOILS GROUPS OF FROST-SUSCEPTIBLE SOILS: FI F$ a. bo F4 a. b. c. d. CONTAINING LESS THAN 3,0/0 FINER THAN O.O:~mm. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN :5 AND 20% FINER THAN O.02mm. SANDY SOILS CONTAINING BETWEEN $ AND 15% FINER THAN 0.02 mm. GRAVELLY SOILS CONTAINING MORE THAN 20°,/= FINER THAN O.02mm. AND SANDY SOILS (EXCEPT FINE SILTY, SANDS) CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN O.02mm. CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF MORE THAN 12. EXCEPT VARVED CLAYS. ALL SILTS INCLUDING SANDY SILTS. FINE SILTY SANDS CONTAINING MORE THAN 15% FINER THAN O.02mm. LEAN CLAYS WITH PLASTICITY INDEXES OF LESS THAN 12. VARVED CLAYS. MAdOI~ DM~ION$ _....l TYI~CAL NAMES ~ OIAV~UI gWI~ WILL QJLA, DSD O[AVILS, C,~AViBL - SAND MIXTUI~IS Wl~ UTTt.~ OR 41~ gRAV Ir /S NO FINIS !['¥. i:~. FOOIILY GIADID GIAVILS, OIAVIL - SAND · /~XTUIIS I IS LAIOlll ~ OI, AVILS WI~ g~ NO. 4 SIIVI SIZI OVB 1~1~ FINIS Id SC~ CLAYEY OJ~VILS, POKILY (2~ADSD O~AVIL il W1~!4 LITTLE OR SAN O 8 NO FINIS S III POOILY QIAI~D SANDS, GIAVILLY SANDS ~l C~IdSI I~I, CTIGN ,M SILTY SANDS, FOOILY GIADSD SAND ' SIL'~ IS SM~LLII ~ SANDS WIl14 M~XI~IS NO. 4 IIIVl BIZ! OVll t~q~ FINIS SC~ CI..AYL~Y SANDS, FOOIILY 434Ld~ID SAND - Ct,AY MIXTUIIS ML.. FLO~I~, SILTY OR O..AYSY FINB SANDS, OR SILTS AND CLAYS CL GI~VILLY CLAYS, SANDY CLAYS, SILTY ii LIQUID LIJdJT LJSS ~ ~0 L./.AH O.~YS ITl']'l i i i ~ ORG^NIC cLAys ~o ORGANIC S~L~Y C~YS O~ OL ~ ~ ~ ! LOW MH FINS SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, ILASTlC SILTS SILTS AND CLAYS Id ~ CH~ INORGANIC CLAYS OF H~GH PI.ASllClTY, ~ UQLJIO LIAdMT ORBAT~II ~ H FAT CLAYS K' OH OR~Nic SILTS ,HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt E~ PIAT AND OI~IIS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS UNIFIED ~OIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Cancel ~ Censelldatlan LL m Liquid Limit (In %) PL m Plastic Limit (la %) Ot "'" Splelflc Gravity SA ~ Sieve Analysis · · Undisturbed' Simple [] Balk Sample Netes~ "Tx 320 (24,00) TJ, CU 320 (2400) DS 27S0 (2000) FVS 470 *UC 2000 LVS 700 Sheer Strenllth, psf Cenflnln$ Pressure, psf Unconselldeted Undrained Trlexlel Centelldated Undrelnad Trlaxlll Conselldeted Drained Direct Sheer Field Vine Sheer Uncnnflned Cempres~len Laberetery Vine Shear (I) All Btranlth teats en 2.1' er 2.4' diameter temples aale~e etherwl~e Indicated. (2) * Indlaates 1.4" diameter sample. KEY TO TEST DATA JOHN M LAMBE P.E. Appr: Date .~OIL ¢~LASSIFIC~ATION CHART AND KEY TO TE,~,T DATA PLATE c,,:::',"i' ST-nEE'F_. ~, AN',?', ')!'~;'~,GE, ALASKA 99501 May 15, 1979 Cook Inlet Realty 619 East 5th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: Charity Elliot Subject: Lot 2 Block 1 Alpine Terrace Subdivision Two(2) separate soils test were performed on the subject property by John Lambe and Associates. Test Hole #1 indicates water seepage at six(6) feet, which makes it impossible for on-site sewer. Test Hole #2 indicates water at 13.5 feet, but also shows good soil between 2 - 9 feet. Test Hole #2 indicates the subject property is approved for an on-site installation. A permit must be issued prior to the installation of a sewer system. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt, R.S. Associate Specialist RCP/ljw