HomeMy WebLinkAboutALPINE VILLAGE BLK 2 LT 14 r~ Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : & ,5' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. : : : : : : : 0 0 0 '0.~ 0 0 PERMIT NO. BPPLICRNT: ERIK LBSSEN BDDRESS: ]:8±i BRKBNSBS DR. BNE:HORRGE, 'BK ~D5~3-',: LEGRL DESCRIF'TION - SUBDIVISION: RLPINE ',,,'ILLRGE L. OT SIZE 845¢1 SQ. FT. TOWNSHIP: '12N - T '",r" I]t F R r'~ C F R R t] E DEPBRTMENT HERLTH RND_ENVIRONMENTRL , ,-.'.OTECTION 825 "L" STREET., RNCHORBGE., RK 264-4720 : RNCHORRGE 6D4-2'12:~ : ERGLE RIVER C,~-~--:E; Z TE 14ELL F'EE:f4 Z T PHONE: 242:-&829 BLOCK: 2 LOT: i4 RRNGE: 3W SECTION: 5 I CiERTIF¥ THBT: t. i BM FRMILIBR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS 8ND WELLS RS SET FORTH B'¢ THE MUNICIPBLIT¥ OF RNCHOR8GE BND THE STBTE OF RLBSK8. 2.. I WILL INSTBLL. THE S"r'STEt'"I IN BCCORDRNCE WITH THE CODES BND H~',,,'E RECEIVED R COPY OF THE CODE SUMMBR"r' 8N[:, [:,IBGRRM BTTRCHMENTS WHICH IS PBRT OF ]'HIS PEF.:M I T. 3.. I UNDERSTRND THRT THE ON-SITE SEWER '-']"r'STEM MR"r' RE6!UIRE ENLBRGEMENT IF THE RESI'[:,ENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUDE MORE THBN E4 BEDROOMS. PERMIT BPPL. ICBNT HBS THE RESPONSIBILIT"r' TO INFORM PERSONNEL DURING 'THE IN'"]TBLLBTION INSPECTIONS OF RN"r' WELLS BDJBCENT TO THIS PROPERT"r' RND THE NUMBER OF RESIDENCES THRT THE WELL WILL SERVE. IF R LIFT STRTION IS INSTRLLED., RN EL. ECTRICRL PERMIT BN[:' INSPECTION MUST BE OBTRINED. BS-BUILTS CRNNOT BE RPPROVED WITHOUT RN ELECTRICBL INSPECTION REPORT. THE ELECTRICBL WORK MUST BE DONE B'"r' 8 LICENSE[:' ELECTRICIRN. .:, I braE[. ' RPPL. ICBNT: ERIK LBSSEf',I DRTE: 09,/~0/8~ EXPIR~']D PERMI~ Municipality of Anchorage MEMORANDUM DATE: October 31, 1983 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DHEP Environmental Health Division, Surface Water & Sewer Control AWWU Assistant Civil Engineer Sanitary Sewer Availability to Lot 1~, Block 2 Alpine Village Subdivision ~;.~t~r~ Please be advised that Lot 1~, Block 2 of the Alpine Village Subdivision will be receiving public sewer service through the Alpine Village LID No. 135 Sanitary Sewer Project. The project is scheduled for 1984 Spring construction. The Municipal Assembly awarded a construction contract to DLW Contractor on September 27, 1983 for this project and the contract has been signed by all parties concerned. The property will be served by an 8-inch main located in Bern Street and there will be a 4" sewer service stubbed from the lateral to the property line of said lot. If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Assistant Civil Engineer Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility DCK:jmd 91-010 (5/78,) SUBI9IVISION-_ -A i-pyrti -I LOT: _. ..., L - - . � X303 J 6Gw1 �1 1330 aaD REET ALLEY I I � I ` � I V S I I �I I I � i I _ SEWER SERVICE LINE SKETCH SHOW LOCATION OF CONTROL MANHOLESICLEANOUTS SIZE MAIN: " TYPE MAIN: CONNECT DEPTH AT MAIN IDS CONNECT DEPTH AT Prop. Line CONNECT LOCATION: S. S. Gonne T t� �� No��h Qi S.W. ofoacf�y Cocne( ani 59• ,nuih 0-P ALM � 1 COMMENTS: INSPECTED BY: -- A /� DATE: SUBDIVISION: A s O a LU ¢ z 0 U LU a Z ccw 3 w N a INDICATE NORTH STREET I I SIZE MAIN: TYPE CONNECT LOCATION: _ COMMENTS: ato• 51 BLOCK: 2, SEWER SERVICE LINE SKETCH SHOW LOCATION OF CONTROL MANHOLESICLEANOUTS O. CONN LOT: / �z ALLEY DEPTH AT MAIN CONNECT DEPTH AT Prop. Line 9'Ae ae cc cc O a w ¢ z U w CL N i z I w INDICATE 3 NORTH w U) :�I -I LOT: _. ..., L - - . � X303 J 6Gw1 �1 1330 aaD REET ALLEY I I � I ` � I V S I I �I I I � i I _ SEWER SERVICE LINE SKETCH SHOW LOCATION OF CONTROL MANHOLESICLEANOUTS SIZE MAIN: " TYPE MAIN: CONNECT DEPTH AT MAIN IDS CONNECT DEPTH AT Prop. Line CONNECT LOCATION: S. S. Gonne T t� �� No��h Qi S.W. ofoacf�y Cocne( ani 59• ,nuih 0-P ALM � 1 COMMENTS: INSPECTED BY: -- A /� DATE: SUBDIVISION: A s O a LU ¢ z 0 U LU a Z ccw 3 w N a INDICATE NORTH STREET I I SIZE MAIN: TYPE CONNECT LOCATION: _ COMMENTS: ato• 51 BLOCK: 2, SEWER SERVICE LINE SKETCH SHOW LOCATION OF CONTROL MANHOLESICLEANOUTS O. CONN LOT: / �z ALLEY DEPTH AT MAIN CONNECT DEPTH AT Prop. Line 9'Ae ae Permit Applicant: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ~ Health and Environmenta3 Street, Anchorage, AK. Department 825 264-4720 * * * HANDWRITTEN PERMIT * * * ON-SITE SEWER PERMIT Location: Legal Description: L ~ ~ ~ Type of Soil Absorption System Is: Trench: Drainfield: Maximum Number of Bedrooms: ~ 'rotection ~501 DEPTH Phone Seepage Bed: Holding Tank: Soil Rating(sq.ft/br) The ~~ed/ Siz--~o/t~Soil. Absorption System Is: LENGTH / . R~AVEL DEPTH · WIDTH / The length dimension is the length(in feet) of the trench or drainfield. The depth of a trench or pit is the distance between the surface of the ground and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). There is no set width for trenches. The gravel depth is the minimum depth of gravel between the outfall pipe and the bottom of the excavation(in feet). * * REQUIRED S~I]~]~%=~(HOLDING) TANK SIZE = ~OOiO GALLONS * * Permit applicant has the responsibility to inform this department during the installation inspections of any wells adjacent to this property and the number of residences that the well will serve. ' * * * TWO(2) INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED * * * Backfilling of any system without final inspection.and approval by this department will be subject to prosecution. Minimum distance between a well and any on-site sewage disposal system is 100 feet for a private well or 150 to 200 feet from a public well depending upon the type of public well. Minimum distance from a private well to a private sewer line is 25 feet and to a community sewer line is 75 feet. Well logs are required and must be returned to this department within 30 days of the well completion. Other requirements may apply. Specifications and construction diagrams are available to insure proper installation. * * * PERMIT EXPIRES DECEMBER 31, 1 9 8 3 * * * I certify that: (1) I am familiar with the requirements for on-site sewers and wells as set forth by the Municipality of Anchorage. (2) I will install the system in accordance with codes. (3) I understand that the on-site sewer system may require enlargement if the residence is remodeled to include more that 3 bedrooms. Issued by: ~~ ~ ~~ ~i~ A~plicant DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FqN[:, ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 "L."' STREET, .ANC:HORRGE, RK 9S, SF~l :;.264-..4720 : ANCI...IORRGE 694-2:.1.-..'::1 :EAGLE RIVER i*"*n~-4t ..... S ITE SEi-,.IEF-" F"ERf.1 I T PEF.'.I'q I T I'*JO. FiPPL~CF:INT: ERIK LFISSEN PHONE: ADE:,'RESS: Z.'::E:'I:I. RF.'.I.-'::ANSFr.'S R NCI...IORFIGE., RK S,'=.~ 50 S": LEGAL [:,ESC'RIPTION .... SUBDIVISION: ALPINE VILLAGE BLOCK: 2 LOT: t4 LOT SIZE 0 SL."'4. FT. TOI,JNSHIF': - RANGE: - '=;ECTION: - hlR',.'.:; I MUM NUMBER OF BEDROOMS = 0 SO I L RAT I NG = 0 0 0 (Sg!. FT. ,..'AR) LISTED BEL. OH ARE THE: OF'TIONS A',,,'RILRBLE TO YOU IN DESIGNING YOUR SEPTIC: S'¢STEM. CHOOSE TPIE OPTION THAT BEST FITS YOUR SITE. I CERTIF"r' THAT: ±. I AM FAMILIAR ~4ITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SE~4ERS AND 14ELLS RS SET FORTH B'¢ THE HUNICIF'ALIT¥ OF ANCHORAGE AN[:' THE STATE OF ALRSKFI. 2. I HILL INSTFtLL THE SYSTEM IN RCCOR[:'ANCE PIITH THE CODES AN[:' HAVE RECEIVED A COF'¥ OF THE CODE SUMI"iI'qR"r' F'iND DIAGRAM F4TTACHI'dENTS PIHICH IS PART OF THIS PERM I T. .7..':. I UNE."ERSTRND THAT THE ON-SITE SEHER SYSTEM MFt'¢ REQUIRE ENLARGEMENT IF THE F.'.ESI[:'ENCE IS REMODELED TO INCLUE."E MORE THAN 0 BEDROOMS. PERHIT APPLICANT HAS THE RESPONSIBILIT'¢ TO INFORM PERSONNEL [:'URING THE INSTRLLFITION INSPECTIONS OF AN"r' HELLS RD..TRCENT TO THIS PROF'ERT'¢ tAN[:' THE NUMBER OF RES I[:,ENCES THAT THE ~4ELL HILL SER',/E IF A LIFT STATION IS INSTFILLEE:v AN ELECTRICAL PERMIT AN[:, INSPECTION blUST BE OBTAINED. FIS-BUILTS CANNOT BE RPF'RO',,"E[." 14ITHOUT FIN ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT. THE EL. ECTF.':ICAL 140RK I'dUST BE DONE B"r' R LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. :., I I_¢.JE[. ' I' F F L. 1 _.HI'.J1 · Et;'.': I K LFISSEI'-4 I SSI_lEE:, E:"," ' '. EXPiReD" PERMI~