HomeMy WebLinkAboutALYESKA BASIN #4 BLK 10 LT 5 December 31, ].979 Joseph Apostolou (560 Highlander Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Permit ~79-4'78 Subject: Lot 5 Block 10 Alyeska Basin Subdivision A permit issued by this department for well and/or sewer system has expired.. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis, as stated, on the permit, by autherity of Municipal ordinance, jif you have drilled the well, a well log should be sent to 'this department to document the installation date. If an engineeJ has inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system, please have them send us the as-builts for our files. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, Senior Environmental Speciq~rlst LNB/ljw eno: Copy of Permit PERM I '1" [:,EPSRTMENT OF I'.-IIEFILTH FIN[:, EI",IVIRONMENTFIL. F:'ROTECTION ':'°=i "L '" LS, TF.:EET., 81"~C:HOF.':f:IGE., F:IK. 264-4?2'0 3[. ']t- E.:: ."S.T~ E.:] Ib..~ E:"Z ~'..: L...I~ IF::" ~..-.=:~ ~:~." ~=:~ lC.:::, IE F' E: F;..L" ~'"11 ::II:: T' ::-:: ::, F::BF:'PL I CF:IN'T' L OCF::IT I Ot',l LEGRL JOSEPH RPOSTOL..OLt 660 HIGHL. RI'.JDER CIRCLE z or.:, L5 E~:tO F-IL.'¢ESKR (Z~ ~O LOT S; I ZI.:.": T"r'F:'E OF SCITL FISSORBTION 5;'¢'."?I"EM I'.'S: DRF:IINFIELD h'IF:IMIMUI'd NUMBER Of: 8EDROCIMS = Z.': SOIL RFIT I NG 'tHE RE(;¢...IIRED :L-';IZE [:iF THE :SOIL.. RBSORPTION S'¢STEEM IS: 'THE LENGTH [:,IMEN'":qlON IS THE L. ENGTH (IN FEET..:' ElF THE TF;.:ENC.':H C)R DRFIINF!EL.I}. THE DEPTH OF FI TRENCH OR F:'ZT I:.:; THE DISTRNCE BETI.,.IEEN THE 'JSIJRF'IRCE (::iF: THE GROt..IND RND 'r'HE BOTTOM ElF THE E::.-':CR',,,'RTION ,::ZN F=EET). 'f'HE GRRVEL [:,EPTH IS THE MINIMLIM E:,EPTH OF GF..'FtVEI.. BETI.4EEN T'HE oLrTF'RL.L. F'IPE FINE:, THE BOTTOH OF THE EXCR',,,'RT~ON (ZN FEET). PERMIT RPPL tCFINT HRS'; THE RESPI.']N.'S IB IL I T'¢ TO INFORM THIS [:,EPFIRTMEN'T' [:,URINC:i THE INSTF~LL. RTION INSPECTZONS OF RN"r' WELLS:; R.r.:,...TRCENT TO THZ.S PROF'EF.:T'¢ FINE:, THE NUMBE'F:: C)F RE':_:;IDENCES THFIT THE NELL. 14ILL.. '_::qER',,,'E. ...................... 'T' 1.,.~ Ci ,:~. ::;.:.- > Z I"-,~ ."% F" lEE:. ~'.T_': "T- I C~ I~--~ .".S..; I::~ F-: E] R E."] (;...-~ L.I~ Z F4'.: E: !E::, Bf::ICI<F:'ILI.~ING OF= I=IN¥ ~,,"r':k:.":'l'EH P.IITHOU'I'' FINFtI.. IN'=:F::'ECTIOI",J F:IND FIF'PF.'.OVI=II .... B"r' THIS [:,EF:'I:"'IFr.':TMEN'J'' I.,.I l LL tBE 5L.tB,.TEOT TO PRO'.~ECUT I ON. MINIMLIbl C, ISTF~NCE F::FTL,.IEEN IR WELL. t=IN[:, RN"r' ON-SITE SF.:.:WRGE [:,I:.:.';F'CISRL S'¢:.:.T,'TEM :1.0E~ F'EET FOR R PR IVFITE 1.4ELB OR :1.58 ]"0 2~.30 FEET FROM R F'UBLIC NELL. DEPEN[:'ING UF'ON THE T"r'PE OF F'UBL. IC': I.,.IEL. L. O'T'HER REQUIREMENTS MR"r' FIPPL.'¢. 'SPECIFICRTIONS tiN[), CON'=STRUCTICd'~ DIRGRF:IMS RRE RVRILFIBLE TO INSURE PROF'ER INSTRLLFtTION F' E.E r4.,. f-1 ][ "T' E ,'.>:; F:' I F-.". E: .?,; E:, E: El: E] ir-1 E: E£ F~: .'S~: ::.1. ...... ::L :S;" ';:"-' :.=-:;-.'~ I CER'T'IF'¢ THFtT :1.: I F~M FRMIL. tRR 1.4ITH THE REL:.!UIREHEN'TS FOR ON-SITE '.-.-.',EklEF.:S RN[:, I.,.IEI....L::".'i; RE; SET F:'ORTH E:'¢ THE MUNICIPRLIT'¢ OF RNCHORRGE. 2: I P.IILL. IN:'.:;TRL. L THE S'¢E;TEM IN ¢4CCOF.'.[:,RNCE WITH THE CODE':S. .................. :. :E;::E;_ ST.;: E ......... _--.~- ................................... " : ............................................. IF THE JAY S. HA~f~O#D, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION SOUTHCE~TIIAL REGIOIL4Z OFFICE 338 DENALI SREET MACKA Y BUILDING, ROOM 1206 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 August 10, 1979 Joseph J. Apostolou 660 Highlander Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: L5, Bi0 Alyeska Basin Subdivision Dear Mr. Apostolou: We have reviewed Mr. Harshman's letter concerning sewer service to the subject lot. Since the Sewer Utility plans to provide service to the lot during 1980, we have no ob- jection to the use of a holding tank during the'coming year. Sincerely, James. O, Start Environmental Engineer cc: DHEP- Les Buckhol~ enclosure ief 18-O6LH 300 RCTIC BOULEVARD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 (907) 277-7622 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEP/~RTMENT OF ENTERPRISE ACTIVITIES Sewer & Water Utility August 7, 1979 Mr. Kyle Cherry State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 338 Denali Street Room 1206 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Re: Lot 5, Block 10, Alyeska Basin Subd. Dear Mr. Cherry: The subject property is in the Girdwood Lateral Improvement District 60-1, Schedule I; but due to funding constraints, only a portion of Schedule I will be constructed in 1979; and Lot 5 will not receive sewer service. To alleviate the problem, the Anchorage Water & Sewer Utilities will ask for authorization and approval by the Assembly and voters for additional funding to complete the remainder of LID 60-1 in 1980 and thus provide sewer service to the subject property. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, HARSHMAN, P. E. G~neral Manager Anchorage Water & Sewer Utilities JLH:BIC:cr