HomeMy WebLinkAboutALPINE WOODS TR B Anchorage P.O. X 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4~'kx 4 7 4 4 TONY KNOWLES. MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES January 9, 1987 Allan W. Murfitt 13810 Venus Way Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Subject: Lot 6 Block 6 Alpine Woods Subdivision On-site Sewer Permit ~860001 A permit issued by this Department for an individual well and/or on-site sewer system has expired as of January 2, 1987. Your permit expired on the date of issue basis by authority of Municipal Ordinance existing at that time. A new permit must be obtained from this Department for any well and/or on-site sewer system not installed by the expiration date. The new permit will come under the calendar expiration date as per the new Waste- water Ordinance (effective May 20, 1986). If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this Department for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a private engineer inspected the installation of the on-site sewer system the original as-built inspection report (three part form) must be sent to this office for review and approval, and for documentation. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4744. Since~ y~,.j7 R.W. Robinson Program Manager On-site Services RWR/ljw enc: copy of permit DIE F:' A R T M [E N T 0 t:::' H E Al... T H A t".i D I .i,! v .I. t,, L. t,h:lt::.~,l I ~...~ L. I::'R O"I"IE C"t" I 0 N '::..:::.,. 1 .... ~ I h,1:1:::. ~ , AI"-IC H 0 R A GIE~ At< "'7 '''~':, ,.,..0 =' ' 1 264- .el. '72 () I:::'ERM I T tqCt: D(.:fT'E 1 ~::..: bJI :..D: COIq'TACT I:::'HOI':It!E: AL.L. AI',I W. MURI:::' I'T'T :1.38 :I.C) VENUS AN[;I-.~OI::d..'d31E, Al< 995 :/5 34 9 ..,..'75:5 1 I,...EGAI .... DI:'i!:SCR ]: I:::': L. 0"t" S I Z E: I....O'T'. I....OCAT~ ON: MA ;,.: Bli~::DI::~CK]MS: 8UBD I V I S I ON: AI~F' I NE WOODS [::~l:Zc"r :[ 01xl: 2:.7; ]"OWIqSH I F': 34558 (SQ, F"T'. OR ACRES) K I NL I EI',I C i F:;:CL.E LOT: 6 BLOCK: 6 :1. :.:~N RANGE: 3W I...::i.,:MTe:,d I::.',elow ar'e the op'l. ions ava:i, labte 't'..o you iii des:i, gr'lin9 youp sept:Lc ,:::, 'y ¢= 'l' 6:, rn... . ..., .. ,,. (..,ho(:.~se 't. he c::,l:)'Lic:,l-'j tha'L bes'l'., fit:..s yc:;,Ltr' site, q,,.;ll .,. ][} t:::;4: ~:::, ][: ~'"ql DEI:::'TH TO l:::'Z I:::'E BCrl"T[]d','I (F"f',) GF;;AVEI.... DEF']"H (F'T',,) 'T'C)'T'AI .... DEF:'TH (F']".) GRAVIEI.... NIDTH (I::"T'.) GRAVliEI .... L..EI',IG]'H (FI",) GI::;,'AVlii!:I .... 'v'OI...LIHE (CU, YDS, ) 'I"ANI'.':.' SI ZE (GALS) ~iiiOIt .... I::b.-q"l"]:l',lG (SI,}. F:'T'., /BR) '~'~' GRAVEL I...li.'T. IqGTH > 75 F:'"I". RIE[;!UIF:;tES MLJL]"IF:'L.E' RUNS (NOT EXCEEDING 75 F'T, EACH) '~"~ 'T'AIqI< MUST HAVE AT LEAST ]"WO COMI::'ARTMENTS c e P t :i. f y ;t:. h a t: ] ....I am familiar, w:i. tl"~ the r~equipements fop on.....site seweps and wells as set fc:n"th by the Mun:i. cipal:i, ty of Ar'ichor, age (MOA) and tine State of Alaska, 2,, I ~:i.].l :i.r'ls't:.all t.l"ie system in ac:ccll"dar'lc:e wiT..h a].l MOA codes and r'egu].at:i, or'~s, and in cc/mpliance w:i. th the desigr'~ cpit. er,:ia of T..h.ts pe.r'r~:i.t,, :.7!;,, I w:i. ll adl"ler'e to a].:l. MOA and State (::if Alaska r'equipements fop the set back disT..ar'ices fr'c.)m any e;.~:i.s't:ing Ne].;[., ~as't. ewatep disposal system or' !.':'~eNer'age system (:)ri th:i.s or' any adjacent (::ir' near'by 4. :[ L.tr'lder's'l:..ai]d that this per'mi'L is valid roi' a .rfla;.,':i.~'lLt~'fl I::l~' 4 bedr'ooms and any enlar'gement w:i. ll r'eqt..tJ, pe an addit:i.c)na], per'~'¥1:i.'t:.. 11.h:::, f AL.L.E:.D I I",1 AI',I AREA COVERED BY MOA BU ILD I r.,IG CDDIL::S, .... ~I-I:::.L, ~ ] (IN MUS'T' BE OBTA]:NIED, ....... L.I .... I',IOT BE AI:::'F:'F?OVED W I 'f'HOUT AI',I ELEE'.]"F;,' I (:::Al.... I NSF:'ECT I ON F.'EF:'OR]"; AND (3) 'T'FIE IEI....IEC;TI::~ICAL WORK MUST BE DONE ~Y A LICENSED IELliii:CTF~IC:[.AN,, I:::'f!i!]::Uq I 'T' NJ:): L)A I I:::. :l: ,c~?~LJED :: :L 2 / 0 3 / 8 5 A F::' P L,,. I C Aiq T :: -lD].)l ~E x::x:~ ~ C[]N'T'AC'T' I::'HONE: ALLAI'q MUFCF I 'T']" '.1.381C) VENUS WAY ANCHC)RGE, AK 995 15 349-7 531 L. EGAI ....DESCFLIP: I...,[] T S I Z Ii!i:: t....O'l' LC:~[:.AT I ON: MAX BIEDI::~OOMS: SLJBOIVISION: ALPINE WOODS SE:'CT I [:)lq: 23 T'OWNSHI P: 12N :34558 (SQ, FT, C)R ACRES) I< I NL.. I EN C I RCL. E 4 LO'T': 6 BI,..OCK: 6 RANGE: :3W I,...is'Led below are 't. he optiorls available 'Lo you in d[.:.=,~g~,~.ng yoLll- sep'k:Lc: sy!~tem, Choose the optiorl tha'L best f'i'l:.s youP site. DI.:ii:PTH "FO F:' I I:::'E BO'T'TOM (I:::"T' ,, ) GI:(AVEI..~ DEF'TH (F:T,) 'I"OTAL DEF:"TH (r.:T,) C-H:d.~VIEI .... W I DTH (1:::"1".) GRAVEl .... L. ENGTH (F"T'.) GRAVEL VOLLJHE (CU, YDS,) TANI< S]]ZE (GALS) SC)IL RAI"ING (SQ.F'I". /BR) 2.5 ~* 2.0 4,.5 5.0 .1. 16. () *'~. 53.8 1, ;:-'~5C.). 0 ** ~'[:'. 06 .~..'.'.* DIEt:='TT.J TO F:' I F:'I.:': BO'T"T'OM < 3.5 I::'T. REQLJ I RES I I',-ISUL. AT I ON '~"~' DIEI:::"T'H TO 1:::' I PE BOl"T'OM < .(4., 0 f':"'T', MAY I:"~EQU I IRE A L I t:::'T -S'I"AI" :1: CJIxl '~-~-Gi::~:AVEI ....I....t::."]q[~'~'l'H > 7~. FT,, F~E[;!UIRE!3 MLIL..T'IF:'I..IF: I:~:LJNS (NOT IEXCEED]:IxlG 75 F:'T, Ei:AC;H) ** TANI< HUST' HAVE Al" I...EAST "f'W[) C.:OMPARTIqENTS i cer"L:Ll'y t. hat: 1, I am I'ami].iar witl"'~ tlae r'ec:luir'emer~ts For' c~n.-site sewers and wells as se'L t:or'th by the Municipality oF Anchorage (MOA) and the State oF Alasl.::a. :~,. '.[ will. :i.r/stal]. 'Lhe system :i.n a(zc:ol-dartc::e with a].]. MOA codes and r'(.z.:,gLilat:Lor",s, ar'id :i.n c:ompliartce with 'Lhe desigr'l c:r'iter, ia of th:L~ per'mit. 3,, I w:i.].], adhere to ali. MC)A and State o( Alaska requiPemen'Ls i'or 'Lhe set I::)a(:::l.:: d:i. stanc::es From ~J"Jy ex:Lst:i, ng we:l. 1, wastewater disposal system or pLU~].:i.c sewerage system on 'Lh:i.s or any adjac:ent oP near'by lot. zj, bedrooms and 4,, I unc:lers'Lar'~d 'Ll"~at 'Lhis per'm:i.t is valid Cop a ma;.:imLun any enlar'(:;ement ~:i.].l i"equir'e an aclx::li'L:i, onal per'mSt. ]:t:::' A I....IF:'T STATIC)Iq IS INolAI....LI:::..O IN AN AI:~IEA C[)VEI::UED B¢ MO~ E.U~.L. DIIqG CODES,, IF'd .I,I (.I.) AlXl [:.L..I:.C I I"',].[,..~L I:::'ERIqIT AND .I.I'&::~F'I::.(.., r IC)l,,I MUST BE OB'I"AIIqlED; (":'),::.. AS-BU]:L'I"S WILl .... h. IC)T BE AI:::'I:::'F~:C]VEiD WI'T'HOU't" AI',.I I:::'1 I:::'CTRICh'-:d.. .I. Ncd. E.....1 ]:[]N RE]::'ORT; AND (3) THE liii]....E~.C;Tl::~ ] CA. WI) 7 .:: I'.'IUS'I"~ BE DCII'.,II!E BY A L.. I CI!i.:.NSED IEI....li!!:[:',TR I C I AI\I, ,'.'..,,1::: ,::: 1.... :r c,::', I.JOr'~' I:'':/~. / T PERFORMED FOR: MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVl RONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST (Co~;lmunity Water Syste~.~) Allan W. Hurfitt SOl LS. LOG PERCOLATION TEST Soi 1 s Log: DATE PERFORMED: Perc Test: 3-19-83 3-20-83 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6~ Block 6., Alpine ~.!oods Subdivision, Anchoraqe, Alaska SLOPE SITE PLAN ORGANIC MAT, Pt 1- GRAVELLY SAND (SP) . Frozen to 1½ feet 0 2 3 SILTY GRAVELLY SAND (SM) 50 4 5 100 6 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (GH) 150 7 8 200 9 10 SILTY SAND (SM) 0 4 8 12 16 FEET I Huffman Road 11 ENCOUNTERED? YES I! I _ IF YES, AT WHAT 13 SANDY SILT(ML) DEPTH? 14' 5½" i 0 2 Gross Net Depth to Net 14 Readin5 Date Time Time Water D~op TOTAL DEPTH 15 feet 1 3-20'83 0 min 4' 2 1/8' 16 : -~ slotted PVC 2 3-20-83 30 min 4' 5 i/8' 3 314" 3 3-20-83 60 rain 4' 9" 3 1/8" CO~ PERCOLATION RATE 9 (minutes/inch) 4'2" 4'8" TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND , FT Adjusted rate of 200 square feet per bedroom, protect system surface water infiltration PERFORMED BY: John W. Smith, E.I.T. CERTIFIEDBY: A. W, Murfitt, P.E. DATE: 11/13/R5 ST85-015 ,~ MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ,?~ALITY OF ANCHOJ~-ARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ( , OF HEALTH & -4 20 MENTAL 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264 7 PROTECTION '~ SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST L]~_[~ 0 ~, ~ (Con~munity ~'iater Systel;~) Hur fi tt PERCOLATION TEST Soils Log: DATE PERFORMED: Perc Test: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 6, Block 6, Alpine ~oods Subdivision, Anchoraqe, Alaska SLOPE SITE PLAN ORGANIC HAT, Pt GRAVELLY SAND (SP) Frozen to l½ feet SILTY GRAVELLY SAHD (SH) 50 G ~ 100 SILTY SANDY GRAVEL (Gr',!) j 150 SILTY SAND (SH)~~-~~ WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? 0 4 8 12 16 FEET YES 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IF YES, AT WHAT SANDY SILT (I,IL) DEPTH? 13 14 TOTAL. DEPTH 15 feet 1½' slotted PVC Reading 3-19-83 3-20-83 Gross Date Time 3-20'83 3-20-83 3-20-83 " lC0" ....... ' ................ /.5 / J 34,55~sc. 't. J / I I , -~ ~,~, I ,,, I l~O' Eufiem I J ' ~ S%rip GreeB Bel J Huffman Road t) Net Time Depth to Water 1 0 rain 4' 2 1/8" 2 30 m~n 4' 5 7/8" 3 60 rain 4' 9" 3 1/8" ~ '~ ~ PERCOLATION ~ATE 9 (minutes/inch) FT AND FT ~...,. _.~'~ ~ TEST .U~ BE~E~N 4 2" 4' 8" c~~~d Ad2usted rate of 200 square feet per bedroom, protect system surface ~r lnTl~ra~lon, ~~ ~T~ ~ ~'~ PE~FO~EDBY: John W. Smith, E.I.T. CE~T~F~EDBY: A, ~. Murfitt~ P.E. DATE: ST85-015 unicipah Yof Anchorage P.O. BL 196650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99519-6650 (907) 264-4111 TONY KNOWLES, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES June 23, 1986 Allan W. Murfitt 12810 Venus Way Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Subject: Lot 6 Block 6 Alpine Woods Subdivision Sewer Permit #860001 - Issued January 2, 1986 On May 20, 1986, The Anchorage Assembly approved a new ordinance regulating on-site wastewater disposal systems (septic systems). Ail septic systems constructed after the effective date of this ordinance are subject to the provisions of this ordinance. Our records show that you currently hold a permit for the installation of a septic system. We strongly urge that you contact this office prior to constructing your system. Any changes in the code that could impact the construction requirements of your septic system will be identified and brought to your attention. Please contact the Environmental Services Division at 264-4720. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Susan E. Oswalt Program Manager On-site Services SEO/SSM/ljw