HomeMy WebLinkAboutALYESKA Block 3 Lots 1 & 2 December 13, .1977 F~rst Federal Savings and Loan Post Office Box 4-2200 Anchorage, Alaska 99509 Attention: Freida SubJeot: Condominiums, Lots i and 2 Block 3 Alyeska The sewer systems serving the oondominiums is approved {40 ~nite~ by this department. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 26~-4720. S£ncerely, Les N. Buchholz, RSS. Sanitarian 4.% ~r. Bob Mrutl Arc,borage, Alaska The ~unJ~ltty of Awaho~Fe Deparlmeat er Heal~ a3Jd hviFoaneetel P-~ote~ ]~ae. reee~ved and reviewed your plans to reeo~atr,~ the sewage ~~ fadlfty will exp(~t a twenty-tour (14) hour advance notlfl~*ethm M ear field ~Y can s~t ,~ the ~ns~. a.. We will e~,t ~omplete eni~neering aa-built plans, fbr review Please ~ advised ~het spplMvul fi*om the Abica Depat~neot of i'n,~meflsl of this new sy,~mm. Chier. Santta~ Xyle Chert, ADEC Charles ~, a~uee Ptelm lnvealmeut, and LAND SURVEYORS #8PPinU **llillOl}. ' _ 801 WEST FIREWEED LANE, SUITE 102, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907/272-1151 August 12, 1976 MUNICIPALITY' OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAl, PROTECTIOI'~ AUG ]. ? 1976 RECEIYED Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection 2518 E. Tudor Road Anchonage, Alaska 99507 Attn: Mr. Joe Blair Re: Sewage Disposal Facilities Lots 1 & 2, Block 3 Alyeska Subdivision Dear Mr. Blair: This will transmit for your files a marked up print showing the as-built condi- tions of the drainage field on July 28, 1976. This firm was notified that construction was in progress on July 27, 1976. Upon arriving at the site the next morning we found that the pipes were buried, the membrane covering installed and a foot or two of impervious material over the plastic. Length of pipe was checked with a steel snake. A hole was excavated that night and two pipes were exposed. A section was cut out of both pipes for inspection the next day. The excavation revealed tha~ approximately two feet '~ of river gravel covered the pipe in this location. The gravel appeared to con- tain a high percentage of fines which could impede percolation of the sewage ef- fluent. The gravel probably should have been washed before placing. It is this firm's recommendation that tests be performed on the system to deter- mine if the percolation rate meets the design requirements. This can be accom- plished by pumping fresh water from the adjacent creek. If possible, we would like to have a member of your staff present during the tests. It was our understanding that this firm as well as the Health Department was to be advised of the construction schedule so inspections could be performed on a progressive and timely schedule. Since this was not done, it is our opinion that testing the percolation rate is the only way of varifying the adequacy of the system. If these tests fail then the only alternate is to dig up the whole syst~,n and start.over again with cleaner gravel. Please advise if there are questions or if additional information is desired. V. ery truly yours, BELL, HERRING, & ASSOC. ':'~, Robert Krull, P.E. and LAND SURVEYORS herrin!j 801 WEST FIFIEWEED LANE, SUITE 102, ANCHORAGE, AI. ASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907/272-1151 August 23, 1976 MUNICIPALITY OF ANO'K)P~GE DEPT. OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, AUG 2, 6 1976 RECEIVED Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection 2518 E. Tudor Road Anchorage, Alaska 99507 Attention: Mr. Blair Re: Sewage Disposal Facilities, Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Alyeska Subdivision Dear Mr. Blair: On Friday August 20, 1976 a rough percolation test was conducted on the leaching field for the condominium sewer system. Since water was not available in the im- mediate vicinity a 1500 gallon tank truck was used. Each distribution box was plugged and tested separately. Water was pumped into the boxes in 1500 gallon units at the rate of 150 gallons per minute. 3000 gallons were pumped into boxes 1 and 3 and 1500 gallons into box 2 (refer to as-built drawing included with this letter). It was our intent to fill the boxes several times in an effort to satu- rate the area. This was not possible as the river gravel absorbed the water as fast as it was pumped in. The contractor stated that approximately 10,000 cubic yards of gravel were added to the field. As a result the area has been built up above the surrounding ground level. A sewer line was installed on the west side of the field and backfilled with gravel, providing additional leaching area. With the impervious membrane over the top of the field, it may be impossible to satu- rate the area without a local water source. It is our opinion that with the com- pletion Of the subdrain on the south side of the field and runoff diversion ditches on the south and east sides the system will work well until the proposed Girdwood system is operational, assuming no more than three years to completion. We therefore approve use of the system under the condition that the subdrain and diversion ditches be constructed before winter sets in. Mr. Rudy Ebenbeck has asked that we recommend a maintenance program to assure trouble free operation. It is difficult for many people to determine when the bacterial action has slowed and sludge buildup starts. To prevent confusion as to when the septic tank should be pumped a definite time schedule is recommended as follows: 1. Pump both sides of the septic tank clean once a month. 2. Add enzymes after each pumping. 3. Check the chlorinator every two weeks. Chlorinator should be operated with two (2) feed tubes full of chlorine tablets. The two empty tubes should remain in the chlorinator as specified in the operation manual. 4. Pump the chlorine contact tank clean at the same time the septic tank is pumped. 5. Keep all vehicular traffic off leaching field during winter in order to retain insulating value of snow. Please advise if additional information is desired or if you have any questions. Very truly yours, BELL, HERRING, & ASSOC. Robert Krull, P.E. Enclosures CC: Rudy Ebenbeck I.I.D. Municipality of Anchorage POUCH 6 650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 278-4531 GEORGE M, SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Sanitation Division May 24, 1976 (2510 East Tudor Road) File No.: 4-1 Mr. Bob Krull Bell, Herring and Associates 801 W. Fireweed Lane Suite 102 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Sewage Disposal Facilities Lots(1 and 2, Block 3, Alyeska Subdivision Dear Mr. Krull: The Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection has received and reviewed your plans to reconstruct the sewage disposal facility on the subject property. The plans are approved with the following provisions: 1. A sampling clean out shall be installed at the end of the southwest run of drain line. 2. We will expect a twenty-four (24) hour advance notification so our field staff can spot check the reconstruction. 3. We will expect complete engineering as-built plans, for review, once the project is finished. Please be advised that approval from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (Kyle Cherry, 274-5527) must also be received prior to construction of this new system. Sincere.ly~_ ~ __ .~ /) Chief Sanitarian RS/lw cc: Kyle Cherry, ADEC Charles Lubrecht, Bruce Ficke Investments Rudolf Ebenbeck a~d lAng. SURVEYORS #oPPinO 801 WEST FIREWE£D LANE, SUITE 102, ANCHORAOE, ALASKA 99503 TELEPHONE 907/272-1151 May 20, 1976 Mr. Leroy C. Reid, Jr. Deputy Director for Environmental Protection Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection 2510 East Tudor Anchorage, Alaska 99507 RE: Sewage Disposal Facilities Lots 1 & 2, Block 3, Alyeska Subdivision Dear Mr. Reid: This will transmit for your review and comment, construction plans for improvements to the Alyeska condominium leaching field. Included in this submittal are two sets of plans and a copy of the soils report. Construction plans generally follow recommendations contained in the soils report with a few changes. A chlorine contact tank has been added and electrical heaters have been eliminated. We feel that the deep snow cover in this area will provide sufficient insulation to prevent freeze-up. Insulation has been added to the septic tank and the contact tank. The leaching field has been increased in size (5100 sq. ft.) to accomodate the proposed buildings. The larger area is also provided to prevent effluent backup if the percolation rate falls below the design flow of 2.5 gal/sq ft/day. buring a site inspection on May 12th a discussion was held betweenmyself and Mr. ob Neil of the Department of Health. At that time surface run off was crossing rystal Road and running through the leaching area. We both felt that the surface ater should be diverted and if possible lower the ground water table. These roblems were solved by design of a roadside ditch and a plastic membrane to divert urface water. A perforated subdrain daslighted to the creek will lower the water le. -- We strongly recommend constant monitoring of the system to prevent sludge from entering either the chlorine contact tank or the leaching lines. The contact tank has been designed with a cone shaped bottom so that it can easily be pumped clean. Temperature readings should be taken in the septic tank during winter months. If water temperatures fall below 45 degrees for any length of time, installation of a heating system should be considered. A teflon coated heating element with a surface temperature of 70° is available locally. The leaching field should be posted to keep both foot and vehicle traffic off of the area during winter months, t~e-reby preserving the insulating value of the snow. Sincerely, BELL, HERRING, & ASSOC. Bob Krull Project Engineer C.C. Mr. Charles Lubnecht, C. Bruce Ficke Investments C.C. Rudolf Ebenbeck, I.I.D.