HomeMy WebLinkAboutALYESKA Block 4 Lot 1 PC SH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502-0650 (907) 264-4111 I'ONY ;(NOWI_[~S, MA YO H DEPARTMENT OF: HEALTH AND ENVligONMENTAL Pf,tOTECTION April 18, 1983 TO: Building Department Subject: Lot 1 Block 4 Alyeska Subdivision This department does not object to a building on the above subject property which is not served by sewer and water facilities. If there are any further questions, please call this office at 264-4720. Sincerely, Les N. Buchholz, R.S. LNB/ljw II. STATE OF ALASKA Form No. PEEHP-W-1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Division of Public Health PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY INSPECTION REPORT LOCATION: Operating Agency: glyeska Ski Corp Responsible Official: 3ira Branch Date of Visit: September 12, Title: ~,lanaoer Mailing Address: SYSTEM DATA: Area Served: Alyeska Subd. No. of Connections: 27 Quantity- Range: 5400 GDD Sources: Drill tuell~ Artesian Office Location: Alyeoka, Girt~ood Metered? Population Served: 81 NO Water Rate: $150 hook on; Average: 5400 GPD 1966 ~lS/year IV. Raw Water pH:, 7~9 Treated Water pH: T EATMENT OPERATING PERSONNEL: Chief Operator: N/A Ope rato rs: Chlorine Residual: N/A Yrs. Exp.: Y'rs. Exp.: Yrs. Exp.: Ce rt.: Ce rt.: Ce rt.: SANITARY AND PUBLIC HEALTH CONDITIONS OR HAZARDS: a) Facilities: Toilet: No Wash Basin: No Shower: b) Source Protection: c) Clear Well Protection: d) Building Drains and Sewers to: e) Cross Connections: None g) General Cleanliness: Good h) Other: Cased & No clsar mel! Bellhouse drain to open outlet No f) Fencing: Nona SAFETY CONDITIONS: First Aid Equipment: Chlorinator Housing: Ventilation: N/A Good No Gas Masks: No Walkways:., , N/A Lighting: · Good Other: N/A VI. VII. RECORDS KEPT: a) Permanent Files: 'lAs Built'7 Plans: Detailed Piping & Electrical Plans: Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 2 Yes Engine e r: Yes Dickinson Oswald b) c) Reports on Fi!e: d) Reports ir~ l=rogress: GkSNERAL COMMENTS: __System is in excellent condition. Shop Drawings and Operating Instructions for t~quipment: iOe rformance Records: Yos Yes Yes N/^ It has been very well designed~ adequately protected and provides capacity for future expansion. VIII. EFFECT OF 1964 EARTHQUAKE ON WATER SYSTEM: On Water Sources: N/A On Treatment Plant: N/^ On Distribution System: N/A Repairs and Reconstruction Completed: N/^ Remaining Effects on System: N/A II. SOURCE: a) Surface: Structure: INVENTORY SUPPLEMENT Form No. PEEHP-Vf-i~ Page 3 b) N/^ Cond[t[on: N/A Wells: Depth: 132' Drawdown: None Ca si, rig Material: Steel c) Emergency source: STORAGE: Type Pressu~ Size: 8' Rated Capac[ty: Capacity: N/A Stat [c Level: Artesian 450 · GP~ Screens: yes, , ._ Casing Depth: 132,, ' Well by lodge could supply some water Mate r iai S[ze C ond it [on Steel 1500 GAL Very good 20-40 psig III. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Type of Pipe: Transite 8" & 6" Fire Hydrants: No Dead ends: No Pressures: Not tested in distrib. Other: 1000' of 2½" qalvanizediBclud~d as lateral im one location IV. CHEMICAL FEED: Chemical Equipment Control Condition V. MIXING: Size: Equipment: No Rated Capac[ty: N/A N/^ Condition: VI. COAGULATION: Equipment: C ond[t ion: Size: N/^ No Rated Capacity: N/A N/A VII. SEDIMENTATION: E qu[pm ent: C ond it [on: No Size: N/A N/A 'N/^ VIII. FILTRATION: No. of Units:' F ilte r ,Mater ial: Type: No N/^ Form No. PEEHPZW-1 Date Installed: Size: N/A . IX. Underdrain System: Rate Controller: Backwash Method: General Condition: REACTOR TYPES:. General Descr [ption: N/^ N/^ Loss of Head Gage: N/A N/^ N/^ Xm Condition: SLUDGE HANDLING: Disposed to: C ond[tion: Method: N/a ~/A N/a XI. XlI. XIII, C LEARWE LL: C ond[tlon: CHLORINATION: Control: N/A Detention Time: Size: N/^ Model: Type o£ Supply: N/^ Capacity: , N/A Point of Application: N/g C ondit ion: PUMPS: Purpose N/A , Pump Type No. Turb£n~ 30HP Capacity 1300 gPra C ond it[on Vsr¥ Good BOOSTER STATIONS: Location .Pumps ~/^ Capacity Condition XV. LABORATORY: Size: N/A E quipm e nt: N/A Form No. PEEHP-W-1 Page 5 XVI. XVII. XVIII. EMERGENCY PROVISIONS: · Stand-b~ E quipme nt: Nons Spare Parts: N/A ~uxiliary l°owo r: Non9 COLD WEATHER PROTECTION: Units Housed: Yes Un[ts Heated: OTHER UNITS: (for iron and manganese removal, softening, odor control, corrosion control, fluoridation, etc.) 'aeration, taste and mo CHEMICAL FEED; C hem ical N/^ Fo rm No. OPERATIONS SUPPLEMENT Quant it ¥ Method of Addition PEEHP-W- 1 Page 6 II. SEDIMENTATION: Method of Cleaning: Sludge Disposed to: N/A III. FILTt{ATION: Condition of Filter Bed: ~/~ Frequency: N/A ~/^ Backwas.h Operated by:_ ~_- .... N/A Frequency: N/A Quantfty: Backwash Disposed to~ ,, N/A CHLORINATION: Dosage Rate Obcerved: N/A Residual Measured: ~"~ N/A Amt. Stored on Premises: OPERATION OF OTIm'~ER UNITS: N/^ 'N/^ VII. SAMPLING AND TESTING: a) Samples taken of: Bacteriological Tests Conducted: ~]onthly GENERAL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS (low temperature, etc. ), Nons VIII. OVER-ALL MAINTENANCE: Lubrication Schedule: An Painting Schedule: As required Reservoir Cleaning Schedule: Other: ~VATER SOURCES: None RECOMMENDATIONS Form No. PEEHP-V/-1 Page 7 II. TREATMENT PLANT: DISTRIBUTION: " guture community action should bs conveyed towards installation of fire p~otection. Iii. IV. GENERAL OPERATION: SPECIAL PREPAREDNESS FOR POSSIBLE FUTURE DISASTERS: Auxiliary pomer supply should be provided. · TESTING · EXPLORATION · CHEMICAL · MATERIALS · INSPECTION 1940 POST ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 1V~r. Harris Magnusson c/o Alaska Department of Health & Welfare 32,7 Eagle Street Anchorage, Alaska PHONE 272-3428 Date: Seot. 16, 19.66 , Work Order No.: Z4,27 , , Project: Post Quake Sanitation Study Subject: Coliform Determination on Water Samples Gentlemen: In acCordance with your request coliform determinations have been performed in our laboratory using the Millipore Membrane method. The sample identification and results are as follows: Sample : No. _ Identification 975 Alyeska Ski Corp, sampled pressure tank 12 Sept. 1966. GJC-SK Coliform Organisms per 100 milliliter, s .... 976 Same as above "' ~' 0 if there are any questions with regard to the above tests please contact our office. KWB:sc Very truly yours, ALASKA TESTLAB Water Laboratory Supervisor State Permit W-1 . t... ~... -200 q Page Laboratory Number Data Of ::~ "' CO.~C~iO.Z ................ 0arbon Dioxide (C02) Calcium /"~ MaSh es ium (hr-s), ................ Sodiu,m (Ns,) ..................... Potzzsium ("aG ................... Dissolved solids Residue on evaporation at ISO~C , Kardness as CaCOz .............. Noncarbonate hardness as CaCO~., Alkalinity as CaCO~ .............. Specific conauc~:.ce (micromhos at 25°C) ....... . ..... p~[ ............................. Color ........................... 9542 9557 9-12-66 9-6-66 8.8 0.37 2.5 12 i0 5.9 0.5 99 3,8 0.4 0,1 0,4 91 72 0 81 166 7,8 0 31 7.83 75 9.6 4.9 1.6 5o 0 o.o 5.3 0,5 0,2 66 36 io9 6.,5 0 9559 9-9-66 39 O. 48 12 22 6.3 19 2.9 i5o 0 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.8 167 81 o 123 -~¢~z~? 9557 - N. KenaL E1 ScH6ol. ~4(,_I-~. 9559 - Tustumena School~ Kasilof. ~,,~,"-cx~ 91oo R-=ee Co. (ooze Soorage)~ Ka,lifo"~sky. :f;' 9619 Int. Airporv Shop Well, -j~'[}.~ 9622 - Scenic Vie~-Apts~ Tudor Rd ~.ea.r l'ake Otis Rd, 212 7,3 0 9560 9-9-66 37 0,12 3.3 3,6 3.4 75 2.7 2O7 0 l, 4 6,0 0.2 t,t 233 23 0 168 331 8.0 o'.b9 2.9 21 20 4,7 i, 2 182 0 1.0 2.8 0.1 0.2 156 135 o 273 8,0 0 O. 41 1.8 6.:3 .~.i.k C 12 0.2 0.$ 115 86 197 24027 C. BRUCE FICKE INVESTMENTS, INC. JOHN J. TRAUTNER P.O. BOX 593 P.O. BOX 10023 GIRDWOOD. ALASKA 99587 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99,502 (907) 783- 4485 (907) 344- 7613 File 4-1 Mr, IPob Bell, P,E, Bell, H~rrint~ & Assoelates 405 ~'~. Il?th Avenue Anehorage, Alaska SUBJECT: On-Site Sewage Disposal System On Lots I and 2A, Alyeska Subdivision Dear ~i~-, Bell: Tho Oreate~ Anehorat~o A~e~ Borough De~nt o~ 'gn~nm~t~ ~iW has received and ~e~ew~ your p~d Pha~ I ~d Phase II six~-eifht u~t ~ndo~i~um addition to tho ~xtst~g ~w~r system. We have ve~wed, y~r design calculations ~d ~mputa~ons ~d ~d you~ estimates ~re a~urat~ and that the existing system will be ~ble to ~n~e ~e additional l~d. we wo~d ask, however, that ~e roll.tn8 ~di~~ be ~~sted ~to the faeility st t~ timo these ~ units ~re ~nn~; That a p~lle,t type ehlot'lnstm' be installed dl~etly alter the ~ptie tank eap~le of ~mpletely ehl~nattn~ all effluent ~mtn~ o~ ot the ta~ to a re.dual st~h of a least I ppm; There shall be no eonstml~lon of additional t.~rndomtntum units or buildings for a dist~oe o~ si least 75 f~ d~n hill from th~ ~;Isttng dr.~n~eld ~st~ nnd at le~ 60 fe~ towards t~ ~eek f~m the existing ~ainflold system. T~s will ~low for futu=e ~xpanslcm of this drainfleld sh~d it beene n~esea~ before public sewer is ~vallable to ~n~ ~to ~ese units; We will expect to reeeive as-built enl~lneering on the tntertte of the eondomtnium unit into this system plus ,mgfn~ertnt~ on tho exact location ~nd method et installation of the pellet type ehlortnatton unit on th~ sy~em. Please be advised that this letter constitutes your permit to tie the Phase I and Phase II c~ndominums into the ex;sling on-site sower system and as sueh as ou~ dep~ment's apparel the is n~s~W for your landuse ~mit to ~st~et the ~aetlt~. Should you have any questions regarding our ~,eviow of the plans or nssoeiatmd information, please eontaet the u_ndersi~ned, Roll Strtekland. R ,S. Chief Sanitarian cc: John T~autner C. Bruce Pi~k~ ,Investments, In~. s O~r' ~C~o tments Star Route A, Box 1651 Anchorage, AlasKa 99502 Dear Mr. Lubrecht: Per your request we have inspected the sewage disposal system located on Lots 1 and 2A of Alyeska Subdivision. Our investigation has revealed the following inadequacies with the system in its present condition[ 1. The septic tank presently contains approximately 5 feet of solid waste. This appreciably decreases the total effective volume of the tank. With this decreased useable volume in the tank the settlement time is greatly reduced. Therefore, most of the solids that should be removed in the tank are being passed on to the '. leaching field. This has tended to plug the filter media in the field, and therefore reduce its ability to accept effluent. e The first distribution box only contains 3 active distribution lines and 3 inactive lines of 20 ft. length, instead of 6 lines .of 40 ft. length per the design. The third distribution box does not appear to be in existence. This would indicate that the field has a deficiency of 7 distribution lines. The distribution boxes have no gravel cover. We also' noted that one distribution line has only 15" cover at the end. This would indicate that the field only has 1 ft. to 2 ft. of cover over the distribution lines vs. the 3.5 to 4.5 feet shown ot the design drawings. We also noted that the distribution b6xes'do not~ have metal lids, but are covered, with plywood. Our preliminary investigation also included rough measurements in the field which indicate that the field is shifted north about 25 to 30 feet from its design location. Based on the assumption that the third distribution box is.not in existence and we only have the equivalent of nine 40 ft. lengths of perforated pipe then we would recommend that the following activities take place in order to bring this field up to its design capabilities. 1. The septic tank must be pOmped out completely,.to include ALL sludge deposits. 2. The septic tank will need to be heated so that the inside temp- page 2 erature is ma ~ained at a minimum of 45°F th A§hout the year, Enzymes will have to be added on a monthly basis or as required, The two existing distribution boxes will need to be pumped out so that the field will backflush, We would recommend that back- flushing take place for a period of at least 6 hours, W~ also recommend that metal lids be placed on the distribution boxes. 4. Seven new distribution lines must be added~to the field. These Would be in a third distribution box. A 6 ft. wide sheet of 6 mil polyethylene film must be centered on all distribution lines on top of the existing fill. Then place 2 ft. of coarse gravel (3~-) over the entir~ f~e]~d tb~ extend 25 ft. beyond the edges of the field to the north, west; and south- Place 6 mil polyethylene 6~6r the gravel along the north and south sides extending 30 ft. in from the edge. At the edge of the gravel, the polyethylene shall extend into the existing ground a minimum of 18", Once the polyethylene is in place cover the entire field With an additional 1 ft. of gravel. 6. The chlorination system recommended in oun letter of. July 23,.1975 'be installed. We also recommend the following maintenance procedures to keep the system in proper working condition. l, The septic tank be pumped of sludge at any time the sludge is over .2 ft. deep. 2. The field be backflushed for a minimum of 6 hours each 6 months. 3. Enzymes be added on a monthly basis or when it.is apparent that the biolobical activity is decreasing. We feel that by taking the above action you should be able to bring the system up to a condition to handle the existing units as well as the two proposed units until the scheduled municipal sewer system is completed. Due to the high water table the field is marginal. We feel it is therefore critical to the success of this field that the septic tank function as efficiently as' possible, and that the chlorination system also function at peak efficiency. We would like to point out that this report is a general review of what we feel would be a likely solution to the sewage problem. In order to ini~t~te'~' %he~c6rrectiv6~meas~re~'no~ed'~bo~itiwil.l,~be~ne~essar~ ~o~dete~i.~e~ exactly what is actually existing in the distribution system and its condition, design the changes, and stake the improvements. If we can be of further assistance, please call on us. S~ncerely, BELL, HERRING AND ASSOCIATES Bob Bell, P.E. Partner