HomeMy WebLinkAboutALYESKA #3 BLK 20 LT 2o~ 6)0o WAon ~ Au~ eonoorn lot ~at W~ll u~lin 276-2221~ ext~~ 291. Services Buildtn~ ~eps~t~M~t %~t 8, Block ~0, Alye~ka Subdivioiau #S 00(3 12' ANCHORAGe, ALAF, KA 99501 FED ~.hA'}~.I~ A~CH(DRAG5 AREA BOROUOI~ J~.F1. OF ENVIrONMeNTAL QUALITY Performcd For Charles Clark Date Performed 25 May ].973 . ~ , ... ~__~" , ,~--~'~- LeKal Dcscz,~p~zon~ Lot i a~.o~ o~o(,,v~a~on Alvesk~.~ -Tract P This Fcpm Repopts at off ............ ~ Depth Feet 8oil Characteristics 6' organics Coarse gravels and boulders wit silt and sand Till - gravelly sandy silt, dark gray. Mastic, damp (OM -ML) Was Ground Water Encountered? No If Yes, At What Dop~h_._.___ Location Sketch z'--.-j,' Frop~sed Instal~a~i~a:~See~age. - Pit ' Drain Field Depth Of Inlet Depth To Bottom Of P--it Or Trench 12' COMME;;T$:~~ square per bedroo~n. A leach fiel~~ =app~rqnt soil~cm?o~~-.,, ~ =.. '-'==~ . Test Performe.d B~: ..... WAA Data ueV'c~./Aea ny: .... __ -+=.-. _ Date: '~ =- .... March 5, 1973. WlLLI4f4 4. iO,~t~, $OUTHCENTP, AI. REGIONAL OFFICE MACKAY BLDg. 338 DEt~ALI STREET ANCHORAGE 99501 Mr. Charles Clark 3404 A Dorbrandt Anchorage, Alaska 99503 SUBJECT: Lot , Block 21, Alyeska Subdivision Dear Mr. Clark: ~ · .... ' .... i^~ in l ig~? o~ the interpr-etation c..~ ~'/e h,,~-~'/e ~'Je',",~d ',,'Cdr si ;u~:;~ the 4,~,~.~:]; ~c:. Ft. -2'Z~,~~, ..... ?~. Ft. re::u~re~er':t, c .... ~:ined in I~. ¢ ,qf-~; 72. ~::~._._ _~z .... *-~-¢-. ..-: ...... ..... *~"er-~, of r-nv [ rcr, merTa I Conserva¢ l','~rer F:(~.la-i-icr, s, It is cur ¢'in.';t,,:; ,,::,, s~r"ce you h~'J C:' ~" ~',:,~ Itt,. ......... , ,., .~ .... '-' ;:. '" ~", :, -,, ~ 1~"73 a,''~ 'i'hat you Seclic, n cf ':he ',',~s:e ,',:ter F;ooul~'~iors is not applicable in your case. We would however advise you t. hat of course alt existing Borough Regulations are in effect and are applicable in alt cases exdept where State requirements are more strirgent. Kyle J, Cherry Regional Environmental Eng cc: GAAB-DEQJ ME~AOE SIGNED Redi~prm® 4S 472 Poly Pak (50 sets) 4P472 SEND PARTS I AND 3 WITH CAR~ON INTACT - PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WITH REPLY.