HomeMy WebLinkAboutALYESKA #3 BLK 21 LT 12ARick Mystrom, Mayor Municipality of Andaova.p;e Department of Health and Human Services 825 "k" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 December 11, 1998 Jeff Garness, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater Services 7320 East Chester Heights Circle Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Re: Conditional Waiver For Lot 12 Block 21 Alyeska Subdivision #3, Waiver Number WR970006, P.I.N. 076-022-25 Dear Mr. Garness: The conditional waiver from a well to public sewer has been given full approval. The required separation distances from a private well to a public sewer main is 75 feet, public sewer cleanout is 100 feet and private sewer service line is 25 feet. The approved separation distances are: 1. public sewer main of 28 feet 2. public sewer cleanout of 35 feet 3. private sewer service line of 5 feet. The status change of this waiver request is the result of the property owner and you completing the requirements of the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation's letter from Bill H. Lamoreaux, P.E. to James Cross, P.E. of On'- Site Services. If you have questions please give me a call at 343-4761. Sincerely, Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-Site Services Program Alaska Water & Wastewatcr 7320 East Chester Heights Circle ~ Anchorage ~ Alaska 99504 November 30, 1997 Phone (907) 337-6179 ~ Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers RECEIVED DEC 2 199'/ Municipality of Anchorago Dept. Health 8, Human Service8 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health & Human Services Division of Environmental Services On-Site Services Section P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 Attn: Dan Roth Subject: Waiver of separation distance from existing private well on Lot 12, Bk 21, Aiyeska #3 to sewer service line (serving same lot), and the public sewer main/clean-out (AWWU). Dear Mr. Roth: Per your approval letter, dated 3/14/97, we have performed the work necessary to obtain an unconditional approval of the subject waivers. The minimum separation distances are as follows: a. Well to sewer main: 28+ feet b. Well to sewer manhole/clean-out: 35+ feet c. Well to sewer service line: 5+ feet Per the directives outlined in ADEC's letter, dated 2/6/97 the following applies: 1. The sewer service line, within 20 feet of the well, is HDPE pipe, with butt fused joints. The foundation C/O is HDPE also. The HDPE is connected to the existing service line (at the house and street) with Romac fittings. The HDPE line was installed by, Dick Redmond (783-2373), and he contracted with Maskell Robbins (HDPE pipe suppliers) to have their factory certified technicians prefabricate.the entire line (including the clean-out). All Dick Redmond had to do was cut the pipe to fit, and connect it with the Romac couplings. The installation was inspected by Alaska Water & Wastewater (Jeffrey A. Garness, P.E.) and Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility (AWWU). A copy of AWWU's inspection report is attached. The new service line does encroach upon Lot 13, Bk 21, Alyeska//3. The replat of the property (Dowl Engineers) provides an easement for future maintenance of the service line. The P.O.C at Dowl Engineers is Tim Potter (562-2000). 2. The newer well (drilled 1988) was grouted to prevent the intrusion of surface waters which may migrate along the casing wall. Attached is an Email statement from Alpine Drilling (Dave Harper) regarding the scope of work. This technique was the same method approved by DHHS for the Doyle Miller property (Lot 8, Bk 22, Alyeska S/D) in 1996. 3. The old well (drilled 1979) was abandoned per M.O.A code by Alpine Drilling. After the completion of the work, the well was chlorinated (several times) and the water sampled. On 10/22/97 the nitrate levels were undeteetable, and 114 O.B were detected. The water was resampled (11/3/97) without re-chlorinating, and the bacteria levels were TNTC with coliform bacteria, however, the lab's fecal coliform confirmation was ~ We chlorinated the well on the day the sample was taken (11/3/97), just in case the results were unsatisfactory. A sample was taken on 11/11/97, and this time the OB levels were TNT,C, without coliform bacteria. The well was rechlorinated on 11/20/97 and then flushed/sampled on 11/24/97. The well was flushed for 1.5 hours prior to.sampling on 11/24/97. The analysis indicated that no bacteria was present. In short, after considerable effort, it appears that the well has been adequately disinfected. Based upon my evaluation of the work performed, and the recent water samples, it is my recommendation that the subject waivers be approved. If you have any questions, please contact me at 337-6179, or 244-9612. Thank you. for your assistance. CTE EN¥'IRO~qI~II:'NTtqL ~;ERV ~OT' 562. 2:S4:~ P. O1 CT&E Environmental Services Inc. Laboralory Division r. ar~'l~r~ll~arff~r~'~2raKf~'~'l~lJ~ff~lffl~fj~js~~ )rinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria ~oow. ~o~,,, o,,~, Anchorage. Ag 99~15.1605 ~.~D I~TRCCTION~ ON R~VE~E SIDE ~EFORE COL~CTIA'G ~AMPL~ Tel: (907) 5~2-2343 MUST BE COMPLETED WATER 5L~I~PLIER 13 PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM I.D. ~ [ I I..I I [ l L,,.PRIVATr- WATER SYSTEM Monrl, Day $^MPLE TYPE: Roatine ;3 Repeat Sample (for routine simple ~ with lab ret. no. , ) C3 Specill Pu rposo SA,%gLE LOCATION Treited Water Uatnmed Water Time Collected Coll.,, FaX: (907) ii iiii i i iI TO BE: COMPLETED BY LABORATORY Analysig shows this Water SAMPLE to be: S~tisfacto~ S~pLe over 30'ho~n old, rcsu[~ may be unroll.bio .. S~te too leak ~n t~flsit: sampFe should no: be over 48 ho~ old at examination to indlea~e reliable ~sui~. Ple~c send new s~pte vi. sp~i~l ,elive~ ,ail. AnII)lical Method: .~l~Membmno Filter dMMO-MUG · Number ot'colonie$/100 rtl. Date:. 0 Ctlen, notified o f unssttsfactory results: Phonld $po~ with Fixed DaW. Time: BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER ANALYSIS RECORD MMO-MUG R#HII~ Toal Colifora Membrane Filter:. Olr~t Count Verifl~tiou: LTB F~al Coliform Confirmation , Flail Memb~ee Filte Reil~ Cornmeflt~: Coloni ,e~lO0 mi COLIFIR~ _. eeuro..,.~ioo mi BGB, Member of the SOS GeouO ~.tite G(knMiIi (lo Surveillence) OHIO. WEST V1RGINIA ............... ,,,, e,,*,,,'~ee ,u ~l-,era rat IFORNIA FLORIDA. ILLINOIS. MARYLANO, MICHIGAN. MI$~OURI._~L~ 4 CT&E Environmental Services Inc. Laboratory Division ~~,d,~',~,~,d',d',d'//,e',d',d',~:d'~',d',d,,d,,m nking Water' Analysis Report for Tota,'. Coliform Bacteria 200 w. P,,,,, o,~v. Anchora0L AK 99518-1605 INSTRUCTIONS .gN REYEJL~E SIDE BEFORE COL£ECTING S/IMPLE Tel: (907! 562.2343 MUST BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM LD. # ~f~.PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM C~y [ C~ Fax: (~7) 561-6301 TO BE COMPL~.i~.D BY LABORATORY IAnalysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: I' O - ~pie ov~ 30 ho~ ol~ ~ul~ may ~ ~li~le ~ple ~ ion8 in ~it; ~ple should nm ~ ov~ 48 houm old at expiation new ~le via spec~ delivery ~1. o.,.,.,.., ////Z Time Receh'ed Analysis Beg. n \ ~C~r~ Analytical M~thod: ~ Membrane Filter 0 MMO-MUG * Numbe~ofcolonies/100 mi. RenulP Analyst SAblPLE DATE: . SAMPLE TYPE: ' ~]% Routine Tared Water ["] _ un raHd 13 Untreated Water Repeat Sampk (for routine sampler w~th lab ret no. ) Special Purpo~ Tint Collected SAMPLE LOCATION ',.. '"- CoUectmk By /fl ' Dan: Time:. Client notified of unssitis~actory mutts: Spol~, ~l~b FLud omments: BACTERIOLOGICAL WATER A~ALYSIS RECORD Colonic/. I00 mi ,., COLIFIIU~ s Colifo_r~.m/100 mi MMO*.~IUG it.suit: T~ml Coliform MembrHe Filtln Direr Count Vm'ifleadon: L11 ~ Fecal Colifom Cocflrnatiom Final hlenbrane Filter hails r.'tTC- rm M ra O--' Membe~ of th~ SGS GrouD iSoci~te GOnMIIo do Surveillance) CT&E Environmental Services Inc. ~.,~,t ~..' Laboratory Division ~M~q~m~~j,~',~:~:m.(/.~'/J,.~:~a~'J~:~:4ll ~' .nking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria oow. ,o.o, Or v. Anchorage. AK 99518-1605 D INSTRUCT. IONS ON REI/ERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECTING SAMPL£ Tel: (907) 562-2343 WATER SYSTEM C~Iy SAMPLE DATE: Month. Day Y~r  MRPLE TYPE: outine 0 Repeat Sample (for routine s~mpier with lab ref. IIG, ) SA~L£ LOCATION ,, Treated Water Uatmted Water Time Collected Coll~-k By 'omments: [3 Fax: (907) 661.5301 ,~, TO BE COMPLETED BY ~"'~BOE.-kTO~Y Analysis shows ~is Water SAMPLE to ~: ~ S~isf~to~ U~s~o~ S~pie ov~ 30 horn o1~ ~sui~ may ~ un~li~le S~pla t~ ion~ in tm,si~: sample should not be over 48 hou~ old ~t ex~ination to indium ~li~le ~ulu. PI~ ~nd n~ ~ple via sp~i~ daliv~ m~ ~me Received / .~ ~ An.lysb B~.. I ~~ Analytical Method: ~]3~embrane Filt~ O IViMO-MUG · Number of colonies/lO0 mi. Rl~uit* Analyst Time:. Client notified of unsatis?actory results: Spoke with BACTERIOLOGICAL WA'FiR ANALYSIS RECORD '0 o ~,~~ Memtmr of the SGS Group ~Socidti G~nMale de Surveillance) Held For Confh'mation CT&E Environmental Services Inc. Laboratory Division 3rinking Water Analysis Report for Total Coliform Bacteria 2oo w. Anchoraga. AK 99518-1605 ~F.4D INSTR&'CTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE BEFORE COLLECI'ING SAMPLE Tel: {907) 562-2343 Fax: (907) 561-6301 MUST BE COMPLETED BY WATER SUPPLIER PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM I.D. # PRIVATE WATER SYSTEM Send RaulO y $~td lnve~ee ~ ~ Wastewater Sewlces rt.~l'/t ~rmt~leri~c~m t'Jr c,,~ -/~nc-h:, AK 9~504 TO BE COMPLETED BY LABOR~TOKY Analysis shows this Water SAMPLE to be: ,t~ S~isfiu:tory Unsarist'actory - ~Sample over 30 hours old, results may be unreliable Sample too long'in transit; sample should not be over 48 hours old at examination ~o indicate reliable results. Please send · ~ew sample via special ~elivery/mail. O. te Received Time Received Analysis Began Method: ,~ Membrane Filter [3 MMO-MUG Number ofcolonies/I O0 mi. Lob D,,f M- Result* · Analyst SAMPLE TYPE: ( ":"":' 3 ,..,w.,., ,.., ,.. [] ~ Repeat Sample (for murines~mple /~. Untreated Were Fried with lab tel no. - ) ~ Time Collected Coileeud, By BACTERIOLOGICAL W&TER ANALYSIS RECORD Special Purpose SAMPLE LOCATION ,... '~ Comments: Time: Client notified of unsatisfactory results: [-'! . 'Pbeaed - Spoke wi(b Date: Tim=: MMO-MU~ Reaull= TOMI Coliform F. Ce/f ~ .,,..,..,,,.. ,,..,,:o... I Lo_R Yeriflestiou: LTB -BGI~ ~ COLIFIRM' r,~l co,ir., co.,...~. - ~k~oc~'F, xl'~_.; ' - ' Fi-xed o ~.~- ~"~ Mambo; of the SGS Group iS_-,c_!4ti GdmMale de Surveillance) ,-~~~kr~ C T&EEnvironmentalServiceslnc. CT&E Ref.# Client Name Project Name/# Client Sample ID Matrix Ordered By PWSID Sample Remarks: 976564001 AK Water & Wastewater Services Lot 12, Bk 21, Alyeska No. 3 Lot 12, Bk 21, Alyeska #3 Drinking Water Client PO// Printed Date/Time 10/27/97 12:28 Collected Date/Time 10/22/97 15:00 Received Date/Time 10/23/97 11:30 Technical Director: Stephen C. Ede Released By~ _~~,~ Parameter Results PQL Units ALlowable Prep Analysis Method Limits Date Date Init Nitrate-N Total Coliform 0.100 U 0.100 mg/L 114 OB W/O COLl COL/lO0 ML. EPA 300.0 10 max 10/23/97 GCP SH18 9222B 10/25/97 THW S,,bject: Mystrom-Aleyeska Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 21:41:04-0800 From: bharper~eustomepu.corn (Harper, Bill) Reply-To: bharper~eustomcpu.com To: AWWS~.Alaska.Net The work that was described in the earlier e-mail has been completed. The well which was no longer functioning was decommissioned using bentonite grout. After being filled with grout, the well was then cutoff below grade and capped. was pump tested to find water entrance. Incoming water appeared to be at 77 feet below TOC. The pump was pulled and the well lined with 4" PVC from 12 feet below TOC to 87 feet below TOC. Shale packers had been installed on the PVC to be at 67 feet and 70 feet. The well was then grouted with Benonite grout from the shale packers to above the casing depth of 40 feet. The well was then ran for a period of time to clear the water, however the water was not completely clear when I left. The well will have to be ran again before testing so as to clear the water of clorine residule left as the last thing done was to clorinate it. That should sufficiently clear the well also. Jeff, if you have questions please call. Alpine Drilling & Enterprises The existin 1 of 1 10/19/97 23:12:46 mailbox:/C~7C/Program~2...customcpu.com&numDer=14 mallDox:/C%/C/Program~ZO...~customcpu.com&numDer=14 Subject: Alyeska Date: Wed, 17 Sep 1997 22:48:42 -0800 From: bharper~customcpu.com (Harper, Bill) Reply-To: bharper~customcpu.com To: AWWS~_~laska. Net Jeff. to do the following as we discused would be $2100.00. Abandon old well by house, Install new well seal, grout usable well on exterior of PVC liner. Liner would be installed to the bottom of well with packers at approximatly 60 to 70 feet. Grout would then be installed from packers back to a point just below the pitless adapter. A pump test would be ran prior to above so as to find entrancing flow so as to be able to locate packers at lowesst possible point whereby creating the best seal possible. We are estimating completion to be within two weeks from notice to proceed. This basically would cover all labor, materials etc. that would be needed for above. questions, let me know. :itt:: g r-0zo z 1 of 1 09/17/97 22:41:16 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM gI.015 (Ney. 1/~1) MUNICIPAl OF ANCHORAGE WASTEWATER CONNECT PERMIT 97-9280 WATER & WASTEWATER UTILITY 3000 ARCTIC BLVD. PHONE: (907)564-2762 BLOCK/LOT/TRACT BLK 21 LT 12 SUBDIVISION ALYESKA #3 TAX CODE 7602225 GRID STREET ADDRESS HIGHER TERRACE 4916 AS-BUILT DATE OF APPLICATION SCHEDULED COMPLETION DATE 07129/97 12/31197 SINGLE FAMILY MULTI-DWELLING No. APTS__ [] COMMERCIAL OWNER MYSTROM RICHARD E & MARY E MAIL ADDRESS 2727 ILIAMNA DR ANCHORAGE, AK 99517 PHONE CONTRACTOR Repair Existing Service On Property Only Hydrant Only Main Tap - To Property Line Only Main Tap & On Property Connect Disconnect R & R - Main Tap Only CONNECTSIZE4" [] City Tap [] 50'or Longer Row No. REIMBURSABLE NUMBER INSPECTION FEE $ 104.00 PERMIT FEE $ 35.00 $ 0.00 DEPOSIT $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 139.00 ASSESSMENTS [] Main Line Extension ~] Have Been Levied [~ To Be Levied Comments: pwner [Staff INSPECTED BY [~ CASH [] OTHER DATE I / REMARKS MOVING SERVICE LINE TO MEET DEC REQUIREMENTS FOR SEWER LINE PROXIMITY TO WELL. SEE ATTACHED LETTER FROM ENGINEERING PLANNING SECTION. PERMITTEE (Please Print) MAIL ADDRESS , PHONE SIGNATURE POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE AT THE JOB SITE CUSTOMER COPY Original hlaska Water & Wastewater 8471 Brookridge Drive ~ Anchorage - Alaska 99504 Phone (907) 337-6179 ~ Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers June 18, 1997 Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility 3000 Arctic Blvd. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Attn: Hallie Stewart Subject: Modification to Sewer Service Line. Lot 12, Bk 21, Alyeska #3 Dear Ms. Stewart: The subject property has a 4 bedroom house; served by a private well and public sewer. There are two wells on the lot (see attached drawing). The first well was drilled on 8/14/79, and produced only 0.5 gpm. The second well (5 gpm) was drilled, without a permit, on 6/6/88. It is only about 5 feet from the sewer service line, 28 feet from the public sewer nmin, and 35 feet from the public sewer c/o. The plan at this time is to have the old well properly abandoned, and utilize only the newer well. We have received a waiver from ADEC regarding the separation distances to the sewer main/clean-out, and the service line. As a condition of this waiver ADEC is requiting that the sewer service line, within 20 feet of the well, be replaced with HDPE pipe with no joints (butt fused). The pipe will be installed and pressure tested by manufacturer certified personnel. Given the location of the well, it can be seen that a portion of the service line in the right-of-way will need to be replaced also. Since the portion of the line in the fight-of-way is technically owned by AWWU, it is reasonable to assume that we will need to have your approval to perform the proposed work. At this time, we are requesting your fbrmal approval of the modification, and your input regarding material and/or construction specifications. Upon receiving your approval to proceed, we will apply for the connect & right-of-way construction permits. Attached is a copy of all the correspondence regarding this project. If you have any questions, please contact me at 337-6179, or on my digital pager at 1-800-481-1162. Thank you for your assistance. Rick Mystrom, Mayor Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 March 14, 1997 Jeff Garness, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater Services 8741 Brookridge Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Re: Waiver Request For Lot 12 Block 21 Alyeska Subdivision #3, Waiver Number WR970006, P.I.N. 076-022-25 Dear Mr. Garness: Your request for a waiver of required separation distances from a private well to: 1. sewer main of 75 feet 2. sewer cleanout of 100 feet 3. sewer service connect of 25 feet has been conditionally approved at this time. The conditions this waiver request must meet prior to receiving final approval are listed in the letter dated February 6, 1997 from Mr. Bill Lamoreaux, P.E., with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to Mr. James Cross, P.E., Program Manager of On-Site Services with the Municipality of Anchorage. Mr. Cross has already provided you a copy of this letter. If you have any questions of this conditional approval please do not hesitate to contact me at 343-4761. Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-Site Services Program MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE Department of Health and Human Services WR~ WR970006 PID9 076-022-25 Date Received: March 11~ 1997 On-site Services Section Waiver Review Worksheet HA# Permit Legal Description: Lot 12 Block 21 Alyeska Subdivision Engineer: Jeff Garnes$, P.E., Alaska Water & Wastewater 8741 Brook~idge Drive, Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Applicant: Richard Mystrom Waiver Requested: Private well to private sewer line - 5 feet; private well private well to public's:sewer main - 28 feet_.' private well to public sewer cleanout - 35 feet. Criteria: 1. Geology: Points: A. Water Table B. Soil Sorption C. Permeability D. Water Table Gradient E. Horizontal Separation TOTAL: Special Conditions: 3. Other: Waiver is Granted: ~ X List Conditions or Reasons for abov~ Date: 3-/3' 7 Rec 9:02652/5829 Amount: $,,69~,~. ; 2- ?-97 ; 15:29 ;AN(;HORAGE,/NESTEP, N DO"+ 9073434708;~' 2 ' TONYKNOWLE$ OOVERNOR ' DEPT. OF ENVittONMENTAL CONSERVATION James C~os% Pre.am Manager M~cip~i~ of ~chorage P.O. Box 196650' ~ho~ge, AI~ 99519 SUB3F. CT: Lot 12, Bk. 21, Alyeska #3, Separation Distance Waiv~ 9721-WV-327-023 At your re. quest, our office has conxpleted a review of the well separation distance watver request for the above.referenced pmper~y. Our review consisted of revi~Mng a submittal from $offrey G~.mess, Ala.d~ Water & Wastewater, dat, d November 21, 1996, end a supplemental submittal dated $~u~y 22, 1997, w~ch included a letter from Rick Mysu'om (the prop~-rty owner) dated J~uary 20, 197,7, Th~ wa/vet w~ requested for a horizon~ sepamtlon distance between a private well on th, above-referenced lot and the ~wiee connection, a ~.w~er latertl, md a ~¢wer de. an out. Ba~ed on thls revi, w, we recommend a conditional approval b, grated provided the following ~dlt[olml critorla ar~ met: The location of the service connection to the residence where the proposed High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) ends must be at le~t 20 fe¢l bom the location of the we!l, From the Information provided, it was uncle~ wh,m the service co~ection to the residence occurred. As this point of~anecfion remakns a pommial point of failure, tiffs distance is the mhfimmn the Deparanent coulc~ allow. The proposed replacement of the service connection with 14I)PE is acceptable provided the following .conditions exist and the £ollowi~$ criteria ee achieved: The }t. rJPE will be installed ~d tested by mtmufaetarer oertifl, ed personnel, The lnstallation ~d testing will be overseen by a lice~med engineer. The location ol'the sewer sc, t'vice Une shall be located the maximtan potential distance fi:om the woll and in no ~vant can it b~ any ¢los~ than feet. · If the existing mzrvico line (to be; abandoned) is closer [o fl~, well than 5 fe~ the abtmdon, d line should be removed and th- dimh backfilled compacted with a dense soil havLng Iow permeability to minimize the risk of the old ~neh serving a~ a conduit to trcm~port sewage, FI-E:--i I--':-~ , TUE ~Nl' ~¥ :AOX(; AN~HOIqA~ q : ._-5,'T' I) HHE; ; ~-?-~? ; 15:25 ;ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DO-* F'.02 Fcblalal~ 6, 1997 Page 2 Tko woll will need to be grouted irate thc bedrock so as to eliminate any potumtid of water entering the well from tither the b¢&oek interface with overlaying soil~ or the overlaying sotts themselves. Well Icg tntom~atlon was ir~ufficicnt tO verify the construction practices ttsed at the time of we.Il eomple6on or the identity of the produdng zon~ of the well. 4, The abandoned well will need tn be properly abandoned as per 18AA. CS0. Mt. Oarness has pard the sm of $230,00 [o our Dep~.ent wkich cover, the appropriate DEC fi:e for this type o£ waiver review. Although he submitted the request ~eetly to us, it I~ our unfl~tandlng that your office will process the request and make the formal reapon~e a~ ts done with ail other single family systems within the Municipality of Anchorage. We appreciate thc opportmaity tO assist yotzr office In conducting this review. Please let me know Jgyou have any questions concemlng our rccommcmdatlons, Post-It'* branO'fax transmittal rnemo 7671 I, o, p~o~, ,,~ w November 21, 1996 Altaslka Water & Wastewater 8471 Brookridge Drive ~ Anchorage ~ AlaSka 99S04 Phone (907) 33%6179 ~ Fax (907) 338-3246 Consulting Engineers State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 555 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attn: Kevin Kleweno, P.E. SubjeCt: Waix)er of separation distance from existing private well on Lot 12, Bk 21, Alyeska #3 to sewer service line (serving same lot), and the public sewer main/clean-out (AWWU). Dear Mr. Kleweno: GENERAL: The subject property has a 4 bedroom house, served by a private well and public sewer. There are two wells on the lot (see attached drawing). The first .well was drilled on 8/14/79, and produced only 0.5 gpm. The second well (5 gpm) was drilled, without a permit, on 6/6/88. It is only about 5feet,from the sewer service line, 28feet from the public sewer main, and: 35 feet from the public sewer c/o. Per regulation the following separation distances are required: 1. Private well to private sewer service line: 25 feet 2. Private well to public sewer main: 75 feet 3. Private well to public sewer clean-out: 100 feet Clearly, the well is not in compliance with regards to these separation distances. We are propOsin, g to abandon the old well (per ADEC guidelines), and obtain waivers to the aforementioned separation distances. Justification for the waivers is summarized as follows: · REPLACE THE SEWER SERVICE LINE: In order to mitigate contamination, from the sewer service line, we are proposing to replace the existing 4 inch cast iron line (within the 25 foot Well radius), With a 4 inch diameter High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), with bUR. fused joints. The HDPE line will connect to the cast iron line with water tight 'Temco" Couplings. This will eliminate the possibility of wastewater leaking from a pipe joint and. contaminatin~ the well. The service line will be pressure tested, and inspected by AWWU. The location of the v/ater line in relation to the sewer service line is unknown at this time; however, the installation of the HDPE line will certainly minimize the potential for any cross contamination. CONDITION OF EXISTING AWWU SEWER LINE: Enclosed with this package is a video showing TV footage of the AWWU sewer line. Upon viewing it you will see that the pipe and joints appear to be in good condition (no collapsed pipe, leaking joints, or infiltration). This tape belongs to AWWU, so I will need to get il back. Also enclosed is a copy of their field report. PleaSe note their comment, "system in good overall condition". P.O.C at AWWU is Mike Blanchard (267-4504). MINIMAL USE OF AWWU SEWER LINE: Attached is a copy of the' AWWU seWer line as-builts. Within 100 feet of the subject well there are only 3 sewer service lines (Lot 12, Bk 21 and Lots 11 & 12, Bk 22) which "feed" into the AWWU sewer line, and only two of them serve developed lots (see drawing). A t this time, the A WWU line is equivalent to a private sewer line (serving only Lot 12, Bk 21) down to the service connection for Lot 11, Bk 22, approximately 82 feet away from the well (> 75feeO. When Lot 12, Bk 22 is developed, the AWWU line, within the?5, foot radius of the well, will only serve two residences (which will probably only be used occasionally during the ski season). STEEP GRADE DOWNHILL FROM AWWIJ CLEAN-OUT TO MANHOLE: The elevation drop from the clean-out to the manhole is 21.8 feet over 180.2 feet. This corresponds to a slope of 12.1 percent. This steep slope will ensure that wastewater in the line rapidly runs away, minimizing the opportunity for it to leak out a bad joint (should a joint deteriorate in the future). According to the AWWU as-built drawings, the soils around the sewer line are classified as GM (silty gravel). Any joint leakage would tend to follow the path of least resistance, which would be downhill through the pipe bedding material, and away from the well on Lot 12, Bk 21. In sh°rt, wastewater leaking from the AWWU sewer line would nOt migrate towards the well. ,The elevation difference between the manhole and the clean-out will ensure that wastewater does not back-up in the sewer line, daylight, and flow towards the well. In order for this to occur, several of the houses downhill from t,he c/o would have to flood first, a scenario Unlikely to go unnoticed! WATER QUALITY: Recent water sampling/analysis (11/17/96) found no bacteria, and nitrate levels'of0.1 mg/1.. Copies of the lab results are attached. WELL TEST: On the day of the adequacy test (11/17/96) the static level was 1.5 feet below the. top of the casing (casing extends approx. 1.2 feet above ground). Water was pumped .from the well at a rate of 5.21 gpm for 115 minutes (600 gallons). The water level in the casing dropped approximately 70 feet. During the first 10 minutes of the recovery period, the level rose 35 feet~ Based upon this data, it was determined that the capacity of the well exceeds .42 gpm, the minimum requirement for a 4 bedroom house (600 gallons per day). ~ Sine,rely, :.. ~am~'4 ess, P.E., M.S. '~::'~'~ ARY: Upon considering the mitigating factors, it appears that there is minimal risk ssQe! M with granting the subject waivers. Attached is a cheek for $230.00, payable~t° the S~ g~.Alaska, for the waiver review. If you have any questions, please contact: me at 33~ii~: 39, or on my digital pager at 1-800-481-1162. Thank you for your assistance. c.c. George McCoy for Rick Mystrom NOTE, THI~ I~ NDT A SURVEY. ALL LCOATIDNS ARE APPRDX~NATE. InT IE~ BK ;~1~ ALYIrSKA S/II ND.3 )L]D ;,/ELL SEEVICE STUB ~ LDCAT]I3N ltDUSE ?DDT VELL --A~i/VU SEVER THE I~ISTANCE FRDM THE ;,/ELL TD THE PUBLIC SEVER MAIN 1'~ APPRDX, E8 FEET. THE ])ISTANCE FRDM THE WELL TO THE PUI~LIC SEVER C.w'O ]~. m4mPf~[~(. ~ FEE'r, ',ALYESKA S/D ND,3 '.i~,~ ~/ASTE~/ATER SERVICES OARNESS SCALE, 30' CE-7f53 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE MEMORANDUM DATE: October 21, 1996 TO: FROM: Jerry Weaver, Supervisor, Platling Section, DCPD Roberta Piper, P.E., Plannir~g Engineer, AWWU ~/Y~"-- RE: Short Plat to be heard October 28, 1996 The Anchorage Water & Wastewater Utility has reviewed the referenced plat and has the following comments: S-9985 Alyeska Third Addition, Block 21, Lot 12 (preliminary plat w/easement vacation) Grid 4916 1. AWWU water is not available to the referenced lot. An asbuilt drawing prepared by Lantech dated June 15, 1996, indicates the property is on a private well(s). The well location on the southern corner of the lot as shown on the asbuilt is within 5' of a sanitary sewer service line (private sewer line); within 28' of.the AWWU sanitary sewer mainline (a community sewer line); and within 35' of a sanitary sewer mai~ cleanout. Petitioner to resolve the well location(s) and separation requirements with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). 2. Petitioner will provide AWWU with copy of correspondence from ADEC referencing: a) certification of both wells; b) identification of which well is to be used as water source for subject property; c) separation distances from well to sanitary sewer facilities; and, d) stipulations of any waiver which may be approved. 3. AWWU has no obj.ection to the prol)osed easement vacation. If you have any questions, please call Hallie Stewart al 564-2721. CC: jeff Garness Alaska Water & Wastewater 8471 Brookridge Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Michael Lu ADEC 555 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 m;en§~lannin§\hmm\platsL599~5.doc ~' < 0 0 w fi. ~ ~: .5 Z 9b~£8££i06:0~ '±NI~W SHB£SAS FIMM~:WO~B ££:SI 96 OCT-~_3 96:. 15::35 FROM:AI,JPlIJ S~'.STEMS MAIl',IT. ;--'674511 · rD 'l TO: 90?;3383246 PA.SE 77 (49) ~2 /" 1981 ! I 88 (~6) ~LL LOG feet t,O ~? bedrr~} to i. -:. ,-!· ':tO Gal io¢~ Per' Total Feet; Z Z ~,V ICE ~CONNECTION RECORD Permit Yes No ~/ I.'ermi ~ Yes 1'~o X' I! /- // / JUL-!'2'S6 FRI S:40 Abf G MCCOY SALES I _ _1111111 . II II ILl I ~,: .,) LOT 15 uL, T ! 2 L 0 T 11 · 0 EX~STiNG "~ 0 0'%0 EXi S T N C-. HOUSE / ///' 100.00' ~0,87' (x~) 3c.~, ................. "-: ........... q~e'~"~m~"~-'a¥~'" ............ ~-' .... 'i EXCLUSION NOT~;$; it T* thc own¢rs' reaponsibillty to determine which dO dOl opp~dr on thc recorded subdivision plo'I, NO~; w~th JACK WHITE COMPANY construction or for ~tobHgh]~g pr6perty lines, LAND &:' CONSTRUCTION SURVEYORS-I~LANN~R$-ENOINEER$ 440 WEST 8~N$ON i~LVD. # 10,.9 SURVEY CE~,TiFICATION~ LANTEOH ha~ oonduoted <3 physicol survey of this p?operty os ahown on this/woo,~cKs- ~ ment~ ex~s~ ~ther thon nbted, ]ORA~L- I;'"U2':' . ' LOT ]2, BLOGK 21, 11/2i/96 15:30 C:TgE ESI ANCHFIR'AGE * ~U,~,._'.:,msd~ NO. =S' mliCT&E Environmentel Service~ Inc, CT&E ReL# Client Name .Project Na~ne/# Client Sample ID, Matrix Ordered By PWSID 966177001 AK Water 8c Wastewater Se.r~ ices Li2 321, Alyeska S/D #3 BOse BJ. bb in Crawl Space Dri~dd~g Water Smnple collected by: Gat'ness Client PO# Printed Date/Time 11/21/96 12:36 Collected Date/Time I1/17/96 15:50 Received Date/Time 11/'1.8/96 15:30 Technical Director: Stephea~ C. Ede Released By Parameter Nitrato-N Total Co[fform Results PQL Un i ts Method Al [owabte Prep Limits Date o.1oo u o 0.100 mg/L SM18 6500-NO~F 10 max 0 cot/lOOr,~L SM18 92228 11/18/~r 11/15/;'c TONY KNOWLES, GOVERNOR DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION James Cross, Program Manager On-Site Water Quality Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519 RECEIVED FEB 1 2 1997 Municipality of Anchorage Dept. Health & Human Services SUBJECT: Lot 12, Bk. 21, Alyeska #3 Separation Distance Waiver 9721-WV-327-023 Dear Jim, At your request, our office has completed a review of the well separation distance waiver request for the above-referenced property. Our review consisted of reviewing a submittal from Jeffrey Garness, Alaska Water & Wastewater, dated November 21, 1996, and a supplemental submittal dated January 22, 1997, which included a letter from Rick Mystrom (the property owner) dated January 20, 1977. The waiver was requested for a horizontal separation distance between a private well on the above-referenced lot and the service connection, a sewer lateral, and a sewer clean out. Based on this review, we recommend a conditional approval be granted provided the following additional criteria are met: The location of the service connection to the residence where the proposed High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) ends must be at least 20 feet from the location of the well. From the information provided, it was unclear where the service connection to the residence occurred. As this point of connection remains a potential point of failure, this distance is the minimum the Department could allow. The proposed replacement of the service connection with HDPE is acceptable provided the following conditions exist and the following criteria are achieved: The HDPE wi!! be installed and tested by manufacturer certified personnel. The installation and testing will be overseen by a licensed engineer. The location of the sewer service line shall be located the maximum potential distance from the well and in no event can it be any closer than 5 feet. If the existing service line (to be abandoned) is closer to the well than 5 feet, the abandoned line should be removed and the ditch backfilled and compacted with a dense soil having low permeability to minimize the risk of the old trench serving as a conduit to transport sewage. James Cross February 6, 1997 Page 2 The well will need to be grouted into the bedrock so as to eliminate any potential of water entering the well from either the bedrock interface with overlaying soils or the overlaying soils themselves. Well log information was insufficient to verify the construction practices used at the time of well completion or the identity of the producing zone of the well. 4. The abandoned well will need to be properly abandoned as per 18AAC80. Mr. Gamess has paid the stun of $230.00 to our Department which covers the appropriate DEC fee for this type of waiver review. Although he submitted the request directly to us, it is our understanding that your office will process the request and make the formal response as is done with all other single family systems within the Municipality of Anchorage. We appreciate the opportunity to assist your office in conducting this review. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning our recommendations. BHL/ph SENT BY:ADEC ANCHORAGE ; 2- ?-9? ; 15:28 ,~L~ DI~,~~ OF ~qV'IR0~A2., CONSIERVATION ;AN(;HORA(~E/NEBTERN DO'~ ,!~NCHORA, GE/WI~TERN PtlBLiC SERVICE OFFICE CORDOVA STREET iNCHORAGE, Ar_~_A. SKA 99~01. · ' 90'73434'1~6 ;,K' 1 RECEIVED FEB 7 0 1997 O ~tlio/P~lity of AnChora e~t, Health & HUman COlV[M]~NTS: .............. BENT BY:ADEG ANGHORAQE ; 2- ?-~? ; 15:2~ ;ANCHORA(iE/WEI~TERN DO'* , ~0734,3471~$;# 2 TONY KNOWLE$, OOVERNOR ', DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION James cross, Pro,ram Manager On-Site Water Quality Municipality of Anchorage P.O. Box 196650' Anchorage, Alaska 99519 SUBIECT: Lot 12, Bk. 21, Alyeska #3,'. Separation Distance Waiver 972t-WV-327.023 Dear Jim, At your request, our office has completed a review of the well separation distance waiver request for the above-referenced property, Our revicw consisted of reviewing a submittal from Jefli~ey Gamess, Alaska Water & Wastewater, dated November 21, 1996, and a supplemental submittal dated January 22, 1997, wbJich included a letter from Rick Mystrom (the property owner) dated January 20, 1977. The waiver was requested for a horizonial sc~paration distance bet'woen a privatc Well on the above.referenced lot and the service connection, a sewer lateral, and a sower clean out. Based on this review, we recommend a conditional approval be granted provided the followin~ addltiono~ oriter/a are met: The location of the service connection to the residence where the proposed High Density Polyethylene (HDPl~.).ends must be at'least 20 feet from the location of thc well. From the information provided, it was unclear where the service connection to the residence occurred, As this point of connection remains a potential point of failure, this distance is the minimum the Department could allow. The proposed replacement of the service connection with HDPE is acceptable provided thc following conditions exist and the following criteria are achieved: 8~ The HDPB will bc installed and tested by manufacturer certified personnel. The inslallation and testing will be overseen by a liceru~ engineer. The location of the sewer service line shall be located the maximum potential distance from thc well and in no evuut can it be any closer than feet. Cn If the existing service line (to bc abandoned) is closer to the well than 5 fe~t, ~J,~e abandoned line should be removed and the diU~h 5ackfilled and compacted with a dense soil having Iow permeability to minimize thc risk of the old trench serving as a conduit to transport sewage. SENT BY:ADEC ANCHORAQE ; 2- ?-9? ; 15:29 ;ANCHORAQE/WESTERN DO~ 9,0?3434?85;# 3 James Cross February 6, 1997 P~ge 2 The well will need to be grouted into thc bedrock so as to eliminate any potential of water entering the well from either the bedrock in~rgace with overlaying soils or the overlaying soils themselves. Well log information was insufficient to verify the construction practices used at the time ofwei1 completion or the identity of thc producing zone of the well. 4, The abmdoned well will need to be properly abandoned as per 18AAC80. Mr. Oarness has paid the sum of $230.00 to our Department which covers the al~roprlat~ DEC fee for this type of waiver review. Although he submit:ted the request directly to us, it is our und~s~uding that your office will process the request and make the formal response as is done with ail oth~ single family systems within ~he Municipality of Anchorage. We appreciate the opportunity to assist your office in conducting this ~eview. Please let me know if you have any questions concerning our recommendations, Post-It'" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 Is of pages SENT BYJADEC ANCHORAt~E ; 2- ?-97 ; 15:30 ;ANCHORAQE/WESTERN BOA Alaska Wa or & Wascewater 84'/1 Brookrid~e Drive ~ Anchorage ~ Al~jla Phone (~7) ~741~ Consulting E~u~ 90~34347a5~# ~ January 22, 1997 State of Alaska D~artment of~nvironmentel Consa'vafion 555 Cordova Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Aim: Bill Lamoreaux, P.1L Subject: Rick Mystrom Well on Lot 12, Bk 21, Aly~ka #3, Dear Mri Lamoreaux: In response to your correspondence, dated 12/16/96, I contacted Mr, Mystrom regarding tho history of the old well (drilled 8/14/79). Attached is a letter he prepared whloh summarizes tho problems that necessitated drilling the new well (6/6/88). Based upon his statement it is clear that 1:here are periods when the old well doesn't produce any water at all. Given this flict, it is reasonable to assume that using the old well, a~d increasing storaso tank capacity, is not a viable option. Therefore, we are asking that your department gtRher consider the previously requested wafven. If 1-800-481-1162. Thank you for your assistance. SincerelY' /~ you have any questions, please contact me at '337-6179, or on my digital pager at c.c, OeorSe McCoy for Rick Mystrom SENT ; 2- r/-gr/ DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION D]~PAR~ OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION $~ CORDOVA STREET ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99501 ' ; 15:;30 ;ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DO~ 90r/3434'105;# 5 PHON~:'(907) 269-7500 Jeffrey A. Oarness, P.E., Alaska Water & Wastcwater 8471 Brookridge Drive Anchorage, A!aska 99504 December 16, 1996 SUBJECT: Lot 12, Bk, 21, Alycska #3# Separation Distance Waiver 9721-WV-327-023 Dear Mr. Garness, This letter is in response to your November 21, 1996 submittal in which you requested a waiver for the horizontal separation distance between a private well on the above referenced lot and the.s~rvloe conneotlon, a sewer lateral, and a sewer clean out, We have completed our review and offer the following response. Your report indicated that the well was drilled on August 14, 1979 and produced 0.5 gpm. No 'additional information was provided on this well except that it has not been abandoned to date. In that this well is approximately 80 feet from the sewer clean-out and 70 feet from tbe'.,sewer main, it would appear that obtaining a waiver for this well involves less risk than for the replacement w~II' that was constructed without a municipal permit. It may also bo that this well was approved for conslxuction with kaov~ledge of the location of the domestic s~,-wer.system, In other words~'a waiver for separation distances may have already been ~btained. We are requesting that the potential use of this well be examined for serving this lot, If tt 'stills yields 0.5 gpm, the development of approprlate.storage capability would, eliminate the need for further consideration of the original request. On a related topic, our review of these plans is being handled as a courtesy to the Municipality of Anchorage, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) as a means of avoiding any poteatial conflict of interest; between the municipal staff and your client, After discussions with' Mr, Jim Cross, we have agrgcd that it would bc appropriate to continue our review,, but to do so'thro~gh the DHHS. The significant difference essentially would be that fees normally paid to the DHHS would be required, In this case our fee would be subtracted out from the frees due DHHS (this fcc has already been paid) so that thc total fees due would be thc same that any other client would have to pay for this same service. We will continue to work directly with you on the technical aspects of the review, however, out final SENT BY:ADEG ANGHORA~5 ; 2- ?-8? ; 15:31 ;ANGHORA~E/WESTERN DO"* 9073434"/I]6;# 8 Jeffrey A, Oarness, P.E., M.S. :2 Dccember'16,' 1996 response will be directed through the DHHS, and they will require the submission of all ouizt~iing foes, Should you have any questions concerning our review, please, feel free to contact mo, Ar~a Manager . ..., co: Sim Cross, DHHS SENT BY:ADEC ANCHORAGE ; 2- ?-9? ; 15:92 ;ANGHORA6E/WESTERN DO~ 90?9494?88;# ? DRILUNG [~' WELL LO{3 ~ - cus'roegR ",'"":,'," SENT BY:ADEC ANCHORAGE ; 2- ?-97 ; 15:33 ;ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DO~ 8075454?85;# A~horlie, Aliwb 99St~ '" ' i~ ip~oxl~Cet7 288 i~ttafla. , the Korala tank for 90 uinucel, ~.a ehe ~tt ~nd sterile '"~"", 4-bidroom house. SENT BY:ADEC ANCHORAGE ; 2- 7-~? ; 15:33 ;ANCHORAGE/WESTERN DO'~ 9073434r/1~$;# 9 , 15:35 ; AN(;HORA(~E/WESTERN DO") 907 80734@4788~#11 ,?,2 273'/]]iaa~ .. RE; Kospoflso for,yom' roquo~ ~r ra~o~o b~ ~ s~ wc~ on.~t I2, ~,, 21 ~ ~. O~nl: .," ' We ~ro~s.~ t~s prop~~ in lgS& ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t ~e ~ ~lu~ of ~, but was ad~m'~ a ~.~. ~r, ~er t~ n~ ~o ye~ t~s well weet ~ ~ ~ w~ ~ ~ ~ wi~ ~r a sub~ti~ t~, $ineoroly yom'i: RJOk Mystrom/r M -V\% DRILLING, Inc. P.C. dox 4-1224 • 1310C International Airport Road (907) 274-4611 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99509 DRILLING LOG Well Owner Yvan Safar Use of Well Dom. Location (address of: Township, Range, Section, if known; or distance main road Int 19 R1 nc•k 71 Al ypska Siihd #3, Gi rdwood Size of casing 6" nepth of Hole 80 feet Cased to 43.5 feet Static water level 25 ftVe) Screen ( ); Perforated ( (below) land surface. Finish of well (check one) open end ( xx ); )• Describe screen or r erforation N/A Well pumping test at 1/ 9 gallons per (F (minute) for 1 hours with °�kik of drawdown from static level. Date of completion 8/14/79 WELL LOG Depth in feet from ground surface Give details of formations penetrated, size of material, color and hardness 0 TO 7 rasing stickup 2 TO 13 Gravel fill 13 TO 16 .Organics 16 TO 35 Silty gravel 35 TO 40 Silty water gravel: would not clean up 40 TO 43 Soft Bedrock 43 TO 80 Bedrock: water seaps in sporadic fractures throughout TO TO TO �, ��L���> /—-�•!.�' TO NNVIVA Certified Contractor TO s. 814 ../73 TO TO TO 1 — CUSTOMER Rick Mystrom, Mayor Mum.:'ipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services 825 "L" Street P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 343-4744 March 14, 1997 Jeff Garness, P.E. Alaska Water & Wastewater Services 8741 Brookridge Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Re: Waiver Request For Lot 12 Block 21 Alyeska Subdivision #3, Waiver Number WR970006, P.I.N. 076-022-25 Dear Mr. Garness: Your request for a waiver of required separation distances from a private well to: 1. sewer main of 75 feet 2. sewer cleanout of 100 feet 3. sewer service connect of 25 feet has been conditionally approved at this time. The conditions this waiver request must meet prior to receiving final approval are listed in the letter dated February 6, 1997 from Mr. Bill Lamoreaux, P.E., with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to Mr. James Cross, P.E., Program Manager of On-Site Services with the Municipality of Anchorage. Mr. Cross has already provided you a copy of this letter. If you have any questions of this conditional approval please do not hesitate to contact me at 343-4761. Daniel J. Roth Civil Engineer On-Site Services Program PERMIT NO. DllJr-J I C: I }4';qLIT'T' CIF Rr-JCHt.'E:AGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH fiND ENVIRONMENTAL. PROTECTION 825 "L' STREET., ANCHORAGE, AK. 99581 264-4?20 L.JELL F'E~:r-I IT ( ?90445 ) AF'PL I CRNT LOCAT I ON LEGRL YVAN SRFAR HI~-;HER TERRRLZ:E Lt2 E:2t RL"r'ESKR S,."'[:' #2: F'O BL,=':, 462-2 L 3T '= :,IZE 7:::2: · 1.40~30 SQUFIRE FEET MINIMUM DISTBNCE BETWEEN A WELL AND ANY ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM IS 100 FEET FOR A PRIVATE WELL; OR ~50 TO 200 FEET FROM A PUBLIC WELL DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF PUBLIC WELL. WELL LOGS ARE REQUIRED AND MUST BE RETURNED TO THE DEPARTMENT WITHIN )0 DAYS OF 'THE WELL COMPLETION. OTHER REQUIREMENTS MAY APPLY. SPECIFICBTIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DIAGRAMS ARE 89AILABLE TO INSURE PROPER INSTALLATION. F'EF.:D1 I T E:=-(F' I F.:E':-; E:,E,Z:EDIE:E~: _---::~L.. I ~ ..... ;' FY ..,ERTl THAT t' I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ON-SITE SEWERS AN[:, WELLS AS SET FORTH BY THE MUNICIPRLIT"r' OF RNC:HORRGE. 2' I WILL INSTALL THE S."r'STE, I~t I['~AC:COR[:'ANCE WITH THE E:O[:'ES. S I GNED' RPF L. I L.H~T 'AR I c;,::~ ~E[:, E, e ..... [:,BTE .... MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION FOR HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL OF ON-SITE SEWER AND WATER FACILITY Application Date GENERAL INFORMATION (a) (b) (c) Legal Description' (include lot, block, subdivision, section, township, range) LoCation (address or dir. ections) APplicant Name ~.[~ ~Jo~:~ Teephone:Home ~-~g Business Applicant is (check on~):..Le~ing Institution ~; Owner/builder ~; Buyer ~; Other~(exp a n); (d) Lending Institution Address Telephone (e) (f) Mail the HAA to the following address: TYPE OF RESIDENCE Single-Fami'ly ~/Multi-Family Number of Bedrooms Other WATER SUPPLY Individual Well. l.l~ Community [] Public [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Onsite [] Public~/' Community [] Holding Tank [] Note: If community well system, must have written confirmation from the State Department of Environmental Conservation attesting to the legality and status. Page 1 of 2 72~025 (11/84) ENGINEERING FIRM PROVIDING INSPECTIONS, TESTS, FILE SEARCH, DATA AND INFORMATION As certified by my seal affixed hereto and as of the validation date shown below, I verify that my investigation of this Health Authority Approval shows that the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is safe, functional and adequate for the number of bedrooms and type of structure indicated herein. I further verify that based on the information obtained from the Municipality of Anchorage files and from my investigation and inspection, the on-site water supply and/or wastewater disposal system is in compliance with alt Municipal and State codes, ordinances, and regulations in effect on the date of this inspection. Name of Firm ~/-,-"~'~ ,--/----~,--~: Address ,/_~Lo0 cJ~ c3 ".3 ''~4a. Date DHEP APPROVAL ~'~_.~ Approved for ~ bedrooms Approved ~ Disapproved Terms of Conditional Approval Conditional CAUTION The Muncipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Environmental Protection (DHEP) issues'Health Authority Approval certificates based solely upon the representations, given in paragraph 5 above by an independent professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska. The DHEP does this as a courtesy to purchasers of homes and their lending institutions in order to satisfy certain federal and state requirements. Employees of DHEP do not conduct inspections or analyze data before a certificate is issued. The Municipality of Anchorage is not responsible for errors or omissions in the professional engineer's work. Page 2 of 2 72-025 H 1/84i WELL DATA AUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPT. OF HEALTH & MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE (MO/t~J. NViRONMENTAL PROTECTION HEALTH AUTHORITY APPROVAL (HAA) CHECKLIST- FEBRUARY 1984 ~ ~..B 0 ~ ~ 284-4720 Legal Description: ~ ! Well Log Present, N) Date Complete~ ~.-- [~- 7~' Yield Total Depth ~ Cased to 4t/'J-~ ,' 5 Depth of Grouting c~, Static Water Level ;~5~" PumP Set At Casing Height Above Ground ( Sanitary Seal on Casingt~)N) Electrical Wiring in Conduit(~N) Depression Around Wellhead (Y/(~ Separation Distances from Well: To Septic/Holding Tank on Lot /(,///J ; On Adjoining Lots To Nearest Edge of Absorption Field on Lot /~//~ ; On Adjoining Lots / To Nearest Public Sewer Line '~' To Nearest Public Sewer Cleanout/Manhole ~' f To Nearest Sewer Service Line on Lot Water Sample Collected by ~). ~-..o~- ;Date J'- Water Sample Test Results ~J~l. _ '$ ~ Comments / B. SEPTIC/HOLDING TANK DATA Date Installed Standpipes (Y/N) Air-tight Caps (Y/N) Depression over Tank (Y/N) Pumping/Maintenance Contract on File (Y/N) Holding Tank High-Water Alarm (Y/N) Separation Distances from Septic/Holding Ta ,To Water-Supply Well To Property Line To Water Main/Service Course Size No. of Compartm, Foundation Cleanout (Y/N) Last Pumped ; for __ Temporary Holding Tank Permit (Y/N) To Building Foundation To Disposal Field To Stream, Pond, Lake, or Major Drainage Comments Page 1 of 2 72-026(11/84) C. ABSORPTION FIELD DATA Soils Rating in Absorption Strata Date Installed Width of Field Square Feet of Absorption Area Depression over Field (Y/N) Results of Last Adequacy Test Separation Distance from Absorption Field: To Water-Supply Well To Building Foundation Lot To Water Main/Service Line __ To Stream/Pond/Lake/or Major To Driveway, Parking Area, Comments Course Storage Area Type of System n Length of Field Depth of Fi Gravel Bed Thi~ )es Present (Y/N) Last Adequacy Test To Property Line To Existing or Abandoned System on ; On Adjoining Lots To Cutbank (if present) D. LIFT STATION Date Installed Size in Gallons "Pump On" Level at High Water Alarm Level at Tested for Electrical Codes (Y/N) Comments J;~dle/Access (Y/N/. "Pump Off" Level a)t Vent (Y/N) Pumping Cycles during Adequacy Test. Meets MOA ** Check Permi m Rating Against HAA Request ** I certify that I have checked, verified, or conformed to all MOA and HAA guidelines in effect on the date of this inspection. Signed ~ .1~?..47 Date /- Company ~'"~' S ..~?'~.- MOA No. Receipt No. ;3'~ 0 ~:~/ Date of Payment c~ ~,/-.-- <~ (~ Amount: Page 2 of 2 72-026 (11/84} ALASKA , IIUIROFIITII FITAL COFITROL SI IqUICI S, II1C. I~nqineerinq 8 I~nuironmental Studies January 29, 1986 Remax Realty Inc. 1000 E. Dimond, Suite 101 Anchorage, Alaska 99515 Attn: Mr. Ralph Nobrega Subject: Well test, Lot 12, Block 21, Alyeska Subdivision #3 Dear Mr. Nobrega: Our office conducted a well flow test in conjunction w~th a Health Authority ~nvestigation on the subject lot. The well log reports total depth of the well at 80 feet and yield at 0.5 gallons per minute. A submersible pump pumps water to a storage tank in a "well house" underneath the house. Another pump takes water from this unpressurized tank and pumps it into a small 22 gallon pressure tank, which feeds the house. We calculate the volume of the large storage tank at approximately 288 gallons. The well was tested by pumping both the tank and the well dry. Approximately 230 gallons were obtained in 30 minutes. We surmise the storage tanks were not full as the submersible pump was running and the well was nearly dry at the start of the test. The well was allowed to recover and begin filling the storage tank for 90 minutes. Then the well and storage tanks were again run dry: 58 gallons were pumped in 9 minutes. Based on our test data, we calculate the well yielding 0.59 gallons per minute, or 849 gallons per day. This exceeds the Muncipality of Anchorage criteria of 600 gallons per day for a 4-bedroom house. A water sample was tested and found to be free of coliform bacteria contamination. We suggest a copy of this report be presented with the documents to a propective buyer, in order for the new owner to understand how the low well yield is overcome by storage 1200 LUesI 33rd Auenu¢, Suite ~, Anchoraqe, Alaska 99503,(907) 561-50z10 capacity. The new owner must understand that water usage should be planned so that a continuous supply is available. ~.e. Do not water the lawn, wash clothes, run dishwasher and run the bath at the same time. If you have any questions, plese call. Sincerely, Denn~ s Roe Field Engineer APPLI¢ NT FILLS OUT UPPER HAl ONLY ["roperty Owner '~ ~/~ ~) !i~ A ~'"/1 t"~ Phone ~"~ ~ /' '/ ~ / ~' Zip Code Buyer Address Zip Code Address Zip Code Realty Co. & A~nt Phone Address Zip Code Street Locati~ Type of Resi~nce ~Single Family ~ Multiple Family No. of Bedroo~ ~ Other Water Supply ~dividual ATTACH WELL LOG. A w~l log is required for all wells drilled since June 1975. ~ Community For wells drilled prior to that date, give well depth (attach log if available). ~ Public Utility (~ Sewer Disposal ~Z<~ i -- ¢--? ¢ ~ Individual ' ~ Year Individual Installed: ~Public Utilily ~ /~~ / ~ ~ / When Connected to Public Utility: ~ Holding Tank NOTE: THE INSPECTION FEE MUST AOGOMPANY EACH ~E~E8T BEFORE ~OGESSING GAN BE INITIATED. Time Time Time Time Date \ Date Date Date Insp~tor Insp~tor Insp~lo~ Insp~tor Field Notes: MUNICIPALITY/OF  ~ O. ~ ~ -- ~C( -- ~ DEPT. OF I'.E/,LT~I ' ENVIRO~qMENI'AL PROTECrION RECEIVED ~ ) APPROVED BEDROOMS *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ( ) DISAPPROVED ( ) CONDITIONAL APPROVAL* Sails Rating Date ~wer Installed Well To Absorption Area Well Log Received Well to Tank Septic T~k Size 72-023 (3182)