HomeMy WebLinkAboutATKINS BLK 1 LT 2A LOT ZA I July 18s 1974 Roger Dtxon 2828 [net 84th Avenue Anchm'ige, Alaska SUgJECT: Atktns Sul~dtvtsten Ilitor Sul~ly Dear Hr. Dtxon: On August 17, 1972 a lettor ~as Nflt to the propert~ mffwrs tn Atktns Sub- dtvtston requistf~ the reconstruction of tko smtolmbllc vel1 to meet health standards tn the State ~tar Supply Ordtnonce. A recent Inspection of the subject vd1 revetled Ntt1&1 compliance as the cistng his been extonded and ts satts¢ictoryl bm~ver, the ptt his not been ~tllnd vtth tmpervfeus so11 is requestml. 11~ vel1 ts subject to ¢loodtng around the castng and possfble contantnitton tn the distribution system. The pressure ~ mt be brought above grlund level and the ptt ¢tlled tn. An engtnoer regtstorndtn the State of Ali~ka Bust certtfy the work and Is-butlts subldttod to the Borough and the State. The upgrading of the vel1 and certification of the york must be &ccmpllshed by August 31, 1~74 is the current vel1 status ts unsatts¢&ctory and a hialth hazard. Stnc:erel.y, Lis BiK:IIholz, R.S., Sanitarian lB/ko Certified No. 74338 cc: Roll Strtckland, Chfof Serif tartan RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30¢ (plus po~stap) SE~NT TO POS'I:MARK OR DATE --STREET AND NO. '.0., STATE AND ZiP CODE L Ois~IONAL SERVICES FOIl AODITIONAL FEES 'ETURN k~ 1. Shows to whom and date delivered ........... 15~ With delivery to addressee only ............ 6S¢ RECEIPT 2. Shows to whom data and where delivered .. 3S4~ SERVICES With del very to addressee on y ............ 85~_ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SO~ SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fe~ required) .................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Apr. ].971 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL , G~O: k Roger Dtxon 2828 East 84th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 SUBJECT: Cesspools ex~sttng on Lot IA, Mock 1, Atktns Subdivision servtng Lot lA and Lot 4),, Block 1, Atktns Subdivision De~r ~r. On October 29, 1973 thts Department nottfted Iqr. tJnz thit Lot lA, Block 1, Atktns Su~tvhton must be connected to the my&liable publlc sever by August 1, 1974 and the cessl~ols located on the lot destroyed as they are wtthtn 75' of the creek. At that ttme, thts Depirtment ~s not a~are that ~he sub~ect cessix)ols serYed your lot; however, thts fact does not iffect our request. Accordtn~ to State Ordtnince lWC 72,020: "b) No person my constr~t, 1natal1 or use asepttc tank, pecl~ge plant, or sotl absorption systM wtt~ut ~tttw a~al f~ the Sh~ ~~t of Envt~~l ~- vatt~ tfa c~fltty sMra~e syst~ tl available ~thtn 2~ f~t.~ "c) ....bertram a septic teak, package plant, or soll &bsor~tten syst~n and coamuntt~ rater supply shell be 200 feet... --- "d) No person my construct, or 1natal1 asepttc tank and sotl absorption s~stam or prtvy wtthln 100 feet, metsu~ed hortzonilly, of any nitu~el or mn-mede lake, rtver...." Therefore, tt ts seemingly Impossible for you to place an on-site sever systen on ~ lot. Ve idvtse t~t ~ c~ct ~r ~lgh~rs a~, ~~r, Mve a lit~al s~r tns~11~ ~ s~e Lot lA a~ Lot ~. Contact Dennls Gardner of the Publlc Sever Customer Servtce Sectlon for an), tnfomatlon concj~ ~..Ing thts Installation. He can be rMched at 279-8686, extension ,,~ :, :: Ouesttons, mleas~ 'u !fc Cc','er Cmtn'~'r ~,rvice RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30¢ (plus postage) I SE.T To J~ X,'~ ~) OR OATE · /. POSTMARK I-STREET AND NO, ,' f.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE ' OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES RETURN ~. 1. Shows to whom and data delivered ........... 15¢ With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ RECEIPT p 2. Shows to whom, date and whirl delivered .. SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 8.5~_ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (oxtrm ~cee required) .................................... PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED~ Apt'. 197! NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL k s~il a~'sorntlon ~v~tr.u or nrivv "it'q~n 1,'~ 'frx~t ~u':~]:s,m~,.; "~rizor',allv. o¢ ,'.nv n~tural or ,'~an-m~ ~r la~,?~. "'~,t;,.~ct,.,.,~ .... ,_ ~"fs, rqr"n~r. . of the 'u~.lic for nqv in~'rr~',.=~tinn corlcc:rnin, r! this I 'lk 0 0 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus p°st_;Ee) SENT TO POSTMARK STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL Frr~,S RETURN ~'-~. ~b oW-~bo~--a~lver ~d ........... ]s~ I mr~m? m~ With delivery to addressee o~tl 65¢ ~- z. anows to whom, date and where delive~ed 35¢ I SERVICES Ir With delivery to addressee only ............ -~VER TO ADDRESSEE ONlY ................................................ ~Ot~--/ ~E~ ~-E-L] V~ -(-extra f~ requi re~ .................................... OR DATE PS Form Apr. 1971 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See ott,,r ,~.) NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL .A. GM: ~ o - ,~?,~