HomeMy WebLinkAboutATKINS BLK 2 LT 3 [~e.d~r 12, 1977 2840 East 84thAvenue Anohorage, Alaska 99502 Subjects A&..kins SubdJ.vision Ac~ording to this department"s water sampling moniter list, we have not as yet reoeive~ a water sample for the above subJec~ well system for the month of No~~ 1977. Our re~ords indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples La for the sub~eot water system. If you have net done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle fromthe State Lab, 527 East 4thAvenue~ as soon u possible and return the sample ~o the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subJe=t w~ter system, please notify us ~iately ~o any name and/or address ~hanges. If there are any further ~uest~ons, please ~ontaot this offioe at 264-4720 or at the above ad~resso Thank you for your ~o-operation in this matter. S~/~cerely, LFnn ~i~gle RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30¢ (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES L-. '%-- RETuF*N' ] ~. t. Shews to whom and date delivered ........... With delivery to addressee only ............ ESe ~.l~:~Ell~ ~1~ 2. Shows to whom, date and where deliver... SERVICES ~ With delivery to addressee only ............ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (extro foe requlro~ .................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- (See o#*e, side) Apr. 197! 3800 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ~u~o: ~.~4 o- ~-4~4 Municipality of DEPARTMENT OF HEAL N E NMENTALPR~ .... --~.,,~~ ;' "'. ~ ,.,~,,. ~ ,~. Wesley Wallace 2840 East 84th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Atkins SubdiVision POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 SEp 8 tc~?7 According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for the above subject well system for the month of May through August, 1977. Our records iterate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. If there are any further questions, please contact this office at 279-2511, extension 224, or at the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter, Sincerely, Lynn Bringle Principal Environmental Control Officer LB/ljh Mu -cipality of Anchorage POUCH 6-650 ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99502 (907) 279-2511 GEORGE M. SULLIVAN, MA YOR DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (825 "L' Street) June 13, 1977 Wesley Wallace 2840 East 84th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 ,Subject:~kins Subdivision ~ According to this department's water sample moniter list, we have not as yet received a water sample for the above subject well system for the month of May, 1977. Our records indicate that you are responsible for turning these mandatory samples in for the subject water system. If you have not done so as yet, please obtain a water sampling bottle from the State Lab, 527 East 4th Avenue, as soon as possible and return the sample to the same address for analysis. If you are no longer in charge of the subject water system, please notify us immediately to any name and/or address changes. If there are any further questigns, please contact this office at 279-2511, extension 224, or ~t the above address. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter. Principal Environmental Control Officer WMD/ljh RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postage) SENT TO STREET AND NO. P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE  OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES RE RN iL 1. Shows to whom end dote delivered ........... 15~ With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ RECEIPT p 2. Shows to whom, date and where delivered .. 3St SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ OELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY (extra fee required) .................................... PS Form NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- Apr. 1971 3800 POSTMARK OR DATE (See other s/de) NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL NZNORX~D~# e-I.-74 ].1.-27-74 ]2-2-74 ].-4-75 .1.-0-75 ~esle~ .~11,ce ~t40 E~st 84th Avenue Anchorage, &l &ski SUBJE~r: Seid-publlc ,lte~ ,111 ~ Lot 3. Block 2, At, Ins Subd~flslal hit I~ir. il111,ce: This ls the. seconal. _.raquest regarding upgrading the ~ell censtructton to met eorongn and State Standards m the subject property. w. Ine casing extends above love _ ~e,z~__~d .p!.t.a _r~_ the onstng s~fn vtolittal of the State AdBrlnJstra- ~,vu ~oae tl~te /-r&rt 2, 197~J Cbiptar 14.210 (I)(b)(c). The vel1 mt be upgraded to the required Imlth standirds ~lthfn 30 daxs of receipt of this lettar. If you hive i~y questions, pletse fit1 free to clmiict bls Dlplrtolnt .t Z74-4S61, utanslon 13S. S4nttarlln ~erttfled No. 740412 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30(~ (plus postage) SENT TO POSTMARK OR DATE STREET AND NO. P.O,, STATE AND ZIP CODE ! OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES i RETURN iL 1. Shows to whom and date delivered ........... ~- P With delivery to addressee only ............ RECEIPT 2. Shows to whom, date and where delivered . 35~ SERVICES With de avery to addressee only ............ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SOc~ SPECIAL DELIVERY (ox-fro fee required] .................................... PS Form Apr. 1971 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL #ENORANDUN November 27, lg74 FROg: Les kcl~lz, R.S., Nisley llalllc. - Niter vel1 fn ftol&ttm m Lot 3. Block 2. At~tns Sdxltvtston 7-18-74 8-~-74 9-16-74 11-27-74 ko Letters sent to lmdmmefs ~ b~ subject ~e11 notifying tbm Letter sent to Nillace requesting the upgrading of the ual1. An e~rller 1.ette~ se~t to 1~ tn Atktns S~dt~tstm ~as not sent to tiallace end ,that ts reason for smdtng tbts letter. Ttae for cofYectten his exptred gld lnspecttm r~vealed ne cmpltance. ~tnspected amd there~ ~ls no c~. Summons tad cea~l, atat . _~.28 East 84th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99507 SUBJECT: Atklns Subdtvlslon Water Supply Dear ~r. ~a11&ce: On August 17, 1972 a letter was sent to the property owners in the Atktns Subdivision requesting the seal-public well be constructed to comply with Alaska Health Ca)des and the water be sampled periodically. A recent Inspection reveaTed parttal compliance as the castng has been extended; however, the pit ~as not been filled in with t~q~ervtous sot1 as requested, The property owners of Atktns Subdivision are being notified of this problem by an earlier letter that accidentally was not sent to you or the Kaut~nans. The well ts on your property and the property owners of AtLtns Subdivision have stated a monthly charge is paid to the Wallace-Lmnz account for the operation of the well. My letter of July 18 requested compliance by August 31, 1~74; however, dee to the oversight, the date for compliance is being extended to Septembe~ ~. Failure ~o meet State Health Codes by that date wtll result in legal a4~jea by this Department. Sincerely, Les Buchholz, R.S.. Sanitarian LB/ko CC: Paul Kaut~n P. O. Box 992 Kenat, Alaska Nancy Wa1 lace 2828 East 84th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska Allkmtll, Alaska ea~l Ream 2ama bt 84th Avenue A~, Alaska Re11' Strtckland, Chtef SentSarten Dept. of Envteementel Quality Roger Dtxon General Oeltvery Valdez, ~aska Robe~ Utto 2828 Eaa~ 64th Avenue AnchoraVe, Alaska i GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 99507 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Auqust ]8, ]972 Nancy & Wesley Wallace 50l North Park #3 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 · Subject: Atkins Subdivision Water Supply D~ar Mr. & Mrs. Wallace: An inspection of the subject water supply was made by this Department to determine its compliance with the State Water Supply Ordinance. It was noted that the well was contained in a pit subject to flooding. For compliance, the well casing must be properly sealed, the pressure tank brought above ground level and the pit filled in with impermeable s°il. An engineer registered in the State of Alaska should be contracted to design and certify the work. Your cooperation in eliminating this possible health hazard will be appreciated. Corrections must be completed before freeze up this fall, 1972. Please contact this office after completion of work. / ~/ohn R. Lee, R.S.  [nvironmental Services Manager mb 1970 SO~_~CT: Extension of Warning Ticket for Se~r Syste~ Improve- wnts, 2828 East 84th. ~s y~o kno~, the engir~ring plans will have to b~ subaitted to t~ae State ~epart~nt of ttealth and Wel£are in Juneau for revie~ by their engineering section. Shen the plans are ready, please bring tl~m to this office. ~ will th~n £or~ard tha~ to Juneau vith a request for special con- si~ration to accelerate their revio~. Sincerely~ CLIF~ P. ,IUDKINS, R.S. td~inistrativ~ Director Sanitarian RECENT FOR Ci, RT&Fi[D MAIL--lt¢ SE HTTO /~ ~' ~~~ POSTMARK STREET AND NO. QITY. STATE, AND ZiP CODE E~RA S~VICE~ FOR ADDITIONAL F~S Shows to whom Shows to whom, /ffdres~e Only and when when, and where del~veted delivered : POD Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED-- See other side) Nov. 1964 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAlL i ['I: '~?,Li Name of Person Against Whom Complaint is Made: · Owner of Property Where Nuisance Exists: Street Address: ~ - ' ' I certify that such statement~of ' rue to the best of my belief and know- ledge. I request that the foregoing matter be investigated and that appropriate action,thereafter be taken, I am willing to testify to the facts stated in the foregoing complaint in court if nacessary, Complainant BOYKO AND WALTON ANCHORAGE.- ALASKR TELEFNON[ 277-26'7! ~usband and wife, for and in consideration of the payment o: $1.00 in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and other valuable consideration, do hereby convey and warrant unto .WESLEY~WALLACE, a married man, Grantee, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all of the following described real property: Lot Three i3)~ Block Two (2) ATKINS SUBDI~ISION~ according to the official plat thereof, filed under Plat Number 69-142, Records of the A~chorage Recording District, Third Judicial District, State of Alaska SUBJECT TO: Easements, restrictions and reservations of record. FURTHER SUBJECT TO: A Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, dated November 27, 1968, executed by GEORGE E. ATKINS, trustor, to SECURITY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY OF ALASKA, trustee, for the benefit of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANCHORAGE, to secure the payment of the sum of $16,000.00 and interest; recorded December 2, 1968, in Mortgage Records Volume 34 at page 200. The grantee herein does not agree to assume and pay the promissory note secured by said deed of trust; payments made under the second deed of trust will be applied to the first deed of trust. Grantee accepts this deed with full knowledge of all the obligations imposed on the grantor and accepted by the grantor in recorded prior deeds from the grantor to other third persons of Lot l-A, Block 1; Lot ~, Block 1; Lot ~,Block 1; Lot ~, Block 1; Lot 5A,Block 1; Lot 1, Block 2; Lot 2, Block 2; Lot 4, Block 2 and Lot 5, Block 2, all in the ATKINS SUBDIVISION, Anchorage Recording District, which obligations qrantee doe~ hereby expressly assume.. (on his own behalf and on behalf of all of his heirs, successors and assigns), acknowledge and agree to abide by. Furthermore, the grantee does further ex~ressl~ obli- gate himself a~d agree to grant to all of the owners of the above- menclonea ~o~s, their heirs, successors an~ assigns t~e same rl~ts wn~c~ were granted by the grantor to other grantees hereto~ fore referred to, (this is the obligation to furnish water to such other owners, their heirs, successors and assigns, at t~e 'rate o~ $9.50 per month, such monthl~ rate shall be'subject to' -~norease zrom time to time, however such monthly rate charge fo£' water shall not exceed that currently charged by water utilities in the surrounding area of the said real property). All costs of installation of water lines shall be borne by such other lot owners. iMOG~NE ATK~NS ACCEPTANCE 'DATED this The Grantee has acc.~.pted the foregoing deed on the terms and conditions therein set f¢.rth and agrees to the same. ~-~ / = day of ~"~,~.-t- , 1970. ~FE S LEY ~ILLACE Date Investigated: Action Taken: REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN DATE COMPLAINANT WAS CALLED REGARDING DISPOSITION OF COMPLAINT: GrEATEr ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGh 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99~07 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY August 17, 1972 Mr. Joseph Arms 2828 E. 84th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Atkins Subdivision Water Supply Dear Mr. Arms: An inspection of the subject water supply was made by this Department to determine its compliance with the State Water Supply Ordinance. It was noted that the well was contained in a pit subject to flooding. For compliance, the well casing must be properly sealed, the pressure tank brought above ground level and the pit filled in with impermeable soil. An engineer registered in the State of Alaska should be contracted to design and certify the work. Your cooperation in eliminating this possible health hazard will be appreciated. Corrections must be completed before freeze up this fall, 1972. Please contact this office after completion of work. ely, · Lee, R.S. nmental Services Supervisor bb m GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 9g'507 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY August 18, 1972 Thomas & Sharon Bittner 2828 East 84th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Atkins Subdivision Water Supply Dear Mr and Mrs. Bittner: An inspection of the subject water supply was made by this Department to determine its compliance with the State Water Supply Ordinance. It was noted that the well was contained in a pit subject to flooding. For compliance, the well casing must be properly sealed, the pressure tank brought above ground level and the pit filled in with impermeable soil. An enqineer reqistered in the State of Alaska should be contracted to design and certify the work. Your cooperation in eliminating this pessible health hazard will be appreciated. Corrections must be completed before freeze up this fall, 1972. Please contact this office after completion of work. · Lee, R.S. VEnvironmental Services Supervisor mb