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DEPARTMENT OF ~EALTH' AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLATTING OR PLANNING AND ZONING CASE REVIEW CASE NUMBER S-4~07 PETITION FOR PRELIMINARY REZONING SPECIAL. EXCEPTION · VACATION 1 RIEGUBDI~/ISION DATE RECEIVED COMMENT TO PLANNING BY oFH.V. Lounsbury & Assoc. for Plat of Audubon Hills Prelim. a subdivision of Tract B Chickadee Slopes Subdiv located in the SE 1/4 Sec 23, T12N-R3W, S.M. Ak, containing acres COMMENTS: O~tober 19, 197;~0R MEETING OF November 3, 1977 ,//~'~ of /~e// Cases ENVI R ON M ENTA L SANITATION: Pt.~B L I C WATER__NOT~.AVAILABLE " · ~[L PUBLIC SEWEF[ NOT AVAILARI F TC) SERVICE PETITION AREA. OFFtC£ OF THE OMBUDSMAN POUCH 6-650 RECEIVED March 30, 1979 ~. Bill Thompson Lounsbury & Associates P. O. Box 2700 Anchorage, AK 99501 Dear Mr. Thompson: In response to your call to our office on March 1, 1979, I have researched the information presented to determine if the Health & Environmental Protection Department has changed their approval requirements for soils conditions in proposed subdivisions. I have been unable to confirm that there is a recent change in requirements. The Health & Environmental Protection Department has the authority to require percolation tests to verify soils conditions. They are charged with the raspon$ibility to determine if adequate soils conditions exist for develop.- ment in the Anchorage area. The Department has maintained that under certai~ soils conditions, percolation tests are needed to make a determination con- cerning development possibilities. Each subdivision request and each soil test hole must be examined individually to determine what information will be needed to make a decision concerning acceptable soils levels. Additional information was required by the Department prior to the approval of the four subdivisions you mentioned that were similar to Garretson Subdivision. The Department did not require percolation tests on each test o hOle for each subdivision case, but reference was made that deeper les and would need to be included for the future. S-4958 McCabe Subdivisions). I contacted other firms in Anchorage who submit preliminary subdivision requests and resolve soils conditions with the Health & Environmental Protection Department as conditions of approval. The three other firms indicated they had no reason to believe the Department had recently changed their policy or requirements concerning adequate soils data and the need for percolation testing. One of ~he companies indicated that when soils information shows marginal soils level~, provisions for percolation testing are made at that time. March 30, 1979 Mr. Bill Thompson Page 2 If you have additional questions or concerns, please give me a call. Sincerely, Carolyn Tippie Assistant Ombudsperson CT:dab cc: Rolf Strickland, Environmental Health Division Manager John Lynn, Environmental Specialist Summary of Action November 3, 1977 Page 3 S-4607 -- Audubon Rills Subdivision, BK 1, Lots 1-28 and Tract A -- The Municipality of Anchorage has received a petition from Audubon Rills~ ~Ionv.es.tme't__ Group.t~o resubdivide approximately 40 acres from 1 tract :into o Lots. '£ne Petltlon area is located north of Huffman Road and between Birch Road and tLtllside Drive~ The plat was approved subject to: Se Resolving utility easements. Resolving drainage. Entering into a subdivision agreement for interior and peripheral roads and for pr?.___~ding temp?r__ary turnarounds where needed. olving soils wi~ note on the plat that there be no direct vehicular access to Huffman from Lots 19 thru 25. (~) 6. Insuring that Audubon DRive is centered on the common property ~ line of the lots on the northeast corner. 7. Redesigning the subdivision to relocate the cul-de-sac on the northeast corner and pulling the cul-de-sac on the northwest to the northeast direction. ''ONE TEST Is VVORTH A THOUSAND 2204 CLEVELAND AVENUE I ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 ~ 277-0231 Gloria Boy, an 1355 Crescent Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Re:. 40 acreparcel, Tract B, Chickadee Slopes, in Section 23 T12N R3W S.M. Alaska Dear Gloria: At your request we have completed a preliminary subsurface soils investigation on your property and transmitted herewith are the results of the test boring data. The purpose of the test borings ',-;as to det,=rmine the soil types, ground water and bedrock conditions which occur to a depth of 16 feet on this 40 acre parcel of land. =h A total of nine (9) test borings were ur~l!ed as shown on ~. e enclosed map. The test borings were drilled to a depth of !6 feet with a tracked mounted Mobile B-50 drill using continuous flight augers. Soil samples were generally obtained at 5 foot intervals. Laboratory analyses of the soil samples consisted of moisture contents and visual classifications. Discussion Surface Peat encountered at lower elevations were damp to wet. The typical underlying ..~,0i. Ls encountered in this 40 acre tract consist of Sandy Silt (ML) and Silty Gravels (GP/GM). Drainage areas required for on-site sewage sys%-ems would generally range MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAi~B DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROt ECTION OCT d ~'- RECEIVED Gloria'Bowman 40 acre parcel, Chickadee Slopes July 21, 1917 Page 2 from 150 to 300 square feet per bedroom in these so~ls. Ground water was encountered in test holes ~7 and ~8 No bedrock was encountered to a depth of 16 feet. A profile view was not included with this report due to the ir- regular terrain which would require a detailed topographic map. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact our office. Very truly yours, COI'~STRUCTION TEST LAB David Paul Laboratory Manager DP/NAH/ss enclosures Approved: Neal A. Hausam, P.E., L.S. MUNiCiPALiTY O1: ANCHORAGE: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROIECTION OCT O '~o., RECEiV£D MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA(DE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PRO1 ECTION OCT ti RECEIVED CONSTRUCTION TEST LAB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 2204 Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - & 277-0231 Hole No. one Location See enclosed mad Top Elev.~_~. Sheet--of ~ W.O. No. Operator DP_ . Date 7/05/77 Client G!or~a Box,nan Project 40 acres in Tract B, 'Ch--i-d~ee Slopes Depth CLASS iFICATION I SA~4PLE Eeet SYSTEM DATA LEGEND o e 4 "C / GRAVEL .t~ Grab Sample 5 ./¢ Bro~,m Sandy Silty Gravel, ~ -5 feet 6 c' C~ with occasional cobbles Moisture = 9.6% 7--I C.>. (GM) gAND 8 "' , !2 / ~ 14 I,c/" / ~ Gravel 15-[ ~ O Silty Gravel (GM) 16 ~'-;[- ORGANIC [[ Bottom of Test Hole 17 CONTENT 18 ~- No 5round ~ker or bodrock encountered. 19-- PEAT 21-- 22 -- FROST 2 3 - - . O~ 25 - WATER 26 [_ .... 'fABLE ~NytR. ONMENTA~. PRO t CONSTRUCTION TEST "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 2204 Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. Two Location S-e enclosed map Top Elev._ Existing_ Depth Feet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CLASSiFiCATiON T~" 6'" Peat ~,~,'./ Brown Silty Sandy Gravel (GP/G ) /.o~ More Gravel / Silty Gravel 9 9 (GM) 10 / More Silt 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 Bottom of Test Hole No ground wa%er or bedrock encountered. . Sheet ..... of .~ W.O. No ..... ~rator Date 7 5 Client G'.£or~a B~wman DP Project 40 acres in Tract B, ~nickad~e Slopes S.~MPLE DATA Grab 10' Moisture = 9.1% GP=~VEL LEGEND SAND SILT CLAY ORGANIC CONTENT PEAT FROST TABLE CONSTRUCTION TEST L>~B "~e test is worth a thousand opinions" 2204 Cleveland - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Three Depth CLASS IF iCAT ION S.~4P LE Feet SYSTEM DATA LEGEND / ~ / Brown Silt 3 |' /~ (ML)Gravelly Grab 5 ' 4J/ w/ Moisture = 6 7% GRAVEL 5 / 6 '~ / SAND SYLm '~/ 11 --~ 6/ Bro~ S~lty Gravel (GM) Grab 10' . 12 [~ f g Moisture = 7.9% 14 ~_~. ~:'~;'/ Br°wn sandy silt, damp !6-.. .- with occasional 3/8" pebbles. (M!) ORGANIC 17 -- CONTENT Bottom of Test Hole 19 No ground wa~er or bedrock encounterd. PEAT 22-~ FROST g3- 2 6 ~ ~ABB~ Hole No. Sheet -- of ~ Location See enclosed map W.O. No .... OperatoL DP Date 7-5-77 Client Gloria Top Elev Existi~ Project.40 acres in Tract B, .... ~-Ch-i~-'ka-'~'ee Slopes CONSTRUCTION TEST L~kB ':One test is worth a thousand opinions 2204 Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. Location Four See enclosed mao Top Elev. Existin~ Sheet - of ~ DP W.O. No ..... Operator_ Date 7-5-77 Client~9~?_an Project_40 acres in Tract Chickadee Slopes Depth Feet 1 2 3 4 u N CLASSI= iCATIO. SYSTEM %../.// Organic Content "~]'';/' Brown sandy silt with 3/8" I/ '/ ' / ./j pebbles a occasional cobbles, , , . hoist. (ML) 7 t'~ 0 Brown sandy silty gravel, 8 moist. (GM) 14 Sandy Silt (ML) 15 .'~ ~ 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 Bottom of Test Hole No ground water or bedrock encountered. SA/4PLE DATA 5' Grab Moisture = 14.3% LEGEND GP~AVEL SAND SILT CLAY ORGANIC CONTENT FROST ~WAT E R TABLE CuN~, RoCk_ON TEST i~IB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 2204 Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. Location Five See enclosed map Top Elev. Existing Sheet--of ~ ;4.0. No. ,Operatom Date 7-5-77 DP Client Gloria Bo%~an Project40 acres in Tract B, ~~ee Slopes Depth Feet 2 3 4 CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Peat, damp 6 ~ / 7 · 9 '/ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Grey sandy silt, wet, with some 3/8" pebbles. SDk4PLE DATA LEGEND GRAVEL SAND (ML) Hit Gravel Bottom of Test Hole ground water or bedrock encountered. SILT CLAY ORGANIC C~NTENT PEAT FROST WATER TABLE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAQ~ DEPARTMZ,X,iT OF HEALTH & I~NV~RONM~NTAL PRO ~rECTION OCT d I~, RECEIVED CONSTRUCTION TEST "One tes~ is worth a Eh0usand opinions" 2204 Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Six Hole No Location See enclosed map Top E!ev. Existinq Sheet--of * %9.0. No._ Operator DP Date 7-5-77 Client Gloria Bowman --4--~ acres ~n Tract B, Project --Chickadee S~i-~pes Depth Feet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CLASSiFICATiON SYSTEM Peat, wet Brown sandy silt with occasional gravel, (less than 25%) (ML) Hit gravel Boulder Gravelly f (ML) sandy silt Bottom of Test Hole No ground water or bedrock encountered. SAMPLE DATA G-~AVEL SAND SILT CL~Y LEGEND PEAT FROST TABLE ORGANIC CONTENT MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORA(3~ DEPARTMEF~T OF HEALTH & [NVIRONME:NTAL PROTECTION OCT L; 19.~' RECEIVED CONSTRUC?ION TEST LAB "One zest is worth a thousand opinio~,s" 2204 Cleveland - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No._ Location Seven See enclosed map Top Elev. Depth Feet ! 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 CLASSiFiCATION SYSTEM Peat, wet Grey sandy silt with occasional 3/8" pebbles. (Mn) Grey sand, wet (SM) level Bottom of test hole No bedrock encountered. Sheet .-- of ~ W.O. No. Operator_l_ Date 7-5-77 Client Gloria Bowman DP Project0 acres in Tract B, __ Chickadee Slopes S~4PLE DATA Grab 5' Moisture = 15.0% LEGEND G~AVEL SAND SILT CLAY ORGANIC CONTENT PEAT FROST WATER TABLE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAQI~ D[PAR-~MEF~T OF HEALTH & [.NVIRONMENTAL PRO I'ECTION OCT ~; 1§/,' RECEIVED CO>~STRUCTiON ~ ~ ~S~ LAB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 2204 Cleveland - Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Hole No. Location Eight See Enclosed map Top Elev. ExmS~£hg Sheet--of = W.O. No. Ooerator. 7-5177 Date DP Client Gloria Bow~nan Project0 acres in Tract B, Chickadee Slopes Depth Feet 10 ~m~ 1! 12 13 14 152 16- 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 CLASSIFiCATiON SYSTEM Peat, wet ~ater level Brown saturated sandy silt with occasional gravel & boulders. (ML) Silty Gravel (GM) Bottom of test hole No bedrock encountered. G~AVEL SAND SILT CLAY LEGEND PEAT FROST WATER TABLE S~,?LE DATA ORGANIC CONTENT MUNICIP/,LITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPAI,:iMZ¢,,T OF HEALTH & ENVI~<ONMZNTAL PRO~ ECTION OCT d 1~,' RECEIVE[~ CONSTRUCTION TEST lAB "One test is worth a thousand opinions" 2204 Cleveland -Anchorage, Alaska 99503 - 277-0231 Nine Hole No Location See Enclosed map Top Elev. Existing Sheet . - of -. ~ W.O. No.7 50.~at°r' Date DP Client.Gloria B~>~Dan = Project0 acres in Tract B, Chickadee Slopes Depth CLASSIFICATION Feet SYSTEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 !0 !! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Brown silty gravel, moist (GM) Sandy silty gravel with nal boulders (G~4) Wet sandy silty gravel/silty sandy gravel. (GM) Bottom of test hole No ground water or bedrock encountered. S~PLE DATA Grab 5' Moisture = 8.6% LEGEND GRAVEL SAND- SILT CLAY ORGANIC CONTENT PEAT FROST WATER TABLE MUNIC[PqL~T,,... OF ANCHORAQI~ DEP'Z'E'~'.:;'~,T OF HEALTH & · ENVIRONM'-NTAL PRO !'[-CTION OC i' ,.; 'i.-_.,, RECEIVED q MUNICIPALITy OIIr DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ~-.NVI RONMEINTAI,,. OCT ~; 1~?/ REGEilVED © o U NSUBDIVI BED o 972.24 o