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September 17, 1973 C L E A N A I R C L A N W A T E R A b E A N C 0 M M U N I T Philip Lockwood 4200 E. 4th # 1 Anchorage, Alaska RE: Greater Anchorage Area Borough Zoning Board of Examiners and Appeals Case Z-73-96 Dear Mr. Lockwood, Your variance request on the above referenced case was heard by the Board at a regular meeting which was held September 13, 1973, in the Assembly Hall of the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Administration Building, 3500 East Tudor Road. The Board granted your requested variance to permit the construction of a single-family dwelling which would project 19 feet into a required 50 foot front yard, five feet into a required 25 foot side yard on the north, and ten feet into a required 25 foot side yard on the east. The petition site, a Nonconforming Lot of Record, is Lot 7, Beacon Hills Estates. Subject to the condition that the Department of Environmental Quality review the location of septic systems and drainage systems on Lots 3, 4, 5, and 7, Beacon Hill Estates, and that written approval be granted by the'Department of Environmental Quality for said system on subject Lot 7. We wish to inform you, that you as well as anyone concerned has the right to appeal the action of the Board to the Greater Anchorage Area Borough Assembly sitting as a Board of Adjustment within 20 days of the hearing date. Your written notice of appeal should be filed with the office of the Borough £1erk. If you have any questions regarding this matter, feel free to contact this office, Building Safety Division, at 279-8686, extension 327. Very truly yours, HBM:djf OFFICE OF ThE DIrECtOr DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN FEDERAL HOUSING ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT .../ ~ IN REPLY REFER TO: Aprtl 6, 1971 Mr. Frank Hoblt tzel 1 1523 Kinntktnnlck AnchOrage, Alaska 99504 SUBJECT: On-Site Sewer and Water Facilities for Beacon ttill Estates Dear Mr. Hoblitzell: Because of the topography and layout of the lots in the subject subdivision, the placement of on-site sewer systems and w~ter wells is very critical. The misplacement of one well or une sewer system may render several lots undevelop- able. We have spent considerable time planning where all the wells and sewer systems should be placed to make development of all the lots in this subdivision possible. Before any well is drilled or any sewer system construction started, the Borough Department of Environmental Quality must be contacted and a permit obtained for construction there-~b-ir. No sewer system may be installed without a permit. Your cooperation in informing buyers of these conditions would be appreciated. This preplanning should result in fewer problems for all parties concerned. Sincerely, John R. Lee, R.S. Sani tari an rn April 2~, 1911 $ubJeot~ ~a ~i~e se~er and water facilities for Beaeon ~Lll Estates Dea~ lit. B~bltteetl~ ~eoause of the topography amd the subeequent layout of the lots in Beacon ~ E~tates Subdivision the plaoe~ent of ~ater wells and cra-site sewer faailAttes ia is very orltie~. Oae or t~o per.its for installation of se~ers hawe alread3, been issued for tkLs subdivision a~d these people should be omtacted by yc~ prior to their do~ az~ lot i~pr~ve=ents so that proper pr~tective radii can be obtained fcr all the ~elle. Thank you for ~n~ur cooperatic~. S~n~ere~, John R. ~ee Sanitarian RESTRICTIONS- tEACON HILL ESTATES SUBDIVISION ~--~: Ail lots in Beacon Hill Estates Subdivision are herby restricted to single family or duplex residential use. on any tract, the building cost of which is less than $10.00 per square ~oot. The ground floor area of the main structure, exclusive of one- story, open porches and garages~ shall be not less than 720 square fe,t for a one-story dwelling and not less than 500 sq~mre feet for a dwelling of more than one story. Building height no% to exceed 30 fee%~ BUILDING LOCATION No building shall be located on ar~ tract nearer {~'~'~'~'~be fron% lot line, or nearer than 15 feet to an~ side street line. No building shall be located nearer than 10 feet to an interior lot ]ina, except that no side yard shall be required for a garage or other permitted accessory building located 5 feet or more from the mininum building set-back line. No dwelling shall be located on any interior lot nearer than 15 feet to the rear lot line. For the purposes of this covenant, eaves, steps and open porches shall not be considered as a part of a building, provided, however, that this shall not he construed to pe~it ar~ portion of a building on a lot to enC~each uDon another lot~ T~PORAR~ STRUCTU~ES ~.. .................... mo structures of any temporary character, trailers, touts, shacks,garage, barn,military surplus buildings or other out ~I~ ~ha]l be used on a~y lot at any time as temporary or pemmanent storage or ~s a residence. E~cept a basement house may be used as a residence during the peroid of construction of the main structure, but not to exceed two years. No structure shall be allowed to remain unflnish,d on the exterior more than three months, except that during the winter months should extreme cold deem it not feasible, this rest- fiction ~11 be waived until warmer weather prevailse NUISANC~; No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view ~'~'~t except one pro~essional sign of not more than o~e square foot, one sign of not more than 16 square feet advertising the property for sale or rent, or signs by a builder to advertise the property during the construction and sale period. GARBAGE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL; No lot shall be used or maintained as ~'~~'~'~'~5~t~h, trash, garbage,Junk cars and equipment or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary, containers, Ail incinerators or other equipment for the ~t~rage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a olean and sanitary comdition. ~IVF~TOCK AND POULTRY ;No animals, livestock or poultry of any ki~d s'~'~-~~'~ or kept on an~ lot, except that. dOgb, cats or or other normal household pets may be kept, provided that thAy are ~ot kept, bred or maintained fo~' any commercial purposes, and provided that no more than one dog of sled type breed may be maintained, and all dogs shall b~ restrained as necessary, to preven~ the~.r becoming nuisances. & &/oj.? - ©~