HomeMy WebLinkAboutBARNES Lots 1 & 2 S-6430 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH CASE REVIEW WORK SHEET [-~] PLATTING BOARD ~ PLANNING&ZONING CASE NUMBER NAME S-6430 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Barnes Subdivision )ATE RECEIVED June 30, 1982 COMMENTTO PLANNING BY July 20, 1982 FOR MEETING OF CASE OF ~'~0BLIC WATER NOT A~VAILABLE TO PETITION AREA ~. PUBLIC SEWER~C)T AVAILABLE TO PETITION AREA REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: ' DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: cipality of Anch ?age MEMORANDUM August tl, 1982 Planning Department - Jo Ann Contreras Health and Environmental Protection S-6430: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Barnes Subdivision The new soils test submitted to this depar%ment on August 11, 1982 indicate a high water table. This department cannot support four(4) lots, as designed, due to the water table. The department recommends the proposed subdivision be redesigned into 2% acre lots with the septic system constructed four(4) feet above the water table. In some cases, a lift station will be in order for the shallow system of this type. Also, a curtain drain design to assure a functional system is recommended. John W. Lynn Environmental Specialist JWL/ljw 91-010 (5/78) Lots 1 SOILS INVESTIGATION through 4, Barnes Subdivision Anchorage, Alaska Prepared for Alaska Land Development Services 4546 Business Park Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Prepared by Pete Chalich, E.I.T. Geological Engineer and John M. Lambe, P.E. Civil Engineer 4254-E August 6, 1982 Alaska Land Development Services 4546 Business Park Blvd. Anchorage, AK 99503 Attention: Jim Anderson Subject: Soils Investigation Lots 1 through 4, Barnes Subdivision Anchorage, Alaska Gentlemen, This letter presents the results of the soils investigation that we performed at your request on Lots 1 through 4, Barnes Subdivision. This property fronts the east side of Golden View Drive approximately one-quarter mile south of Rabbit Creek Road. The site is located within the west 1/2, southwest 1/4, northwest 1/4, northwest 1/4, Township 11 North, Range 3 West, Section 2, Seward Meridian, Alaska. On July 21, 28 and August 3 and 4, 1982, we drilled 4 test borings on the referenced site for the purpose of providing preliminary soils information with which to assess the feasibil- ity of developing on-site waste water disposal systems. The approximate locations of the borings are shown on the Site Plan, presented as Plate 1. The drilling was performed by Oosik Drilling, Inc. with a track-mounted top head drive rotary drill rig using either 6- or 4-inch O.D. solid flight auger. A soils technician from our staff was on site at all times to observe the drilling and log the borings. This work was requested to be performed to the minimum standards of the Department of Health and Environmental Protection (DHEP). These standards include the drilling of a soils boring to a depth of 16 feet or to bedrock or observed free water, and the visual classification of the soil strata encoun- tered by a field technician. No laboratory analyses are requested. In soils which are visually classified to include more than 6% Silt (soil finer than the #200 screen size), a percolation test is required to be performed in the area most likely to be developed for the absorption system. All soils are visually c~lassified in the field according to the Unified Soils Classification System presented on Plate 6 and the Textural Classification System presented on Plate ?. Borings 1, 3, and 4 were stopped at a relatively shallow depth after encountering high free water levels. The soils encountered in Boring 2 were rated visually at 125 ft2/bedroom, as there appears to be less than 6 percent silt in the soil matrix. No percolation tests were performed at Boring Sites 1, 3 and 4, due to high free water levels. Slotted 1-1/2 inch nominal standpipe was placed in Borings 1 and 2 to allow for future observation of free water levels. Please note that the free water level may fluctuate seasonally and annually in response to seasonal runoff and precipation. The results of the field investigation are presented on the standard DHEP forms attached as Plates 2 through 5. We were requested to perform this investigation to the minimum standards required by the Department of Health and Environmental Protection. It should be noted that in accordance with these standards, the classifications of the soils are visual and are performed by a soils technician. These classifications are subject to change because they have not been verified by laboratory analyses. This work was performed for the sole pur- pose of preliminary evaluation by the Department of Health and Environmental Protection of the suitabililty of the lots for on- site sewer system development. Any extrapolation of this data for other purposes is not within the intent of the investigation or requested services. We trust the foregoing is sufficient for your immediate needs and is comprehensive within its limited scope. If questions arise, or if we can be of any further service, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, Pete Chalich, E.I.T. Geological Engineeer Approved by.'J~. ~C'~~' Lamb ell Enginee~ ~-E Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 161st ^venue , t~ Boring Location I i Bor5ngs not located by I ~ survey methods J ~ LAMBE AND ASSOCIATES SITE PLAN PLATE Barnes Subdivision Soils kaborator~ and Geotechnical [n~ineering Alaska Land Development Services Jobno. 82-214.20 Appr. d~k Do~eS/6/82 ~gnchora~e glaska ~#2 Lot 1 Lot 2 #4 Lot 3 Lot 4 SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17- 18 19 2O WAS GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED? ,,, DATE PERFORMED: 7/'7-1/87`- COMMENTS 72-00B (6/79) SLOPE SITE PL/(N IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE -~'~'¥' (*-.e,~f'i,a',~'-~ (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND __ FT Plate SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [] PERCOLATION DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST SOILS LOG- PERCOLATION TEST SLOPE SITE PLAN 4 10 WAS GROUND WATER S L 11 ENCOUNTERED? ~/4t' ~ O P E 12 IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? /,~,dl-4~, o,~ C..~G..~. 14 15 16- 17 18 19 2O COMMENTS ~'/~'¢.~/k ~,~ y PERFORMED BY: //~0 y 72-008 (6/79) ---RL D~PT~ OF ESO~,~jN, G_ , Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~'a- ~4~'r~" /~4c¢.~~'~ (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BE~EEN , FT AND __ FT DATE: ~)- Plate SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE [] PERCOLATION ///-~'~f®~ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TEST Alaska 99501 264-4720 L'~'J//~ SOl LS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: ~ (.-~=J'~ ~--~ ~'~'~'Cal~'~'~'~'~' Ce/v~T~ DATE PERFORMED: ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ ~ ~d ~U~/~/~/O~ /~~ ~C~A ~ P~ ~" PERT, PT ~TH ~, SLOPE SITE PLAN 1 2 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19- 2O COMMENTS ~ ~'~'~'4. PERFORMED 72.008 (6/79) WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? Y~"~' L O P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? '"~, 0 Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE .-q'-~'~ ~,"a'i"~ ~'~-*~" (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN ~,~_~'/'~ C ~ ~'~'~ 0 ~' -~-~-'~--'U FT AND __ FT DATE: g)- Plate [~ SOILS LOG ~,,~% MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ,:'e~--~,,~\\ DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION [] PERCOLATION TEST !/ 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Z~,O'C4.//,,ef~. ~ c3~ (..,aT (..,~',~,~ ~#'~z,~'t'~ /..d'T'.,¢' ~..~ ~ ~Z~,~iZ.,,~,4~...~ SLOPE SITE PLAN T oT,~L DEPTH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20- COMMENTS /1/O PERFORMED BY: 72-008 (6/79) WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? ~'~' L O P E IF YES, AT WHAT DEPTH? //'/~tr"~-~ ~ ~3¢~ Reading Date Gross Net Depth to Net Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE ~'~'_~' ~O~/'lE',g~'f".5" (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND FT CERTIFIED~ DATE: oO~ ?-~ Plate MAdO~ DIVISIONS ] TYI~CAL NAMES , ~ ~f. AVELI I GW WELL O~AD~D GRAVELS, O~.AVEL - SAND MIXILIRES GRAVELS NO FINIS GP . MOgZ T).U~ HAUl  SIL.Y O4AVELS, POOqLY OJL~I~D OR&VEL - SAND - ~Sl Iq~CT10~ aim lILT MUCTU~I~ I?lI IS LAJIOU 11~AN OlL~VE LI W1114 GO CLAYIY O~AVSL$, POORLY O~ADID Q~AVIL - SAND - GW · · WELL OlbkDiO SAND~, GRAVELLY CLEAN EANO~ SANDG NO PINES GP eee POORLY OR&DID SANDS, O~AVILLY SANDS ' COARSE MlXCTtOf*4 SM SILTY SANDS, POORLY OaADID ~4D - S~LT NO. 4 EIIV! EIZI CTVll 121L FINIS GC~ CLAYEY ~,td'4Ds, POOJILY OJ~DID SAND - Ct,&y ~~Je ~O~G^NtC S~LTS ^~o vsr( I,~ SAnDs, wac ML FLOL~R, SILTY O4 CLAYEY FINE SANDS, C~ CU, YIY SILTS WiTH SLIGHT tL~nClTY ~ ~~ ~ INC~GANIC CLAYS Of LOW TO MIDIUM PLMllCITY, GILTS AND CLAYS CL O~AVILLY CLAYS, ~ldqDY CLAYS, IILTY ¢LA¥$, I)~ ~ tIqu~O LIMIT L~S THAN ~0 LEAN CLAYS i ' 0L OCeaNiC CLAYS AND O4OANIC SILTY CLAYS Of ii ~1~ INORGANIC .lILTS, MICACIOUS C~ DL&TOMACIOUS I MH FINE SANDY O~ SILTY SO4L$, ELA~11C GILTI AND CLAYS Iff~ CH ~//~ INORGANIC CLAYS Of HIGH PL~11CITY, S UQUID LIMIT O~EAI~ 11~AN ~OlJ~-J FAT CLAYi z ~' W OH C~GANIC CLAYS Of M/DiUM TO HIGH PlASTiCITY, HIGHLY ORGANIC GOILG PI ~I'LATANDOIHI~HIGHLYOtGANiCSOJLS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ~ q~ Confining PresJure, I (Il ' lfldlKetet 1.4' dlemeter temple. KEY TO TEST DATA JOHN M LAMBE P.E. SOIL CLASSIFIC;ATION CHART PLATE AND KEY 'ro TE[iT DATA Job No. Appr:__ Date MAdO~ DIVISIONS [~t TYI~CAL NAMES CLEAN ~f. AVlLS I OW WELL MAD~D GRAVELS, O~.AVIL - SAND MIXIURES  SIL.Y O~AVELI, ~OO~LY O~ADID OR&VEL - SAND - ~AC11Oe4 GM lILT 8W · · WELL ~MO SANffi, ~VILLY ~N ~N~ lAND8 NO FINIS IP Gee P~LY O~D ~N~, ~VILLY ~C~ 8M SIL~ ~N~, ~LY ~MD ~D - MLT IN~GANIC ElL' AND VERY PJ~ C~Y SILn WITH SLIGHT lILTS AND CLAYI CL ~VlLLY C~, ~ C~YS, IlL~ C~YS, L~aO LIWT ~S ~N ~ Lba OH M~NIC C~ M ~Ol~ TO HIOH PIMTICI~, Ht0HLY ORGANIC IOILI PI ~WTAHDO~PHIGHLYaaNICS~ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AND TESTING John M. Lambe, P.E. 7127 0Id Seward Highway ~, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART 907-349-6531 OR / · ~ \ ~ )R\ CLAY o/ o IO o~/ \ o/- ~ ClX Ay EY CL'/ OR SAND ;ANDY \\GR \ \ \ \ GRAVELLY \S 20 50 ' 40 5O 60 7O 80 9O GRAVEL (+#4SCREEN) °/e BY WEIGHT cORPs OF ENGINEERS FROST DESIGN SOII~-CLA~St~jCATJON AND US~ EQUIVALENT GROUPING" ~E~CE~XGZ FINER ~AN ~ICAL SOIL 0.02 MM, UNDE~ UNITED Fi Gravelly soils 3 lo l0 OW, OP. GW~M, GP~M F3 F4 (a) Gravelly ~oils (b) Sands (a) Gravelly ~oils (b) Sands, except very fine silty sands (c) Clay~.PI~ 12 (a) All sil~ (b) Very fine s~ty sands (c) Clays, Pi ~ 12 (d) Varvcd clay~ and olhcr fine-gr~incd, banded ~dimmL~ I0 to 20 GM. GW-GM, GP-GM 3 to 15 SW, SP, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM ~ 20 GM. GC ~ 15 SM. SC __ CL. CH __ ML.MH ~. 15 SM __ CL, CL-ML __ CL ~nd ML; CL, MI., and SM; CL. CH, and MI..; CL CH, ML., and SM 7 I ~£~-0~ .LV7d I