HomeMy WebLinkAboutBEEDE BLK 1 LT 3AOnsite File Beede Block 1 Lot 3A #042-081-31 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Environmental Health Division 825 "L' Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99502, Telephone 264-4720 ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM AND/OR WELL INSPECTION REPORT Name DISTANCES 0 SEPTIC ABSORPTION Address ~C~ ~/~ ~ TANK FIELD WELL Phone(s) ~ Pe, mit No. ~No. of Bedrooms WELL ~ ~ALo~sc.,.~o. LOT LINE tto~ ~ ~0 ~ ~ '  Block ~ Subdiwslo~ Lot~ I 6~P~ FOUNDATION ,=' Township, Range. Section l~ ~ T /~/ ~ ~ ~/ ~ ~/ AS-BUILTOlAGRAM(Showlocat,onofwell, septic system, propertyhn~n,~ dnveway, water bodies, etc.) TANKSx N ~ SEPTIC ~ HOLDING Manut~turer ~ C~ ~HOR~ Capaoty ,n gallons ~O Material No. of Compa~ments TYPE OF SYSTEM r'.~ ~TRENCH ~ BED ~ W. DRAIN ~ OTHER ~<:~: De~'[~ to p~pe bottom from ~otal depth from ongmal grade ~ ~[~ ~ ~,~. orlginat grade ~, ~ F~ I ~, ~ FT c. ,. ~ r,. Fdl added above original grade Gravel depth beneath prpe ~ ~ Gravel length H~ FT Gravel width ~ , ~1 ~ ~ ~ ' - FT ~o / Total ab~'~r~hon area DistanCe between lines ~'/ ~ ,T Installer CRUD ~&& Date Installed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ WELLS ~ ~G ~ PRIVATE ~ OTHERIIdentiIv,j Classlflcahon (A,B,C) Total Depth J Cased to ~ ~ _ FT FT H Installel Date Installed: REMARKS: ~r~n~ ~t~e~ ~r ~ 6e~roo~ Inspections Pedormed by: 1.'~ .il Municipal and State guidelines in ellect 0n this date: 10[~0 / ~ ~ Health Depadment Approval: Date: ~ ~..." , u,~;.~:,~v , ~ ,,~ 72-013 (3/85) , [] SOILS LOG MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 825 L. Street, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 264-4720 SOILS LOG - PERCOLATION TEST [] PERCOLATION TEST PERFORMED FOR: DATE PERFORMED: )/7/87 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SLOPE SITE PLA.N C,- w, (. ec 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 TftEODORE F. MOORE CE-3589 COMMENTS PERFORMED BY: ~:~t~,t~, WAS GROUND WATER S ENCOUNTERED? ~J L ,~ b~¢~¢e of IttO Op IF YES, AT WHAT C,/¢m~c.~ ~/1~'/~7 ~ DEPTH? ~/ Gross Net Depth to Net Reading Date Time Time Water Drop PERCOLATION RATE (minutes/inch) TEST RUN BETWEEN FT AND ~ FT ~Y/'~," t,~ A,, e ~ro,c~ CERTIFIED BY: ~ ~ DATE: ,o//~/,:9 7' 72-008 (6/79) Hea MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ] and Environmental Prote~ Fourth Floor West 825 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 279-2511, x 224, 225 ......... INSP'ECTION REPORT ON-SITE SEWAGE DISPOSAL ~OCATION ~ ~~ mGk~ LEGAL. 1.3ESC,IP7 ON. ~ ~._~ ..... ~___.~1~ ~OM W5LLL~ ,. UaNUFnC]'U,[R __.~; .... M~T~nb ........... COM~aRTU5NT5 ................ INSIDE LENGTId ........ ~ ....... INSIDE WlDI'I,~ ~..._ L. IQt,'ltr) DFPTH _ -- ._ t i,.';~UI[') CAPAC, ITY_~_.~__~'-__~"~,ALLONS. TILE DRAIN FIELD~-'~.-~~'~ ' [ ( [ TOTAL LENGTH -- / D,~^N~ ,:,OM W~LL _.~ '._~O~ND^~ O~__ I ~.0 .... N~:^R~, ~ O, L,N~_.. / 0~ ....... O~' ~,~ ____3.~_ ...... I [)EPTtl OF FIL'T[R DEPTtt: TOP OF TILE TO FINISt4 GRADE ___~ ........ MATE RIAl_ UfNEAIH ]ILE ~O IN. ABOVE 'FII.E ~ IN. SEEPAGE PIT: DIAMETER .... OI4 WIDTH ....... LENG YH ...... C)EPTFI Log Crib Rings BUILDING FOLJNDATION ____ Crib Size: !DIAME]'ER ...... DEPilt ..... DISTANCE FROM; WELL -i OTAL EFFECTIVE NEAREST LOf LINE ......... AB.%ORPTION AREA (WALL AREA) SQ. F"r. Well , ,~_~-~ ~ ' l Class,~.[~. Dept'h: Well. Distance To: Lot Line fo' / Bldg: lOI Sewer Line: ~ Pipe Materials: r9~~,%~ # of Bedrooms: ~ 6 ' ' Installer: ~.- Remarks: %~$ ~~ L) A l E .. _ [:,EF'FII.TTHE:I',.~T OF HEFIL.'T'H FIND E:N',,,'IF.:ONHEI'.~'T'RL.. ~'F.:O"r'E:C"~c20N/.~q ~'~'~ ',~:;:-.'i:..:"; '"L"' '...:.;-f'F.:EE:T., FtN'"'FI"'F.'FI3E FIE' ':.~':.~'::F'-'L -_ .............................. : 't' I:::'E:RH :1: 'T' NO. ,:: ,. ,', .... .1 ', L.)~v~ - L ~)L~ HF F L 1 ....tdN] I~tOF.~:El:~:'l" KEFIN, ':".i;RR Z.':::+.':;~? 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I NG OF' RN"r' ~;'¢:i=".;TEH ['.l.I THOL.IT F',.[ NRL. ]: N':7;PECT I ON RNE:, FtPF'RO',,,'FIt .... E:"r' 'T'F~ I :!ii; [:,EPF:II~tTHENT 1.4 ]: L.I .... BE: SI..IE:3'ECT 'TO PRCI~'..;EiZ:UT I ON. H :1: N :[ HUH E:, I S"I"FINCE BETNEEI'.,I A 1.4EL. L. FIN[::, FIN'.? OI'.,I-S I TE SEEI.qRGE [:.', :[ SPC:E~;RI... S'¢'..'.:.;'I"EH I :.5 ::l..~.Z,.3 F'IEIET FOR FI F'RIVFITE t.4EL. L. OR 2:E~E~ FEET FOR FI F'LIBL.:I:C 1.4ELI ..... 2~;PE:C 1' F" .'[ CFITI ONt!.:.; FIND CON?FRUC"I" Z ON [:, I FIGF.':FII"'IS RF.:E I=l'v'Ft ]: L FI I:.:; I.... E: TO ]: I'.,I'.E;LIF.':[..T F:'I;i:OI:::'EF~'. I N::='i;'T'RL[..J~T I ]: CEIR'I"I F"r' 'I"HR'T' ::1..: :[ f:~l'"l FRH]:L.:[FtF.': 1.4.'1:TI.4 THE RE:I:;~LIIREHE:NT.'=.':; FOR ON.-..'.:.E; ]: ]"E :L:;EI,.IE:F.'::~:.; FIN[.':, I.,.ItEI....L.:i!:: 1:::1:5 F'OFi'.TH B'T' THE I"IUNICIF'FIL.:[T'¢ OF RNC:HOF.'.RGE. 2: :1: 14]:LL ]:NS'I"I::IL.L. THE :5"r':E;TEH tN F~CE:OF..'E:,FtNCE I.,~:I:TH THE E::O[::,E:E!;. ::i!:: I UN[:'E[~'.:i:.:;TFIN[::, THfa'T' THE ON-'_:;Z"f'E fSENEF.: '.5'.r'f':Tf'EH I"1R'¢ I;..'E6!LIIFi:E EF,II....FIF;i:GE:HliH"4T ]:F' THE RES Z[.':'ENC:E :[:E; 'F.:EHOB, EL.E:D TO ]:I'-4C:I....UDIE HORE THRN 2: Creater Aneht,.._ge Area Borough PLANNING DEPARTMENT i~E C]~I'VED ~, o~ ~ ~o~ou~ GEOLOGIC SOIL INVESTIGATION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1, BEEDE SUB~- Located Within NE 1/4, Section 31, Township 12 North, Range 2 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska July 5, 1973 PREPARED FOR: Joseph Cummings PREPARED BY: Hewitt V. Lounsbury & Associates 723 W. 6th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 W. O. #73-328 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SITE DESCRIPTION FIELD INVESTIGATION SUB-SURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS LOCATION MAP AND TEST LOG INTRODUCTION This report is the result of field investigations conducted July 3, 1973, in Lot 3, Block 1, Beede Subdivision on Upper DeArmoun Road, Greater Anchorage Area Borough. This property, approximately 4.7 acres in area, is located in the NE 1/4 of Section 31, Township 12 North, Range 2 West, Seward Meridian, Alaska. The purpose of the investigation"was to determine feasibility of subdivision of the parcel into two lots and possibility of establishing on-site water and sewer installations. SITE DESCRIPTION The property is located on a mountain side in the Rabbit Creek valley and is sloping and irregular. There is an access road and two dwellings (one a house trailer) on the property. While some parts of the property are probably too steep for development, other parts offer good home sites. Vegetation consists of large spruce and some birch with areas of open hillside covered with brush, alders, and grasses. Trees are mostly confined to the Northeast and Southwest portions. The property is approximately 1,340 feet above sea level. 'FIELD INVESTIGATION A test trench was dug at the site to observe the sub-surface strata. The test log shows the results of visual inspection of this trench. Access to other portions of the area was restricted by trees and steep terrain. We feel, however, that the test site is representative of the property under investigation. No rock outcrops were visible. SUB,SURFACE SOILS AND CONDITIONS The U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1093 defines soils in th4s area as glacial drift, undifferentiated (partly till and partly outwash composed of stratified sand and pebbles and cobble gravel). Thi~ drift is present along the Eastern slope of the Chugach and in most of the mountain valleys; it is extensive in area but variable in depth. The test hole revealed'consistent gravel under the characteristic organic black and brown loose silts. This confirms the general classification of glacial drift. Although no surface water or water table was en- countered, gravels were wet at 12 feet. It is inferred that deeper depth would produce some water in the hole. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions are made from the field observations of the site: 1. The site is suitable for the proposed on-site disposal and foundation developments. A factor of 85 square feet per bed- room is recommended for design of on-site disposal systems. These systems should not be located within any ground' water flow encountered; they should not be located within any top- soil layer. / / ~LI~T LOG OF TEST BORING ttewit! ~. L ounsbury '~ , Associates. Engineers -- Surveyors. Anchorage, . Ala$1~a LocaHon Method Used gmld £arty Weather . Geologist tole No. Ground Water Tab'le T/me Date ' , , Sampling Dff SCR I P TI ON l. ocat/on £ Diagram:. ~tes .~j Soil type, color, texture, - T~4 ~ ~ · ~ esHmated particle ~ize, .~,~ ~~~~ , 14 z " 30" Unless Mt.crwl'$e noied a,'l samp,'e~ qre to~'~n w/1.4 ID ~.l~ndsrd P~,nMrot,'~)n ..goq;pler driven wi140 lb. hammer drop. W II ~ o ~ ~-° o~ ~o ~ o~ o o o .I, Hf)I3,~ Ail 0 m w w Development of appropriate portions of the property only is 'recommended. Sites should be selected with consideration to gradient and drainage and no development should be made in the existing creek on the North and West portion of the site. Respectfully submitted HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES n R. Clark · Charles S. Mortimer, P.E.