HomeMy WebLinkAboutBELLA VISTA #1 LT 21 S2 Municipality of Anchorage Department of Health and Human Services Tom Fink, 825 "L" Street Mayor P.O. Box 196650 Anchorage, Alaska 99519-6650 January 8, 1990 John Colliander 8920 Greenbelt Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Subject: Lot S2 21 Bella Vista S/D #1 Permit #890001, PID #013-051-17 The subject permit, issued by this office for a single ~family well and/or on-site wastewater system has exPired as 'of December 31, 1989. Permits are issued on a calendar year basis by authority of the Municipal Code of Regulations. A new permit must be obtained from this office for an well and/or on-site wastewater system not installed by the expiration date. If you have drilled the well, a well log needs to be sent to this office for documentation of the installation and to close the permit. If a priVate engineer inspected the installation of the on-site wastewater system, the original as-built inspection report (three-part form) must be sent to this office for review', approval and documentation. When applying for a new permit, the fees are: $90.00 for an on-site wastewater permit; $50.00 for a well permit; $140.00 for a combined on-site wastewater and well permit. If you have any questions, please call this office at 343-4744. Sincerely, John Smith, P.E. Program Manager On-site Services JW/ljm:200 enc: Copy of Permit "Kids Are Our Future" Permit Number: 890()01 Dat. e Issuecl, 01105189 Day Phone: 248.-.:.].'i 812 I:::' a r c: e ]. I d:013.- 051 .- 17 I..,.o't'.. Legal: Subdiv:i, sion: BELLA VISTA ~I Lot: 81/2 21 Section: 7 "l"ownshipii 12N Range~ 3W Lot S:i. ze 1848() (sq, ft.., or acr'es) Max Bedr, ooms: 'f'his F'ermit~ 0 'Total Capacity: ::Z B 1 o c I.:: ,, .... WEL. L: I_.og mus'L be submitted to Munic::Lpality of Anc:hor'age Depar, t. ment, of Health and Human Ser'v:i.r.::es within 3()days ¢:)f we].], completion. I::>IEF:;'.MI'f' ISSUED F:'OI::( THE: F'L. ANI'4ED :5 BEDROOM SINGLE FAMIL..Y DWEEI,...I....ING .r.:} N I..,. Y A N D E X P I R E,S :[ 2 /:]; ]. / 89 ,, /!: Cl!!i]::t't" I I:::'Y 'l"t4Al": J.,, J[ alii Familiar w:i.'Lh 't:.he r'eclu:i.r'emerrLs For' on-s:i.'Le .sewers and wells as set f'or'Lh by the ldunicipality of' Anc:hcmage (IdOA) and the Sta'Le of Alaska. ;;{, I wi].]. :J. nstal]. 'Lhe system in accordance N:i.'Lh aJ.l MEIA codes ar'id and irt complLance with the desigrt c:r'i'Lenia of' this per, mit. ;Z,, Z w:i. ll adhere to all MOA and State of' Alaska pequ:i.r'emer',ts f'or the set back d:i.~r, tances f'r*om any exist:.:i, ng ~e].l~, ~ast. e~at. er' disposal system of public seWel"a(:jj8 SyS'(.effl Of'l '~..l"liS (DP any adjacent or near'by lot. 4. I under, stand that this per'mit, is valid For a maximum oF 0 bedr'ooms,, I also understand that 'Lhe capacit, y o¢ the total system is :5 bedrooms and any en:l.a~*gement w;i, ll require an additional perm:it,, ,::, i (;;} n e d ~ DA T E:: ..~... .-....:. · (Owner') I tN (4)1 M LJ N i C I F':' A L.. I T Y 0 F: A N CFt 0 R A G El Depar'.tmen'L o~' Hea.l. th & Human Services 825 L. Street., Anchor. age, Alaska 99501 343-~ 0 N .... S I T E W E L I... P E R M I T D a't:. ~:::.'., '[ ssue. c. 1.1. f 17188 O~ner t'4ame¢: JOHN CE1L. I...IANDER O~,,~ner Ar,:ldre:,ss~ 8.:?,.~:...) GREE:NBELT DR AI',ICHOR(:~Glii!:, AK 995()2 Day F:'hone.: ~ 48- ...:, 8 .I. ,.-.:, ,.crt.. l...ega:l.,, Subc:liv:i. sicn'"~,; 131EI....L.A VIS"I"¢..] ~:t. Lot,", ~51ocl..:: ,i{; (,'...q:: 'L :i. cn'l: 7 "l'owr'~sl'~:i.p,", I,~.2NRal~3W ~ L. oL t:;;:i:.~:~e18480 (sq,, f"L,, of act. es) ([ ,lax /-:,e. dr'.ooms, This Per'm:,.t'..: () i"otal Capac:~.'Ly:~ ~::5 , ., / t !"-i :i, ;.; F'!ii:k,.']"[ .i i .I. ::J .t: S?iI..)ED F:'I:)R 'l"l'-.lt]ii: I:;:'l....[:!t',lNl~i]} :]~;/~;.ilEDRE}OM 5 f I\IG[ F I'.. ~:¢'..11d :[,, ][ &'~f¥~ fam:i.i.iar t.,.~:i. 'Lhe 'l~:~.quirem6ar'rt'..s ]\c\r on-.s~i~~.s a'~'~d ~ell. s a~ set ;~. I wilt :i. rl~;ta].]. 't~ . syste i.n ac:cor'danc5 ~J.'k.h ~~)des arid r'egu].a'L:i, ons :ii;, I will. ere 'Lo ll MOA State of .aska r~~'.~; ¢c)r t back d :i stances 'r om ar' ex is'L lng ]., waste~ at. er d ispo~a 1 syste i:;)t.~b Iic:: se~,,.,er'age iB'~].e~fft op y adjac:er~t :~J- nearby lot, 4, :r under, st that ~.l]~is per'm :i.s valid ~r a ma~.~:i, mum 0 bedroc)ms, 8].fil;(;:i uf'tdel"eF '(..h 'l:.he c:apa :i.t.y of' the .t.o'kal sys :i.s ::5 bedrooms and any enlarc~ler'¢ 1 r'equ:i, re addition,~l perm' n e d ( sued