HomeMy WebLinkAboutBELLA VISTA #1 LT 26 N125' '2. 3. 4. GL,..A:TER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGh DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL'QUALITY 3500 TUDOR ROAD ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99507 279-8686 DATE APPROVAL ADDRESS: PHONE: INSPECT: TIME: ~ ~EQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF rINDIVIDUAL SEWER AND WATER FACILITIES FOR REQUESTED BY: RECEIVED: ?t/Da/'7. P.. ~ O/ · PHONE: PROPERTY OWNER: ~--/..~.~,~,~cZ" ~_.~y-;'.'.'.'.'.'.~y~ LEGAL DESCRIPT[ON:~/~ ~¢~~ . TYPE FACILITY TO BE NUMBER OF BEDROOMS: INSPECTED: xffzFSTREET: WELL DATA: A. TYPE B. DEPTH ,~ O. CONSTRUCTION ~/ E. BACTERIAL ANALYSIS 6. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM: Ae SEPTIC TANK 1. SIZE 2. AGE' 3. MANUFACTURER 4. INSTALLER (IF HOMEMADE, SHOW DIAGRAM ON BACK) APPROVAL REQUE..,FOR SEWER & WATER FACILI', _S RAGE TWO SEEPAGE PIT 1. SIZE 2. LINING DISPOSAL FIELD 1. NUMBER 'OF 'LINES TOTAL LENGTH REQUIRED MEASUREMENTS / 7 B. WELL TO SEEPAGE PIT~ Ce D. E. F. FOUNDATION TO SEPTIC TANK G. FOUNDATION TO SEEPAGE PIT H. SEEPAGE PIT TO PROPERTY LINE WELL TO SEWER LINE WELL TO PROPERTY LINE.~~' WELL TO OTHER POSSIBLE CONTAMINATION 8. COMMENTS: APPROVAL VALID F'OR ONE YEAR FROM DATE SIGNED. GREATER ANCHORAGE AREA BOROUGH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIT Novel~=~ber 28, 1972 Hrs. Ronetva Gaard SRA Box 3644 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Lot 26, Bella Vista Subdivision #1 Dear Mrs. Gaard: I spoke Co Hr. Boyd, (Larry Boy~d's father) after our conversation. ~;ir. ~oyd informed me that he i~as recently had his property surveyed and that the sewer systeJ)l is not on Larry Boyd's property, but is on your property. You are hereby given thirty (30)d.~ays to correct the present situation of overflowing sewage. You must keep the systen~ that is now existing, pu)~lped to prevent further sewage overflow. A perr~'Jit will n~ed to be obtained fro)~ thais DepartmenC 'for the installation~'~o-f a holding tank. If you have any questions regarding the above matter, please do not hesitate to contact this Denartment. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt Environmental Control Ufficer RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL~30~ (plus posta '~,/ [[lb ~ POSTMARK SENT TO OR DATE STREET AND NO, ~ P.O., STATE AND ZIP CODE (~ · OPTIONAL SERVICES FOR ADDITIONAL FEES' ~ DETURN' 1. Shews to whom end dire delivered ............ 15¢ ' , ~ With delivery t~ addresse~e only ............ 65¢ '~ , RECEIPT p 2. Shows to whom, dote and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES With delivery to addressee only .......... 85¢ DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY .............................................. : ..... 50¢ (~ SPECIAL DELIVERY (~Xtra Fee r®quirl~ ,..: ................................ ~ PS Form 3800 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED~ (See other side) Apr. 1971 NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL ,,o,o. s.,oo.p,-,,o November 17, 1972 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gaard SRA Box 3644 Eagle River, Alaska 99577 Subject: Bella Vists #l, Lot 26 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Gaard: I have tried several times to contact you after our last conversation by phone, but have had no success. Your duplex at'7839 Lumbts~-Drive .15 running sewage on t~e adjacent property, The owners of the property, Mr. & Mrs. L~rry Boyd, informed me that~your sewer system is on their property. You have two (2) days 'from .the receipt of this lett(r to have your sewer system pumped, Or court action will follcw. The wwners of the adjacent property may not want yolr system on their property. If this is the situation, you will be responsible for removing your system from his proper~y. Your lot is not big enough to install another system so y~u will probably have to go a holding tank. You will waqt to contact the owners of the property to find out their feelings on this situation. You may contact them at Pioneer Realty, 2~7-4541. If you have any questions regarding the above, please ~o not hesitate to contact this Department. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt Environmental Control Officer mb September 21, 1972 Hr. Joe L. Munson 935 East 79th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99502 SUBJECT: Lot 1 & 2, Bella Vista Subdivision Dear Mr. Munson: On September 19, 1972 ® observed overflowing sewage on your property. This is in violation of Greater Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-68, Article VI, Section 9-67, Paragraph {B). You are hereby given one (1) day after receipt of this letter to comr, ect the present problen~. Failure to do so will result in court action. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at 274-4561, Extension 156. Sincerely, Robert C. Pratt Sanitarian mb RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL--30~ (plus postage) SENT TO STREF.[, AND NO. ~ P.O., S~T~TE AND ZIP. CODE ' RETURN ~ 1. Shows to whom and date delivered ............ 15¢ With delivery to addressee only ............ 65¢ RECEIPT p 2. Shews to whom, date and where delivered .. 35¢ SERVICES With delivery to addressee only ............ 85¢.. DELIVER TO ADDRESSEE ONLY ...................................................... SPECIAL DELIVERY~ (extra fee required) .................................... POSTMARK OR DATE PS Form 3800 Apr. 1971 NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDEU~ NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See other side) Subtract: Lot ~, ~_.e]Ja Vtltl Subdtvtstofl ~o. I above ~ot'S s~e~e syste~ was located toe clo$~ to the O~ ~rll 10, ~97~, thts offtc~ received the ~clos~d 1,) ~onthly water samples must be ta~e~ Co State Lib for ?.) Funds must be escrowed for t~ cee~ectton occur around Ouly 1, 1972. facilities for ~ubJect lot. Sincerely, Ttmothy L. Rumfelt bb cc: Cll fiord 14amsleY April 6, 1972 Mr. ~Wamsley 7827 Lumbis Anchorage, Alaska Subject: Lot 26, Bella Vista Subdivision No. 1 Well & Cesspool location Dear Sir: The attached print shows the location of your well, septic tank and cesspool relative to each other and your house. State Health Department regulations require a minimum 100' separation between the well and cesspool. Your system does not meet this requirement. However, bacteriological samples of your water are currently negative. The elevation difference and the soil conditions on this property eliminate much of the possible problems of contamination of the well by the cesspool. Public sewers will be available to this property by about July 1, 1972. Our recommendation is as follows: 1. Bacteriological samples must be submitted to the GAAB Department of Environmental Quality at least every 30 days. 2. Sewer service from the dwelling must be connected to public sewers as soon as they are available. This requirement is mandatory by GAAB Ordinance Number 28-68. 3. The present septic tank and cesspool must be pumped dry and completely backfilled after their use is discontinued. Certification of compliance with these recommendations may be obtained either through the GAAB Department of Environmental Quality or our office. ,/ S~ncerely, / HEWITT V. LOUNSBURY & ASSOCIATES ,/ Charles S. Mortimer,~P~fE. ,,/~ Therefore,,., be¢or(' this office can ¢ive ar, proval of said s,v~tem., th~, ~wm~.rs ~'~u~t obtain an~ ~-rir~ to t.~'~is efFtc~: lot, S,~nt tart a~ ~t Veteran's Administration ~,1 i ffor~ ~.,a~s 1 ~,y I hearby certify that I have surveyed the following described property:' ~m"~"~ ~'~*'-'~'"~'~ ~ ~ · Anchorage Recording Precinct, Alaska, and that the improvements situated thereon are within the property lines and do not overlap or encroach on the proper~y lying adjacent thereto, that no improvements on prop- erty lying adjacent thereto encroach on the premises in ~uestion and that there are no roadways, transmission ines or other visible easements on said property except as indicated hereon. Dated at Anchorage, Alaska this.-- . ~, o .... 19 Engineers a~n. jL-Surveyors