HomeMy WebLinkAboutBENITO BLK 2 LT 9 Gr '~TER ANCHORAGE AREA BORO D~.rARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY 350t) TUDOh iiflAD I\NCHOHAGE!, ALASKA 99507 27tF86,,t6 IN,SI~tX;l'lt)iq L'[!P()RI' C)N.-$ilt! SI:WAGF DI'.IAN( I k'()M WIll. ., BUILDING FOUNDATION. lC)IAI I:IEI(]iV[ At~SORI'IIOIxl ARIA (WAil AtltA) ~'/(: ~SO. FT, IOrAI I. EN GTI4 , tOtJNI)AIION , NIEAlil SI I~)[ IlNI , OF JlNES .......... , .IN. IOJ~[ EFFECI'IVE i['[( MAlli~l.^,, t;I;.11 A DIS1ANCES; , II ! lq. ABOVE fiLE NEAREST OI'HEIR SOURCES _ GAAB-i1D..2 GREATE< 327 Eagle St. ANCHORAGE AREA ltEAl,.l il DI,PAIL 1 MEN Anchorage, Alaska 995(}i ,OROUGH 279-2511 Case No. SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM - APPLICATION & PERMIT NAME OF APPLICANT/.}{',vz_~ RESIDENCE ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION /'~/' APPLICATION TO INSTALL: SEPTICTANK~ .... SEEPAGE PIT ,.r ,DRAIN FIELD_ TO SERVE THE FOLLOWING FACILITY~ FINANCEDTHROUGH~ ut~ ............... ~U BE INSTALLED BY__ PERCOLATION TEST RESULTS MAILING ADDRESS~?c'~'' z~4~;~-~,,, l['J"/;L PHONE NO LOCATION OF INSTALLATION ...:7~:~,~. ~i ,~/':; ~,. ~ 2~ '"': ,OTHER ANTICIPATED DATE OF COMPLETION BELOW TO BE FILLED OUT BY HEALTH DEPARTMENT THIS IS TO SERVE AS .: '~'~'~"~'""~ , PERMIT TO INSTALL A ~,-_ AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SIZE OF UNIT TO BE SERVED ~:~ [~,412¢?.--~t.. . SEPTIC TAN K SIZE ~ ~:''~' TYPE _~3~ ~' _. SEEPAGE AREA '~ DIAGRAM 0F SYSTEM DISTANCES: M':/ ,,'"'"'? ''/''''' ') /, I / HEALTH AUTHORITY f ,,/ LICENSED DESIG NEff] ['certify that i am familiar with the requirements of (;rear:er Anchorage Area Borough Ordinance No. 28-~8 and that the above dcscribcd system is in accordance with said code. -2;; 1',,. :~/;,~ ,:,:,, (d: .,, [ .-]k~:; L; f .... c ...........~, "z~:,:: AREA 'BOROOG[] '35()(~ Tudo-r' Rr~;::t, /~nc~m'~aOt-::, Alaak~.~ 99507 ? [)aJ:e of Tnsoection -~,:: :4 ~ ~*< 5. '7. A~ Tvne .......... L ~.;ewage l)tggosal A. ~ns~al. led::? //:"' ' "5 / C, Septic Tank: ~.' :55. ze P. Seepage Pib: ]. Size D:tsposa ] rn-~ el d ;' Depgh Bacterial Dis-Lances: , Ne~resL I.o', f Srm ..... : , Other Cont. aminaLion Abso'rp~ion Area fro Meares:, Lo'L Line Absorption Area /','~ 'f___, Sewer Lines 9~ Comments Approva'~ V ~'~ id 'i"c:-~ One: Year F'com Dal;e Signed GreateY Anchoraqe Area "~,'" DeF;ar'!:men~ of Environmental Qua].f~y T cer~ify that f, he 5, nfo'Yma';]o~i cm'~l',aSned in this request fox' approval to be a true and accurat:~: represer:tai;~ cm nf ~,}~, ,,.~'~je, c't sewe~:' and war:er fact~ifiies located at: ~igrle, d Da te Federal ttousi n~l Admt nis trati on P oO. L~ox 4I~O ~ Subject: Sewer and Water Facilities for Lot 9, Block ~ Bonito Su~;division. O~ner: Edward Norman. ~car Si r: 3ewer and wstLr arc not avMlabl~ to tiw subject lot so C~at sek~age disposal ~)usC be by septic tank - soil absorption system, and water by a drilled well. S~)il conditiohs vary in this area but it is most likely t',~at an approved se~er system can be constructed on the 1 or. Our files indicate wells omnearby lots to range in depth fro~ 80 feet ~o ))0 fue~ deep. Si ~c~ re 1 ,y, Sanitarian cc: Ydwar(t kiuy